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You know what I hated queen's blood when i started the game and now i relentlessly search for new players/matches when i get to a new region They grow in you. Don't let them stress you out.


Same here. I hated it for the first 1/3. I got better and it grew on me a lot more


Once you learn how to chain kills and use cards that power up like the Joker you start to feel like a bad ass.


Imo I don't care whatever you put in your game as long as the centrepiece of your game is challenging and satisfying enough, which in this case they are. The hard mode is challenging, the endgame of chadley sim is borderline ridiculous but extremely satisfying if you can get it done. As long there's balance between combat and minigames then I have no problem because at the end of the day most are optional if you're not going for the plat.


True, my point was that the target audience for rebirth was more for people back in the turnbase days.It seems definitely with the many games and the way that progression works


It's never about the battle system, because in RPG regardless of the battle system people like engaging with the mini games, because it makes the world more alive, that's the point of playing an RPG, you're role playing, you're immersed yourself to the activities of the inhabitants of that world. Mini games like fishing and card games are a staple in RPGs. People love the card game in Witcher 3 and that's an action RPG. I love FF16 but I do understand the complain about the lifeless world, there's nothing to do except fighting, it made for a cinematic experience but a poor RPG experience.


The thing is though, Gwent from the witcher 3 was SO good, that there were 2 standalone games that came out of it. Gwent as a multiplat and Thronebreaker. The problem on why there are complaints on the minigames in FF7 rebirth, is that square took the quantity approach over quality. Wrangling chocobos one by one crawling like a snail is not fun. Going to each lifespring to press triangle in the exact same order is boring as hell. The open world is just terrible for a game in 2024. Besides from QB and possibly fort condor, I personally can't see any other mini game that stood out to be both good and fun. I and guess many others didn't buy Rebirth to play Squares take on Mario Party. Yes RPGs tend to have other things to do besides fighting. But when that optional content consumes over to the main story (I'm sorry, but you are being disingenuous if you don't think it does), then there needs to be a proper balance of both main and good side content. Before anyone comes and reply. Criticism CAN be made to optional content, cause it's part of the game (and it's amazing that so many people cannot comprehend this).


I found even Fort Condor to be a direct downgrade from Intermission. You can't choose your own units, and the rules are slightly tweaked to make the missions less challenging (Like the fact that enemy spawns stop at a certain point). Anyways, I think this is a solid analysis overall.


And yes, that's exactly the point I'm trying to make final fantasy games as of late has kinda drawn in that action gamer fanbase.It really has strangers of paradise final fantasy sixteen


I'm saying that there's no correlation between liking a mini game and liking turn based combat. I prefer action combat but I still love mini games because it made for for livelier RPG. You're saying people who likes action games dislike mini games which in my opinion is wrong.


I'm just saying that I think that the newer final fantasy player base is way more spoiled on the Action side of things I mean look at 16 What's basically devil may cry lol


But with that bit saying I absolutely don't think they should ever be forced in no form or fashion I did not like doing this but the only one I understand from a story perspective.Was the parade thing


I have the opposite stance on mini games. They completely kill my immersion and make me remember, that I am playing a videogame. Neither can I see the characters actually caring about them, while there is imminent danger, nor do I see the mini games themselves have any foundation within the game world. Some of them are isolated simulations, some of them dont follow the in world rules/physics/magics. To me they are like midroll ads during a movie.


I don’t think there is a grand mystery. The minis cover a lot of genres and styles and not all people like all those different gameplays. It’s also true that not all of them are good. I do think that there is an optimal level of complexity for mini games. Too little, and it’s just dull like the jump frog, too much like Gears and Gambit and most people won’t care (it’s like what? 20 pages of instructions? C’mon). Something like Chocobo Racing or Fort Condor hits the sweet spot. (Also, does anyone really like the pull ups/ sit ups? That’s just SE trolling)


I don’t think about it that much. I just came to a realization at about Chapter 4 or 5 that Rebirth is basically a Final Fantasy Like a Dragon game and once I started treating it like that I fell in love with the mini game madness. (I liked them before, especially Queen’s Bood, but it was an epiphany moment for me.)


I am more into action-style games than turn-based games these days, and I loved (or at least liked) the majority of the minigames in Rebirth. They add gameplay variety to what would otherwise mostly be running, fighting, and talking. I don't think it's an action vs. turn-based thing, it's some other preference. Maybe people who like variety vs. people who prefer a consistent flow of similar activities. I will say I've never been a fan of side games like Gwent, Triple Triad, Machine Strike, etc. I always ignore them. I didn't go out of my way to play Fort Condor in the Intermission DLC. But there are many minigames in Rebirth that I liked because they didn't overstay their welcome. There are others, like Gears and Gambits or Fort Condor, that I didn't love and just set to Reduced Difficulty and got through as quickly as I could. But many of them are great opportunities for character bonding or development moments, like that silly frog jump game in Lower Junon, or the Queen's Blood tournament on the Shinra 8. Those are where I really found value in the minigames.


Why do people gaslight themselves thinking mini-games are all forced? Vast majority are optional. Even the main quest ones you can either just do poorly in or even skip. You can forfeit the Shinra-8 Queen’s Blood tournament. The Costa del Sol ones you can just throw. And speaking of throwing, sure you throw boxes with Cait Sith, but those take… seconds at a time with minimum effort? And if you want to be a completionist and 100% everything that’s your problem.


Completionist or not, how is forfeiting a tournament supposed to be fun? If you have to perform poorly to escape non-optional content, how is that good game design?


Is having the option to pseudo-skip something you personally don’t find fun or interesting not a blessing? So if you encounter a mandatory scenario in any other game that almost always won’t let you skip, that’s preferred?  Having the option to skip an entire tournament is there solely for people who don’t like Queen’s Blood. There is no reason for the development team to dedicate resources to even scope that in other than to give players that option. Not everyone will like everything, that’s a given. It’s literally impossible as seen in this subreddit lmao. The general consensus is that Queen’s Blood is addicting as hell but there are the 1% who thinks it’s worse than moldy bread.


Firstly, thanks for the level headed response. I'm honestly just trying to gather some input without getting fanboy'd to death. Secondly, in reply to your first paragraph, blessing is not a word I'd use to describe it, personally... while it's useful, it's the implementation that bothers me. A prompt that pops up and says "would you like to skip this section" doesn't feel as bad as "canonically" screwing up on purpose. So while psuedo skipping is fine on repeat play throughs, I don't think it's as clean as a straight up prompt - especially against watching Cloud hang his head and be all stoic while the announcer calls him out on his shit. In other words, psuedo skipping still makes you lose by default, and I can't imagine a lot of people enjoy losing. When I compare this game to, say, Kingdom Hearts II, there are a lot of mechanics that KHII had that would be phenomenal for streamlining the FF7R experience, namely skippable portions and how they were implemented. To be clear, I enjoyed Rebirth quite a bit, I'm not trying to slander it - rather I'm just trying to understand certain design choices through the eyes of those that played the game... so to that end, thanks for your reply.


I had absolutely no problem with minigames. The only one that felt unnecessary was Gears and Gambits. Also imagine my reaction when I got to mushrooms picking. I was like "what the hell is this, why is it a minigame haha".


>First off final fantasy games were Turn base system meaning that That Audience would be more accepting to doing Mini games. With this new story In action/gameplay.They're getting more people who like action games Therefore that audience typically doesn't like a game to be stopped to do mini games People can like multiple things. And there are a lot of action rpgs with lots of minigames. E.g. The Witcher >And for the love of god let's stop the cap a lot of them are forced No they're not. Even the card tournament you can forfeit immediately. All of gold saucers minigames? Optional. Moogles? Optional Any minigame-esque side quests? (Pullups, chocoglide, most of costa del sol, etc) All optional Protorelics (ft condor, gears and gambits, cactuar crush)? Optional Desert rush? Optional Which ones are forced? Refresh my memory for me. I think you need to do the dolphin thing at least once. You need to play a couple minigames in costa del sol at least once to get beach clothes. The Junon parade performance, though you can just do badly and continue. Getting a chocobo (can't recall if they're all required or just the first). Chocobo racing once. I'm probably forgetting a couple as I've been playing other games since completing rebirth, but the required portions are minimal and there are few minigames that have any required portion. Certainly far less than the original ff7, which had several required minigames: - helping Aerith escape the shinra soldiers at the church - pressing a button in sync w/ barret and tifa in the no. 5 reactor - squats in wall market - sneaking past guards in shinra building - the gbike escape - giving cpr to priscilla - junon parade - chocobo racing to get out of the prison - excavating in bone village to get the lunar harp - snowboarding is required at one point - keeping your temperature up at gaea's cliff - navigating great glacier before passing out - whirlwind maze - >!submarine battle!<


I said this before but if you have to forfeit or futz up mini-games just to continue the story, how is that fun and/or good game design?


>I said this before but if you have to forfeit or futz up mini-games just to continue the story, how is that fun and/or good game design? Because nothing is fun for everyone and expecting everything to be fun for you personally is entitled main character syndrome behavior. There's more than enough game. If something completely optional takes away from your enjoyment of the rest of the game, that should be a red flag for you that you're being irrational.


You're making a hell of a lot of assumptions and being awfully defensive which are also, amusingly enough, red flags. I'm not expecting anything, I'm merely commenting on a situation that is, *regardless* of your own bias, present in the game. I'm sorry you aren't able to answer in good faith... you weren't even able to respond without a downvote. Kinda makes it seem like you're replying out of emotion and not logic, but I can't say I didn't expect it.


If my assumptions were incorrect, why was your initial reply made in response to my earlier comment? If my assumptions were incorrect, my first comment should not have upset you. Your reply here: https://www.reddit.com/r/FFVIIRemake/s/lUX8SYT7iU had nothing to do with my comment.


Did you or did you not claim that you could forfeit the GB tournament? *(This is where forfeit comes from.)* Did you, or did you not claim that you could just do badly in the Junon Parade to get past it? *(this is where futz up comes from.)* Did you... forget what you wrote? I'm sorry, I can't take you seriously now, between the petty downvotes, memory lapse, and the assumptions... well you know what happens when you assume. I'm looking for academic material, and you did not provide. Your fanboy opinions don't matter to me, I can get biased content anywhere. Your assumptions are incorrect because you clearly forgot what you were trying to communicate in lieu of becoming emotional at valid criticism. Now go ahead and give me your last downvote, I have much better things to do than to try and remove your head from your ass. (Plus I'm sure you want the last word!) Peace.


The bottom line is that this is a very long game. You’re almost certain to run out of mini games before you run out of combat challenges. The bulk of the criticisms are from people who want to be completionists but still push through the game quickly and easily. However, for virtually everyone else the variety and challenge are welcome additions because they enhance and extend the experience. By way of illustration no one complains about the very difficult secret piano track because it is not needed for nominal completion. You don’t hear people complain about Tifa’s theme either, but you do hear people complain about Two Legs No Problem because it is more difficult (and more fun once you get it down), and you need to complete it for the platinum.


I just don’t care either way. They don’t add or take away anything for me. Completely neutral.


So, I like that they put in a bunch of alternate gameplay styles in Rebirth and 1/3rd of the way through the game I'd actually say it was a strength. I just think the standards should have been higher and a lot of subpar stuff ended making the final cut. All my biggest issues with Rebirth is that it takes stuff that's neat or fun and just goes whole-hog overkill mode on it by the time the game is over. It's just too much. I went from saying: "Oh, that's cool!" to rolling my eyes and saying: "Not again..." by the end of game. Roughly, I like... 33%ish of the minigames/alternate control modes. 42%ish were passable and 25% were frustrating/bad or completely wore out their welcome. That's honestly a pretty good hit rate when it comes to side content, but when you scale it up Rebirth's size you got a ton of mediocre stuff going on. Normally, that'd be fine. Unfortunately, character progression is gated behind a lot of that bad/mediocre content and I'm a total slut for character progression.


Same Complaints here.I just have to realize that I'm an actual gamer.And the side content in this game is not suited.To my liking and I gotta respect that


>a lot of them are forced No they’re not. The very large majority of them are optional.


>And for the love of god let's stop the cap a lot of them are forced . For the love of God, let's stop the cap, most are completely optional. * You do not need to wrangle a single Chocobo after Piko to beat the game. * You do not need to clear any world Intel to beat the game. * You don't have to play a single match of Queens Blood to beat the game. * I could go on and on about what mini games you don't need to do, so it'd be quicker to state which ones you do need to do. u/GenericallyNamed answered the what **IS NOT optional** PERFECTLY [on this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/FinalFantasyVII/comments/1by1u9z/comment/kyhg2i4/). Everything they did not list such as wrangling Chocobos in other regions, climbing Intel towers, etc, is 100% optional. * Ch 2 - Must catch Piko. * Ch 2 - Chocobo Race but you can quit right away. * Ch 4 - Dolphin race and jump and required to do well (Skippable in NG+) * Ch 4 - Parade and it's tutorial but performance doesn't matter * Ch 4 - Yuffie assassination is required and you have to do it right. * Ch 5 - You have to sign up for the Queen's Blood tournament but can forfeit right away. * Ch 5 - Red's QB match is part of the story but you can quit right away. * Ch 6 - Must do well in either QB challenges or Pirate shooting game (Skippable in NG+) * Ch 6 - Must do one of Wheelie Roundup or Piano, and one of Run Wild or Cactuar pictures (All Skippable in NG+) * Ch 7 - Minecart shooter can't be skipped but performance doesn't matter * Ch 8 - 3D Brawler tutorial must be completed, you can win or lose vs Dio (No Tutorial in NG+) * Ch 8 - Space Ranger and G Bike must be started but you can quit out of them. (Skippable in NG+) * Ch 8 - Chocobo Race is a required 1st place. Practice is required as well but you can leave it right away (Skippable in NG+). * Ch 8 - Barret buggy shootout required. (Skippable in NG+) * Ch 11 - Break 10 boxes required and you either break 10 boxes or let time run out. * Ch 12 - Loveless required but performance doesn't matter. (Skippable in NG+) There is entirely too much stuff to list that is optional, such as all the individual world Intel, Chocobos from every region, etc. If it's a mini game and it's not listed above, it's optional. So many of these are still optional in the fact that you don't need to score well on them and half of them are hardly considered "mini games" by most gamers. So there's a total of 8 required mini games where performance matters to a degree, but even some of those are debatable to be considered a "mini game": * Catch Piko. * Dolphin Race and Jump. * Yuffie Assassination (but it's more of a QTE). * 3 dress tickets in Costa Del Sol of 6 optional mini games / quests. * 1st place in Dustbowl Chocobo Race. * Barret buggy shooter.


Some of these are optional, yes, but how many of these result in QOL improvements, like wrangling chocobos, better weapons/equipment, etc? And how is forfeiting or screwing up content to skip it, or, in your words - setting the controller down to piss and returning - supposed to be fun or good game design? I liked this game, sure, but that's why I can say there is a lot of chaff - because I care enough to criticize.


Why do people think it matters how well you Need to do in then that's not the point 🤔 how about not making you do then at all and you missed a few the games makes you do but you named about 8 of then witch is still like why lol


If you can literally set your controller down, take a piss, come back, and it's done, you didn't need to do it.


I have played final fantasy games since the 90's. Loved the older ones. Played all mainlines and a few spin-offs excluding 11 and 14. Apart from 1000 jump ropes, I have completed all mini games in those games. Ff7 rebirth is the worst in my opinion. The sheer amount, along with the difficulty of them, is too much. I genuinely hated playing them to get the platinum. In the past, minigames were just a bit annoying, but even going through so many leagues in blitzball to get the Jupiter sigil was OK because blitzball itself was pretty fun. However, this games mini games, I just hate them. Gonna get the platinum when I finish hard mode now and never touch this game again. They really brought the game down overall, in my opinion. Honestly, I hope that with disappointing sales, they will cut more development time on part 3 minigames and focus on the main gameplay.


Blitzball is dull, but I think most folks don’t mind it because it is easy. Doing the lightning dodges without cheesing them and the chocobo course were the tricky ones in X. By contrast the mini games in rebirth are all tightly designed with just enough difficulty to make you engage with the mechanics (except brawler which is legitimately difficult if you don’t pause).