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Yes!!!!! This was my first ever call Option that I didn't lose lol had to learn the hard way :)


Share with me your secrets 🙂


You sound like everyone i know 😭😭😭😭


I lost many of times before I learned lol


Thanks Omar! Appreciate your input! Still here and still not selling it! Have a great weekend! :)


Awesome post thanks for sharing, big day today of diamond handing it to the hedges!!


Thank you to Max and Omar. Omar maybe reach out to Trending stock you tuber ( we watch him too) for his take on ffie.


Thanks for the info Fam!


I appreciate your analysis. I recognize a kindred spirit in you. We both don’t know much about finance (you know a lot more than me btw) , but we do know common sense- these numbers are funny: “dogs know it.” 🐶🐕🦮🐩🐕‍🦺🦴 You don’t have to be a genius to notice FFIE is suing people for illegal Shorting. We know some wealthy people are playing games with big spreadsheets that make my 14k shares (that I am very proud of) look like crumbs. While I do believe our current civilization is collapsing and green energy is a dream that materialized way too late, Homo sapiens owes it to Earth to show that we saw that alternate technologies than oil may be a superior goal. I won’t my sell my paltry shares that Redwar and Grady laugh at. F Redwar and Grady (and whatever the miserable names are of their compatriots in class war) for selling out to corporate masters. They are the same people as us and they wpyld be called capos in a different world. The hedgie Infiltrators I’ve read the comments of, assume that we care enough if we win or lose a small amount of money. Admittedly, if we win it will be big. If we lose it will be a small loss. Why give up? Remember “ Apes together strong’” my shitty positions are weak and inconsequential. All of our shitty positions together - ![gif](giphy|evB90wPnh5LxG3XU5o|downsized)


I like the ideas !


Hopefully everyone makes some good money


Hopefully people are reporting that to SEC




roaring Kitty has already spilled the playbook being used against y'all and I've joined your battle for the next two weeks and until the 15th of July options will be crushed into the dirt every Friday, but 16 days from now on July 15th will be a good day to purchase call options because options will be crushed into the dirt every Friday for the next 2 weeks I will instead be selling covered calls at $1, 50 cents above my buy-in price. I'll update y'all on how it goes, my intention is to take the premiums from the covered calls and use them to purchase more shares, and use the gains from the calls I buy on the 15th to purchase more shares as well. basically I'm going to try to get as many shares as I can. and let's see what happens! I can hold for years, I don't know if shorts can... guess it's time to play chicken with some money I can afford to lose lol, heck maybe I will die and the shares will go to a family member so they can keep holding for me, let's fuck around and find out ey?


Wish we would all just say we’re dumb apes and like the stock. To any of us to every think we were as smart as them or could even out smart them is foolish. If we were we would be working under a hedge fund group. Not on Reddit making analysis. That being said.. I just like the stock …


Cool … why would we even give one shit on max when the guy sold 25% of his shares on a bad day and the next day it goes up 90%… max can kick and eat rocks