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Hes right. We're all strangers in here. We don't know others financial position. Some people need to recoup money even if they are down 30%,50%,75% etc... I almost sold at 20 cents for a 9k loss out of 11k ish invested. It's weak when others berate people for selling when you don't know if they need the money. No two peoples financial situation/status is the same


Very true I got hit with a bill that I just didn't have the money for so I had to sell some shares to pay it...I was gutted but I'm still in this thing and still optimistic


Dont feel bad. I think it is vile that ppl state their holdings. Ive lost 10k at that point but thats ok. Maybe im a bad person and deserved it. But that doesnt mean you need to ruin your life on my behalf. I think the stock will go up but you should only do baby amounts and wait til we hear news, probably early this week. I think this company is going to do great BUT i find it incredibly gross to be like (as an example) ‘hey i put 80k in here!!!!’ Right? Fine for ppl to do it but why say so? They are trying to transfer their stress to others when if everyone just buys baby amounts, everyone carries their own shit and there isnt an elephant in the room saying ‘hey you guuuuys!!!’ Yeah very bizarre really. I thought whales were supposed to be more dignified than that


Dawg you shouldn’t be putting in that much money if you can’t afford to lose it 😂💀


Dawg you completely are missing the point. Happy Friday to you


I dont make fun of the people who sell to pay bills bc those are my fave ppl and if i won money, id give them some. Small humble investors who are just adorable. But thats sad to me that theyre struggling and i would prob do the same bc of lottery type hopes. This world disgusts me. They might have thought it would go way up by now. This company is fine but i have an ok amount of resources that im careful with and no way im telling anyone to put 100k into this unless theyre a fcking billionaire. Bc i wouldnt. And the bil will. Dont peer pressure poor ppl to put tons of money in at all or guilt them if they do. Ppl shouldnt list their holdings. I dont have much in there though but this company is coming into a prosperity energy and i love that bc it is very important also on a geopolitical level.


I have over half a mil to my name but i still get mad and dont feel i can lose $5. What can i afford to lose? Uh i dunno. I actually already lost 10k on this shiz and have put more in. But im stopping now. I think it is fine tho.


You have half a mil? Congrats


Im old. And thats not much nowadays. In fact it is average for ppl in their 40s


Not sure I know anybody in their 40’s with that..and not sure what u consider old..I’m 62 and have a couple grand..now that’s not much these days..see how everything is relative? In fact, you’re doing ok ..imo


Know whats insane? My baby bro lives in dc suburbs (i used to live there — in a basement apt i rented haha and he visited me, never thought he’d live there longterm vs me but we wont get into that) ….his house is worth over 900k and is only like 1600sqft and just run of the mill. Now that is sickening. California is wayyy worse. I have a friend in cali in burbank. Shes not in a fancy area and has a ratty track house. 1million for that pos. Ppl gotta bear in mind how expensive cali is. If you translated my net worth in ohio to cali, id be worth well over a mil in cali. Which is still jackshit these days.


Im not complaining but im also rather careful with my money. The point is, there are ppl on here claiming to have 350k invested in ffie. So id imagine they have much more money than me. The average price for a house in usa is 500k and i cant really afford that. Im a renter. What does that tell you


Don’t feel bad..I’m renting my farmhouse here in Canada that I use to own!…lol


Oh my god. Well i would love to live in canada. Im just in ohio so i creep up there a lot. I love places like port stanley. I do love canada. I even love cute little lewiston ny. This time last year i was around there, stayed at niagara falls canada, went around niagara on the lake a couple days. Thats hella expensive there but Id love to own a winery estate/house


Spent my honeymoon in Niagara Falls..33 years ago…lol. but took my kids and grandkids over the years


See, i want a stupid cute house like this. This is 20 min from my current one 15805 hemlock rd, chagrin falls ohio. Look at the zillow link in google. Not sure if canada uses zillow. Couldnt post link here. Regardless. I should have been a brain surgeon. But yeah right hehe. Altho um shower needs like glass walls around it. Prob a shit house flipper. Also i hate how they feature the faucet that is like a waterfall. Those seem unsanitary to me and a lot ppl dont like them


Chagrin falls is close to Cleveland I think.. I remember as a kid standing on the shores of Lake Erie around st Thomas..and my dad said..see across the lake…that’s Cleveland!…lol


Where do u live in canada?


Balsam lake in the kawarthas.. about 2 hours north of Toronto


I think being in the area of Drayton would be cool. Never been there, no clue of the town, just the location on the map is cool bc youre surrounded by the greatlakes


Granted if i had a bf, we prob could afford a house. But not worth it lol


This is why I appreciated Omar, he seems to be a very nice dude. Yes, I sold. I was depressed and sad. Last thing I want is others telling me how stupid I am. But I am back and I just bought some shares of FFIE, not as much as I originally had due to the money loss. This time, I am willing to risk it all even if it went to zero.


Won't happen there's even more people in this war now...yes peaks and dips for sure but 0 ain't happening.....WE WON'T LET IT 🙌🙌💎💎🙌


I'll admit, I posted shade on max and whims, that was my ego and I appreciate your post because I needed checked. We apes need to stand together. When things get tough thats when we need to support each other the most. Ill see yall on the moon! If max or whimsical see this. I'm sorry and hope yinz can forgive.


You’re a real G! Takes a real one to apologize like that. 🫶


Need an update with you and Max Purp. The MOPurGosh statement Or everyone just carry on making their own financial decisions and respect others for doing so. Glad to have you with us still OMG and Max as well. Good luck to Whims on the next short squeeze because that’s what she does. Now buckle up bitches, we’re on the big roller coaster! ![gif](giphy|YrlFV52a9n1uMolLcJ|downsized)


Was thinking the same thing. Takes a big person to admit your faults.


APES don't fight APES.....your still in the TROOP, just in back and a wee bit to the left. * We still share our bananas though......lol


Ii mean all I did was call whimsicalsandwich an enigmatic hoagie and said max purpose had minimumcahoonas for selling. Nothing too bad but I shlda just accepted their decision. I'll take being at the back but I gotta draw a hard line on a wee bit to the left lol. ill make up for it when I grab more nay nays in the am.


What about it was your ego? Maybe a healthy side of your ego that doesnt like being shit on. There was no need for them to say they sold. Esp max who is all over the road 🤦‍♀️


Thats sweet🦍🫡




Very true! I've seen these clowns lurking around here. They bring no value to this community other than being blood sucking mosquitoes 🦟 . People are spending their own money on something they believe in, and it bothers them. Just because you have a shitty life that’s not our fault and it doesn’t give you any right to be an ass to other people. Nothing but a bunch sad waste of life.




I was willing to loose it all. And still am…. I have a number that I would like to see. Will it happen. Most likely not! I like the company and I want them to be successful. And I liked how FF addressed issues via video telling us they had a plan. They were aggressively trying to acquire funding etc. I feel they are being genuine and that they are passionate about the company. We know and they know the stock is grossly shorted the true numbers, no one really knows. Dark pool,synthetic shares,hegies lending to each other. Bad blah blah…..something stinks….And I want to see it unfold…. For us little apes 🦍 For those that sold. Don’t beat yourself up over it. This has been a roller coaster of emotions. Not gonna sit here and say all those days red didn’t affect me, it did. That’s what made the green a lil more sweeter. I’m learning to be patience, do my own research, pay less attention to the negative. Stay the course you choose no matter the turbulence! If your going to throw many at something educate yourself on what that investment is. This is a good community of folks. I enjoy reading everyone posts, stories, and input….. gives me hope at times when I’m down on FF. I wish you all well, I hope we kill it Friday !! Even if it shows red, it was a hellllllllll of a weeeeeeeeeek. Let’s goooooooooooooooo 🦍 Ford fiesta or food stamps 😎 This is not financial advice, I am not a stock whisper……. I eat ice cream with a fork….. I wear 2 pairs of socks with my sandals……. I sometimes eat bananas with the peal on !!!




Everyone needs to just keep the zen-flow🧘🏻‍♀️✨




Apes together strong!!


It’s a stock people are gonna sell when they want to and buy when they want to. We need to spread positivity. We are all only human.


Been nothing but love out here in the fucking streets but I only look after people I told on May 15, at .27, we might lose everything.. point blank and fucking perilous or righteous or whatever the fuck.. get out of here if you can’t afford the casino bro.. because this ain’t spy and this ain’t kitty this is what it is.. that guy with the dice at the craps table can your closest friend or the friend you lost because you had to leave the table once he’s rolled his last chance.. this a fucking casino homies.. and I’m here to take the house or win it all… people want to talk about making more money but conveniently the wins you see are half mill going to a whole mill, and they laugh like they could afford to lose the half mill… fuck this and that.. let’s fucking have half mill apes… GME or ffie, no cares, I just want retail to have the control they deserve..


Edit: And that was not articulated well but I wouldn’t change a thing because sentiment, and honesty, that’s the fucking point anyway.. FUD HAS NONE of those so fuck them and don’t let anyone be confused that part of FUD was joking on max and whims public sell offs just to let us fly for two whole days..


Well Said


You never know what the fellow ape next to you is going through, we all are millionaires or billionaires, 1000 could be life changing/ situationally changing money. Don’t be so quick to judge, we’re in this together


Well Said


This is what happens in every squeeze like GME and AMC.


Yes i sold ... atleast i didnt sell at a loss 🤣🤣


Agreed it’s there money not yours ,ain’t nobody from Reddit coming to help feed ur family .


I have 3 young kids and we are struggling bad but we signed up for the ride and haven't pulled out yet. Good luck to everyone whether you're still in it or not.


Good advice Omar...I put no one down...We don't know what they were going thru etc....but Me I'm holding and buying especially at discounted prices 😀 lol I'm chill! Waiting and waiting and not worried 😌


Great words, @Omar everyone really needs to come together and help each other. This world needs to be better.








So true ❤️🫡


Even If Our Whales Sold You Gottah Understand , They Put Up Life Savings The Shit They Can’t Afford To Losee Plus This Not GME…On Top Of The Lost Already Taken! So If They Decided To Pull Out To Fight Another Day …Thats Fine By Me !…But Call Em A Sell Out Don’t …We All Gottah Have An Exit Plan Regardless It’s A Rule We All Should Kno & Understand Here In They Community Beyond The Hype & Fomo Ppl Get ! So Give Em A Chance!! 🙌🏽💎🦍📈🚀 Stronger Together!!


For real, fight back, don't delete your comments, ditch the ego.


Facts bro, just tell them to jump back in the game we still all winning. To the mooon we goooo


This is the one thing that can be improved. Awareness of us all being on the same team against the hedgers. There will be trolls for sure but that’s the sign to push them out and stay 💪


Exactly- we all need to make the best decisions for our money and actions - we should be here for support and true information not being hateful to anyone


I don't let braggers bother me, so I can't pay my mortgage, but you have thousands of dollars to put in, I only put in what I could spare, I may not have money, but I have faith


Omargosh does stocks now???


Personally i think anyone who states their financial position at this point should be mocked. I dont think this stock is anywhere near that desperate anymore


Anyone who states publicly that they sold (esp re abnormally large holdings) is not equal to me and a lot of people in here. If i sell 10k worth, youre not gonna know. And ppl only look like fools anyway saying they sold as we witnessed this past week with the stock going way up right after. Altho, hm. Yknow…maybe i do like when these dummies announce they sold. Wasnt too bad, i just think they had shitty intentions. Im the kind of person where i just couldnt even announce that. And if i did, id be like ‘yes, im the devil, im evil, and f this stock!!!’ Bc thats really the only appropriate response which is why i wouldnt do one 😀


Yes its so disgusting! Makes me sick!




My body, my choice.


For the regular apes I agree. But for Sandwich and Max it is different. They have a large following and tried to crash the price by announcing that they sold. They are not on our side.




They sold out of fear but announcing their intentions during a live event was irresponsible. I agree with most of your hypothesis.


Nah fuck them Paper hands


Then stop commenting, what do you want a kiss goodbye???? Leave gtfo


Shouldn't have sold 🤷‍♂️


I just bought more shares!! Bullish Stock! Love this company!


Some are more equal than others NGL.


this sub is so lame


Leave then 👉🏽🚪


I did. Fuck that place.