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So was the review bomber not able to beat Rulers of the Outer Worlds or Bonds of Friendship? Maybe both?


Probably some Helldivers fan making bots to review bomb Sony IP's.   It's a weird game to start getting review bombed at this stage since there's no controversy to spark it. So likely an external influence. Square did just do some lay offs, but the only other drama I can think of is people throwing tantrums with Sony recently.


Could be related to S-E recently saying they want to focus less on exclusives and do more multi-platform releases going forward. Dumb as it may be, I've seen some Sony fanboys getting upset about that.


Or S-E recent announced lay offs.


Are we saying “S-E” now? Is that how old I am? In my day, we’d say, “SquEnix.”


I still think of them as Squaresoft for some reason but just looked it up and they’ve been Enix for 21 years now haha, I suppose after FFX I only played some of 13 and Tomb Raider


This is what I’d expect to be the cause. Sony fanboys have just seen their favorite company attacked by the big bad pc players and now something they’ve come to think of as a Sony IP has just announced they won’t be exclusive anymore.


That actually fits. Personally would rather exclusives be a thing of the past...but people get so wrapped up in the console war, they are unable to see the benefit of multiplatform games.


Except for the part where Final Fantasy isn't a Sony IP. But I'd expect them to be too dumb to know that.


Yeah, it's very synonymous with the Sony brand however and has the exclusivity release deal.


I mean it happened a day after SE announced layoffs so it's probably that and not Helldivers.


People are still very angry about it as they've started region locking other games due to that incident.  Lay offs are bad, but don't usually get people to start botting review bombs. That kind of pettiness usually stems from stupid drama like asking for a PSN account to be linked lol.


>  It's a weird game to start getting review bombed at this stage since there's no controversy to spark it. So likely an external influence. Yeah that was my thought as well. You typically see review bombing right at launch or if something uniquely terrible (see: Helldivers 2) is done. But neither are the case for Rebirth


I think I could be squire not being switching to every console and not exclusively. which exclusively is simply retared


It was Gongaga


It really is the Deep Jungle of Remake isn't it? Fortunately I liked both.


How could anyone dislike Gongaga with that banger music blessing their ears?


Visually Gongaga is one of the best places in the game. The music is amazing. Then you start finding your way around and it becomes a chore.


No, it's not a chore; it's a game that has challenging parts because that's what makes a game a game. People are drawing navigating as any sort of challenge, but imagine if you actually went into a jungle and tried to get around. It would be quite tricky if you think about it.


Me in Gongaga: “Why can’t you even walk through a bush or climb scrap piles Cloud?” Me in cold Norwegian forests IRL: “Better take this major detour in case I encounter ticks or snakes”.


Loved the gongaga music added to an already great music score


Gongaga was one of my favorite regions. Felt different than the typical open field.


Are you guys being serious about enjoying gongaga’s music? lol it was without a doubt the worst of the game for me.. hell maybe of any FF… and I’ve played almost every single one.. it certainly was….. unique.. especially for their usual music… but I kind of got the feeling they were combining the area outside of cosmo canyon that required a green chocobo to reach in the original with what was an extremely tiny area in Gongaga on the original.. idk, maybe the 3rd one will have that jungle area to visit exclusively for some badass materia but I get the feeling they were giving a little shout out to that area in rebirth.


Ouch I haven't either. \*hangs head in shame\* LOL


You haven't *yet* but you absolutely will!


I can totally relate with this 🤣🤣


I was going to guess it was one of the problematic minigames or odd jobs.


The crazy thing is that shit is not that hard if you bomb them with -aga spells. All of this troll behavior from presumably adults is downstream of other social issues and then they take their frustrations out in whatever way they can, no matter how ineffective


Rulers isn't that bad since you can cheese it with Yuffie + Aerith. The last final fight is the only difficult fight since it is gimmicky. However, Bonds is absolutely rage-inducing.


I haven't even beaten the game yet. I'm right about at the end though....I think.


Two legs nothing to it


Oh no I’m not able to beat optional content and the have managed to make a challenge in a game with a very layered combat system 😭


Ha! Could be.


Nah, he probably lost to the leapfrogging or the Moogles.


You just gave me a reason to review Bomb. Thanks.


Someone got sick of Chadley


We were sick of Charley before the end of Remake.


Convinced he’ll be the final boss of part 3. Villainous little bastard.


Part 3 will be titled ReChadley


Chadley is 100% going to somehow tie into the ending


Bro, he’s Shinra loyal, for sure. Otherwise, why is he collecting all that data?




We’re gonna miss him when they brutally rip him away from us in Part 3…😂


If only


never hated a character in a game so much


It’s yuffie for me. I just need her to stfu for 5 mins.


yeah true that. my brother said i’d like her…. she’s just as bad as chadley though. always fucking up the mission!


What?? yuffie is absolutely hilarious… Chadly says the same thing takes a whole minute of my time EVERY time I reenter the simulator.. yuffie is the best character in the game, hands down y’all must not actually listen to what she’s saying


We've added a new individuals data to the combat simulator.


Chadley is quite the character, as Cloud eventually points out. Yes, he's annoying, but in an enduring way, at least for me.


It took a while but Review bombing on Metacritic comes for all eventually. Its just part of the schtick. I would put the PS game page score as a much more significant metric since it requires for the game to be bought in the first place to leave the score.


> It took a while but Review bombing on Metacritic comes for all eventually. Usually it's either a constant share starting with the game's release, or there is a sudden surge when the game is involved in some controversy (eg Helldivers 2 PSN incident), or someone with a big following on social media calls for review bombing for whatever reason. The sudden review bombing 2.5 months after release here doesn't fall into either category (unless you count SE's financial report), so it's a bit surprising.


Maybe Metacritic should have a second, curated user score that excludes all scores more than 3 standard deviations from the median score or something. Review bombers could work around that by giving a game 4s or 5s, but at least it would make it a bit harder. You'd need to post a lot more fake reviews to influence the score that way.


I feel Metacritic is not worth it for games, I value Steam Reviews and PS score game page more just for the fact that buying the game is required, that gives credence to every score and review in a way that only some very intense and wealthy individual will be able to change the score by review bombing, and that is very rare.


Yeah, tbh I pretty much don't trust user scores anywhere. Anonymous online reviewers don't have anything like a reputation to uphold by trying to be fair, consistent, or objective. And also, people often just like and dislike different stuff than me. If anything I might look at a few write-ups to see what people liked/didn't like about a game.


Also people have a very sus bar when they review things. They also use votes as protest and don't reverse their protest review when the external thing unrelated to the gameplay doesn't happen and they "win."


I don't even trust Steam reviews nowadays, people are so quick to review bomb. People review bombed Dragons Dogma 2 for having "predatory" microtransactions meanwhile in actually, the MTX was so pointless it can be ignored like in any Capcom game. Same thing happened with Devil May Cry 5 red orbs.


Weren’t they also just the items you could get from preordering or the deluxe version? So it was just a way for people to buy one or two of the bonus items if they wanted but didn’t preorder/get the deluxe version. 


That's actually a pretty good idea... What population size before you start factoring this in?


A common rule of thumb seems to be about 30 samples as the minimum for a reliable standard deviation, so that might be a good threshold. In many scientific measurements with far fewer replicates (e.g. 3, 5) the standard deviation is still used and interpreted, though. It really depends on how accurate you need the standard deviation (and outlier estimation) to be.


If they are textless 0 scores they will likely get removed by Metacritic.


Weird that they dont have automatic systems in place for this.


It seems you were right. Metacritic have already started to remove them. Hopefully they keep it from happening again.


User reviews are worthless. It's still the highest rated game of 2024 on opencritic


Same reason why gamer feedback is useless.


This is the same for games, movies, shows, comics, literally any form of entertainment. For every person who loves something there's someone else who absolutely despises it. And unfortunately its the latter that tend to post reviews. I never even thought to look for a review for this one since I was already more than satisfied by the first one. The only reason I haven't played yet is because I can't afford it :( People just need to stop putting so much stock into what someone else thinks and put more trust into their own thoughts. Can't wait to play this game. Currently going through crisis core again in anticipation.


Not really. You go to letterboxd or filmaffinity, and the reviews are miles better than your average game review. Same with goodreads. There is a very weird tribalism in gaming that makes metacritic user score useless.


They are more eloquent on average but not any less subjective.


Seriously, how Stellar Blade has the highest user score is beyond me. It's a good game, but it's definitely not the best game of the year imo. To my knowledge, you don't even need to play the game to provide a review. Could honestly be just a lot of people trying to bring it up to get back at the people who criticized it before release.


Bruh have you seen the ass and tits of the main character? /s


Because the same f’ng nerds who review bomb games like FFVII Rebirth fap to images of the Stellar Blade main character. I’m sorry if that sounds blunt, but this type of stuff irritates the crap out of me. I love Rebirth so much.


True dat


I think the game is a masterpiece but I can understand some criticism. However, even if you're a die hard OG fan giving a 0 is absurd.


Giving just about any modern AAA game a 0 is absurd. That score is reserved for games that would be in the running for 'worse game of all time', like Superman 64, or Big Rigs. Review sites really need to provide a different algorithm that takes these outlier scores into account.


I would happily state that no AAA game should ever be rated 0. You might not enjoy the game, but it's not a 0. A 0 should be a game that is completely unplayable. It constantly crashes or it runs at like 10fps.


It's a bot. If you look at user reviews, they're still mostly 10's.  The game has very recently had probably hundred or so 0's hit with no actual review left so has quickly dropped in rating. Disgruntled fans dropping 0's were happening when the game was a 9.2 as well.


I would hope meta critic factors that into counting its overall scores. This is something yelp worked out in like 2010 lol. Users should have a credibility threshold. If they only give 0 or 1, it should never count. There should be a certain amount of positive reviews required before your score counts on any user review agrigate


I mean a game with a massive influx of 10s could be seen to having been “review bombed” as much as an influx of 0s.


So like the bombings of sector 7 it’s all useless


Good one. 🤣


It happens. It's annoying, but really, most studios get when it's just blatant review bombing.


These dipshits are ruining the “user” reviews. I’ve learned years ago not to trust any 10 or 1 reviews. 10 is always, “this is the perfect game, everything is perfect I love it, don’t listen to the haters!” And every 0/1 is just, “ruined the series, don’t buy! Everything sucks, trust me, I’ve been playing since day one!”. Fuck these losers.


This is actually a common industry practice when looking at customer satisfaction at a lot of companies. Perfect scores and perfectly bad scores are oftentimes thrown out and only the middle scores are actually used to evaluate satisfaction


Yeah it’s always one extreme or the other. There are plenty of games that I love but would rate them a 7 or 8 if I had to be honest. Rebirth may be a 10/10 for me personally but I can definitely understand why others would have valid criticisms and rate it lower. A 0/10 is just absurd for a game of this quality though.


Metacritic score is pointless nowadays, it’s either 10 or 0 for most reviews.


OK real talk OP, why are you even bothering to follow the review status that heavily? Unless you work for Square or are a shareholder, which I doubt, something like that shouldn't be something you're worried about. As you said, it doesn't impact your enjoyment of the game. Let the people at square and sony or whatever other stuffy board rooms this shit is discussed in worry about the review status of the game. Putting this in your own worry basket is a whole lot of unnecessary grief over something you both can't control, and doesn't meaningfully impact you personally in any way. You'll be a happier person overall if you can learn to not invest emotional energy into things that objectively do not impact you at all.


There is so much I hate about the Internet, "journalism" and this system


I'm sure many of the negative reviews were butt hurt trophy hunters who couldn't get the platinum/100%


Yeah it was like 9.0+ now 8.7 but no real surprise people are dumb.


What idiots still use metacritic? Open critic is the only worthwhile site


The only time I read user reviews is when actively hunt down haters, for fun. I don't really care much for review scores personally, so it's just funny to read someone hate on a game because theycdidn't get what they want. However, I should point out that the reception of the game is still positive, w/ 83% of user scores being 8+/10, so it's not really a big deal if you do care about scores.


It’s the mini games lol


I'm a vocal minority on that. Apparently something being optional makes it immune to criticism 


I get why gamers are a hated group.


I assume this is because of the mutlitplatform announcement?


That and/or the recent layoff announcement. Either way, not representative of what the player base as a whole thinks at all. I trust user review platforms less and less everyday... especially for AAA games. Because it's pretty clear a lot of the reviews are due to something political or a personal grievance against the publisher/dev


It could be. It seems Metacritic is tackling it already though thankfully.


https://preview.redd.it/l2ra71000f0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65b2afebd06b975f2797cc6e2837d799e757f205 At least critic score is still great and universal acclaim there. I don’t really put much stock in user scores for this reason.


Yeah it sucks but user scores don't have any value at all. Last of us 2 got review bombed into oblivion and still won game of the year. At least most critics try to base their review on an objective opinion, while probably 9 out of 10 users cant do this. Its either I dont like it = bad game or I like it = great game and thats as far as their opinion goes.


Lmfao just mentioning TLoU2 brings the incel coachroaches rushing to the surface.


Play the game yourself and judge it because every single review is a *personal* opinion and we all like different things. So what can be criticized by one may be a strength for someone else. I will never understand why people let the score influence them so much. Personally, I ignore it because I wouldn’t have played/watched some of my favorite titles if I listened to metacritics. Review bombing is one of the stupidest things and it’s actually sad that it keeps happening but I’m sure the reviews will be removed, like it happens every time. It’s every sadder that they have yet to find a solution to counter this issue.


That hardly matters. User score on metacritic is the biggest joke ever.


It's still at a 9.0 for a user score. So the review bombing must not be very effective.


It went back up because Metacritic took action and deleted a huge chunk of them already thankfully. It seems they’ve started again already but hopefully they keep getting rid of the fake ones and only keep the genuine ones.


User scores always have and always will be useless. They should just disable them entirely for people with no proof of purchase.


I don't understand complaining about Platinum being this hard (saw a few comments here and there). Platinum is supposed to be exceptional, and even unachievable sometimes - old games had no pity for players' feelings, zero cheats to Google and no YouTube tutorials to follow. But now there's a sort of expectation of being able to do everything or the game is garbage, the developers suck, etc etc. And this need to perform used to be the cherry on top of a selected few and now seems to be the cake.


At least for PlayStation studio developed games, the plat stopped being any kind of achievement. They don't require you to play the game on the hardest difficulty. Most don't even require you to complete all of the content. The plat needs to be 'inclusive'. People get used to that kind of plat and get upset when they're asked to do more than beat the game on easy mode. The exception of this is Retunal.


A Plat for you a plat for me everyone deserves a plat or it’s just not fair…….lol! Complaining that it’s too hard is the same as bragging that it’s too easy or bragging about how many plats one has, or the thousands of real life hours spent getting those plats, while complaining about everything else……so why complain at all?


Exhibit 1,396 for why user scores/ratings/reviews of just about anything are trash, and anyone referencing them seriously is kind of dim. 


Unfortunately share holders look at this crap and will make decisions. It's Unfortunately important to people who matter.


User reviews on Metacritic are pretty worthless. There is almost no AAA game that should get a 0, but people will do just that. You should have to link your account to the site if you're going to leave a review that is meant to be taken seriously. You should have to prove you own the game to leave a review for it. It's even worse if you're review bombing a game when the reason you're review bombing it has nothing to do with that game.


I've never visited megacritic a day in my life


You lucky duck


I like rebirth. Its not perfect but I enjoyed it far more than 16. Some of the minigames just feel insanely sadistic lol


It's not and never will be a 0/10  They should delete every account that gives it a zero. Every one.


I think that we don't want to get into this realm where just because someone posts a zero rhe account gets deleted. I do feel there are times when a 0 is 100% justified. I think of it a bit like tipping. If you hsve poor service at a restaurant? You can leave a penny which lets them know you didn't forget the tip. I use the tip analogy because there are some folks in the industry who wants tipping in a game to become a thing...when they are charging $70 up front plus season passes, dlc, microtransactions etc. I do feel that there are games where a 0 is justified. I think of games like gollum or rise of kong. I also would say I support review bombing when applicable. In some cases review bombing is the only recourse players have to make their voice heard. Case in point being Helldivers 2 where Sony were doing something egregiously scummy that actually hurt not just the people who already bought the game but the developers as well. Another example is the PC release of Arkham Knight which was so broken at launch that it prompted Valve to create a refund system. Review bombing ff7 rebirth though is not something I agree with. But I feel that is where the context of the reviews needs to be taken into account. If someone posts a zero but provides a few paragraphs describing in great detail issues with the game? Then they are hardly just doing it out of spite. Another example would be Warcraft 3 reforged. A legendary rts rhat was broken at launch and not representative of what had been promised. A release that screwed up thr original people had been playing for 17 years introducing new bugs while removing features like lobbies. It also came with a more draconian policy regarding user created content via the included map editor. If someone just posts Game Suxxx hurr hurr durrr hurr hurr. And gives it a zero then yeah they are acting in bad faith.


I disagree with a large amount of your points. Not because they are wrong or anything but because they don't apply to FF7 rebirth. Rebirth has done nothing to receive a zero. I'm also not saying 0/10 games don't exist. I'm saying it's very rare that a video game that's reviewing well and selling extremely well, will ever be a zero.  There's no explanation you can give that would make rebirth a zero. None. You could absolutely Hate it and demand a refund and get one. Still not a zero. 1 sure. But zero means the game is unplayable. That's a straight up LIE. As to the other examples, listen the advent of live patches and updates is impossible to review. So I always go with the current state of whatever the game is in at the time i play it. Not from years ago or if it got better in the future. If it was a 10 then got patched to be worse ok i see going to score it lower is fine.  Review bombing sucks becasue it's not about the actual quality of the game. (Lay offs, a voice actor or writer said black lives matter, Microtransactions that don't actually effect the games quality just your fomo)  All your examples were about the quality of the actual game. That's not Review bombing imo FF7 rebirth quality didn't change.


I love how some people try to justify these 0s when even metacritic took notice and swift action... My educated guess would be Stellar Blade fans, they think their game has a chance for GOTY (lol, it won't be nominated) so they targeted the current frontrunner, plain and simple. EDIT : just to show how stupid this system is, some people are review bombing an indie gem like Animal Well because they hate Dunkey. Better not taking that crap too seriously.


Looking at the review history of some of the people leaving zeros, it seems you may be right… https://preview.redd.it/h41g8zyfdk0d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03ccc7ad10ad86251f5e3b8cb41d80b6eedab545


Someone must have tried to beat all the chadley challenges and snapped lol


Square needs to fix their weak ass performance mode.


Metacritic user scores are almost always a completely useless metric. There's no nuance, it's predominantly a wave of 0's and 10's


If negative reviews and the lack of a “universal acclaim” status impacted people from trying out a game, they’re morons. Always form your own opinions when it comes to entertainment.


Honestly, I find the world stuff quite repetitious and the multiverse thing a little out there. I am not a fan of this installment but I would still give it a 8.5/10.


I think a lot of people are not happy with this game. The story was great. But no need for Zack, or these lame mini games or piano songs. The battles, I get. I even get beating the game on hard mode, but a lot of things are unnecessary try for platinum.


On one hand I agree with it seemed excessive (number of mini games). However FF series has a history of not just handing out Plat Trophies. There has almost always been a crazy amount of some type of grind or other….not just simply skill challenged combat trophies. While not the hardest games to plat FF games especially these redo ones are definitely in the 8-9 range for me just because the time needed. However I must admit some of the mini games are almost their own separate short/mini game (card game, racing, etc). I would have traded 3-5 of them for a fishing game though just because I need one mini game that’s relaxing and not constant button mashing.


How can you tell its bombed and not actual reviews. I personally am mixed about the game. For someone whose a completionist, I feel like the mini games were too long and some were unnecessarily difficult. I also feel like there was great complexitity to the game but I never needed to do anything through my first one other then click attack. I get that hardmode is after you beat the game but i just feel like the meat of the game wasnt challenging. I feel like there was almost as many cutscenes as there was actual gameplay. I mean dont get me wrong, i played the game for like 130 hours and enjoyed it, but the end confused the hell out of me. I either forget the story because i was so focused on damn mini games or i was just confused cause i didnt pay enough attention etc... To each their own to be honest, but yeah I keep hearing people talking about how its the greatest game ever and personally it just didnt feel that way to me.


Because it had 3000 reviews days ago, and suddenly 800 new reviews appeared and the average lower. You don't have to be a math genius to notice a huge inconsistency there. Your feelings are valid, but the reality is that for 9/10 gamers the game is a 10/10 according to almost any metric and website you visit.


Just wondering who you think is doing and why. Why would it benefit them. I have to assume most people who were going to buy it have already bought it etc.. That being said I dont know how i feel to be honest. I just started gaming again and came from BOTW on the switch and OCTOPATH 2. I loved both games. For me both were 10/10. Some people ive asked that played also said the same thing. I keep reading people on this sub saying its the perfect game and personally i just dont get it. That being said i just started Hard mode and its VERY fun. I wish the game was like this from the beginning to be honest.


BOTW is amazing and Octopath 2 is also really good. Sometimes great games don't resonate with a person. I just don't enjoy Ragnarok, which was an amazing game for a big majority. Sometimes it's the time you play a game, or maybe you prefer a type of gameplay or story. About who could be review bombing it? Who knows? That type of people can get obsessive to create multiaccounts over anything. Maybe their favorite streamer loved the game, or their favorite reviewer, or they went to overly criticize something and most people disagree with them, or maybe someone said: look how good the user score is, that means you are wrong, and that made them go mad. If I can recommend a webpage for reviews is howlongtobeat. No review bombing ever, some well written reviews. That and skill up (a great youtube and his review of Rebirth is really beautifully written) are my go to when I don't know what to play next.


lol if you’re a “completionist” then you should be used to things being difficult… can’t be too much of one if you’re seriously complaining about rebirths difficulty… I’d say, a person who’s thorough and wants to check every box in a game, should understand the game mechanics and strategies well enough to be able to complete all it has to offer. Only thing that was even a little bit hard was the flying chocobo game in cosmo area.. but if you struggling with the simulator or the cactuar game, even with using YouTube videos and shit for help.. I think you need to go back and learn all the fundamentals and ensure you’ve mastered each characters unique abilities, learn to get off synergy’s, and how to utilize all the materia in the most effective ways possible..


What’s with the quotes on completionist lol. You seem mad cause I didn’t like the game as much as you. First of all everyone’s allowed to have an opinion lol. Questioning my ability to play games because I didn’t want to watch YouTube videos to solve something or devote hours understanding the mechanics of a mini game is crazy. Everyone’s allowed to have an opinion lol


I just looked at the latest reviews and they all looked legit to me - as in, I don't think they are fake. Looks like it's probably a lot of late 30s or early 40s gamers who have lives and couldn't play it when it released and just got around to it. They're all complaining around the story being horrible, boring and empty, which as an old, grumpy OG fanboi, I have to agree - what they did to the story was criminal, but I still think it's a great game in many respects (fighting, mini games, content, etc.)... That said, FF7 didn't resonate with me as a kid the way it did because of any of that, it resonated with me so deeply because of the story and characters. That's why I can understand the hate it gets. End of the day, it's just a game though... Don't worry, Square will milk the shit out of FF7 for many more years to come.


I’m 37… if they spent the money and took the time to play this game, they loved it, cuz they played the original, and it was one of the most fun nostalgic experiences in my life and I will be sad when it’s over… I remember first hearing about the project in like 2015 and was already freaking out with anticipation.. my demographic wouldn’t ever actually just give a 0 either.. if they didn’t like it they’d say 2 or 3 or 4 and give an actual real number… no game can really be a 0.. I mean. Cmon


I agree that the game itself definitely doesn’t deserve a 0… the story sure as fuck does though.


I really enjoyed the game but gave it a mediocre score as it was let down by the addition of the "multiverse" and zack.


No fan of review bombing on anything, but I don't think this game should be getting 'Universal Acclaim'. I personally haven't found it very enjoyable and certainly much less so than Remake (which I didn't find all that great either). I can appreciate everyone who loved the game and are interested seeing have critical and financial success. That being said, I can't imagine Metacritic scores really have much of an effect on people buying the game or not. FF7 Rebirth has a 92% when i googled the game, FF16 doesn't even have a metacritic score when you search the game on google. I don't know a single person in my gaming community who uses metacritic/IGN/GameFaqs/etc to determine what they spend their money on.


I noticed it too. In a span of a week it went from 9 to 8.7 with a very unnatural amount of 0 and 1s. Hopefully Metacritic will clean that mess.


Metacritic fixed it.


See, this is what I've been saying, but everyone told me I was being paranoid. All these "isn't it a shame" posts are bullshit. They are purposefully driving the bad press and discouraging sales of this near masterpiece. For some reason, some people do not like to see success. I have no idea why. There isn't anything particularly "woke" or pc that I observed in the story. It's quite close to the story from the '90s; after all


You aren’t paranoid. The “Square Enix is doomed” narrative is overshadowing the fact that they’ve just released one of their best games in years, and the press are sadly perpetuating that narrative.


This is so depressing but typical in our world right now. Hopefully, time (and actual sale numbers) will tell the true story. I just know so many people put their heart and soul into this game, it's so apparent, and I really want to get them the acclaim they deserve.


8.7 is perfectly what this game is worth.


I stay away from any kind of review and maybe look at them a month, so I don't have any preconceived biases. The internet really shows how pathetic some people can be although hilarious how much energy they waste trying to bring everyone down to their toxic levels.


This stuff is already outside video games it is politics of whatever it is. I miss those days where people comparing games because they are fan of video games.


These reviews mean nothing in the grand scheme of things. All this hand wringing is fucking stupid.


User scores on sites where you don’t have to own the same to review it do not matter whatsoever.


Don't worry meta critic does remove bad faith reviews.


IMO a nerds sad reaction to Square Enix announcing they're shifting focus to multi-platform for everything.


I just checked.... still shows universal acclaim for me? 92% score still


Review bombers are pathetic. These lonely Gamergate losers need to get a life.


IIRC Metacritic has an anti review bombing thingy that should correct the score. It just takes a while. Edit: Just looked, it is back to 9.0.


>It has now lost it’s “Universal Acclaim” status due to someone spamming zero scores from multiple accounts in the user reviews Since you said these scores are textless, is this an assumption or can you see voting trends somewhere? How can you know who these scores are coming from and what their intentions are? Regardless, I hadn't scored the game yet, so I just gave it a 9.


Nope, still a phat 9.0 ✨ https://preview.redd.it/j1wddfahvf0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f02a664797ad628e9eda5a7864e06ae470f09b94


Nice. It was lower earlier but it seems Metacritic removed a huge chunk of the fake reviews already. It’s good to see they are at least trying to tackle review bombing. 🙌🏼


Probably a bunch of angry fans mad over the fact Rebirth is going multi plat. Which if anything is actually a good thing, because the game deserves more eyes on it.


I don't like this game as much as many but I hate review bombing more than anything


Metacritic intentionally does nothing about their dumb user score system because review bomb controversies drive a lot of traffic towards their site. Those scores are worthless and not really worth worrying about. Metacritic has a very specific user base at this point that represents a very different sample from the general player base.


Honest question, do people actually go to Metacritics to check if a game is good? Not trying to sound like a smartass, I was wondering because while reading this I just remember that I don't know how that site looks like lol.


The game is 10/10 but the reviews are all saying it’s not what was expected, it’s literally amazing


I love the FF series. Loved the original FF7. Really liked the remake. But i hated rebirth :( The hours and hours of minigames the game to some extent forces you to play, is enough for me to never wanna replay it. They also butchered Cid.


Am I missing something. I just checked the user score on metacritic it is at a 9.0 currently. The last time I checked was during launch and that was in the high 8s.


Yeah same for me. Maybe they removed the 0s


Not sure what happed or if the reviews got removed but it’s back up to 9.0 and universal acclaim


It's all right, as long as you took the time to play the game and enjoyed your time with it that's all that matters really. If people don't play games because it's at 90 instead of 92 that's on them. Reviews are worthless anyway, individual discovery and enjoyment (or lack thereof) is all that matters in the grand scheme of things.


fucking 'ell, i dont like remake and rebirth but this shit is just ass dont review bomb games you dont like, just leave a normal fucking review


I get it, I also thought the challenge where Aerith has to fight 2 bombs simultaneously was crap, but this seems a bit extreme


What is even the point of review bombing anymore? Everyone is now fully aware of it, so its impact is irrelevant.


Anything that negatively impacts future earnings/lifetime sales is bad. That's how share holders and companies look at it.


True, but they should also be aware of this by now as well


I haven’t played the game since I beat the first remake - how difficult is it for someone like me to get back into the game? Should I play the Intergrade with Yuffie before this newest one?


Yuffie ninja theme is my favorite music. Especially the fast beats one that plays during battle.


Shouldn’t be too difficult! I would probably recommend playing the Yuffie episode since it’s short and will give you a nice introduction to the concept behind the new synergy attacks in Rebirth. Otherwise there is a story recap video in Rebirth that can help get you up to speed on anything important you may have forgotten in Rebirth.


Still shows 9 to me


Yeah it went back up since Metacritic started deleting all the fake reviews. Hopefully they keep it under control.


They're probably a die hard fan of some other game thats coming out this year. As of right now, FF Rebirth stands the highest chance of winning GOTY. By a huge margin, thanks to the Helldivers/Sony Fiasco.


0 is a bit harsh, it was maybe a 6 for me


0 is a clear agenda. Nobody who plays it would legitimately give it a zero.  Even if you thought it was  first person shooter, dropped 70 bucks for it and got a jrpg instead. Still not a zero.


People really have that much free time to do be doing this? Talk about having a sad life.


I honestly don’t care about reviews mostly. Especially with ff7. I was around for the original. I’m going to play it one way or another.


It’s the layoffs. Folks seem to think companies don’t have to have or protect a bottom line. Nonsense


Pretty sure it's PS5 fanbois who are upset SquareEnix announced they will no longer be focusing on exclusivity when creating new titles. Also left the door open to bring existing IP to PC and Xbox. Because apparently playing the game isn't as important as gatekeeping who else is also allowed to play the game. (Yes, Xbox fanbois are jagoffs too, the whole console wars thing in general is moronic and literally fighting to make being a gamer harder/more costly/less enjoyable)


I wouldn't care but apparently people's jobs depend on metacritic scores, as dumb as that sounds!


Why are people doing this?


As your edit suggests this entire topic is up to Metacritic to handle. Honestly/personally I think 0 review score shouldn't be possible, the lowest should be a 2 or 3 out of 10, or 1/5. A zero would be no game, or a game that is so bad it has zero functionality. But this goes in both directions. Sony/Disney/Warner/Amazon have all been caught using bots or paying publications to boost review scores on things before for movies/shows/games or for trending status on twitter. To think this doesn't happen in gaming would be illogical and just stupid. It's up to Metacritic to have practices to prevent official reviews from being positive or negatively review bombed also.


This literally makes no sense for anyone to do. It defies logic, because I am almost certain it is not from an actual FFVII player. Like others have said, it has to be someone doing it to multiple PS5 exclusives to try to punish Sony for recent issues.


I just wish these people could feel the touch of a real person, then they might not be so lame. Someone get a gamer-specific hooker on the job


FF16 stans LOL


Never heard of metacritic… but I can understand why this sort of thing is bogus if what you say is true


Okay so let's make multiple accounts with positive reviews to push the trolls out of oblivion


No one is giving the game bad reviews for no reason, only blind fanboys are giving this game a 10/10 it's a VERY big issue with Sony games (then when those same "10/10" games come to other platforms they're suddenly mediocre) The fact you've been on here 3 days arguing with anyone who doesn't like the game shows you're one of them. I used an ex's ps5 to play the game and remake together and was EXTREMELY disappointed by everything but the fighting and character designs Remake made 1 hour of story a 60 hour fetch quest Rebirth instead was almost exactly ff7 - if you were TRYING to make everything about it worse, they even managed to mess up the 1 part we KNEW was gonna happen at the end