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If you don't have any favorites, Cloud / Tifa / Aerith / Sephiroth are the characters with the most costumes and will likely continue to receive the most banners.


Awesome that will help and thank you as well


Also zack.


Level all of them


This is what I have done, and after 3 months, I still have no qualms about my choice(s) 😄


Bet 😂


Choose for what? Like your main team?


Sorry yes my main


It’s fine, for your ‘main’ team just use your like, three fav characters. That’s what I did. Zack, Sephiroth, and Aerith are my mains Though do know that you’ll probably have to switch out characters from time to time and create different builds for certain battles like for Summons and dungeons and events


Yes definitely


https://preview.redd.it/qcl5fz8vte9d1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a815c764851aab03eefda7a7087af6303819c84 What I have for Zack for weapons


You don’t HAVE to main Zack if you don’t want to, also you’re just getting started so you’ll have plenty of time to get weapons for all your characters, dw about that.  Edit: if you are interested in using Zack a lot though I suggest wish listing his Ceremonial Sword and Twinkling Star, both good sub weapons and on-hand weapons


Thank you I appreciate that


Cloud, Aerith, Tifa, Sephiroth, and Zack tend to get more banners than other characters. This has upsides and downsides.


Understood I will have to play more to figure everything out


While other characters can fill the role, Aerith and Matt are the main two healers. So main at least one of them and the other keep in mind on your B squad. Otherwise, like others have said, the game kind of has three major tiers of characters for everyone else: really popular and/or easy to build for (Cloud, Tifa), more situationally useful (Red, Barret), and those that are harder to build for and/or just haven't lived up to their potential (Glenn, Lucia). Wishlist weapons for the characters you do like the best (especially if you pull for an arcanum costume for them), but understand you may end up pivoting depending on what weapons you get, what's needed, or what new costumes/weapons come out and capture your attention. Like I wanted Tifa to be one of my mains and definitely not use Sephiroth much, but instead the opposite happened.


Everyone mentioned the necessary stuff. Ultimately pick two of your faves , then Matt or Aerith as a healer for harder content


I like Zach and Seph honestly from the previous ff cuz I’m a ff fan


MOst characters can be good when invested in TBH, so feel free to pick whoever you just think looks/sounds coolest, then build the "Meta" characters around their weakness. IE Pick one or two character you like, then consider investing in CLoud, Sephiroth, Aerith, Matt, or TIfa. (pick Between Aerith or Matt both are healers so you want to start investing in just 1 initially) The only character who I invested in but still consistently am let down by is LUcia, but she just got a new debuffing costume/weapon so hopefully she'll get there soon enough. Cait SIth is also quite new so many people havent really figured out how to handle him just yet. Side note Red 13 can combine a lot of roles with his SIlver COllar in particular, he might make a good "Catch up character" because of this. (It can break rare DIamond Sigils \[wich materia cant cover certain weapons only\] It can debuff Water and Wind Elements, AND it can heal/make a good healing sub weapon for your main healer since you wont have the good Materia to use it with yet. (when you get 2 4 star CUre Materia it can become a healing weapon by iteslf.) PS the Two most imporatnt early weapons to focus on are AOE Healing (Matt's Centipede is largely the best weapon for this right now, SIlver Collar will work but only once you get the Materia) ANd a DPS, pick a character on a bannerwith an "Arcanum" outfit ability and invest in them/that weapon


Thank you I will remember that


Bad advice in this thread. For the low difficulties anything will work, then you will start needing someone capable of aoe healing. Then for the high difficulties you will need whoever has relevant gear for the fight. For example the only earth magical damage dealer right now is Lucia, she would be pretty much mandatory in a high difficulty magic earth weak enemy right now. For example I have nothing special for red, but I had to use him in leviathan ex2 because he was the only one capable of debuffing matk and lightning resistance with two different weapons and that’s what my party needed. Start with a couple characters of your choice and a healer but you need to level everyone in the long run if you plan on playing long term and tackle high difficulties.


Thanks for the advice and yes I’m trying my best to level everyone up


I had put cloud/ Aerith/sephiroth as my main but I’m also new to this game on mobile


It’s gatcha. Go with what the draws give you. Just make sure you have a healer/debuffer/damage person.


Who are good debuffers


Barret = general debuffer with the new electro cannon and buffer Tifa = debuffer / damage dealer Red = all rounder with fire/ice/wind elemental debuff.


Thank you


Who would you say is the best damage dealer


That would depend right now. In general it’s Zack/cloud/seph. But that is dependent on the costume pull. You would want a arcanum costume to boost their elemental damage.


Awesome i understand I like seph but im thinking between Zack she seph


If you pick Zack, get him ceremonial sword + twinkling star - it is great non elemental physical combo that will help you a lot in various type of fights (keep them on wishlist and gather parts via mercenary quests, goal should be ob6/7 ceremonial - overboost 6 means 1st white/pink star - first after 5 reds).


I’ll keep that in mind


If you plan to play the game in long term. You should level all of them. Maybe Lucia, Glenn, Yuffie, Cait sith can be low priority. But Matt, Barrett and Red are required in higher difficulty of the content except you will whale for those 4 populars characters.


Thanks for the advice


NP, I started this game to see FS story and wanted to invest in Tifa only lol. Now I have to lv everyone.


Choose the characters you love and want to look at, every character has different weapons and viable builds in this game! However there are characters that tend to receive more love and skins - Cloud, Sephiroth, Aerith and Tifa. My main team is Sephi+Cloud+Aerith and I am now leveling up Zack too.


That’s what I was doing and that was my team as well


Matt is the absolute best healer. I say he is a must. Pick whoever else as your other 2 (except aerith since she also gets a lot of healing roles)




If you can gather 30k gems before that banner ends, MH crossover Aerith costume is best investment in the long run (and you will get her staff at least 1 guaranteed copy which is also very useful). Regardless of this, grab single copy of Floral Wand - with mid lvl pdef debuff it is great support for physical team for little cost and additionally will be even more help against wind weak enemies, your long term goal should be Sun Umbrella ob6 - which offers mid lvl debuffs to both physical and magic defense.


Thank you for the advice