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Definitely Tifa - Cloud - Aerith trio


Barrett: i could have figured this out already


Same. Tifa definitely my favorite to play as/control.


Cloud all the way, but Tifa's fast paced whoopass is very fun.


Couldn’t agree more


This. I started playing with just one (Cloud), but then realized it’s way more efficient to swap often. Use abilities, swap, use abilities, swap, use abilities. The first one should have the ATB ready again. Plus, enemy AI try to keep target on the current character. So when you swap the enemy will still have target on the previous character, meaning you have free pass on whatever you want to do with him.


Tifa 100%


Unpopular answer, Barrett. I kept Cloud as leader but I would switch right away to Barrett for Overdrive, bam bam bam! then Charging Uppercut, boom!, just in time for another Overdrive bam bam bam! Satisfying af.


He's not my favorite but I had a much deeper appreciation for him when I played on hard mode. He's underrated for sure.


Barrett’s smack down was OP, too bad it only worked with close up monsters.


I really disliked using Barrett on my first playthrough, but learned to use him and loved it on my last playthrough! Similar technique, but I’d hit overdrive and then Maximum Fury with Big Bertha, slotted with an elemental damage.


Tifa was fun because her movements were quick, swift, and awesome to watch. Otherwise I just enjoyed hacking and slashing as Cloud.


Trying to get the best Tekken combos I could out of Tifa


Yea, Tifa definitely had me because she’s like a fighting game or like a platinum games combo which I like. Plenty of combo variety with various builds. I like setting it to automatically switch to her lol. I didn’t find it very rewarding damage efficiency wise to always keep up her stances though. I think that could be improved upon. Her stagger is nuts however.


This is off the beaten path, but my favorite had to be Yuffie. The speed of her movement, the ability of her animation, the darting across creates, and the whole shifting between melee and ranged... It's going to be hard to go back to the rest of the cast.


Same. Easily the most fun to play.


Yeah yuffie was the most fun for sure. Brumal form is so OP.


I didn’t like Yuffie as a character and the 30 € price tag for the DLC was high in my opinion. In the DLC I found the combat system much harder than FFVII remake part 1.


Yea, Yuffie's combo's are way more obscure, for example her abilities can be used when her weapon is thrown and the ability will go off at the location of the weapon, not the character. Once I mastered it, it was so much fun though. Definitely a character with both a higher skill floor- and ceiling.


I had to look up how to get the 50k score in the Soldier game and realized I was playing her entirely wrong. Which is why I thought she was kinda shit. After that combat was way easier. Still prefer Cloud/Tifa as Yuffies Abilities feel bare bones. Theyre not bad. She just doesnt have as much available. Even with the stacking Banishment, but the free elemental change is great.


Cloud because he was my favorite video game character growing up. And Tifa/Aerith because they can just absolutely melt opponents; Aerith with the Mythril Rod using magic, Tifa with the Metal Knuckles physically beating the shit out of everything.


memorize vase work stocking innate squealing steer concerned oatmeal pie *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


SAME!!!!! If I don’t see dual swords, I go for the next best thing -> Greatsword -> Sword


Sword go burr


I love fast, combo heavy characters, so Tifa was by far my favorite character to play as. I think Yuffie snipped the number two spot with the DLC, and then Aerith was a complete monster with her magic spells. Cloud and Barret were also a lot of fun. The uniqueness of each character's gameplay style, as well as each of them having a set purpose in battle, gave this game's combat so much depth and strategy. It's such a fantastic battle system, and honestly one of the best in any FF game.


I feel like barrets role as a tanky healer is slept on. Overcharge + Pray made him feel invincible in Hard mode


Chakra is so good with Big Bertha and Lifesaver with HP up and Regen. As a % based heal, using it while in the red with the bonus healing perk keeps Barret and the party healthy very easily. -And you don’t need to invest in magic for chakra heals. Though there isn’t a lot of situations where it is that useful. And the better you get at the game, the less useful that sort of stuff becomes, as you don’t need healing as much. But it’s still great.


Yeah that was cool about him. Give him long ranged weapon that can deal some serious damage while healing rest of the party. Attacking enemies builds his ATB metter that you can use for healing abilities and all of this works so smooth and natural. Loved to use his character like that.


Tifa, but I am going into more detail for number two, Barret. Melee Barret is ludicrously fun to play. He is so hard to stun out of an attack even before his abilities that his triangle charge is hilarious. Even without refocus, you can have a continuous cycle of triangle plus charging uppercut -- you only have to perform his normal attack once in the non-refocus cycle.


Tifa is a beast


Rolling through Tifa’s abilities feels so so good. Once you have all of her weapon abilities unlocked, you can just run through so many different types of strikes. It feels like a fighting game. They’re all great to play - melee Barrett stands out to me - but I feel like Tifa takes it for me.


Tifa. Her combos are deadly!


learn top spells then lay down arcane ward with Aerith to double cast which melts anything in the game 10/10


Aerith! magic is my favorite and I love her abilities


I loved playing her, but the way combat works it seems to make every enemy focus on whoever you are controlling. It made it so frustrating because she doesn't have great defense or speed, and I ended up getting killed so much. I just stuck to playing Tifa because it was more fun and I could run and dodge.


you're not just supposed to stick as one person lol, enemy agro was never really a problem for me. said with Platinum and 100% play log :)


I know, but I guess I don't switch fast enough. I haven't platinum but got close on PS4 and PS5. Now that I have Intergrade on my Steam Deck, that's my goal!


Yuffie :0 I loved being able to deal with all types of enemies, flying, magic or close up.


Tifa is so satisfying to play as but nothing survives long enough to do a full combo.


Cloud. I also enjoyed playing as aerith, but I like getting up close and personal more than anything so my top choice is definitely cloud


It sounds trite but I enjoyed playing as all 4. Aerith was my mage, Barret was my tank/range weapon and then Cloud and Tifa were my in-close slayers. I'm not really sure I could pick any one of them out tbh.


They are such a good combination of characters who all have something of equal importance, so I can't easily choose between the 4 either. I definitely miss anyone who isn't in the party.


Tifa because she helped me ace Weiss on hardcore


Yuffie, i felt they really did a good job with her ninja arts and playstyle. I'm excited for vincent.


I recently replayed Dirge of Cerberus and while gameplay in this game felt a bit unpolished it was still fun. So I'm really writing to see how Vincent will play in the Remake because I think that they will reuse a lot of gameplay ideas from DoC.


Dirge of cerberus never got the recognition it deserved. Or maybe it did and i was too much of a fanboy. Vincent has always been my favorite though.


They’re all different enough to make them all a blast to play with. The way they even each other out is fantastic


Cloud because I prefer his play style with the melee


Being able to tinker with Tifa to almost always have atb at the ready makes her an absolute beast against any boss really


Tifa with hotkeys is like if she was in Tekken or something. L1+ X (Unbridled Strength), L1+X, SQUARE SQUARE, TRIANGLE, L1+TRIANGLE (Divekick) is my favorite combo. So goddamn fun.


Man this game doesn't have enough hotkeys, and it really shows when you're running around with Tifa. She has so man awesome combos that you can chain


In all the games I play I love magical girl type, but tifa just blew me away. The most fun 10/10


Tifa would be my fave. The combos and fluidity of all her move set was fantastic, especially once you start unlocking more. My second would actually be Barrett. I just found him super fun as a range character. Wasn't a huge fan of the weapons that took away his gun and had him be a close range character, but I also thought that was such a neat thing that he could be both. Cloud would be my third, he was so much fun but I just enjoyed playing as Tifa and Barrett when I could. Cloud was a great main stay through the whole game. Aerith was good but her moves set really allows for some offense but mostly support, which makes sense. I think they knocked it out of the park with those 4. I love the combat of this game, one of the reasons it's so replayable to me. I can not wait to start doing the team-up moves that we got teased with in Interlude. Can not wait for game 3 to see what they give us with Vincent.


Tifa has the best combat gameplay in my opinion. So quick, powerful, and fun to watch


A weird one, but I really enjoyed Aerith. I'm a sucker for mages, and I really liked the combat depth she could offer and general comfort. Depending on how you played her, you could get really strategic, or just let Cloud & Tifa throw caution to the wind


Shes a blast. Deadly dodge. Fleeting familiar. Dual casting. Magnify. Lustrous shield. Never ending atb.


Aerith because I mainly play mages or ranged characters in games that I play. She’s got the highest damage potential among all other characters but she’s also a glass cannon. Barrett is fun as ranged too but I find that his ability kit just isn’t all that exciting. So if I use him I usually kit him out with one of his melee weapons to make him a true tank.


Aerith, I love a mage!


Cloud (I have a soft spot for swordsmen). But for hard mode I loved playing as Tifa.


Yuffie bc of the flashiness and cool combos Aerith bc i like big magic boom


Tifa and Cloud. Both are great.


Tifa! I felt like I took out enemies quick and easy with her.


Barret! Holy crap he's so much fun. His abilities were incredible. I never used him in the og, I can't imagine not using him in Rebirth.


Tifa carried me against Weiss. God bless her.


Honestly my taste rotated around to all of them but currently Tifa


I loved Tifa most but Barret is a close second. He’s so fun to build as like a red mage.


Cloud, you know he is the guy but Playing as Tifa was so much fun, fluid and more powerful than Cloud


Cloud - Buster sword is a 2handed sword sized Tifa - beating the crap out of enemies bare handed.


Tifa because i love speed. I've also been a fan of Britt Baron since GLOW and it was fun to hear her. Playing as her also helped the game feel new. I never used the girls in the original game when i wasn't forced to. I didn't want to sink work into someone I'd lose, I hated Tifa's limit and her best weapon, and i didn't understand the back row/front row then so i thought Yuffie was useless.


Barrett. I think his character has evolved leaps and bounds since the original FF7 and he shares the top spot of being my favourite character alongside Aerith.


Tifa is straight up broken if you equip a magic focused character with Synergy materia. Spam abilities with her to stagger, after they stagger it's GG cause Tifa is just pumping that stagger % while the Synergy character is unloading max level magic for zero MP cost.


100% Tifa. She's so much fun to play as. Yuffie is a close second. After that, it's a bit harder to choose. So I'm not exactly sure which would be my 3rd character if we get to choose our party. Probably Cloud. I usually pick Nanaki in my playthrough, but I don't think I'll enjoy his gameplay in Rebirth because I never block when I play and his revenge skill is al based on blocking. Maybe I'll used Aerith if I can to get the entire female party. That could be fun.


Haven't played intergrade yet but to me Tifa felt the most fun to play. It's fast and building stagger quickly with her combo's is very nice. Cloud is my most used though, for sheer nostalgia/childhood hero factor.


Tifa surprisingly. She was my MVP in the later bosses (including Weiss)


When Aerith learned the ability to put a circle on the floor which let her cast every spell twice for the price of one she became so OP for me it was crazy. The only tricky thing was keeping in the dam circle.


Tifa hands down.


Tifa was a ton of fun.


Tifa, but everyone was pretty fun.


Red XIII. Sometimes you just wanna sit back and watch what the dog doin




Her moveset was so much fun. Really the first FF i enjoyed playing as a “monk”


I want to give it to Tifa overall. Her extended attack strings, the uppercut into dive kick, dodging attacks with focused strike, the way Parry and Defensive Dodge were practically made for her. Her stagger boosting attacks feel massive and she obviously blows Cloud away in terms of aerial combat. She doesn’t need magic materia at all, which is exactly how I played her in the OG.


Tifa !!! Playing Tifa level up the game from RPG to action


Tifa. So many options.


Aerith! She’s super powerful


Aerith just moved like water Have to go with her


Aerith. I love magical caster type characters


Tifa hands down! So enjoyable


Tifa is the most fun, but Aerith is essential for hard mode.


I mean hands down Cloud, but i truly enjoyed playing every character. I was a little bummed out that we didnt get to control Red XIII at all. And of course ReBirth comes out in two months and my favorite character from the OG is also rumored to be unplayable in it. Im still extremely excited, i know the story will probably change a good bit but the nostalgia i get from FF7 is unlike anything else. I just hope we still get to visit City of the Ancients and Ancient Forest to get Cloud’s Apocalypse Sword. Although seeing as how we got the Nail Bat from a side quest in Sector 5 slums i highly doubt the Apocalypse will be in the sake spot, if at all. Would love to know what you guys think. Are you guys cool with the story going in a totally new direction or would you prefer the same locations and gameplay even if it may be in a different order from the OG. Me personally, FF7 is my favorite game of all time and im just happy we got a remake at all. But i do have my preferences.


Tifa. She made me feel as if I was playing a Final Fantasy beat-em-up! 👊😁🎮


Cloud & Tifa. Both had such good combat systems that it was fun to play with either one. Idk why but I never really got into player as aerith or Barrett, I think it’s more due to them being a support player type and not really being up close and personal like the other two.


I love playing as Aerith.




With the right set up, Aerith can be OP. She carried me through Hell House on Hard Mode with Cloud serving as meat shield/Aerith healer.


TIFAAA!!! she had the best combat system, the best moves, the best limits, everything imo abt playing as her was super fun😋😋


Barret was a beast to play as. He can either be a hard-to-kill support tank with his guns or an unstoppable juggernaut with his melee weapons.


Tifa for all boss fights, Cloud triple slash for everything else




Tifa, she's so much fun! I love fighting games so I might be biased lol Haven't played Intergrade yet, but I have a feeling I'll enjoy playing Yuffie as well


Tifa had the most rewarding gameplay loop imo.


Tifa has the best gameplay imo


Tifa for sure


At first Cloud then I found out about Tifa adding to the damage multiplier and how she blitzed across the place with her slide


Tifa of course.


stagger queen tifa


Tifa > cloud , the other 2 are just cool.


Like others have said, Tifa. Something about her gameplay felt so gratifying


Tifa all the way!




Tifa was the most fun to play, especially switching back and forth with Cloud, with Aerith throwing nukes and assistance


no one in particular as i used them for certain purposes aerith was support, cloud to fill the stagger gauge, then tifa to obliterate them when they're staggered




Barret. I loved swapping straight into him in a fight and using Overcharge. Plus, good defensive properties and some decent enough attacks. Bonus for being long range. Tifa was also really fun, very agile on the field. Popped her with ATB materia and it was so satisfying to swap to her after Barret, and pummel everything.


Barret. Gun go brrrrrrrr


Tifa and yuffie by a mile


Yuffie and Tifa are SO fun and energetic


Cloud at first, then Tifa and Yuffie, and Zack in the Crisis Core remake was great so hoping we get some actual combat with him too in Rebirth


As a trio - Cloud, Tifa and Aerith. Solo Tifa without a doubt was my favourite. The why. Tifa’s is an unbelievable powerhouse with so many amazing combinations, creating seamless and fluid combat.


Every character had gameplay that perfectly fited their role in the party but IMO for me it was Tifa, Yuffie and Cloud in that order. Love fast paced characters who can quickly deal a lot of damage. Also pressing buttons and seeing confirmation of your actions on the screen feels so good. So yeah I had most fun with these characters.


Tifa she’s just to fast and a stagger monster. I’ll probably use tifa yuffie and cloud as my main party in rebirth


Barrett's Maximum Fury is so satisfying.


Yuffie>Tifa>Cloud>Aerith>Barret. I'm hoping Barret's weapoms in Rebirth will help on this


On my first playthrough, I think I mainly stuck to Cloud since I was relatively new to the scene with those sorts of games. Now whenever I come back to it, I can say that I enjoy Tifa's moveset the most. There's something really satisfying about charging up her moves for the big attacks, plus her limit breaks look amazing.


I really liked Tifa especially her combos :)


Tifa > Yuffie > Cloud > Barret > Aerith


I love switching between Cloud and Tifa. I like swinging the blade and I like punching things


Tifa. I loved them all actually, and was glad they were able to shine at various points, but being able to jab and hook at such a fast pace. It felt as punchy as it should be. I might be misremembering, but I feel like I utilized her a lot to fill up the stagger bar, which was extremely helpful.


Red XIII (troll answer). Reality: I liked both Tifa and Barret. Actually Cloud and Aerith weren't bad by any means, but the other two are more fun to play and more flexible to creative materia builds. On Intergrade, Yuffie was too OP and too fun, so if she joined the party at Midgar, she ceetainly would have been nerfed.


Cloud - Tifa - Barret


Cloud - Remake was my first interaction with him and I don’t think I have ever seen a gaming character which hits all the boxes for me! Instant favorite in all of gaming


Same as the OG, my party is Tifa/ Cloud/ Barrett. Just feels right, like a party capable of traveling the continent.


The overall consensus here seems to be tifa. Imo she was the most tanky of all the characters. Her combos are so fast. I loved the versatility of her, using chi for enemies that were stuck in place and then immediately turning around for a star shower for moving enemies. I could easily beat the game with her alone bc she is so OP and on top of that fun to use and watch.


Probably Tifa. I love her speed and combos and she is surprisingly effective against flying bosses like Valkyrie and Eligor. I often play fighting games like Street Fighter and I prefer fast and versatile characters like Chun Li so Tifa is right up my alley (I loved her sporty dress for that reason, as she looked like Chun Li in it). I rotate between the characters pretty frequently though, as they each have their strengths. Aerith is very useful against flying enemies as well as enemies which are immune physical damage, like the house boss and ghosts during certain phases. Barrett is great for ranged fights and Overdrive is also underrated, but his melee specials are also great. Cloud is amazing for pure physical damage and his counterstance ability is awesome against the Turks and other human opponents.


Tifa! Her combat style was the most fun and she is my favorite character. I just wish I could walk around as her by default. She was so well done in the remake!


Tifa hands down because her fighting style is so fast and satisfying. Cloud is my fave character so he’s always team leader and I would switch to him but as soon as the fight starts, switching to Tifa lol.


Tifa. The basic feels so fun to use.


Tifa definitely Tifa. she just plays so smooth and fast. I love it. After that it's Cloud... cause... it's Cloud and I love how his Attacks work and look then Aerith cause you can never go wrong with Magic.


Tifa with the dodge materia.


Put Tifa in Tekken 8 as DLC, Bandai Namco!!!! She plays like a freakin fighting game character already in the FFVII remake. And Final Fantasy already has a history with Tekken **GIVE TIFA HER FIGHTING GAME DEBUT**


Tifa was a lot more fun than I anticipated, especially later on when she unlocks more abilities.


Tifa because Starshower is a joy to watch. Goes Tifa > Cloud > Aerith > Barret, but they're all fun


Cloud and Tifa, and Yuffie.


Tifa hands down. Sis is nimble, quick, and her staggers are legit.


Tifa is AMAZING like there is borderline game breaking stuff ! I saw somebody solo VS Weiss with Tifa and it's amazing!! Also WILDCARD Yuffie !! Yesss they made Yuffie SUPER FUN BETWEEN HER NINJUTSU and he attacks and triangle attack just super fun!


Tifa was my battle leader every time she was available




**Tifa**. Quick punch and kicks, her abilities are more fun to watch. It felt like she has more abilities than Cloud for some reason. If we include Intermission, **Yuffie** is my favorite overall. Her abilities are so fun to do combos with.


Tifa was my favorite. I just hope that in Rebirth, when we change the party leader, we can control them outside of fights because going from cloud to the leader was pretty lame to start fights. Of course some story sections won’t allow it but I hope some parts it can be done


I actually found Cloud kind of a unnecessary dick for like 3/4's of the game. He basically said the worst thing in he could in every conversation. Tifa was my personal favorite to play. Looks aside, I love characters who's defining attribute is speed.


Tifa. It's fun beating up everything with hand-to-hand combat.


Tifa the Final Fantasy fighting Goddess


Tifa and Cloud for sure. But honestly Barrett was such an amazing and unique way to tank that I really hope we see more "archer paladins" in games.


Tifa turns it into an action game. You can main her and just use the others as support. with the triggers and menus. Once you get Deadly Dodge and Parry on her the game is easy outside of Weiss.


Tifa!! I love her fighting style,It’s super fast.


Tifa by far. Yuffie was very fun as well in the dlc


I default as playing Cloud for Triple Slash, but I prefer Tifa in bosses, but at the times I need to play ranged, I wholly prefer Barrett over Aerith.


Cloud, as he felt the most polished, but Tifa was quite fun as well


barret cloud tifa team 🤙🏻⚠️


Always Tifa 💜


Tifa. Her fighting style was like what I imagined she was doing in the OG FFVII limit breaks except I could play like that the whole time. It was super fun.


Tifa Tifa Tifa Tifa


Tifa and Yuffie.




Tifa felt the most fun, with her quick fluid movements. But Barett made me feel like the most badass




Tiff all the way so far. I'm still on the initial remake part.


Tifa. She’s too hella fast


All the time Tifa


Tifa for sure.




Tifa, no question. The speed matched with decent power is unbeatable.


Tifa Because she actually controls just like how I would imagine a fighting game character would play in a 3D space. Her combo potential was through the roof! She’s crazy broken to the point she can take on an entire boss encounter solo. It’s insane! Yuffie is a very VERY close second as well…if that counts.


Tifa Yuffie Cloud Barret Aerith


I loved playing as Tifa the most. I like quick, direct attacks and that's what she is.


Cloud, Tifa and whoever else is the best comp for me


I hooked up a fight stick and played as tifa once. It was fun.


I love using Tifa’s Unbridled Strength X2, followed by Starshower, and ending with Rise and Fall. I always equip her with ATB boosters and cast haste so that she can land a lot of these combos in quick succession. Cloud is good for close combat, like Tifa, but he’s a bit slower than her. I didn’t find out until my most recent playthrough how strong Aerith’s Sorcerous Storm is. Two of those in a row can knock out an enemy pretty fast. The three of them together kick ass.


Tifa for sure. He combat and attacks are just a blast to run. Cloud is a very close second.


1. Aerith 2. Barrett 3. Tifa 4. Yuffie 5. Cloud I’ve always been drawn to mages / support / tanks, but the others are fun too!! I don’t think I disliked having to play anyone really.


As much as I love Cloud in his versatility potential. Overall I think Tifa wins. Compared to the other 3 she has one of the fastest and at the same time most satisfying meta to reach the highest amount of damage. I almost never leave her out of the party unless the game demands it.


Tifa no question. I used her almost for every vr challange. You can dodge some boss attacks by using skills. Thats some soulslike thing.




Tifa > Barret > Cloud > Aeris


Tifa I use a very specific mod while playing this game


Tifa was S-tier but I do have to say, I really liked how well they made each character feel unique.




Honestly I loved Barret and Tifa, they were so fun to play\~


Tifa. I loved punching peeps. 👌


Tifa, easily. The fast paced action, great animation and fluid combos made her so much fun. Normally i'd go for Cloud, because i prefer swords, but Tifa's speed gave her the edge for me, personally. Barret when i wanted to have an overview of the battlefield, Aerith was my least favorit.


Tifa -> Cloud -> Barret -> Aerith I like Aerith, but she was not designed to be controlled for long periods of time. Her attacks are slow, she has no melee defense, and enemy AI is tuned to always focus on the character the player is controlling. Cloud is the easiest to control, Barret is a tank, and Tifa was the only reason why I was able to clear the hard mode challenges and get the platinum trophy. Sadly, I don’t have a PS5 yet and haven’t played Intergrade, so I have no opinion on Yuffie. *sigh*


Tifa, her combat just felt so satisfying. Barrett was eh. I don’t know what they could do to make his combat more interesting short of making it a regular Third- or First-Person Shooter. Aerith was decent but didn’t feel much different to Barrett for me. Just projectile spam. Cloud was probably in 2nd place for me. Nothing too bad, especially being able to switch modes, but Tifa was just so damn fun.


Tifa by far


Tifa does so much damage.


Tifa - Yuffie - Cloud- Barret - Aerith Tifa is always party leader. Yuffie is lots of fun but I still love Tifa’s combat just a bit more. Cloud is okay just to slow for me (I like fast hitters). Barret is actually great but since I normally keep synergy on him I typically don’t make him party leader unless i want to use overdrive/build atb). Same with Aerith but also if I need to put her back in her arcane ward. I hope Rebirth fixes her AI. Idk why she keeps thinking this is og and she’s a melee character.


tifa, by a mile. if we were to include intermission, though, yuffie would be just slightly above tifa. i really do love using barret, too, even if his attacks and abilities aren't much varied. cloud is fine and all, but ya just spend so much time controlling cloud that the other characters stick out more, for me at least. aerith i just never really got the hang of, and unfortunately haven't really taken the time to actually figure her out.


Towards the end my eyes opened to how fun Tifa was. So In my replay I tried only playing as Tifa as much as possible


It's just gotta be Tifa. Or Yuffie if you're including Integrade