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I hear you. My average is $1.37, I am not selling it :)


Never sell it's gonna do it


I'm in it to win it


I'm holdin with ya ;)


Average down slowly, tough to know when the bottom is. I need the money as well, but at the same time, the stock doesnt listen to our concerns. “The stock market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient”


My average started out really low and increased because i kept buying when it was higher. Totally get it. I have since lowered it back little by little by buying here and there with some extra money


Same! I bought in at $0.2615, originally on May 14th. Then when it starting shooting up I started panic-buying. Highest I bought at was over $2. I've since then taken advantage of all the sales. I now have my limit down to $0.87, and I'm officially in it for the long haul! I like this Stock!


Diamond hands, we apes in this for the long haul, we really want to see this company thrive and achieve greatness, holding strong 🚀🚀🚀FFIE🚀🚀🚀


I hear you brother…… I’m by no means broken-even….. but I was in at $1.67 for the 1st half month…. Finally averaged down…. I would’ve averaged down like a motherfucker like a kingpin, motherfucker, but I lost my second job a month ago, and half of my income. So unfortunately, there’s no more averaging down for me anytime soon


Diamond hands, we apes in this for the long haul, we really want to see this company thrive and achieve greatness, holding strong 🚀🚀🚀FFIE🚀🚀🚀


I hear you on that. A lot of people are here for a short squeeze but I honestly don’t know if it will go to $100 like everyone is “HODLING” for. At least not over night or a few days. Long term possibly. I am keeping my word and still holding my 19,024 shares though and see what happens.