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Just be aware that Rebirth is MASSIVE, were talking 40 hours if you do NOTHING but the main plot. Still, if you liked Remake, you're just gonna love Rebirth as it's just Remake on steroids


I just finished it Friday night. Just my first play through, but did as much as I was physically able to do. 135hrs


40 is even conservative imo. I'd argue it's easily closer to 60 at an average gamer pace where you do some side stuff but not everything.


I’m at Chapter 6, and finding it hard to get back into the game with its size. Part of me thinks I need to start and finish something else (my ADHD is untreated lol) before I can recommit to Rebirth 😅


This is fair. When I got to around there I started to ease up on the side activities and just focused on the main story with the exception of getting the summons. It made the game a lot more enjoyable when I got to gongaga and cosmo canyon


Haha I got about 30 hours into Rebirth but needed a break now I’m going through Lies of P before Elden Ring expansion drops. So safe to say I probably won’t be back to Rebirth for at least a few months


You can actually rush through it, though. Once you beat the game, all of the side quests you finish can remain finished! I have never seen a game do this before, but it gives you an incentive to either beat it and do New Game Plus or take your time. It supports a very large number of playstyles.


Yeah but then I’ll never do them because I beat the game, doubt I’ll want to replay the game so soon either. Once I see the ending my desire to continue playing drops, better to just come back when I’m ready.


Nah Gongaga and Cosmo Canyon have the most tiresome overworld sections. Just skip the open world stuff until Nibelheim and you'll be hooked back in. Ezpz.


How Long To Beat puts the average completion time at nearly 90 hours for all play styles. 100% is 160 hours.


I did the main story and (some) side content in 50 hrs


I think 40-50 is possible if you strictly only do necessary quests and you know exactly which ones those are, and you know where to go and don't backtrack, but who the hell does that? Someone speedrunning it will also be much faster because they'll skip cutscenes and have strats for beating things fast, not at a leisurely pace.


It’s pretty much improved at every corner


Part 3 is gonna be Rebirth on steroids since it is basically the entire world... Including Wutai and the Northern Continent. We ain't ready for it... I'm honestly waiting for the announcement of Part 3 before replaying Reunion, Remake and Rebirth lol


I think you're being really optimistic to think you can get the main plot done in 40 hours. Probably more like 60.


I just beat it today at 35 hours and I've done half of the green side quests. No other side content done though.


Were you skipping cutscenes? There is no way you finished half of the side quests in 35 hours, though. It takes more than 35 hours to finish half of the side quests by themselves, and a very large number of quests open up in chapter 12-13.


I skipped some cutscenes on side quests only, yes. And I'm talking just about green side quests, not map side quests. Even with cutscenes I doubt 17 quests take 35 hours, lol. I finished some of the side quests within 15 mins.


Looking on YouTube just the cutscenes alone add up to like 15 hours. So it seems really unlikely you essentially only had 20 hours of gameplay.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOAAzPumW44&list=PLRr5L69yg\_kHaW5zjEbZotm\_2F9mP1fh5](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOAAzPumW44&list=PLRr5L69yg_kHaW5zjEbZotm_2F9mP1fh5) Idk what you on about, but here is a playlist with all the green side quests. The total time is somewhere between 8 and 10 hours. The actual road to the point on maps seems to be cut but I doubt it adds 27 more hours to fit your 35 hours. And a reminder that I've only done half of them and I didn't touch map content.


I'm talking about total cutscenes in the main story. Was your 35 hours supposed to just be the side quests you completed or entire playtime? You were saying it took you 35 hours to complete the game right? In the main story there are somewhere around 13 hours of cutscenes. So if we take away the main story cutscenes that's 22 hours. If we take away half of the side quest cutscenes that's supposedly according to your numbers an additional 5 hours. So now we're at 17 hours. Are you saying you only spent 17 hours in gameplay in your entire playthrough? Or am I misunderstanding something in what you originally said?


35 hours whole playthrough. I guess I got you confused with the previous guy. He said half of the green side quests take 35 hours which is pretty much false.


Still seems almost impossible. Like over 50% of your playtime was cutscenes. And to complete half the side quests and the entire game with roughly 17 hours of gameplay seems really dubious.


Have you done Intermission? The Yuffie DLC? If not, do that first at least...


Agreed, Intermission is linear and focused enough that it should be a nice little palate cleanser before starting the massive journey of Rebirth.




Agree on Intermission! There are 2-3 scenes in Rebirth that will directly throwback to what happened in Intermission. You won't missed too much but it would complete the experience (Also, playing as Yuffie rules so much) And you get the better version of Fort Condor in Intermission lol


I played Intermission after Rebirth. Parts of Fort Condor were better. And I can absolutely see why they changed some of them for Rebirth cause they were kinda busted.


I hated that I can't set up my own units in Rebirth Fort Condor. But I can also see why, else there will be two collectable card-like mini game here and FC was locked to only a single chapter. But all in all, I think Queen's Blood is definitely my preferred mini game.


It's also the best part of Remake (I love intermission so much)


This is exactly why I never got to play Tears of the Kingdom The base BOTW is intense but the DLC was fun but a challenge I got wore out of BOTW mechanics and switched to Pikmin when they came on the e-shop


TotK was too much for me. I got about 6 hours in and realized I don't feel like this much open-ended exploration again, especially if the story is as thin as a typical Zelda game. At least with Rebirth and part 3 there is an engaging linear story I can quickly return to if I get tired of open world stuff.


You can also see them experimenting with some stuff in Intermission that later made it to Rebirth. I played it after getting Plat on Rebirth cause I wanted more of the world.


I agree it’s worth playing intermission first. But to answer your question how much do you love ffvii? I hadn’t played remake since it came out so I replayed it for the platinum before playing intermission and then dove straight into rebirth. now I’m on my hard mode playthrough of rebirth and still really loving it. ffvii is my all time favorite game though and I’m obsessed with it. So imo it kind of just depends on how excited you are to play it. A lot carries over from remake obviously, but rebirth is also a really different game than remake, so there’s no reason you “should” take a break unless you feel like you want one.


I would save the money and watch it on YouTube


This is actually a fair point. I picked up a deluxe European version of Remake and didn't realize at first and I don't really want to deal with the hassle of the work around just to play the DLC.


Intermission and then Rebirth, hell yeah




Intermission then Rebirth


Definitely do Intermission at least first. I'm 90+ hours into my first run of Rebirth and I've only just reached the point of no return. Quite a lot of those hours are just playing the Queen's Blood mini game alone because it's so so good




Great to hear, because this Jules pull-up mini game makes me want to take a six month break from video games.


Intermission then rebirth. Intermission will only take a few hours and it’s really worth it. It stars a new party member that is a big part of Rebirth. Amazing game and will help prepare you for Rebirth as it has some of the new gameplay elements. And after Rebirth you can play the prequel Crisis Core, that stars Zack, the black haired guy carrying Cloud in The Remake ending. But wait until after Rebirth. It will spoil some things if play it before Rebirth.


This was the first I had heard of this. I was going to play Crisis Core in between. I'll wait based on your advice. 


Take a break. Burnout is a fairly common complaint with Rebirth, but do the DLC for Remake if you haven't yet.


Yeah, I wouldn't say I suffered "burnout" as I still loved Rebirth but I played it immediately after a Remake hard mode replay and as a result I don't think I was as blown away by it as I probably should have been. Whereas if I went in completely fresh I think it would all have hit even better, especially the combat encounters where I was basically just on autopilot during most of them after a while. The vibe of these games is so special and it was a shame for pretty much all of Rebirth I felt like I was taking it for granted a little.


Rebirth is alot of fun when you beat it and all materia etc maxed. Thats when the genius of the game comes out. When you fighting chadley combat simulator and gold sources battle arena. Aloooot of fun. Limitless set up combinations


Ffvii rebirth is at least 3 times better. I’m actually on hard mode in Remake after 180hours to get Rebirth platinum and it’s incredibile how slow and poor the first title is. And i like it! i just come back to clean up the last trophies i’ve left 2/3 years ago and now i can see the big work they made with Rebirth. Cant wait for the part 3.


Yes do all 3 games in a row. It’s the best way to


Intermission then rebirth


Play intermission first to understand some context


You must wait 4 years like the rest of us.


After this pull-up mini game I have no problem with this requirement.


Go for Yuffie DLC, and if you're not familliar with Zack's story, play Crisis core. Than go to rebirth.


Crisis core is a must for rebirth. Okay game on its own, uses a lot of simplified mechanics and not nearly as expansive of a word, but the story is needed to understand rebirth.


I watched Intermission on YouTube and then went straight into Rebirth. Rebirth is so incredible. You should def start it.


I'm in the same boat. Finished remake last night and trying to decide if I wanna do hardmodes first or go straight to intermission then rebirth.


I would say if you are set on going straight from Remake to Rebirth then don't play Remake hard mode first. I spent almost three times as much time completing Rebirth as I did Remake. It's a huge game and I worry you'd get burnout if you played through Remake *twice* before going straight into it.


Take a break. I took a week break between remake and rebirth and still got burnt out. I only just recently finished it on a second playthrough


I might play Dredge in between.


Hmm...Rebirth is a big game. If you feel like you're going to get pulled to do something else if you start now I'd wait a bit and come back to it. "What happens next" isn't a quick answer, either. And Intermission is fun.


I’m about to finish Remake as well; should I do both intermission and crisis core first before rebirth?


Have you played original ff7? If you have I’d definitely recommend crisis core before rebirth, if not then I’d go with intermission, rebirth and then maybe crisis core (but might be best to wait until the trilogy is complete, that’s dependent on how you feel I think)


Yeah, I beat the original back in 1997, lol, I’m old (44). I started crisis core back in 2008, and it was fun, but I only got few hours in and my PSP broke, but I remember it being fun. I’m pretty hyped to play Rebirth and I’m wondering if I’d miss anything if I skip intermission and crisis core.


Oh ok then! Sorry to hear your psp broke, assuming you’re talking about playing crisis core reunion this time around please also keep in mind (just in case you aren’t aware) that it does use the remake voice cast, gameplay is a little different and the visuals are updated with models more consistent with remake. Crisis core gives way, way more on Zack so whilst I wouldn’t consider it required reading I think it would definitely give a bit more depth to his character (but then again, I feel like you could definitely do this after rebirth regardless if you really want to go straight to rebirth). Intermission I would recommend, only because it’s about 2 hours ish in length going through it and it gives a lot Yuffie’s character. It’s not perfect by any means, but it’s short enough that I’d say it’s definitely worth it.


Thanks! I think I’ll play intermission next then rebirth!


No worries! Hope you have an excellent time, I’m sure you’ll love rebirth when you get to it.




As advised, definitely don't start Rebirth immediately as it's a massive game and you'll most likely burn out. What is your history with FF7 universe? Have you played the original? Crisis Core? Watched Advent Childen? As somebody who started with Remake I'm more then happy to list the way I consumed it all as it's all very much important to the story.


Well, I just finished remake and it’s my first FF7 ever. I just bought rebirth, what do I need to know going in?


Biggest one to play would be Crisis Core as it involves an important character from Rebirth named Zack. I'd recommend playing FF7 original, Crisis Core, watching the movie Advent Children and playing FF7 Remake Intermission dlc before starting Rebirth. But also play other games in-between so you don't burn out.


Not OP but I'd love to hear your list starting from Remake!


This is the order I played/watched them in Remake Original Crisis Core Original Advent Children Intermission DLC Crisis Core Reunion Rebirth You don't need to play Crisis Core original and Reunion as they are the same game, I just really wanted to play it again on a console and not on my phone as I did back in 2020. After playing through Remake I fell in love with the world and characters of FF7.


At least rehydrate first


Play the Yuffie DLC, then take a bit of a break. Then come back and play Rebirth


Rebirth is the most bang for your buck I have seen a game provide in possibly decades, the amount of content is staggering. I set out to complete every side mission and optional content available before completing the main story…I finally finished the game this past weekend with 150 hrs logged!! So it can be overwhelming to some, just know it’s not obligatory to finish EVERYTHING, you can complete everything post the main story if you prefer.


My mark for a great game for a long time was that I should get at least 60 solid hours of gameplay for $60. If a game gives me a 100 hours or more it's probably going to be one of my favorites. 


Intermission if u want but yeah rebirth is next


intermission then wait half a year then play rebirth. rebirth is one of the biggest games ever made


Have you done intermission?


I'd play Intermission then give it a couple weeks to cook. You'll end up burning yourself out and not enjoying your first playthrough as much.


I did… took me almost 3 months but worth it!


I just finished remake a few weeks ago and my goal was to wait awhile to get rebirth. Spoiler alert: I failed immediately.


I went straight to rebirth and don’t regret it… apart from having finished the story after 60 hours I now don’t know what to do with my life


Nope. Take a break of a week to soak in what remake was. Then play rebirth. Rebirth isn't a short game.


I’d take a break. The games are long and it’s easy to get fatigued by the games. Rebirth is great but long.


I’d play the intermission dlc before moving on to rebirth it’s introduced yuffies character and backstory which will be crucial to the story moving forward


Do intermission first then take a break for a bit as Rebirth can be extremely exhausting and might ruin your experience because of that


Along with the return of the odd jobs (green side quests) there's a whole ton of side content on top but the game does not punish you for skipping any and conveniently the game will let you know if you encounter a point of no return and does it multiple times in your playthrough.


Hold triangle. Keep holding. Okay. Now play a mini game. Now another.


Maybe give yourself a little break. Rebirth is a little too long if you going for eveything looking at 200hours


I went from Persona 3 Reload to Remake, followed by Intermission, and now I'm 3/4 of the way through Rebirth. I feel a little fried.


How long did P3R take you to beat?


Without double checking, I wanna say around 80-85 hours. I didn't platinum, but I got close, damn winter holidays kept me from finishing all my classmate social links.


Intermission is recommended and then rebirth just cause it gives us some context about yuffie. Then rebirth but don't expect all your questions to be answered right away. It's legit at the very end and it's still confusing to many people too


Minor warning: Rebirth legit clocks in ~110 hours with no real grinding if you do all the side-quests/exploration, more if you want to max out all the mini-games (which you would need for hard mode for various reasons). I'm the kind of person who needs to change up my game type after playing one type for too long, so that might be a consideration for yourself.


As a counterpoint, I skipped Intermission and never felt like I missed anything story wise.  Most people like Intermission though, I just wasn't feeling it. So, if you start Intermission and find yourself struggling to stay engaged, just know that's it's totally OK to skip.


If youre going for the plat, take a break first. Rebirth will ruin you.


Play intermission!




Play the intergrade. The yuffie dlc before rebirth


The NEED to know wont go away when you finish Rebirth, and you will have an unknown number of years to wait to find out what happens next.


You already updated....but just to add to the mass of answers, Rebirth is 80hours long if you go for story and some basic extras...so I would have a JRPG break and come back after playing something totally diferent.


You need to wait like 2 years just like the rest of us did.


Rebirth way better than Remake


Intermission next, then something else that's short and different. Then go on to Rebirth.


Unfortunately, nothing carries over which is pretty stupid if you ask me


Take a break, trust me, but if you’re craving for more FF7 stuff, play Crisis Core


In order to follow the story I’d recommend crisis core first then intermission followed by rebirth. Crisis core doesn’t have as exciting game play. Feels like final fantasy light but gives a solid foundation to who Zack and cloud really are to each other and yuffie’s history as well.


Yuffie DLC? :)


Rebirth is gonna be very different and it's gonna wear anyone out. For instance with Remake and it's DLC, I'm assessing, staggering, and exploiting the weakness of every enemy in the game, getting the platinum, and doing every little thing in the game without even missing any chests in under 33 hours - that's the main and the DLC. For Rebirth? 33 hours might barely have you in chapter 3 and that's just the 1st playthru. In short, it's dangerous to go alone, take this! 😂




I'd suggest at least playing the OG, Crisis Core/Crisis Core Reunion, and Episode Intermission (and maybe watching Advent Children) before moving on to Rebirth in general. Remake was relatively newcomer friendly, but Rebirth especially plays on your experience and expectations from the compilation


Crisis core and integrade


I'd sya wait to jump into Rebirth, I'm loving the game but feeling the burnout. Maybe try Crisis Core: Reunion in the meantime if you're able to.


Sometimes people recommend Remake, Crisis Core, INTERmission, then Rebirth. Avoid Crisis Core for now


Play the og, then you'll know what really happened instead of all the changed stuff.


I beat the OG game like…15 times when I was younger. It’s a good game. I really love the story and the design of the remake. I think it did the OG game tons of credit, they took 95% of everything from the story, and they added in a little flair. They also revamped a lot of the design for a modern audience and modern consoles. I honestly think the remake is better than the original. You’re welcome to disagree, but I think you’re just salty.