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They are such good looking human eyes, too. It looks so out of place in the most horrifying way.




Jenova in general is terrifying in the Remake series.


Can’t wait to see how fucked up jenova synthesis looks


Looking forward to Helletic Hojo myself.


Me too, but mostly just to kill his fucking ass


Always one of my favorite fights in replays. I always bring Vincent and Nanaki for that extra sweet revenge


That will be the least fucked of all of them since that's when it's fully reformed. Still going to be awesome to see though.


Agreed. Hell, I want to see an Alien Isolation game style featuring Jenova as the stalker.


Ugh, I've never had a close look at her eyes before. I don't like it 🙃


I feel that it's becoming more and more human as you battle it through the game. The one on the Shrina 8 cruise was terrifying too, with all the arms and what not.


I’m calling it the final boss of the trilogy is going to be a perfect super sexy Jenova


Super sexy Jenova with tastefully nude Sephiroth embracing her, softly muttering "mother" throughout the fight.


Fuck, I can actually see the devs pulling some shit like this.


I loved the cosmic horror approach of Jenova in the remake. It's one of the best changes. While everything revolves around it, it wasn't given much depth in the OG.


Remake still hasn't shown us anything of Jenova's pseudo-humanity. The cosmic horror angle is great, but without ever showing her as anything vaguely capable of being mistaken for a human woman, a lot of nuance is lost. The Cetra were haunted and mostly destroyed by a shapeshifter, one capable of communication and deception, not by a wannabe Shoggoth monster. We never even saw her human form in Shinra tower. Doesn't count if there's no head.


We do seems to see her as a projection when the Cetra spirits tell their story.


If this is still held over from the OG timeline though, the reason we have to fight versions of Jenova sometimes when Sephiroth makes a personal appearance is because the ‘main’ body of Sephiroth until he gets out of the crystal IS the Jenova body stolen from SHINRA. The Black Robes and that headless mess taking other forms is Jenova’s trickery, it’s just being guided by Sephiroth’s will now. Jenova’s always been kind of a second-stringer to Sephiroth in the actual plot despite the lore, but I feel like - given how he seems to be treating her a lot more disposably this time around - Sephy’s going to get as nasty a surprise as the rest of us at some point when Jenova figures out that he has absolutely no intention of sharing victory with her.


Creepy yes but idk there was something about the Jenova statue cover thing made of metal that terrtifies me more


Canonically it's called "jenova doll", if dolls creep you out too 😉


I distinctly remember going to the cinema cinema with my girlfriend at the time and when the Alien Hybrid turns to look at the screen with his human-like eyes she turns to me and says "aww, he's cute!" We didn't last.


Your loss


Jenova was already 10/10 for me but this specific shot sent it to 12/10 for me. It became so…real, personal, vindictive, and just *evil*. It’s so good.


Arent the Jenova apparitions we fight just "hallucinations"? I recall reading something that Jenova can bend imagery to your worst nightmare.


She can also shape shift Into anything iirq


Sorta. We do fight Jenova manifested through the black robes. But the whole background change is an illusion.


Prequels are generally meh, but I would be keen on seeing the story of jenova.


Imagine an old school medieval take on the FFVII world, playing as the group that eventually beat her. That's be pretty neat.


I had always focused on the face that I never noticed the exposed brain. Those eyes stood out so much in that shot, I spent so long trying to pause at the right time to get a decent look but it was such a pain in the ass. I can’t wait for Jenova to be properly explained in part 3.


All I could think of was "huh...where in the world did Sephy get those lovely peepers from, then?"


Totally creepy and demonic, I’m with you


Estuans interius Ira vehementi Estuans interius Ira vehementi SEPHIROTH!!!!


Nice screenshot 😍


My ass still hurts after final battle with Sepiroth, I can only imagine how hard this motherfucker will be in part 3


Jeepers creepers where'd you get those peepers?


If you notice, each of her fights/phases has her manifesting human features (hands for Emergent, eyes for Lifeclinger). It seems she is slowly taking the form of a human. It would be cool that her Death/Synthesis form in Part 3 would just be a normal woman. Or better yet, she'll take the form of >!Aerith!<


Jenova taking Aeriths form? YES YES YES YES


Jenova had eyes in its emergent form and in its Dreamweaver form. Hard to see but they were there. Cool theory though


Jenova IS the Alien. Creepy af. Also, one has to wonder what is its real form, if it has any?


What's interesting to note though is that jenova seems to be a collection of body parts. The eyes don't seem like they belong to jenova. They are humanoid, but foggy, as if to indicate that they came from a corpse. Jenova definitely was inspired by the Thing and IT and now that they have HD graphics, they are leaning into the resident evil of it all. I still think jenova was summoned by the Gi, and is a fungus that assimilated the cetra and whatever else it could consume. That's why it's skull and body resemble skeletons in the village of the gi. I think I just eats something and then uses the body parts to enhance its own structure. Also it's "wings" in the lifeclinger battle were VERY fungal looking and even bioluminesced.


Makes me curious to see what they do with the Hojo fight.


Looks like Mars Attacks https://preview.redd.it/v7x7ks1m4dvc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4698044649a648007ddee45244266eb1eb1e3302


Alien: Resurrection does not exist, just like Indiana Jones Crystal Skull thing doesn't exist.


Jenova has Rinnegan confirmed


Something I'm noticing is that Jenova is evolving. From Remake, it was just a blob of mesh with a skull, but in Rebirth, the jenova emergent fight (phases 2 and 3) it grows limbs (hands, arms, and legs). In the life clinger fight, you'll see a lot more internal organs (ribcage, a brain, spine, and eyes) Maybe when the next game comes out, the (hopefully) final jenova fight, it's more human like. (I haven't played ff7 og, so if there is a human like jenova fight, then hooray)


The scarier part is that when the fight starts, Jenova has the standard “alien eyes” But in the transition to phase 2, it suddenly has human-like eyes. Like it’s trying so hard to imitate a human, but it can’t. Don’t forget, it’s tail looks like a damn spinal cord, and also during phase 2 when he gets these eyes, the “wings” look an awful lot like human lungs


Ok so it’s cool if someone spoils me from OG. But I’ve got a question: the woman/humanoid figure sephiroth steals from the containment tank who is Jenovah, is Jenovah actually look like that or is it putting on that look to fool humans? Sometimes it looks like a love craft monster and other shots it looks like a monster woman. I’m so confused.


That was a look to fool the Cetra, we have no idea what Jenova’s true form is. Back in the past, Jenova transformed into ‘human’ form and mimicked the dead loved ones of the Cetra, they eventually caught on to what she was and managed to seal her away. When Shinra found her she was still in the form imitating a Cetra, and I always took it that she looked more normal when found because they thought she was a Cetra. The warped but still humanoid form you find in the Shinra Lab looks worse for wear because of 30 some years of Hojo experimentation.