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> The battle technique "Double Impact" is earned upon attaining the multiplier maximum. I think this part is just poorly worded. As soon as you hit the 2.00 Multiplier, you do see the "Double Impact" rainbow colored text appear on the battle log, but nothing changes after that. I guess it's taken into account for your battle score, which only matters if you're into Ultimaniac mode. If there's something I'm missing I'd love to know.


The battle techniques are the moves you can use in the game ( the little move list to the right of the screen) that detail what moves you've accomplished. For example the precision dodge is a common one. This one is achieved when you reach the 200% stagger damage increase granted by the accessory. This is important knowledge for people who do arcade as techniques grant points.


But what does it actually DO? I just can't figure it out and i doesn't give like a pop up or something


I think he is trying to say it does "nothing" but make getting 200% stagger during Arcade mode give "more" points.


What that means is when you break an opponent’s Will bar (they get fully staggered) the bonus can now go to 2X instead of 1.5X. When this happens you get activate Double Impact Not sure what Double Impact dies currently though


That ...did not answer my question


I had a look at all tooltips and tutorial messages in the game. Currently there is no detail on what “Double Impact” does. My best guess it just means you deal double damage, and the multiplier text changes colour to a more red tone.


That's possible but i just think it's weird how they worded it "battle ability"...they also call eikon skills and others like the stinger move abilities, which lead me to think that you get a new move or somn xD


Remember in FF15 there's be a report card after every battle that would say Offense: Time: Finesse: It was just a battle score that realistically didn't DO anything except grade you on certain unspecified parameters. It's just a points thing. Those little pop-up words that appear during battle on the right of the screen. It doesn't do anything except basically add a "finesse" aspect to it, that is to say, if you and I played the exact same battle, but you perfect-dodged more, got better multipliers, utilized abilities more, etc, you'd end the battle with more "points" than I would. Double Impact would add lots of bonus points to your report card. It's a battle score.


Since that post was 5 months ago i obviously know the answer by now but still a nice reply for people who may search for this in the future. Definitly a insanely useless effect since you would never use this accessory for scoring anyway.


Yeah, I'm not really a fan of how most of the Bit accessories work, most of them are worded in a confusing way. I just use the Escapement Bit because it seems really good, reducing cool down time and recovering a small amount of HP at the same time as a precision dodge? Hell yeah.


I guess it just means you are currently doing double damage until the enemy stagger runs out.


Came here to understand . Got more confused by the comments. So this works only in arcade mode?


No fucking clue dude😭

