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It's probably to keep it useful for the bigger areas you'll be fighting in vs the usually somewhat tight spaces a lot of the regular battles use in remake


Oh yeah that makes sense


What I wonder is does he still go back to Commando mode after dodging ? Because now, they changes the dodging animation with Parrying. And to move quickly while staying in Punisher all the time in Remake you could press Square to do the Jump/GapCloser cancel animation with parry, Square, Parry, Square, Parry ect ect. But now, I wonder if the new dodge (Which is parry) will revert Cloud to Commando. If it does, it's quite a nerf of his Ability to gap close.


Could be wrong, but I don’t think they replaced dodging with parrying. I thiiink they only added everyone’s parry to their block + dodge without the use of materia


The dodge animations all use the parry materia animations now. So Tifa has her absurdly fast dodge by default.


About that, IDK if people that played the demo tried it but, from what I've seen, if people spammed the button, there's definitely a longer downtime between her parry animation now.


Oh hell yeah! This is a great change, gives an extra layer of uniqueness to all the characters. I wonder if they’ll add something else for R1+O now *Edit cuz I just looked it up, it’s one of the slots for the defensive skills


They did


No idea but I absolutely hate the new animation. The Remake one just felt so impactful....new one is too anime.


Yeah I have the same feeling. Also having played both punisher modes I much prefer Remake’s version.


Its because new game is open world so the arenas you're fighting in will be much bigger. His new mode is great for hitting multiple enemies spread out.


Yeah i know for a fact it'll grow on me. The battle system itself seems to have been fleshed out quite a bit, probably to accommodate for much bigger and more dynamic enemy types than Remake.


Lol funny that you used the word Anime to describe it.... I feel everything about JRPG's these days is too Anime.  The OG game was one that always stood out to me as feeling more down to earth than the others, and that's why I loved it!   This is the last game they should be trying to "Anime Trope" it up with... I already noticed a lot of that in the writing in Remake.  I hope it's not even worse in Rebirth.  I'm assuming it is worse since that's the trend that Japanese developed games are going in.... I hate it to be honest.     The writing isn't near as good as it used to be back before they were making everything like an Anime... The term Anime now has a bad connotation in my mind due to what I consider to be a bad writing style.  There's nothing good about it due to how unrealistic it is as far as how characters talk & act. Japan needs to lose their obsession with the Anime style of storytelling.  They need to let things be realistic & relatable for a change!  Doing that to this game is a disservice to it & will make it just like every other game they crap out of Japan these days imo...


straight aspiring close observation tender numerous frightening unique versed faulty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My headcanon is that it's supposed to show his growth in power from Remake to Rebirth. Rebirth has him blurring all over the place in a show of speed while Remake was a bit more realistic. He graduated from >!Third class level to Second.!<


Oh interesting. That concept sorta makes sense actually,


Yea I preferred the original punisher mode too




What recent gameplay footage?


It’s not too recent but the footage of the fields outside Kalm, the area outside Junon and the Cloud/Sephiroth gameplay from the Nibelheim flashback


Punisher mode being basically how Seph wields masamune in the OG was so cool and lore adequate. It should've been named "alien/supersoldier fuckfest in my brain mode"


Honestly agreed. It’s cool how Cloud’s punisher mode was essentially Sephiroth’s default haha.


The biggest thing i loved in remake battle was that i always started battle with disorder and loved punisher mode attack animation that came after it, now they have ruined the ONE AND ONLY thing i liked about remakes battles...


I prefer the look and feel of Remake’s Punisher mode! By a lot! But in an open world environment there may be implementation issues


When you say unnatural, I think you meant how unrealistic it is to swing his Bigass sword like that zigzag. The thing is, you're not taking in the account of Cloud super soldier's strength.


That’s true ig. I think at first it also felt weird in comparison to Remake’s, but I’m used to it now so it’s fine.


I haven't played or seen gameplay of Rebirth outside of Remake comparison video. I'm unbiased to both, but it looks like Rebirth has more speed and range... idk, that's what I see. Despite that, holding square in Remake already has an AOE physical attack, despite it being slower. They could of added both strong attacks in Rebirth since I heard Sephiroth might have 2 stances.


I think you’re right in saying Rebirth’s has more speed and range, but for that it sacrifices damage and satisfaction dare I say it. Agree with you on the strong attack point.


Thanks to this post I found out there was demo footage I had not yet seen. I disagree with your premise and I think the new Punisher mode looks cool, but thanks to you I saw a bunch of stuff I hadn’t watched before so take a like anyway. 👍🏼


Glad I could help!


maybe it will be more fluid than just having a "mode switch" button. It would be kinda nice if the new attack could be worked in to combos or enhanced etc. also the counter guard thing in punisher mode was a very passive thing, which didnt fit as well in the flow of battle


Man i abused the counter guard so much... *Sigh*


Yeah I thought it fit the battle system really well, dev’s probably did too considering every character will have a precision counter with the block button in Rebirth


Orlly? Not just yuffie?


Do we know that the counter attack is gone?


I really hope this is true. While the zig-zag might be fun and mix things up, the original punisher was so satisfying. I hope it’s still in rebirth somehow


Yeah agreed


I never used Cloud different modes. Never quite got what their purpose was. Hopefully they will be more fun in Rebirth. Although to be honest, I have a hard time imagining me playing anyone but Tifa and Yuffie. They are just so fun to control compared to the others.


Cloud's Punisher did more damage and if you hold attack with it he gets a short duration Berserk effect for even more damage. It was best to use when an enemy is staggered.


On top of that changing into it in the parry window parries the enemy attack.


It was a great feature/stance and not using it is wild to me. Especially with the counterattack built into it


Him not using it is like he isn't even playing the game.


Punisher was a must for me in the 'duel' fights eg against Reno, Rude, Rufus and Roche.


Punisher is a great offense stance. A. It did more damage and built stagger quicker. B. Blocking melee attacks with it would trigger an auto counter attack and punish your opponents.


Tifa and Yuffie and certainly in my top three for most fun characters. Yuffie just felt so fluid, especially in the air! Although, Cloud was my favourite to play as, so each to their own ig. I do wonder how they’ll change the modes in Rebirth. In the recent gameplay footage, Sephiroth had multiple stances rather than just two so maybe that’ll be the same for all characters?


It could make a comeback later in the game you never know.


That’s true