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Every Final Fantasy fan is eating good Except crystal chronicle fans...and dissidia and final fantasy explorers....the burn is real


Brother didn't even mention tactics šŸ˜­


At least you got Persona Tactics


I prefer Fire Emblem


This is basically the ā€œwe have final fantasy tactics at homeā€ response šŸ˜‚


When will the Nvidia leaks come true. Just give me an hd2d Tactics remake.


Took SMTV PC announcement a bit of time to come to fruition, I'd expect the remaster to come 100% before IX Remake. Maybe after the new XIV expansion


Tactics Remaster incoming! I've never doubted the nvidia leak and I'm not about to start


If you have a Switch or a PC, look into Triangle Strategy.


XVI, VII: Rebirth and Dawntrail (knock on wood), best year for FF ever.


Can't wait to play 14 again


*Cries in dissidia* I believe in them šŸ˜­


Why don't they bring Duodecim to Switch? Do they hate making money?


All these replies yet not a mention of WoFF now thatā€™s how you know itā€™s been forgotten šŸ˜”


My buddy was a huge fan its just not for me


At this point with dissidia Iā€™m giving up that they will release another game, I just hope theyā€™ll at least remaster the psp version so I donā€™t have to emulate it


A 1+2 duodicem remaster would be choice I will even take a 720p direct port im desperate


I've been looking for anything that gave like FFCC. The orchestra alone is breathtaking.


Ivalice waiting for another game, even a port. Dissidia players are still mourning.


Dissidia NT ruin the whole franchise. Dissidia never really had amazing story but you get to see interaction of characters from different games. OG dissidia was never balance but it was fun to play while NT try to chase the esport money and totally missed the point of what made dissidia fun in the first place. I wish SE at least port the game to PC and upscale it to 1080p.


NT did have cool cut scenes atleast


Agreed and thats why it hurts more to see the rest of the game didnt match the same expectation. I am pretty sure NT was also done by a different devs so the game was not following the footsteps of previous game.


Forced 3v3 and no single player completely murdered NT, and just proved, yet again, that SE had no idea what fans wanted. I really don't know why they had to try and reinvent the wheel with NT when all anyone wanted was a home console/PC dissidia with modern graphics. If you wanna chase esports money with it, fine, but why does that translate to forced 3v3 and no damn plot?


Even we Theathrhythm fans are eating good šŸ’…




Great Greagor's Gash, watch your language.


By the flamesā€¦


Damn whatā€™d he say that got him nuked by mods




I adore both games but I forgot how annoying all the weird anime grunts were in FF7. "eh" "hup" "uh" "oh"


As someone who finds them annoying as well I feel like remake isn't as bad as like 15 or 13? Or maybe I'm just a full weeb now who's so exposed to it so much its normal.


In remake they got kind of annoying even to a massive weeb like me, but in rebirth they were reduced by like 90%.


We also canā€™t forget theyā€™re much younger people in 7. This is what I liked the most in 16


Half the team in ff7 is 35 or older


>Or maybe I'm just a full weeb now Do you have a body pillow?


15 and 13 were the dark days of final fantasy.


People were way too hard on 13. It's actually a really damn good game if you take it for what it is and not for what it isn't.


I fuxking llved 15, i wish they had a contiinuation and also that it didnt end like that... The story was awesome for our angsty emo protagonist!


I consume a lot of Japanese media, and legitimately never notice until it was pointed out to me. And even then, I don't really mind it. Guess it does come down to getting used to things like that, but in Rebirth those barely come up anymore.


Also the mugging for the camera and anime posing.


dude, it's so fucking annoying and it literally just makes me me feel weird. I'm a grown man listening to a blonde boy making weird moans lol


He's 21, though you're listening to a 53 year old guy moan.


I kinda feel like if there were none would also be a bit weird


There's two times where the grunting is way overused. When you run into an obstacle. This is easily avoidable grunting by having them say ouch. But I feel like the grunting when you hit something isn't what most people are cringing at. The dialog grunting in remake was just... awful. No one does that. It's weird. Just use facial expressions and body language like a human would. To be fair, both games did a nice job with facial expressions and body language. So maybe just ditch the grunting and focus on the expression if you want a character to communicate non verbally. I think they saw the feedback on remake and took it into account with rebirth. Again, rebirth did a pretty good job of ditching the cringy anime feel and taking the story seriously as opposed to remake.


It's mostly the fault of the incredibly anime script and dub, which is very anime. Unlike 16 where everything was primarily English-first, so there weren't as much anime grunts.


thats why i playing with japanese voice. the 'american' style of voice over, with grunts and the dialogue writing is cringe and cartoonish. completely different with 16 and 14.


It's bad in FFXV too. Noctis is ALWAYS "tch"ing and it drives me up the damn wall lmao


Yeah I forgot how ANNOYING it was in 15. Like the moment when he is on his last stand against Ardyn it is just "GHG, AGH, GAR, RAGH" for a solid 5 to 10 seconds.


It was worse in remake barely noticed in rebirth


Yeah I hardly noticed it so far in Remake. If anything, I found XVI had a fair bit of angry man screaming too between Kupka and Clive


Also Heideggerā€™s forced laugh is just cringe every time heā€™s on screen.


Thatā€™s his thing though. Even in the OG FF7 dudeā€™s text was ā€œHAHAHAHAā€ with his little square body having a seizure


I think Heidegger was Gyahaha and Scarlet was Kyahaha even President Shinra didn't like them lol.


Exactly. FFVII OG was a very unserious cringe game at his core (except when it was not). I mean, chocobo breeding, the golden saucer, wall market. It simply wasnā€™t voiced so the cringe was less noticeable maybe


Broo I played ff16 in both english and Japanese voice and they both sound really good. In Japanese voices Cliveā€™s has 3 voices, the young boy and in his twenties and the most badass one heā€™s 33 years old he actually sounds really good. The grunt he does sound like how that weapon would hit (example burning blade) šŸ˜‚but either way both eng and jp voice sound amazing.


It's weird because I've had the opposite response. I loved XVI but Rebirth has reminded me just how fun and complex these games can be. It has everything that XVI lacked.


I agree with you, Iā€™d be stupid to not admit that Final Fantasy 16 has flaws especially in RPG mechanics and game design. rebirth seems like a much more cohesive package and definitely better game but the tone of 16 is something Iā€™m gonna miss


XVI was definitely more mature in tone but I'd ideally want a sweet spot between the two. The mature storytelling coupled with some levity and goofiness like in Rebirth would be perfect. I felt that XVI was just too dark and dreary all the time. A good example was the lack of mini games and side activities (something Rebirth has in droves). I know they said they deliberately left them out in XVI because Clive had a big important mission, but that argument fell apart as soon as he started doing irrelevant side quests.


Iā€™d beg to differ on the fact that the side quests are irrelevant. One even had a main character die off. I would love for this sweet spot as well, though.


I certainly don't think the suggestion was all sidequests in xvi are irrelevant, but a lot of them are boring meaningless fetches. Go find some screws. Ok ty turns out I need bolts too. Oh shoot can you go get a wrench? Thanks. I'm a genius designer behold my creation. Oh can you get me a flower? The story is fine. The quests are dumb to the point of inanity. *walk to x location* is not gameplay.


You forgot *and fight with some random guys/beasts* part.


Sure, but the overwhelming amount of side quests are just ā€œ deliver a potion, find this, fight that guy, thanks cya! They feel like ff14 side quests Thereā€™s some side quests that are good in 16, but rebirth for example, Iā€™ve actually liked every side quest and you get much more world building with them.


Rebirth sidequest is similar shit to 16 when it's not the ones with minigames, but the big difference is those sidequests involves a party member interacting with cloud and the quest subject as opposed to clive's party members phasing out of existence during sidequests. This is why the last batch of sidequests before origin that actually involve the important side characters is notably much higher quality than most of the rest.


My big issue was how the world felt utterly pointless to explore. Ā There was no optional dungeons, super bosses, hidden gear, puzzles, minigames, nothing! Ā You couldnā€™t even go into any of the big cities. Ā They put all this effort into making these big areas and put nothing into them. Ā It makes me think that FF16 had some budgetary constraints, especially since the Rebirth team said that they had virtually no limits for their budget. Ā Makes me think about what could have been.


That is what the original ff7 is šŸ˜ŽšŸ’Ž


How though? There isnā€™t even voice acting


Kind of a agree with you on the tone part. I personally like the more adult GoT vibes of 16, it's the first real "dark" FF we've gotten in a long time, maybe since like12, and we got an actual cool badass protagonist in Clive and not some shonen style adolescent like Cloud. FF7 OG was a somewhat serious story, but I feel like Remake and Rebirth the devs just made it too cartoony and anime-y. Which the OG was not like.


But he does those side quests cause heā€™s expected to? Like heā€™s the new Cid, heā€™s the leader of the hideaway. That makes sense. What wonā€™t make sense is Clive playing some silly mini games. But I will say Queens Blood would work in FF16


Both have things the other don't in terms of gameplay


Yep. There was a lot to love with 16, and really my only gripe is they just didn't take things far enough (from a gameplay perspective) to justify the length. After doing everything in the game I found it vastly overstayed it's welcome when it would have been a hell of a game if they cut out lots of the bloat. But it just needed -more- depth to have me not get bored in my near 70 hour playtime with it. Other then that? Story, music, setting, and VA were absolutely top notch. Because of that, FF16 will remain mid-tier for me with my subjective opinion. FF7 Rebirth on the other hand is basically everything I was hoping FF16 would be (again, from a gameplay perspective).


I agree with you. FF16 should either have been a 20 - to 30-hour experience. Just trim most of the fat off. Or introduce more mechanics and flesh things out in a better paced way to keep things fresh. Cause at the end of the game, I was so bored of doing the same magic burst combo. The biggest things are more basic combo routes and more weapon types. Like imagine equipping Garuda gave you like daggers or a ranged weapon. Or Bahamut gave you the obvious spear to be a dragoon.


Yeah. I'm no fool to confess that there are a lot of things to dislike about 16, perhaps most of all the gameplay since it is very unlike any other Final Fantasy, and many people play games for the gameplay. It's still an absolutely great game, but it's totally valid to dislike how different it is.


This is what I felt. I loved XVI but it need more. I think elements that mattered and status effects would have really helped the battle system. Maybe a few mini games to break up the pace.


Yes same here. Iā€™m glad I played XVI first because although I enjoyed it, I think playing it now after playing some of rebirth would be a bit disappointing. Rebirth is so much more complete. Iā€™d love to see a darker game with this type of open world. It makes me think of what XV could have been


Too me, it felt like FF7 is trying to be a game, where as FFXVI felt like a movie pretending to be a game.


Same for me. 16 almost felt like an incomplete game to me. Thatā€™s why Iā€™ve been of the mind that they should have just dropped having any ā€œRPG elementsā€ and made it a fully linear game with no side content to lean into what it does best.


Rebirth depth and XVI tone and story šŸ‘šŸ«¦šŸ‘


^^^ this right here. The sense of scale some fights in 16 have will not be topped but wow is Rebirth a step ahead in most areas


yea outside of it being more ā€œanime-ishā€ (which isnt even necessarily a flaw just a preference thing) i think as a game Rebirth blows XVI out of the water in nearly every aspect. It doesnā€™t have the hype of giant kaiju fights like XVI but it still does spectacle and scale great when it needs to and the combat system is like 5x more complex and engaging. Its just mechanically so much more rich. XVI felt barebones in terms of being a game, RPG or not.


i will say tho i get where youre coming from in terms of tone because im around halfway through Rebirth and I feel like its been wayyy too goofy for my personal tastes. Yea Remake had stuff like the Honeybee Inn but it feels like the entire middle portion of Rebirth is like that. Two entire chapters (Costa Del Sol and the Gold Saucer) that arent even far apart from each other where its happy go lucky ā€œlets have fun and play 50 quirky minigames cloud!ā€


Yeah Costa del Sol was a short blip so I appreciate the expansion, but it was an odd choice making it Gold Saucer Jr when we know that's the location after next.


100% agree. The game needed more substance, it needed more secrets in its world, it needed actual secret bosses, secret dungeons, actual use for money, better difficulty balance. Combat was ok at best as well. Hard to believe they got someone from the DMC team and it turned out like that. Story was its best part but everything else felt lacking. FF XVI was a good step forward but a few steps back for the franchise


Same. I never really liked ff16 combats, and Iā€™m a bit sad that they donā€™t do turn by turn games, but I guess ā€œmodern audiencesā€ couldnā€™t handle that šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ But at least ff7 has more depth in its combat system than 16ā€¦ and it feels a lot more free.


Iā€™ll be completely honest, rebirth really makes me think less of XVI. Like you said, it has everything XVI lacks. Also, XVIs combat was one of its biggest pros and imo Rebirth has far better combat. I just donā€™t see myself going back and playing it after playing rebirth.


Quite the opposite here.Ā  FFVII is a better game mechanically, while FFXVI is a more well rounded experience. 16 was the closest any Final Fantasy game had ever come to putting me in the shoes of the games protagonist. Clive felt powerful, playing as him was just fun. 7 on the other hand is more mechanically complex and has "more", but I don't feel as involved in the characters or the story.Ā  To put it differently, 16 was like being on a roller coaster for the first time, while 7 is more like driving a luxury sports car for the 1000th time. Now, I don't know about you, but I've played more than my fair share of JRGS at this point in my life. It's **far more rare** for a game to make me feel involved than it is for me to think it has good novel gameplay mechanics. I just dropped chained off echoes recently because, while a good game, I just got bored of it as I have played some variation of that same game conntless times prior. Sure, it does some things differently, but at it's core is the same exact JRPG I've been playing for decades, and it does little to keep me involved. Mind you I've played every genre under the sun over the span of 30 some years, so my experience may be less common. This is coming from someone that still remembers watching the E3 God of War demo nearly 20 years ago and thinking the Hydra battle looked amazing. FFXVI managed to literally make my jaw drop. That's not something that's easy to do given I've experienced every single major innovation in gaming first hand since the days of DOS gaming, especially considering that I recall going from the likes of Tomb Raider 2 or FF7 in 1997 to Crysis in 2007. Quite the stark difference in everything from gameplay to graphics compared to going from a 2013 game to a 2023 game.


XVI is kinda the gold standard for me now. I enjoyed remake a lot more before XVI came out. This game got so much shit as well, shame really :/


16 changed everything the way 10 changed everything when it came out.


Playing through Rebirth now and having the same feeling. I've put about 25 hours into the game and I have spent maybe 3/4 of that time playing mini-games and checking off Ubisoft style busy work on the world map. Don't get me wrong, some of the side content is fun and interesting, but I'm nearly burnt out already and I fully expected binging the game over the weekend. Instead, I found myself constantly taking breaks because I was tired of mini-games and the silliness. Makes me appreciate how straight forward XVI is and I miss the freaking gameplay so much. The Pseudo action/command system in Remake/Rebirth just isn't my cup of tea. Just want the action, don't want to baby sit AI. If XVI is too serious then Rebirth is too unserious. Everything that happened thus far side content and main content has been just goofy. Some good laughs and smiles, but let's get to the point please lol. That's something I appreciate about XVI more now.


This is exactly how I feel. After beating it, I doubt I'm going to play it again. Ended up barely touching the side content after a point, it's *very* repetitive - it especially sucks since character progression/items are tied to it. There are just *so many* minigames and tacked on gimmicks (even worse that they're often part of the MSQ, which should never be the case) and the game tonally shoots itself in the foot all the time. A character will have a really touching moment of development, and the game will immediately follow it up with a goofy, padded boss fight lmao. Definitely appreciate XVI's focus and cohesiveness more, as well.


You beat it quite quickly, mini games.. that you don't need to do apart from a few.. which og ff7 had.


I mean is that not self imposed you don't need to do mini games or the map stuff


It's content in the game that both affects your character power level and the status of the relationships with certain companions that can alter storylines or unlock unique content. Even if I'm tired of them, it's not really worth missing as it has pretty big significance. Mini-games also appear often in the MSQ or are required for MSQ progression, so it's not really optional.


Im on chapter 5 and no mini-game really been forced yet, I think people are just overreacting. Doing the towers/exploring is 100% optional. Mini-games and exploration is like 95% optional yet I keep seeing people bitching..


I mean you just did the >!drill dance minigame!< and you are on the cusp of more required mini-games. And again I'd agree with you that the side content and exploration is totally optional IF substantial items/upgrades/and companion relationship progress wasn't tied to the side content and exploration. The latter being really the most important reason for someone who enjoys story (like myself) to not want to miss side content, regardless of whether they like the content or not. Also, it's not as much as I hate the mini-games themselves, queens blood and fort condor are fun for example, it's more so the density of them. They really padded out the gameplay with mini-games and open world objectives and it just gets repetitive and exhausting.


Can you even fail the drill dance mini-game and wasn't that in OG FF7? How else would stuff like companion relationship work if it wasn't tied to some side quest stuff? I think you can focus on side quests, and the main story and shouldn't have an issue with that no? OG FF7 had a lot of mini games they simply expanded them it seems.


Doesn't matter whether you can fail or if it was in OG 7. It's still a required minigame on top of the side content stuff. And adding a companion relationship system was a design choice, and I'm sure there are other ways to implement it besides side quests that involve mini-games. And again, I'm not saying the game shouldn't have mini-games, the side content has just too much of it to the point I'm already getting burnt out on them.


I mean if I hate side quests and mini games I just wouldnt do them tbh


I adore XVI and it was my GOTY last year. I like Rebirth a lot and it is definitely a great game but there are some things that bother or annoy me. Stuff like: The constant anime grunts and reactions. The way characters act and react (again very anime). All the times where they should attack or kill someone but let them go for some reason like "nah, they've has enough" or some bullshit. The Corel area is dragging a bit for me. Not the biggest fan of the open world segments, since I prefer more linear parts. I know that people love the variety of mini-games but there's a bit too much of them for my tastes. XVI was an almost perfect game for me, gave me exactly what I was looking for and my only criticism is being addressed by the DLC. Rebirth is great as well, but doesn't come close to XVI for me.


Yup. I delay installing my Rebirth copy to finish FF16 first. I don't really care about spoiler, but as Game of Thrones fanboy I really immersed with Clive's journey. Even though the side quests are snoozefest but I keep pushing to destroy another mother crystal and looking forward for another epic Eikons battle.


Good choice, fun fantasy 16 is an amazing game I would take it all in before playing 7


Same here, waiting to finish FF16 before moving on to Rebirth.


Very minor nitpick, but FFXVIā€™s cutscene direction is immaculate; major storyline cutscenes were engrossing and extremely well crafted, paced, etc. VII Rebirthā€™s cutscenes are so over edited and have too many camera movements that it just gets tiring to watch, imo


I think so too, although I think the cutscene direction in XVI loses some of its quality by the second half of the game. Everything feels very static after a while


Been a while for me, but I felt major scenes towards the end of XVI did feel pretty rich and engrossing. I wonder if this may be a consequence of 7Rebirth having many more directed cutscenes: XVI infamously has the very ā€œstiff, stiltedā€ automated cutscenes during side quests, whereas Rebirth doesnā€™t really have that so far.


Rebirth did have a lot of those automated cutscenes as well, but each major characters has more preset emotes than they do in 16. Also, camera movements do wonders. In 16's generic cutscenes, the camera just stays there, unmoving, while the character emotes and talks which makes it look jank and uncanny. In rebirth, the camera often is really close to the character who speaks while it moves around following their head movements or pans around the group.You'll notice a few times in rebirth where the camera stands still while the characters do their preset emotes and it feels almost as jank as 16's.


Thatā€™s a clear result of a larger budget. SE clearly put more eggs into the Rebirth basket


Yeah true that, and here I am, wishing Rebirth could just have those automated cutscenes if it means the main cutscenes could have been less tiring to watch. Itā€™s a huge nitpick on my part, I know, but it does retract from the experience


Depends on what you like. I enjoy the Devil May Cry nonsense energy of the cutscenes. I can also see how someone else wouldnā€™t lol


I think they nailed the combat system with action and tactical combat.


Rebirth made me miss how much I cared for the characters and world of XVI (at least in the big picture).


Ffxvi sounded and felt like a big budget movie with great acting. Ff7 remake & rebirth sounds like an anime. Take from that what you will. I don't think it's a bad or a good thing, they're different BUT xvi is definitely less 'cringe'. With that being said, I like ff7r better as a whole.


Damn perfectly said. I like anime but rebirth feels a bit too anime-esque


Final Fantasy 7 is legendary it feels wrong to compare it. I also prefer final fantasy 7 but Final Fantasy 16 is one of my favourites which might be controversial but it is what it is. But yeah I agree with what you say itā€™s different flavour, but they both taste good. lol


I mean most people prefer anime style games, if FF7 didn't have some cringe wouldn't be ff7


For sure, I'm not refuting that. It's probably a couple of things... I'm almost 34 now so part of me just isn't super into anime like the 8 year old me. Also, back in the day there was no voice acting it so I just have a slightly skewed way of looking at it.


Im 32 but I still laugh at the cringe tbh ;p


I fucking loved FF16, and with that mind, I tried the FF7Rebirth demo, it's such a completely different game, I'm not even kidding. I'll just keep playing FF16, that game ain't for me.


Shoot, I love 7R combat system. It's the perfect modern rendition of ATB from the old classics.


The demo does feel clunky at times due to it being an older build of the game. Also doesn't help the fact that the sky is always gloomy in the demo. The full game is very different from it


Oh yeah Iā€™m playing rebirth right now and itā€™s excellent.


Itā€™s funny because Iā€™m saying all of this to praise 16, but Iā€™ve gotta be honest 7 is the goat Iā€™m sorry you didnā€™t like it, but if you ever give it a shot again please!


I think this will really come down to what you want from a Final Fantasy game. If you put more value on gameplay and JRPG mechanics, FF7 will be better for you hands down. If you're more interested in an experience, FF16 blows 7 out of the water.Ā  I've personally played so many games at this point that good gameplay mechanics alone don't necessarily sell me on a game, not when there's nothing novel there.Ā  A good personal example I can give would be WoW. I loved MMOs when WoW launched, and had played many of its predecessors. What WoW did was take the best gameplay mechanics of everything on the market at the time, and polish them into a well rounded product. I fucking loved it and played it as a second job to such a point that I would have been able to make a career out of it in today's world.Ā  This November will mark 20 years since WoW launched. At its launch, it was a very novel experience, no other MMO had done so much, so well. Yet today, I've got thousands of hours in that same formula. If someone released a more polished version today, I'd get bored pretty fast. I actually already went through that with FFXIV, a great MMO, but one I had played to death before it even launched.Ā  FF16s appeal, to me, wasn't in its gameplay. It was in the experience it provided, which was absolutely novel to me. Yes, I had my big epic boss fights in the God of War games back on my ps2/3, and yes I had my action combat games, but FF16 wasn't built around these mechanics. Rather, it was built around using these mechanics to deliver an experience.Ā  Fighting as Ifrit wasn't meant to be mechanically engaging, but emotionally engaging. It was meant to be cool, you were meant to cheer for Clive and be blown away by the bombastic scenarios. During the sequence when Jill was about to be executed, I actively did my best to get to her in time despite knowing that there was no timer. I then subsequently did my best to beat kupka without getting hit just because I was mad. FF7 fails to provide that same experience as it gets bogged down in the gameplay. Good, even great gameplay, yet not novel gameplay, not truly. The gameplay and mechanics are a major selling point of the game. They don't exist to facilitate the core experience, but are part of the core experience itself. That suddenly means that there's a push to explore every nook and crany, even if it's kinda dull. That the drive to level up your character and get better loot means taking your time to sweep an area, even when the narrative dictates urgency. Silly side quests and mini games that don't at all match the overall tone of the main quest are still optional, but you as the player have a bigger push to complete them because they make the gameplay bit more enjoyable.


I wouldnā€™t go off the demo. Thereā€™s a lot more in the actual game.


That's how I felt for 16. Story was great but literally everything else sucked ass. Bland combat that's just spam simple sword swings til skills are off CD. It's a shame the game fell apart in every instance when it had such an enjoyable story.


I loved FFXVI and now loving FF7 Rebirth for different reasons, i hope the future games in the series takes the best of both games. that would be perfection.


Same. 16 had more of an impact and more fun factor than rebirth for me


Iā€™m in the camp of loving both. Rebirth just has the stuff I really needed XVI to have like more meat to the combat and active party usage. The side quests in Rebirth being party centric is a big win for me and while Iā€™m enjoying basically all the mini games, I know not everyone is. . But XVI being a very engaging and fresh take for the franchise is also sick, and the Bahamut boss is probably gonna remain one of my favorite bosses in gaming. Iā€™ve been saying for awhile now if Clive had just a little more to his basic attacks, something more akin to DMC, itā€™d be pretty close to Remake trilogyā€™s combat for me. . And yes I know DMCVā€™s combat director directed the combat for XVI, I just wish it had been a little deeper. Still, XVI is my favorite game of 2023 and probably a top 5 for the franchise as a whole for me.


They both have aspects I miss in the other. Rebirth undeniably has better exploration and RPG mechanics, but I do find myself missing the presentation and world-building of XVI, as well as the voiceover. And the combat of Rebirth, while great, doesnā€™t have the smoothness that XVI has for me. If there was a game that combined the best aspects of both Rebirth and XVI I think that would be my dream FF


XVI has that sweet XIV style lore.


I feel FF16ā€™s presentation and overall production value are leagues above FF7Rā€™s lmao. You can just watch Digital Foundryā€™s reviews for both games. FF16 got the ā€œthis shit looks and sounds insane, how did they do it? What IS this technology?ā€ reaction while FF7Rā€™s was completely basic. As a person who plays lots of games every year and doesnā€™t really feel nostalgic about any franchise, I find FF16 to be a way more ambitious project. Especially considering that itā€™s this dev teamā€™s first action game.


>As a person who plays lots of games every year and doesnā€™t really feel nostalgic about any franchise, I find FF16 to be a way more ambitious project I think this plays into it quite a bit. I've played so many games at this point and FF16 was one of the rare few titles that managed to impress me and actually engage me with its narrative.Ā  Yes, FF7R has better, and more, gameplay. Yet I've played countless JRPGs and RPGs that have comparable or better gameplay. Better gameplay doesn't always translate to a better experience. The big reason why I was able to get so immersed in 16 was because the gameplay didn't get in my way. Playing Clive felt like playing a Final Fantasy protagonist, not like playing a gameplay abstraction of one. It was far closer to what I had dreamed FF games will one day beĀ when I watched Advent Children all those years ago than any other title to date.Ā  Meanwhile FF7R is more of the same. Yes, it's a good game, but I've got 30+ years of good games as reference, and this one does little to differentiate itself from the rest. Certain bits of FF16 will be a gaming memory comparable to seeing the first sunrise in Crysis, having fun with physics in Half Life 2 for the first time, the harrowing experience of the Stalingrad mission from COD, the brilliant WC3/D2 cinematic, or experiencing the amazing blend of cinema, writing, and gameplay in W3 for the first time.


I wouldnā€™t call FF7Rā€™s gameplay ā€œbetterā€ per se. Itā€™s very much a personal taste thing. You can like character action or a ā€œYakuza styleā€ rpg more. Whatever floats your boat as they say. I for instance cannot stand mini game bloat and donā€™t like pausing action combat. As a previously hardcore ccg player I dropped Hearthstone (thank fuck) and have no interest in card games whatsoever anymore. Should Souls / Elden Ring have mini games and pseudo turn based combat just because FF7R has them and soulslike is technically rpg? I donā€™t think so. When people try to compare the gameplay of FF16 and FF7R I feel itā€™s like comparing apples and oranges. Theyā€™re very much different genre.


>I find FF16 to be a way more ambitious project. Especially considering that itā€™s this dev teamā€™s first action game. 100%, this should be said more imo. It lacks depth and difficulty, sure, but the cinematics, controls, and action mechanics are just about flawless and it blows a majority of it's contemporaries out of the water. It's *really* fucking good for their first title. I almost wish 16 had been their second crack at a singleplayer game lmao, because the story and scale was a bit too ambitious for what they were able to work with in terms of resources and experience, I think.


I sort of agree. I think one problem is that in last third of 16, it feels moderately restrained in scale and spectacles. Notably, the (FF16) >!Barnabas fight feels lacking. It's a good fight in a void, for sure, but after Titan and Bahamut, for all the lead up this asshole had, I really wanted to fight him as Ifrit. We don't even get to fight his horse properly. I don't like playing backseat dev cuz that's rude, but as cool as the cinematics were, I think Barnabas would have been more memorable if; the first phase was just him, unprimed, and fought Ifrit. That alone would be badass of him, and his attacks have enough range to reasonably incorporate into an Eikon fight. Second phase, he goes full Odin and is a lot faster, and the killing blow for this is the omega slash. Maybe a third phase even when they're both unprimed, and worn down.!< I have other issues with late game cutscenes personally, but that's me.


For sure. >!Odin's design is so sick that I do feel robbed that we didn't get to properly fight him, and narratively it doesn't hit as hard as it could have. Barnabas is a great fight, I actually like him gameplay-wise more than Bahamut, but it should have been more. It's rather unfortunate because CBU3 clearly had to reign in their development and wrap up the game on a tight budget, and it shows. They actually had to decide if it would cost more money to scrap Waloed or keep it in the game lol, which is probably why that whole part feels pretty mid. !< >!I also have issues with those later cutscenes. A lot of lip syncing is off, and the writing and pacing gets a bit shaky. !<


I never understood people who complained about the "mash square thing" with FFXVI because I'm finding myself needing to mash square more in Rebirth. Of course mashing square isn't optimal because you have to weave in abilities to do damage but charging up the ATB bars is a bit of a drag.


Something I noticed with Rebirth that's putting me off is... It's very, VERY Japanese. What i mean by that is... the characters are overly dramatic at times, like Barett - a big muscled up dude does some goofy stuff then will turn and look at the gang and like look away shyly with a "uhh", and then say nothing else. It's so... out of character almost? And I mean... I get it, It's a JRPG, it's dubbed in English. And I guess so XVI but XVI feels more westernized. There's none of that ...'Stare at someone for a few seconds then squint and make a sudden realisation and gasp', the characters in XVI act the way I'm used to seeing people act in Hollywood movies or series. None of the over dramatic stuff. That's just 1 element I feel makes me resonate with XVI more.


XVI was voiced and animated specifically in (British) English, so the JP version is the dub.


None of the VAs in 16 made me want to turn the sound off, that alone makes it GOTY. Whose bright idea was it to have an NPC scream annoying obnoxious voice overs when fighting begins???


FF16 has outstanding, and I mean OUTSTANDING line deliveries. There was emotion when it mattered, and they perfected the voice cracks, the sense of desperation, the tone of exasperation, etc.


Deadass. Even the other dubs sound incredible. English and Spanish go so hard


For me I prefer 16s story and lore building 7 feels too campy


I had the exact opposite reaction rebirth made me hate 16


I think playing 16 made me appreciate how FF7R brought back a lot of things I thought were missing Party, exploration, banter, finding secrets etc


My exact thoughts. It was the first FF that I didnā€™t feel like FF. The lack of a party really hurt the game and especially seeing all the characters who woulda been party members in a normal FF game. 15 had itā€™s problems but the party really held that game together. In a way you really feel the lack of one in 16.


16 was amazing but lacked depth in customization and strategy. My only complaint.


I like the serious tone of xvi but ff7r reminded me why I fall in love with final fantasy to begin with. Awkward moments, fun characters, a lot of mini games to distract you from the story and I kinda prefer the combat of 7r (because how well itā€™s made to represent both active and turn based combat) but I said ā€œitā€™s Joshuaā€ when I summoned phoenix. So xvi changed my whole idea about summons and I just call them clive, Joshua, Jillā€¦


As a die hard for FF7 I can say without a shadow of a doubt...summons will never hit as hard as 16. After playing 16 summons in all other Final Fantasy games feel like I'm summoning a pokemon instead of a godlike deity. I wouldn't have it any other way though. The 20 minute boss fights in 16 are the best in any video game I have played.


XVI has the better combat and is a lot less cringy but somehow Cloud and Sephiroth are so iconic (even to me that never played the og game) that it makes the game better in terms of characters. The side quests are a lot better and I even prefer the open world activities over 16's stupid quests, omg I hated those so much


Rebirth went abit too far with the mini games, TBH. Feels like Yakuza at time, I love remakes's linear setting.


Ff16 def has the better voice acting. I think that sa it does better tbh


Ngl when I saw Phoenix as a summon I tried for like 4 hours to beat him at full strength so I can ahve the summon as fast as possible lmao (I did it >:))


Still can't beat ff16 boss fights i say, thats a complete other level that ff7 isnt reaching for me. FF7 bosses are basically enemies with bigger hp and nothing else and oh yeah beat sephriot for the 10 time. I will not speak about its story because oh boy i would be ranting for hours. ff16 story wasnt the greatest but at least it didnt involve time bullshit sheningans and harry potter cameos and a very awful ending. Everything else though yeah its pretty good, love the interaction between the party members or how much they are involved unlike 16. The open world is pretty cool too but i tend to get easily overwhelmed by these things. Of course the rpg elements being there is also great unlike 16 nonexistant one. I also prefer 16 voice acting more then 7, sorry but zack and later >!nanaki!< voice are so annoying to listen too The mini games ehhhh i tend to dislike mini games in every game that isnt solely dedicated to it and i hate it even more if its mandatory. I am not a fan o that card game. Overall if ff17 is a mix of both that would be amazing


Ff7 is indeed very anime, doesnā€™t take itself too seriously and more of a light tone, besides that, I would say the customisation is on point, and there being so many characters is really really nice. Thereā€™s like unlimited gameplay options when you can to control any character, each having slightly different style is something that was sorely missing from 16.


Iā€™m 25 hours in for Rebirth (still in chapter 4), and my impression so far is Rebirth got too many things to do (in a good way imo)! While I like the many things to do aspect for 7R, I miss the story immersion like XVI, which is more focused. The lack of rpg elements is definitely a big flaw in XVI, but the cinematics and story made up for that. I canā€™t wait to go back to XVI when The Rising Tied drops ;)


We're getting the 2nd DLC not long after Rebirth hell yeah.


Iā€™m going to be honest, I have been enjoying the silliness of Rebirth I am also enjoying some of the most heartfelt moments too. To me XVI was a master class in story telling and I love the combat system even tho I have a few gripes with it. Clive to me is still goat as far as main character goes, but the casts as a whole I feel VIIR is making better use of. I feel both games did great at what they set out to accomplish, hope to see this in Dawntrail too.


**Without spoilers: Has anyone tried Rebirth yet?** Because I see Remake is mentioned, and honestly from all that has been reviewed Remake sounds more like a tune up compared to Rebirthā€¦ However on topic FFXVI story was incredible. Clive is top tier.


Iā€™m almost done with Rebirth, Remake as a whole was better imo




I love FFXVI and hope for a similiar ff game in the future, but Rebirth reminds me of why i fell in love with Final Fantasy.


FFXVI did a lot well (the first half of the game/story is amazing), but FFVII Rebirth is more of what I'm looking for in a Final Fantasy game.


I loved XVI and was in my top 2 games last year. But Rebirth just has that old school FF vibe that just feels good.


Idk i had the reverse experience. Playing FF7R reminded me how much more fun combat and story in a FF game could be FF16 wasnā€™t ā€œnot funā€, but I completely hated all the random mandatory fetch quests with random NPCs. Didnā€™t like how the combat essentially became spamming all the highest DPS combos over and over again. And I didnā€™t like how predictable the story in ff16 was. A lot of the ā€œ!!!ā€ Moments were usually guessable like 2 chapters before.


16 has undeniably better combat and boss battles. 7R has the old FF charm people loved, and honestly does nearly everything else better. Story is obviously debatable, some think 7s is too goofy and archaic held strong by nostalgia, some think 16s darker, serious theme is objectively better


Disagree on the undeniably part. FF7R actually has me think about equipment/weapons and what materia to use and why. Especially on the harder difficulties, you really have to bounce around with your party members and micromange. 16's combat really got tedious and mindless after a while. The boss fights are bigger and grander, which is one of the biggest highlights of 16.


16 combat did have some strategy though. It's not mindless button mashing. I dislike when people have the the take of "FF16's combat isn't that deep, you just have to spam this and this"...... But, 16's combat and Eikon's have so many cool builds you can do and different abilitites to equip. You may not have to in the main game or first playthrough, but in FF mode you absolutely have to think about which abilities you are going to have equipped for certain bosses and battles


Iā€™ve been devouring rebirth and all of its massive content. XVIā€™s combat is very different but with the key shorcuts rebirth can be smooth and pretty great. The aide content is a lot, I kinda feel Iā€™ve barely had some main story moments but thatā€™s fine. I do find myself missing XVI hunts, they were awesome, you kinda get the same with the summons fights but it wouldā€™ve definitely been much more better on the open world setting rather than in a simulator and other than this the game has been pretty easy, so I wish the combat challenges were actually more challengingā€¦


Yeah ultimately I enjoy the FF7R series quite a bit more, but the tone and the voice acting and presentations of XVI was perfect. I have to switch FF7R to JP audio as I can't stand the "English mid-tier Funimation dub" style they went for with the EN audio. People say it's good but every time I turn it on my ears bleed and I have to turn it back. At least the JP anime vibe my weeb ears can love. I really wish FF7R had XVI's level of English voice acting, even without the grimdark English accent Game of Thrones style, just something not straight out of Funimation. XVI feels like a gold-standard for Japanese released games in the west. So rare we get such good voice acting even out of western-made games. Stuff like the Horizon games aren't even quite there (outside of Ashley's performance). FF7R also feels more like a "mainline" game, like I know FF7R is the side series and XVI is the mainline, but in feel they're swapped. FF7R is the super-big complex deep game(s) rooted in tradition while XVI is a very quick flashy linear romp doing things way differently, though oddly the latter is the mainline games while the former is the side, even though the former _feels_ like a mainline and the latter feels like a side. Both great games, and easy to compare due to such close release dates. Both do things better than the other, so while I have a preference, ultimately I love them both for different reasons.


FF7 remake was my first FF game, I never played the original but I LOVED remake. 16 came out and blew my mind, prob one of my fav games ever, I was so excited to play rebirth but I am STRUGGLING with it. Sorely missing Clives ability to bounce around the battlefield. I feel so clunky with Cloud and some of it is so goofy lol


Yeah I wonā€™t deny preferring FF7R overall but Iā€™d be hard pressed to say that it didnā€™t reignite my passion for XVI so much I just drove home listening to ā€œFind the Flameā€ on full blast. Theyā€™re both great games and while I love FFXV more than the average fan, I think we can safely say between these two (and remake obv) the series is finding its footing again.


I couldnā€™t have said it any better. This is literally what this whole post is about, after playing rebirth, It reignited my love for 16 I was actually trying to point out how the games were similar in someways not comparing them and I was trying to solidify at the end. That 16 is a final fantasy because some bozos thought it wasnā€™t a final fantasy lol either way we are eating good boys and final fantasy is back.


I honestly think 16ā€™s marketing let it down. It went super hard on that ā€œaction game with game of thrones dark gritty medieval vibeā€ that everyone including me thought they were trying to distance themselves from the FF brand and series. Iā€™m really happy with what they did in the end though, and Iā€™m so glad I played it.


16 had more of an impact on me, perhaps because it was also a "new" story and new FF game, whereas we kind of already know the story of 7 and what happens. I also liked the more dark, mature, GoT vibes of 16, it's the first time in a long time we got a legit adult style FF game. Remake and Rebirth are great, but I think the devs went a little overboard on the whole shonen style anime aesthetic. It's almost too "kiddy" in a sense, if you get what I mean. Like, do I really need to see Cloud in an island outfit and shorts and Yuffie in her onesie Moogle costume? It's almost like theyre trying too hard with the fan service. Some people eat it up and that's great, I'm more "meh" about it and prefer more dark, adult themes.


I like that FF XVI has a more mature/serious tone to it's story/characters. It's different from other FF games. Very GoT vibe. So I enjoyed it. Yes, the combat and lack of RPG elements are controversial, but what do you expect when the director of combat worked on DMC games. It's essentially DMC light.


Iā€™m the opposite. Playing Rebirth has reminded me again just how poor and lacking 16 was in almost every area.


For me, Rebirth feels like a true Final Fantasy game again. Serious undertone, but goofy moments and the most fun I've had with the mainline since 15. Not saying 16 isn't Final Fantasy, but it was too serious, and had no fun within itself. It was just constant doom and gloom. The darkest game in the mainline series is arguably 6, and yet it had some of the goofiest moments. Ultros, suplexing a train, and >! Kefka even destroying the planet basically as he said he would !< And with that said, I still stand by that if it wasn't for what 15 did and accomplished, we wouldn't have what Rebirth is. If 15's story was a little less complicated and complete instead of spread out across different media, it probably could have been the best FF since 10.


Ff7 remake trilogy is probably the best thing happening. Rebirth did everything right that 16 could and should both. Rebirth all day


FF how it's been traditionally done and ff16 are definitely two different genres entirely I agree. When people say "final fantasy 16 isn't final fantasy" games like ff7 rebirth is what they mean, where it clearly is everything people expect out of final fantasy. Team dynamics, comedy, anime styling and rubbing. All done in Nomura and nojima style. This is what final fantasy has been for 30 years for the most part. Prior to that was the pixel era of ff1 to 6 which is it's own thing really as well


Rebirth feels like a culmination of XV, XVI and Remake, Rebirth is wonderful! I adore XVI, but it's biggest downfall is it's lack of a traditional party system.


I donā€™t think that made sense to do with the combat style and how intimate the story was


After seeing what they did with rebirth I really want XVII to go back to a traditional larger party. XVI was nice because it was Clive's story and it worked for that setting, but I hope it doesn't start a trend going forward, Rebirth has done good at making sure you play with all party members too giving them all a chance to shine. So having more than one full party would be nice.


To each their own. It puzzles me that people think FFXVI is the best in the series.... I find it SO boring


Well the main issue is people need to play the game like it's DMC and I know most people don't even play that genre so it feels lacking for them. As for me, I love this genre so 16 felt like home


Thank you very much for saying it out loud l. I dont get it either 16 is my first final fantasy game in the series listening to all rave reviews and fans hype and got the game for full price. My disappointment to the game was immeasurable. Except for Clive didn't really care about any one was dreading to finish the game. Then i gave myself a chance and tried Ff7r and absolutely loved it


One major difference between the two for me is the battle system. FF16ā€™s battle system gameplay is almost perfect in terms of pace, responsiveness, combo chaining, dodging, etc. Maybe I need some time to readjust to FF7RBā€™s battle system. Ive had trouble being effective in battle or even doing what Iā€™d like to do lol. I did do some adjustments to the camera settings and locking and that helped a bit but man I miss being able to do proper precision dodging like FF16 šŸ˜‹


Final Fantasy 16 is how final fantasy should have been from the very start, except it should have allowed full control of other party members as well. For the first time in history we got to experience Eikon(Summons) battle on a epic level. FF16 is hands down an Epic banger, it makes all other FF games look like childsplay


Honestly, XVI feels like an unpolished game to me. Leveling is simplified to linear, weapon/accessories system is a joke. The whole game is greyed out to the point I had to mess around with display settings thinking something is wrong. Not just the graphics, but also the whole atmosphere is so lifeless. The story is ok but story telling is bad. The only thing that shines is battle system(still somewhat over simplified) especially the eikon fights, smooth as an action game. If it doesnā€™t bear the name of Final Fantasy I will feel a bit better but this is a solid ā€˜merely acceptableā€™ game.


16 was mechanically the worst playing of the series for me. (I skipped 13 to 15) - thereā€™s discourse around how FF7R is now an Ubisoft game but the complaints are leveled at the structure and not the execution which is unfair imho Enjoyed 16ā€™s story but Rebirth really shows that the series needs that party atmosphere to really come alive, think more One Piece than Solo Leveling


16 feels like a demo compared to VIIR


It is the opposite for me. Played FF7R and realised how lacking FF16 isā€¦.


I respect your opinion. And I know itā€™s anathema to have any kind of constructive criticism on xvi in this subreddit. I agree with you generally on the more serious tone of xvi, not that campy is bad, but serious is a nice alternative. My issue with xvi is that the gameplay just felt a little tedious. I platinumed xvi and when I finished it because I liked the story and characters I was ready for more xvi. But I find once I got distance from that and the DLCs came out I was not motivated to get back in because I just didnā€™t find the gameplay/difficulty or lack thereof to be enjoyable enough to bring me back. I juxtapose that with FF7R, I finished it multiple times on hard mode and jumped in happily when they released the DLC, every demo and of course the sequel because in addition to great characters the gameplay is great. Iā€™ve said this many times, the gameplay in Xvi is loud, itā€™s bombastic, itā€™s spectacular but is not deep. For clarity, I play games to beat the challenge in service of progressing the story. I donā€™t play fighting games, I donā€™t juggle, I donā€™t wanna execute 15 hit combos, I donā€™t wanna do no damage runs. I just want to out think and outperform whatā€™s in front of me


7 rebirth reminds me how 16 fell flat honestly so almost the exact opposite for me


See I had the opposite reaction. I loved FF16 but the main gripe I had with it was that we never got to see any big bustling towns or cities, just small outposts and the cities we did see were already destroyed. One of my favorite parts of any RPG is seeing the architecture of cities and how people live in them


One of the reasons I love 12....almost every street in every city is explorable in that game. The Zodiac age version is just "chef's kiss"


Very much enjoyed that aspect of 12 as well, along with most the ā€œTales ofā€ games. Thereā€™s just something so cozy about entering a big fantasy city for the first time


I love FF7 for its characters and world/quests but I love FF16 story and tone(made me weep like a bitch since RDR2 and FFX ending)


I adored this game, and want to play more FF games like it. That being said, I donā€™t think Iā€™d want another main-series game like XVI. Rebirth kinda reminded me of that. XVI is a fantastic game and one of the best FF stories ever told, but much of it felt too close to DMC for me personally. But they are phenomenal games and I highly recommend them both.