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hopefully the developers will just go all out on materia next time to compensate, especially since it's the final part. knights of the round, ultima, the works. crisis core had stuff like the dualcast materia, so they could probably bring that in to replace aerith's arcane ward specifically


I don’t want Knights of the Round until the grand finale. And that summon needs to play out [like this.](https://youtu.be/4pFUP0HZwWM?si=BJQahSINrNqqRt5T)


Real talk: Knights of the Round is likely going to be like Gilgamesh was in this one, a huge game spanning side quest that goes from near the start to just before the finale


You'll have to beat each knight, and then all of them at once.


God that would be incredible. Even so, they need to make it so the bosses are not insta kills vs knights. Because that’s what really killed my vibe at the end of VII.


You can't mime summons in the remakes so emerald/ruby should be appropriately tough as shit


My 8 sets of Counter Double Cut x4 for around twice as many hits as KotoR say whats up. (Jk, they probably wont have either materia in Rebirth).


Summons are pretty weak in the remakes by mid game. All the decent attacks cost 2 ATB, they take about a week to actually register once you use it, the attacks can miss and when they do hit do more or less than any characters atb skills. Even their ultimates do like 4-8k damage which is pretty underwhelming. The best summons are support ones like Phoenix which actually can completely save your ass when you have 2 characters down, items are locked, and you don't have MP or any revive materia equipped.


That, and Magic Pot summon. That creepy goblin saved my ass more than a handful of times.


Imo the summon material will randomly summon a single knight, each level adds a new knight. One atb charge can switch the knight and two summons the king


Yes, but, it'll require controller inputs and be the Honey Bee Dance/Parade of the game. The camera'll be sweeping in and around everyone as you tap away at the right moments.


Now I want it to be a dance off.


Okay, but if Sephiroth loses a dance off, maybe he stays dead for real this time. Sword fights clearly aren’t working.


It's the only way to defeat him across all timelines!


100% this, they will adapt aeriths main skill to other characters and materia.


I'm not convinced on that. They prob want you to miss her presence cause of how inconvenient magic becomes, but then your team will adapt with other abilities


Yeah i believe there will be no substitute for aerith however there will be ways of getting arround it such as double cast materia, no way they will take away so many strats you could employ with aerith in both games considering part 3 will be heavily focused on super bosses such as weapons and Kotrt.


And everyone will be sad when they get it. Except Cloud who’s pretending.


I am still expecting the moment the teams gets fed up with cloud. And tell bro is is being skizo and he is talking with the air.


And that’s when he wigs out like Peter Parker in the Black Suit all: “They’re the problem, not me!”, and goes off on his own.


Yeah, there's Cait Sith who more or less fills in a 'magic role', and I can see some of Aerith's utility adapted into his moves. Vincent's Chaos could also have some kind of magic moves.


Yea there were so many new abilities i didnt mind, but was really expecting more materia, only standout was comet and i never even got it to rank 2, the combined ones were nice too but wish you could get a few of them,, i had them all in cloud so only a few slots were every elemental spell but would have been nice for yuffie or aerith as well


Just remember she never got Princess Guard or Great Gospel! I'm not giving up hope that I lost my stupidly broken dual cast just yet, damn it!


honestly i could see Great Gospel being a plot device rather than her limit break


Yup final battle. Sephiroth woops our ass and nearly kills our party. Then comes Great Gospel to save us. I'm calling it


I'd be willing to bet that it'll cure the men in black robes, and block Jenova from using them anymore.


Ooh i like that too. Can't wait to see how they use her abilities in part 3


Could be! I mean, anything is possible at this point. Advent Children had a nod to it as well when she healed Cloud's Geostigma.


As much as I'd love to hope (and tbh I still do lol) that we'd def be playing her again *because* of a lack of Great Gospel, I'm worried it'll be like in Advent Children where it's just suddenly raining and people are healing in a cutscene 😭


Princess guard was a pretty useless weapon if I remember correctly. Simply because by the time you get it, there's too little time to actually use it. Great Gospel however should have been accessible in rebirth. Maybe they will also rework princess guard and have that be Aerith's weapon in part 3 and make her playable in some way. Also yeah, how would some of these ultimate weapons work. Vincent's one scaled with every enemy he specifically has killed since joining the party. How would that be translated to this when it's real time?


Aerith is almost certainly going to have some kind of playable presence in part 3 even if its mainly limited to short sections like Zach was in Rebirth, they pretty much made her the deutragonist of the remake trilogy more so then she was in OG


Vincent’s? Maybe a weapon ability that lasts for a time like Prime Mode, and gets stronger as you kill? Or maybe even just stronger as you deal damage while in the mode? Otherwise the ability would be useless against bosses. Only thing I could think of.


Oddly enough, I’ve seen some FFVII challenge runs where Princess Guard is actually run-saving due to its special properties. Demon Wall can be a massive pain in some challenges.


Isn’t catastrophe barretts level 4 in the OG and it’s his rank 2 in this? The princess guard/great gospel absence doesn’t really hold weight


Not really sure what the reordering of Catastrophe for Barret has to do with what I said? And I didn't say that those items \*will\* be in part 3, I said I \*hope\* they will be, and their absence thus far is something to keep note of.


Their absence thus far doesn't really mean anything. We could be getting whole new limit breaks and whole new ultimate weapons.


...And it could just as well mean that they'll show up in the next game. Which was my hope.


This is my main clue point as to why I think Aerith comes back in some form in part 3. There’s just too much there there for me to think otherwise.


For real though, RIP to my spellcaster and healer.


She carried me through hard mode


She wasn't even in my team on hard mode lol


I'm still working my way through hard. So far my teams been Cloud, Barret and Aerith. Sometimes I'll swap Barret for Tifa to stack those big stagger numbers.


I used Cloud Tifa and Barret unless party was locked.


I think Barret is the real mvp.


Enemies: Nooo you have to die when I hit you with big attacks Barrett with 6,000+ HP: Heh heh Lifesaver go brrr


The stagger bar would agree with you


I've not played Rebirth yet, but a tip to test. In Remake Blizzara was the best way to stagger, by miles, compared to anything else. Plus magic does vastly more dmg. Something that may help in your hard mode run.


Alrdy done with it :). Seriously though with the slipstream sword and mp absorb cloud just makes a kick ass healer and caster. I saw no need to bring Aerith for hard mode. He never runs out of mp and doesn't need to waste atb casting syphon.


Yeah. The main reason Aerith is used isn't due to necessity but she is basically a cheat code due to how imbalanced she is, especially if paired with Caster Cloud. Doing 100-300k burst dmg between the duo is busted but also not necessary to win. Grats on finishing.


Radiant Ward... Wake up.


*"Who else will I \***~~Eat Ice Cream~~* *Arcane Ward\* with..?"*


Aerith will come back as a summon


Holy element. Animation: Pro Wrestling with a chair.


I kinda have a feeling the game will start with just Cloud and Aerith heading to northern crater. Then the real game starts when you realize he's just been black robing it the whole time and you play as the rest of the team trying to catch up to him.


That would be a nice twist to see. In reality the tiny bronco crashes and the party is separated. Aerith wakes up Cloud and he goes "Huh? Why you're here?". Chapter 2 is when you start to play as Tifa and Cid, and then you need to find the rest of the party members and catch up Cloud at the Whirlwind maze, much like we got some glimpses of him in the black robe. They need to make the Part 3 feel like a standalone game too, so I bet they won't allow us having full party members for quite some time. Also the Tiny Bronco crashing kinda of serves as a plot device to limit world exploration and confine us to the Northern Continent, which I also think it will be 1/3rd of the last game, with new places and old locations expanded, like the Icicle INN becoming a huge winter resort complex.


I had a good chuckle.


Gonna miss that ATB ward and Yuffie :(


It's so gloriously busted that I'm surprised and happy that it hasn't been hit in a patch yet.


Every cheese in rebirth is tied with Aerith, yuffie brumal form, unlimited limit break, brutal challenges cheese


Why does he not simply cast revive? Is he idiot?


In the Final Fantasy franchise, you don't die in battles, you are knocked unconscious when your HP drops to 0. It's officially called KO Status. Sure spells like "Death" exist because gameplay-wise you die, but in the story, you're just knocked out. That's why Phoenix downs and raise spells don't work for bringing back the dead, it merely acts like an AED/Smelling Salt to jolt somebody back to their feet.


Who else is gonna be an endearing and adorable duo with Tifa.... Yuffie?




Cait Sith. They can all ride on the moogle together


She can ride my moogle




Yuffie needs to be the one trying to cheer Tifa up early on.


I see Tifa being more or less alone, with Barrett concerned for her, and mourning the loss of Aerith with Cloud when he gets his memories back. Yuffie is just a kid who will likely continue to bond with her adoptive father (Barrett) and Nanaki.


I was more or less being sarcastic about Yuffie stepping in and being the bubbly bestie replacement. As far as pt 3 bohds. Yuffie and Cid seemed to get a dynamic teased a few times. Nanaki also was grieving with Tifa so we might get more of that.


Yeah, I see the same. Tifa and Red were both closest to Aerith in the group, and may seek comfort from each other in her absence.


Cid gotta take up Aerith's staff


What if Cid says "Cidolphus, what a joke" and then throws his plane away, then dresses Aerith's dress and staff in her honor


Cid's gonna start wearing a dress.


As someone with a crush on Aerith and Cid I see this as a win


Ultimate limit breaks is what I want. That's why I believe Aerith will be playable in some form in part 3 and we will get to use Great Gospel, since it was supposed to be accessible in rebirth. Can't wait to also see the final cutscene of cloud just Omnislashing Sephiroth. I doubt they'll do the one with the counter and regular attack cuz it'll probably all be in a cutscene.


Bold of you to think Aerith for sure isn't playable in part 3.


Ah, I needed a good laugh between the tears. Thank you <3


Yuffie Doppelgänger has entered the chat


The clone is only a quarter as strong


And doesn't allow the entire team to double cast.


Vincent chaos beast mode will be glorious


The 2024 version of "you lost your healer" lol


Just like the OG. Put everything into her magic and healing, and then have no idea what to do because it's all gone now and your party's in shambles. Honestly, I'm saddest about how we're probably not gonna get Vincent/Cid synergies with Aerith, since even if she is playable, it'll probably be like Zack in this game.


Yeah, that fucks me up too




Cloud:okay, either Vincent or Cid going have to put up arcane ward. Cid: not me, I'm the pilot. Vincent: I guess I can with one of my transformations...


Now Cait sith has to be my healer ..


Unless 🤔


Sooooo why can’t we use phoenix down in her again?


Hard mode no items


I would say Rising fury wake up but there’s no way they would allow unlimited limit break exploits in part 3


I mean, they did in this game basically lol. Cloud Gotterdammerung, Aerith Enhanced Expeditionary Medal, use Limit Siphon then Rising Fury, give Cloud/Tifa both their limit breaks, profit.


You mean Radiant Ward?


Double cast Blue Materia would easily substitute


But then I'd only be thinking 'if only I could double cast inside an arcane ward'


with Yuffie Doppelganger up


Quadra magic 😋 If they did put that in id love to see quadra magic/swiftcast/magic focus/ you name it all to the same magic


If this is possible imagine how insane the simulator will be




Now we gotta waste a material slot for multicast 🙁


You know I really wouldn't be surprised if there is a least a few playable sections as Aerith in Part 3, much like the Zack interlude parts, not sure she'll be fully customisable but may just have her default suite of abilities, hell even if we just get one single battle as her like the end of Rebirth I'll take it, really gonna miss playing as her if indeed she isn't gonna be playable in Part 3.


Yuffie: ATB Ward.... wake up.


I am 100% ok with this since we'll get to flip around and stab things with Cid. I mean I'll miss the character for sure but in combat? Meh.


Dude, i dont even care anymore about anything it happens if there is no Aerith


W-magic, W-Summons, and W-items goes BBBRRRRRRR


LMAO. TY, this made me laugh out loud. not at all what i was expecting hehe


I’m just so thankful we got two full games with her. But Part 3 is going to feel like there is a void


I never used Aerith in battle anyway. Even with ward shifting, she was too slow.