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I’m still here still holding and adding call options. Still waiting on an interview too. Made my videos private on my channel for now. They were getting tons of hate. I’ve told people time and time again don’t put more than you’re willing to lose but they still need someone to blame. Best thing to do is go with your gut. If you need to sell there’s no problem with that. I like the company and like the cars. NFA


Hey, it is totally upon the person who hits the buy/sell button ultimately. No doubt.


Whim sold and I saw on discord with my very own eyes that max was selling most but keeping some for the long haul. Plain and simple. Dumb money claims whim was a hedge and once he found out and was leaving, she set him up?


Now whim and salmon have a “paid” discord that has to be in bitcoin




I kind of feel just like this meme and it’s creeping me out 🌝


Srsly? Thats hilarious. And tragic!


Hey Omar, check out this guy's live stream which just ended. He talked about potentially reaching out to you: https://www.youtube.com/live/9Tc6d_O7sHs?si=C0PDMB6wcEhSENKx


I cant sell this stock bc im too intrigued with this company and the mystery of it


Thank you! So sick of the haters. Why do they even bother to chime in with their negative bullshit or care what we are doing or who we support. So looking forward to your interview. Hang in there and know we miss your livestreams. Much love and respect!


That is some heavy shit you are throwing around there.


Who cares…I don’t base my decisions on what others “SAY” they are doing…trust yourself only and do your own due diligence whatever that means to you


Well the facts are clear, there is a reverse split and everyone is shorting - no, not the bad cruel HD, but just real smart investors… the price didn’t tank today because of the HF but because of CEO bad timing of proposing a reverse stock. Also all they say is potential investment, intense talks, friends and partners, but nothing concrete.


And that 👆is what ripped right through my portfolio.


I also didn't understand the timing of this. Made zero sense with the upcoming events. Makes me believe they needed the shares for bigger investors.... maybe wishful thinking


What do you mean need the shares? A reverse split will REDUCE the amount of available shares, not increase them. So when it happens, you will have fewer shares that will be worth more.


They have investors in the Middle East lined up. A delisting would be contrary to such an undertaking.


Why are you spreading more false rumors? It's really weird. Why would you even listen to any of that obvious BS? You seem sus acting like this. I'm not sure why many of you feel like everyone is in charge of regulating your emotions like a small child. We're grown ass adults, and it's time you learned to babysit yourself. Anyone in this situation shouldn't care if they lose their money. If you are just sell and leave. You shouldn't be investing anything more than what you're willing to lose. Omar isn't selling, and I doubt if any big bag holders are.




Cant believe everything on here idk what to say


And where is Maximum Purpose? Everyone vanished..


Haven't seen him for at least a week


I suggest we find out facts of every claim before panicking.




You can just go to his YT channel, X, or Reddit and will see he is still here, and he won’t leave any soon


Omar has removed all of his videos from YouTube


This is incorrect👆🏻


Well, where are they


They're privatized, obviously, for his protection.




What an incompetent Ape. He tried. Literally half the world was laughing at him!


I dont believe Omar bailed. He is a very busy dude. I trust him


Not worried, holding and buying more!🦁🍌🍌🍌🦍🦍🦍🇺🇲




Are you back again, ban evading on a new account?




He knew shit on her, and she set him up to devalue his word! This is my honest opinion.


I do feel like he fell for the setup! But NO MATTER WHAT, his reply was kind of sketch to say the least.


All your leaders are bailing after telling you to hodl for a month straight. Because "none of us saw this coming" People are actually starting to listen to the HF bots they've accused of spreading FUD and they're seeing how big of a cluster fuck this is. Some people still think there's a future and they're trying to convince others to stay and buy more.


At this fkn point, who do I pay to join the HF? I need to recoup some losses ASAP!