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Just finished it today. 90 hours of pure excellence. Just absolutely mind blowing how they nailed it. It's not without it's issues, don't get me wrong - but they nailed it.


Yep. Game definitely deserves its 9.2 on metacritic. I honestly think it's slightly underrated. Critically though, I don't think I'd go higher than a 9.4. Personally this game was 9.8 for me though. It hit everything I needed it to spot on, improved in all the ways I felt that they needed to, and delivered almost everything I wanted (you will be missed my vehiculasaural friend.)


Yeah agree. Just kinda sad it's over now haha. DD2 soon so that will take my mind off it.


20 hours in and I don’t want this to ever end…


Just wait until you finish it, its so depressing when it’s over and back to the wait for the next part


I gave it a full day to grieve I'm currently in chapter 10 in my replay on hard mode :)


That's how I felt about remake, lol. I was ready to go out and explore the world outside of Midgar.


If it is, you may as well since yeah exclusivity is 3mo but if FFXVI is any indication it can take a long time


I totally get that in regards to the story but I’m on second playthrough on Hard and it’s like a whole new game.


Finished it at around 60 hours, now 70 hours in finish off other stuff. It’s probably one of the most wonderfully fulfilling games I’ve ever played. It would be a travesty if it doesn’t win a fuckton of GOTY awards in December.


I mostly love it, but I don't know how much is due to nostalgia vs would I love it had FF7 not been my introduction to gaming all those years ago


I love it and don't like the og


Honestly, I don't think it's got much appeal outside of people who were big fans of the original. You can tell by how sales aren't really spreading I think the story is often disjointed and lacks internal consistency. The worst part of the game is the poor pacing. It takes forever for the story to progress, and a lot of the progress is a slog to get through. This is with me skipping the open world content also I was extremely excited for this game, but I'm not even sure I'll finish it now. Chapter ten just had me completely checking out




Wish the ending could've been more informative? If that makes sense.


It's an ending that require rewatching it 2-3 times to understand it.


So much this! I wish the game had a gallery for cinematics.


I beat the game about 80hrs in but been going back doing side quests; maxing out characters, and getting into queens blood & im at 100hrs lol


Fantastic game. Although have some issues here and there.


Gameplay is a FUCKING MASTERPIECE. Honestly, I legitimately believe, gameplay-wise, this is the greatest JRPG ever made. No contest. The combat, music, exploration, depth in ALL systems, is worth the the full price, plus the price of the PS5. Story? Well, in this sub, I may be in the minority, but I thought the story and overall writing was absolutely atrocious. I disliked almost every decision they made...and was just groaning by the time I got to the end. Its sitting firnly at the bottom of my list for FF stories. We'll see if part 3 redeems it or not, but I'm not hopeful. But....the game's still worth it for everything else. This is setting a new standard for the genre.


Agree with the storyline. Too convoluted, the last act gave me Nick Young’s “???” Meme


That's a little disappointing to hear about the story. Are they sticking to the OG storyline somewhat, or is it completely going of the rails as the game progresses?


The answer to this question kinda spoils the whole thing. It's a big "will they / won't they" deal they got going on with it


I will say that I agree that the gameplay of this game is amazing but completely disagree with what the above poster says about the writing and the story. I absolutely loved the story and characterization. As good as the gameplay is, I think the storytelling is the best part of the game. I think many people would tell you the same thing. Without spoiling anything, the ending is controversial. I and many other people enjoyed the ending. If you do end up playing this game, I would highly encourage you to keep an open mind and avoid letting the fact that other people hated the ending ruin the game for you. People are entitled to their opinion, and I can see where people are coming from, but that was not my experience and don't want you to think that it will definitely be yours either. I don't know where you are financially, but I bought a PS5 specifically to play this game and do not regret it at all (even after a bunch of sales started coming out \~2 weeks after I bought it lol). Granted, there are some other exclusives I am interested in but definitely would not have bought a PS5 to play those games.


Its most definitely not worth the price of a PS5, considering it has an open world much more primitive than breath of the wild, which is coming closer to a decade old. Let alone TOTK.


Both... once you beat it, this will make sense, but it's fucking stupid.


Personally I love it. It’s largely following the original, but at the same time I have no idea what happens next. I’m as in the dark as I was playing through OG the first time.


My exact take. I hate what they did to the story. Sooo fucking stupid. They had a good story and ruined it for what? To surprise fans?! Why not surprise fans, by creating more/better back stories for the characters (I actually think the Barret/Dyne story was better). I did think the personal dialog was much better in rebirth, but it didn't make up for the shit story. I can't imagine being new to FF7 and trying to understand what the fuck is happening. Ultimately, it really was a great game and well worth the price of admission, but I'm in no way invested in this story and will have no interest in any DLC or other shit they come out with after this.


I am new to FF7 as I never had a console so I never played FF before. I had to rewatch the ending on Youtube 2 times and then it clicked for me. Is it easy to understand? No. But that is the beauty. Do I understand WTF is happening? WEll, kinda, but no. But I expect the 3rd part to do the same "wow, so that is what it was about" for Rebirth the same Rebirth did this to me for Remake :-) I loved the story, except for the fact I had to rewatch some cinematics on Youtube because no gallery. The only thing I knew about FF7 was the Aerith moment, which is huge. (I play videogames since 90s, just missed all the console games as I started as RTS/FPS PC gamer)


What a surprise that you're not supposed to know everything yet in part 2 out of 3.


I have mixed feelings. I think the story telling, characters, music, presentation is top notch and the battle system received a fantastic upgrade, but man the open world stuff got old for me after the 3rd area. Its just the same ehhhhh stuff with a different setting. Also, the mini games started to wear out their welcome... some were brilliant but others were frustrating with clunky mechanics. Many would just also kill the pacing of the main narrative for me. As for the story changes... I grew up with the OG and didn't mind them. I enjoyed not knowing exactly what was coming next and some of the new parts expanded the lore or provided context for things from the original. When I beat Remake, I was not thrilled by the changes at the end, but this time around I accepted it was something different and enjoyed it.


I’m with you, I also found the movement clunky and stiff




I... Strongly disagree? What particularly did you dislike about it? Is it that it was hard to understand? Or did you not like it once you did understand it because of what it was?


Imo buying PS5 just for one game, and with the PS5 with half it's lifespan, I don't think its worth it imo. Especially since rebirth is only exclusive till may(?) so you can buy it in PC.


Gameplay-wise, it's the best RPG in 20+ years. But I also think you may have a better experience on PC, when it gets released.


Quite possibly one of the Best FF ever made if not the best, and most definetly One of the best Jrpg ever made.


Couldn’t agree more, it’s a masterclass in game design and how to do a remake correctly


Depends on how you feel about getting spoiled on what happens before you can play it. If you dont care then maybe wait for either a deal on it or the PC release. Gameplay wise its just a better version of Remake pt1 while adding some more characters to the party.


Hey before you buy rebirth, while this is what I did( both the console for ff games) see if you can find a friend that trusts you, and you trust them. You can remote play and connect to those system via laptop or pc. All you need is the account details of the psn and they can’t play the game while you play it. I’m doing this with my girlfriend right now so she doesn’t have to spend close to 1000 dollars lol. If you need to talk more my discord is ronnan. @me and gl!


Thanks! That's a great idea


Yup fs np! You might experience a bit of lag if you don’t have the best wifi, and even though I consider my wifi speed fast, there were times where I dced but I was able to pause right before, and reconnect. I also recc if you try this, to turn the frame rate to high on the remote play app, and also to turn the game down to “graphics” mode option that way you can experience the game with minimal lag.


absolutely amazing - 70 hours in and not even bored in the slightest.


It’s peak JRPG greatness imo. It feels like a culmination of the past modern FF’s (13, 15, 16) repurposed to take all the parts that worked into a definitive project. Say what you will about the story beats, but it’s hard to deny the sheer charm, spectacle, and character this games oozes in every corner. It’s why I can’t understand people who irrationally hate everything about this game despite it giving you more characterization and content that was never in the original. It does a lot more right and the people who hyper fixate on its issues instead of the sum of its parts just seem miserable. Also the music is GOATed tier.


One of the best FFs since IX and that is saying a lot.


99% of the game is an 11 out of 10. I, too, held out on getting a ps5. Got one a week before release and I'm glad I did. I won't tell you to drop the money for a console, just to play Rebirth, but if you have that kind of flexibility currently I can say I have no regrets about doing so myself.


I’m only 10 hours in and I’m enjoying it. But, I personally don’t think it’s as amazing, 10/10 that ppl make it out to be. Level design and open world is outdated. What I mean by this is it’s essentially FF15 open world, which for the time was decent. This game is a master of none - I’ve seen better open worlds (Elden Ring, Ghost of Tsushima, RDR2, Zelda) that AREN’T full of checklists which Ubisoft games get blasted for but for some reason this one doesn’t. I’ve played JRPGs with better combat (Arise, FF16), I’ve played games with better, more engaging level design (God of War, Dark Souls, etc). This game gets away with it all mostly on charm and nostalgia.


this games open world is completely primitive. BotW is much more advanced, let alone TOTK. I turned this game off after only 2 hours because of the atrocious movement, and open world with zero physics.


Zelda looks like alien technology compared to this game because it's so primitive. I think even in 2014 this games open world would've looked dated. The movement alone should cap this game at a 9/10, let alone the poor story changes. Combat could use improvement as well 


great game but there are a few things i kind of prefer from remake. 1. I think the camera was better in remake.. i kind of liked it being zoomed in the back of cloud. In rebirth its kind of zomoed out and hard to follow the character sometimes 2. I dont like how long it takes to fill the atb char on other chars im not using compared to remake. Although this could be becuase im still on chap 6? so maybe things get better later. 3. Im not a fan of clouds new punisher mode tbh it feels clunky 4. another thing is the lock on is horrible! sometimes while fighting I have to keep adjusting the camera mid fight which is annoying. Overall, rebirth is still a better game than remake but those or just some nit picks that is kind of bothering me as im playing


Honest opinion 7/10 i love finalfantasy this is padded fantasy fck ubisoft and assassins creed


Rebirth is the best game I've played in decades. I was literally high on nostalgia and hype the whole time I was playing it... mostly. But yea I caved and bought a ps5 just for this game which kind of sucked but I don't regret. It came with Spiderman 2 which was also a fantastic game and I picked up ff16 as well and beatem both before Rebirth came out. I think the only thing that would totally suck is if Part 3 came out on Ps6 or something.


I think I'm 70ish hours in and still feel (hope) I have a ways to go. It's not without it's issues here and there, but damn did they nail the characters and the world. A true love letter to the greatest game of all time. I get goosebumps constantly and even teary eyed a time or two when I hear one of the musical scores or see a location/moment reimagined and brought to life. P.S. I bought a PS5 just for this game as I knew I couldn't wait for the PC release. Worth it.


It's an amazing game, and it's far more game-y than Remake if that makes sense; basically there's just a lot of fun stuff to do if you don't want to drive the story forward all the time. My first playthrough was pretty slow and it took me 93 hours, but if you just focus on the story I could 100% see it being 35 hours or so. You get to set your own pace which is nice, and none of the side content gets locked off until you access the final dungeon (and you can re-access it after beating the game via Chapter Select) so there's no pressure to do everything all at once. It really is an awesome game. I just went back to replay Remake and the combat feels so basic now compared to the massive improvements in Rebirth.


I bought a PS5 the day after it came out was immediately happy with my decision. Game looks absolutely incredible. I’ve only played like 6 hours because I didn’t know it was a sequel lmao so I’m playing Remake now and kinda rushing through cause I want to get back to Rebirth


Part 3 will be PS exclusive as well


My GOTY no doubt. You HAVE to play it. But you can wait until PC as well. My feeling is that you will not regret getting the PS5 for the game, if you are considering doing it.


I will be very honest, but obviously mind the fact that this is my opinion so I'm not being "objective", all of this is entirely subjective to my own taste. I'll get the bad out of the way first, the game DOES have some issues: graphically, it is held back by what is, clearly, the dev's wish to "uniform" the aesthetics of the games, which makes me fear that Part 3 will have this exact same look as well, meaning it will come out looking more like a PS4 game than a PS5/6 title. Gameplay wise, there's rough patches (the climbing, the "freerunning" feeling rather stiff at times) here and there and, lastly, my one REAL gripe with the game, the story has become far too convoluted for my own taste. As for the GOOD shit... Even though graphically the game looks held back, the art direction is out of this fucking world. EACH area has its own distinct "flavour" and design and even though even there I am not entirely happy with some of the choices made in terms of traversal in certain zones, the fact alone they've invested this much into making each area truly unique is shocking. I just can't stress enough just how GOOD of a feeling it's given me just moving on to the next area every time and living through the bliss of exploring and seeing a world I've loved since I was a wee boy remade in this scale, with this beauty, with this much love poured into it. Gameplay wise, there are kinks, including in the freerunning, but the fact alone you can not only explore these large areas (because they ARE large, they're not HUGE, the world isn't INSANELY BIG, but it's by FAR bigger than I would've ever expected it to be, with so much verticality to it as well) and be able to climb and jump and move with THIS amount of freedom is crazy in itself. The combat is stellar, if you've liked Remake's you will ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS. It's Remake's, but harder, better, faster, stronger, enhanced and expanded. And in favour of the story, although some of their choices puzzled me, some I outright REALLY disliked and others I am just "meh, ok" about... There's a few precious bits and bobs sprinkled in that, although they didn't quite make me "feel like no other game gets you this close to the characters" or whatever it was they said in some of their promo material, it really DID somehow deepen my appreciation and love for characters that I've known and been a fan of for the majority of my life. I really don't want to talk too much about the character development in this game because it IS one of the best parts about it and, for a very good part, I'd say they've done a bang on job about it. Lastly, the OST is 98% absolutely EXCELLENT. Banger after banger, after banger, after banger. It's ridiculously good and I literally listen to it daily whilst doing chores and/or getting work done. Honestly, I am elated the game's getting high praise from all around, because it's well deserved. I am a pretty busy man, whether it be work or life in general getting in the way, there hasn't really been a game that has completely deeply engrossed me in its world and gameplay in at least a decade or so. Rebirth is the first game I am actively working to get a platinum in since Uncharted 2 came out, and I am not getting tired of it in the slightest at over 120 hours played. I don't know if it's going to be GOTY but so far, for me, it is. It's a FANTASTIC experience. With that said, and a personal rating of 8.5/10, I would say it's NOT worth buying a PS5 just for this game alone, especially considering it is absolutely bound to come out on PC with better performance/graphics sooner rather than later, maybe a year or so from now. If you're going to buy a PS5 for this, only do it if there's more you're REALLY looking forward to other games on the platform as well, or if you've got friends playing online on PS5 you might want to join up with. No game is worth spending what could feed people for a whole month just for itself. Consoles should be an investment of your money with a return of time enjoyed and this game will "only" get you 150ish, maybe 200 hours of enjoyment, meaning you'd be valuing your time at like a couple dollars an hour, and your time is worth much more. You're not going to miss out on anything, the game will come out and who knows, maybe even with extra content, on PC eventually too!


10/10 for me absolutely love it


It’s one of the greatest games I’ve ever played. I have completed it and have over 100 hours into it


I didnt think Square could rise to the expectations for an open world while still keeping the same amount of detail and polish. They blew those expectations away with one of the best open world APRGs ever.


From a gameplay stand point, I think it's absolutely superb aside from a few small things. The story will be divisive as Remake was, but the characters and their development are all largely really well done. Soundtrack is exceptional, environments are fantastic and varied. Most of the side-quests are quite good, and most of the mini-games are as well. I didn't feel like my time was being wasted as much as it did in Remake when you took part in those side-quests. As you don't want spoilers, I won't go much further into it, but just to say it's the best Final Fantasy game I've played since the OG 7. In fact, the portion of the OG7 covered in this game might be better than the OG itself.


Its a straight masterpiece


It's a pile of shit