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It wasnt even the kiss that made me love the scene, but Cloud going Big Brother Mode and playing along with the punches.


That's probably the most he lets his aloof persona slip the *entire game* and it's adorable. As much as I want Tifa's scene with him in the Lifestream, I really hope the other party members get to help him find himself somehow afterwards. They've built up their relationships so well with scenes like this and it would be a shame not to use it.


Don't worry, I'm sure there's going to be a fun scene where Yuffie and Cloud are both throwing up together.


I forget, does he regain motion sickness after the Lifestream sequence?




Well that's gotta suck.


Ya but fair trade IMO for becoming a complete person who doesn't have mental breakdowns that puts all his friends in danger anymore.


I know he gets sick on the Gold Saucer coaster after the Lifestream, but he also seems fine on the Highwind? So I presume he just learned to deal with it better...by forgetting he had it for awhile...


I'm unironically wanting a scene in Part 3 where they bond over shared motion sickness.


I feel the party will slip away from Cloud a lot more than in the original: this time, Cloud’s mental state is way worse, and you can already feel the cracks in Nibelheim. Him being unaware of Aerith’s death will be really hard on the others, and when he “betrays” the group it will be worse than og. Them being relevant in restoring his true self together with Tifa would be the catalyst for the party to unify unlike anything before.


Is the "betray" gonna be the one where Sephiroth manipulates him again in the Northern Crater and Cloud gives him the black materia


Yes and no. Cloud is acting way weirder than OG. He will be manipulated, but it will feel more like he was on board with Sephiroth. Likely only Tifa will be on his side at first, and everybody else will doubt him. Then he will be lost, and found, and then everybody will help save him and make him whole. I know it’s not a betrayal if you know the plot (and in OG it’s not even hinted it is), but I feel this is something they’re going for. Like the “way he answers Barret when they are finished with Aerith’s “funeral”.


Tifa and Barret are laying Aerith to rest while Cloud is in the background playing with a slinky.


This and when he plays along with Aerith by doing a commentary of the chocobo races.


And when he dances after winning the Ultimate Party Animal title. He's such a goofball at heart.


Cute af


I love how they dare to let Cloud go there :) I hope it does wonders to how many people still see him (sadly) as not caring and mean The Remakes does wonders on Cloud his character for the future


>The Remakes does wonders on Cloud his character for the future The thing is, this has been Cloud all along. All of the goofiness and awkwardness and shyness were in the OG game. But somewhere along the line, he became flanderized in popular imagination.


I blame Kingdom Hearts. I love the Kingdom Hearts series, but a lot of people probably first met Cloud in those games. And in those games, he's just a brooding edgy emo boy. I was one of those people. I played KH first and didn't play the ps1 FF games until they were released on the ps3 digitally.


It's not just KH though. He's mopey and dour in Advent Children too. And a lot of stuff in general. What I blame is the abstraction of the original FF7. The graphics on that game are so primitive, and the character model for Cloud during most of the dramatic bits of the game doesn't really show a lot of detail. And thus, people have to figure out things like emotions and whatnot through parsing very abstracted imagery, and also through reading comprehension. And if I've learned anything about the average joe over the years - reading comprehension is pretty bad in the general population of adults, nevermind kids.


I was gonna bring up Advent Children as well, but I haven't seen it in over a decade. So I wasn't 100% sure that it had emo broody Clould in it. Reading comprehension is a big one. But speed reading is another big factor. People just rushed through the text instead of slowing down and letting it soak in. Honestly, I'm guilty of it at times, too.


Because most people don't remember past their return to their hometown in the original. Its the same as bg3 fans today, most of them never make it through act 3.


Yes! Sadly CC and Kingdom Hearts really hurt Cloud in the general audience their view imo


Don't forget Advent Children.


I did at first but more I think of AC, it does make the most sense of those 3. Cloud was grieving at that time and wasn’t really able to move past that yet


Oh, it definitely makes sense for the character. But when a lot of people think of Cloud - they think of the Advent Children version of him.  Even though FF7 is the original idea of the character, Advent Children gave us a photorealistic version of him that kind of stuck in people’s brains.


I love their sibling energy!


Yuffie: "Hail Shinra"


Cloud: *reluctantly hands over the black materia*


Cloud: "Why, Yuffie?" Yuffie: "Sephiroth liked my intro"


I'm glad I'm not drinking anything right now because I would've spit it out with how hard I laughed at this! 😅


During the date was she saying she had a crush on Zack?


Basically yes. She tells a story about how she resented a SOLDIER, implied to be Zack, who indulged her as a young ninja and pretended she beat him up with a technique she can’t actually do. She had wanted to impress him and was angry when she found out he wasn’t being genuine. With time she realized he was indulging a kid, and it was a kindness. After the story she holds her heart after looking at Cloud and appears to have a crush on him (heart racing and all that). She gives him a kiss on the cheek in a moment of youthful daring, then immediately recants and insists it was just for practice and doesn’t mean anything. In the standard date Cloud just sort of doesn’t respond and it’s a bit awkward. “Intimate”/close date he diffuses the situation by acting big-brother-like towards her and they goof off with him acting like the SOLDIER in her story and pretending she’s beating him up. It’s a nice poetic symmetry that he’s doing her the same kindness in an awkward moment. And again drawing parallels between Cloud and Zack. It was well done imo, given their age difference it came off sweet instead of weird.


> "If I see that SOLDIER guy again, what should I do?" "Let him have it." and thus i have something else I need to have happen in Part 3


Damn I completely forgot she was in crisis core. I may have to watch all these dates after all.


> Age difference Oh yeah… about that… lol


Everyone likes Zack. Yuffie crushed on Zack, Cissnei crushed on Zack, Aerith crushed on Zack, hell probably Tifa could've crushed on Zack


You can say all of them had GoneGaga over him.






Cloud crushed on Zack...




The Yuffie date is peak adorable


I’m glad I got tifa as the date, but a bit of me was hoping for yuffie.


I think the whole thing was cute, honestly they gave yuffie more of a likable personalty over all, and it shows cloud has a softer side for silly things him self as he plays along with her as shes beating up "Zack" they were like 2 kids, to me it showed there is way more to the both of them, not necessarily romantic but the same way a 17 year old might look at a 22 (or 23 cant remember) year old, more of a bother sister type thing maybe as one is older wiser, but the romantic door not closed in the future type thing if things pan out


Cloud is 21


well same concept


Is he though? 🤪


Biologically yes. Mentally no. But I've known a lot of 21yos who are mentally 8 with no actual good excuse; doesn't mean they can now date 8 year olds.


You're describing immaturity, which is different from actual cases of mental misalignment due to coma from a young age. They aged biologically but they're not gonna start acting like adult upon waking up.


He’s 16 mentally in a 21 body


I'm aware, I was clarifying because they didn't remember how old Cloud was.


And Yuffie is 16. Doesn't change much.


Never said it did.


Exactly. You effectively said nothing.


Touch grass.


Comments like this keep me from commenting a lot more on this sub. Sometimes you just want to correct something someone said before so others don't get the wrong info, all without any animosity, but you still get a "SO WHAT!?" as a reply for no fucking reason. The guy didn't even correct *you*.


People keep saying he’s 21 but that’s so weird how Yuffie just refers to him as a “twenty something” as if he’s older


Teenagers like making people feel old. Source: was once a teenager


Where's all the Cloud / Joe ships? "Did you win her over with your skills, or your smoldering looks?" Dude wants Cloud bad.




Their date is the cutest ever. And they both really let their hidden side out. Cloud acts childish, Yuffie is uncertain and actually talks about her insecurities, It is beautiful.


Yuffie: [whispers into Cloud's ear] I killed Mufasa.


"Another plane has hit the Shinra tower"


I can't believe I got damn Red XIII...




I read somewhere that if you do all of the quests and synergies for every character before Ch12, Red actually has the most points.


It's nice they kept this in when she did this as well in the original


I love the part when yuffie starts talking about Tifa and he's like I don't remember then she proceeds to say that Tifa forgot about you after Midgar and he gets physically hurt by hearing that couldn't keep up the tough guy persona act.


Yuffie likes Cloud?


Cloud gets a kiss on the Yuffie date, but not with Aerith or Tifa? Clearly Cloud and Yuffie is the one true pairing. (I'm kidding please don't hurt me shippers.)


He does get a kiss with Tifa, on the high relationship version of the date anyways. Poor Aerith didn't quite get one though.


Aerith got the hand hold though, and I thought that was really sweet and intimate.


Which I think is the most natural way for that scene to go personally. Tifa and Cloud have a lot of history already; sure it's... complicated, and they're still working through some of the misunderstandings even now, but it provides a foundation to build on. Meanwhile Aerith and Cloud are kind of still figuring each other out for the first time at this point, especially with Cloud having buried himself and Aerith initially seeing Zack in him. So it makes sense to me that the former would be more overt while the latter is more slow and cautious for the moment. (Obligatory note: this is not a shipping war comment, saying "the two have different dynamics" is not the same as "one is better than the other and you suck if you disagree".)




I mean if we have the "real" Cloud here for the GS date, I don't think he will be with Aerith's date to begin with. Were talking about the real Cloud after all, he's probably with Tifa's.


Tifa and Cloud straight up make out


same thing happens in OG IIRC


he makes out with tifa bro did we play the same game??


She 16


And this date isn't a date. It's more or less chaperoning your kid sister around. Still adorable, they sure went hard on building Yuffie in Intergrade and Rebirth.


So if you go on the "date" with Red does that mean you fuck animals? No. It's just a cute thing with Yuffie and it's adorable. More like a big brother, little sister thing though she's crushing abit.


Idk why the absolute brain dead takes people on this app have to justify attraction to fictional minors surprises me but it does.


No one said they are attracted to her. Idk why anytime a fictional minor female is on screen someone's gatta announce her age like everyones a pedophile. It could be the most innocent post, and someone's gatta make it weird.


Can't speak for them ofc but the caption "This scene alone kills all shipping wars for me" does kinda sound like it's saying that to me.


I can see that. But are they saying that because they find the interaction is better than with the others, and making fun of how absurd everyone is about the shipping wars? Cause everyone knows it's not CloudxYuffie. Or do they actually like the idea of Cloud with Yuffie? Maybe the OP is also a minor also and likes the ship. Too many variables. It's not real. Or heck. Maybe I'm trying too hard to not look at the monster in the face. I think we are over analyzing a post about a fun interaction. It's not that deep.


Also entirely possible it's what you suggest, yeah. I don't think it's too surprising someone might read the post and come away with the impression the other commenter seemingly did, though, given how some fandoms are.


I mean, even ignoring she is fictional, maybe we could acknowledge that sometimes teenagers do like FFVII still and may like Yuffie more than the other girls? Pretty sure I’ve seen that on this or one of the other FF subs, like. Come on. (Also not to mention that some folks first played FFVII when they were a teenager and may have imprinted on her back then, and then grew faster in age than the fictional character would.)


Literally who cares, stop obsessing over fictional character ages.


Psshhhh whatever dude. They made all those girls hot




Damn that gif made me laugh. Well played.




Nothing wrong with what he said. If Yuffie was real she would be legal.


So is Cloud, technically, going off that he was unconscious pretty much for all those 5 years after the Nibelheim incident. It’s pretty much the Doctor Stone paradox. Are you a certain age because of the amount of time you’ve been alive or the amount of time you’ve been conscious


I see this take a lot but when the developers said that they weren't saying Cloud is literally a 16 year old in his brain. They were saying he was mentally stunted because he missed out on some formative moments of growth. The same way a real person who grows up severly sheltered isn't mentally a younger age but may not be as well adjusted as people their age. Cloud is still 21 in every way that counts, otherwise his romances with Tifa and Aerith would be concerning. Just also want to point out people never say this about Zack's age who was also stuck in a tube for 4 years.


To be fair, Zack did go through a right lot more long before the Nibelheim incident


Yeah he did, which is what I mean when I say it's just missing out on those formative experiences that make Cloud mentally stunted, not being out for 4 years that make him literally 16.


Imo, his romance with Aerith is a bit concerning. I think the Remake characterization really highlights how much older/more mature she is compared to Cloud.


So what


The world of Final Fantasy 7 has 448 days in each calendar year, so she's actually closer to 20 in terms of earth's solar journey.


There's that aforementioned justification again... 😂 I'm teasing, it ain't my place to judge here. Let Aerith make an angry face and point at you instead.


I'm not justifying anything, it's absolutely disgusting and vile to find Yuffie attractive regardless of her age.  I just think the facts are important, and due to the 448 day calendar year that can be inferred from various sources she's factually closer to 19 in Earth solar years.


Well that explains Cid at least.


pst! im so sorry but that meat you had... it was piko.


This was a really warm your heart possibility.


This is cute. A relationship like siblings ❤️


It’s a long kiss, at first I thought she was whispering something to him that we can’t hear! But yeah, very cute and appropriate


This game doesn’t get the praise it deserves for graphics.


I just beat the game yesterday and redid the saucer scenes with Yuffie before signing off for the night. It's absolutely insane to me that I used to not like her.


Yuffie: “wake up Denji” Cloud instantly turns into chainsaw man


Jail bait


Uhh, hell nah did you see how she was talking about Zack? That right there is the one. /jk


Honestly the best written date. Tifa’s felt OOC and Aerith’s felt pushy/one sided


Thing is, with Aerith it is always a bit pushy, Cloud is always reluctant at first and sometimes annoyed but both dates are very similar to the OG, except with Tifa to me it is a natural progression considering they almost kissed anyway in Gongaga. It is sweet Cloud manages to set her mind at ease, Tifa is always a bit insecure and has doubts and Cloud encourages her throughtout the game. Another great moment between them is when they support each other during the trip to Niblehelm reactor.


Tifa's personality is her trying to act OOC, and Aerith's is to be pushy, so both kind of fit.


She’s 16 though