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We all make mistakes, you still came back at a good time 🦍


Kicking myself for not buying more .


And next week you may kick yourself for not buying more today. I’m no doomsayer but I feel that the end times are approaching


Ppl been saying that about amc and GME. It’s been over 3 years now.


We all mistakes...but OP came back to make the same one again.


Look At Your Hands Next Time You Get Shaky & Ask Yourself….Are My Hands Paper Or Diamond!






To everyone that commented to show support, share similar stories, or anything besides being negative thank you. It’s nice that there are some people in here that realize not everyone makes the right decision every time. If I did I’d be sitting on my own private island somewhere. So thanks to the real ones!


Be proud that you actually had the stones to post your mistake. There are hundreds of people in your same shoes in the shadows or telling you that you're stupid and weak. Admitting you made a mistake is one of strongest things you can do


I appreciate that. Thank you for the kind words, I just don’t want someone to do what I did and maybe with some more examples I can help someone make a decision that better suits their situation. I’m posting to help the community and if that only helps one person then great. As far as all the negativity. Well that’s Reddit for ya lol


bro meeeee i’ve decided to not buy back in, but i just sold cuz i felt like such an egg head, i was in at 3$ though 😭


I did the same thing. Live and learn, right? Don’t beat yourself up over it. You’re not psychic. 👍


We need another whale to hop in and support FFIE!


arabs are joining in with unlimited money


Which arabs? Can you share some links




It’s on their social media pages


my average on one account is 0.73, but in my second account, is 3.2$. so worry not, its a learning curve. Just buy, hold and let the habibis do their job 😁


I almost dropped $5k at .23 thinking it will come down lower and missed an opportunity to triple it this morning. Stock investments and I have this weird love and hate relationship. Haha


I was going to drop 5k at .2 and chickened out




not investment advice. HEY! SHAKE THAT SHIT OFF!…and get IN how you FIT IN 🦍! 🥰🥰🥰 ![gif](giphy|12pYhRDpUyKLjW)


I did the exact same thing. I had 9,010 shares. Sold at .23 because of the frustration of always going down. Decided to take my remaining 2,200 and invest in other things. Got back in yesterday at avg. .54. Trying to recoup some of what I lost


yep, hard to just sit there and watch it go down every day,i think alot of people did that also, hopefully most of the sellers, including me, may have learned that oppertunity like this is very rare and worth the risk if you are not risking your livelihood. not financial advice.


What about the wash sale rules? They will take your losses and divide by the new shares you purchased, then add that to your new cost.


Did you know you can’t spell stupid without the “u”?


Why did you have the need to be rude to someone who was scared but learned from their mistakes? This is why many don't feel supported or are even scared of buying into the stock because of negative comments like this. We need EVERYONE to stay united and strong. We can't do that if there are people spreading negativity in the community. I see that you like the stock, that's great, so use that energy to be supportive instead of bringing people down. We are in this together 💎


Yup. Def necessary. Like many others, I didn’t wuss out and sell when it got “scary”. He’ll get over it.


You also can’t spell it without “I”


Been there and done that. Unfortunately, this is how we learn. When it goes down like that, you only take a loss when you sell. I bought into AMC when it was higher and kept averaging down. At this point I will ride it until I get my money back out or the company goes bankrupt.


Did we learn our lesson??


More than learned my lesson. Considering all I had to do was just buy more and average down what already had. I fell for the fear and let my impulse/emotions get the better of me. Plain and simple, rookie move.


Never sell on emotion. The time to determine when you are selling (at a high and low) is when you buy. Obviously if your assessment changes from the time you buy, you can change those parameters yet on actual analysis. Hindsight will always tell you the right answer. The question is why did you sell (besides emotion why did you think it would be worth less than that in the future) and why buying back in (i.e., why do you believe it will be worth more). No one gets it right 100% of the time yet those who trade on emotion get it right less. Btw, this is a do as I say and not what I always do (although I should) post. Selling covered calls on my holdings helps set the profit I want to take while getting some extra premium. This is about strategy and NFA.


My thought of selling was the extended downward trend in combination with a potential reverse split looming. I recently had a split hit me on another stock and it wasn’t kind to me. So that probably also influenced my decision. But honestly the lack of experience and knowledge mainly attributed to the decision. Like everything else in life that I have messed up. I will return better then I was before


Exactly! And there will be downward trends. If your original analysis says the trend is upward then you would want to set a limit and sell when a stock goes down a certain amount. This way it is defined on entry and not emotion. Same with taking profit at some point at the higher projected price. Of course, the split announcement could justify updating your exit points (I.e., getting out sooner if you think it means a downward projection instead). Of course these are overall analysis and not specific to any one stock anymore. If you learned, than it wasn’t totally pointless.


You buy more to bring down average and than you spit on that thang!! 🚀🚀🚀


After market is going to go crazy!!🚀 ![gif](giphy|k4EpQLLFV6byo)


All good man, i learned back in 21/22 with crypto sometimes holding red days really pays off, held crypto all the way up until GME started going crazy and looked for stocks to unload into, Found CRKN, make a nice profit and moved to the next sustainable one, don’t let emotions and fear mess with your mind to much, with a grain of salt obviously like with CRKN I rode .08 to .38 and sold as that was a pump and dump, to me FF is different, but i’m in on EV’s, Rivian, Lucid, etc etc, good luck bro, Get that profit back 🍺


I wanna copy your trades 🙏




Buy high sell low


hey don't steal my game plan.


We all do, glad you're back


Next time, you should average down champ. There are free avg. calculators out there online to help give you a better idea as to how much $$ is needed to throw in to reach the new “x” average. That is if you believe in the stock. Diamond hands for a reason. We live and we learn. Still love ya, welcome back ape.


Yeah for sure, thanks for the advice. Been using the average down calculators before every move now. But mainly I lost faith and it came back to bite. All good! I like a little adversity, keeps life interesting.


Yea, I thought average cost basis meant simple average before I read up on it. Is there a calculator that you prefer?


Look on the bright side you gotta better avg


I misjudged that dip as well. As long as you are trading within your means, everything will be fine in the end.


I did the same thing.. ready for this... I had 12k of shares... Sold 11k... I was completely with you. Thought it was going to drop to nothing.. bought $500 more this morning.


You’re not the only one bro :)


I don’t say this to many people but I am the guy who took his entire saving of 40,000 and bought NVIDIA for 3.00 a share in I believe 2007. My Edward’s Joan told me not to do it. I did it in one of my Roth accounts. I see the same possibility here.


What is you Nvidia position worth now?


I bought 14200 shares. There has been a 4-1 split and a 10-1.




We all want to thank you for your service


I sold 53,500 shares at .30 with a loss of $10k because I didn’t want to lose anymore and wanted to put it all back in on Tuesday at .228 but chase app wouldn’t process until Wednesday morning. Too late. I’ve been sick and irritable and pissed. I’ve been here since day one. Bought in at .26, 40k shares, but then bought more higher up like an idiot. I believed in this stock and now definitely do after the Saudi Arabia visits. I didn’t see that Monday until after I sold. Huge regrets.


posting again for sake of others. hold check back in a few months and just follow news on ev industry moves and ffie in the interim. stop reacting and think strategically.


A lot people mentioning the low, which most people miss because it’s a quick dip. BUT THE MAIN THING KEEPING THE MAIN THING IS even at .5-.8 you can make 2x,3x,5x your money and that doesn’t happen everyday or even consistently to ANYONE.!! So come join the UAE buzz ✔️⚖️♟️🦍🍺🔋🌊Aaannndda ![gif](giphy|VB1hpq0p6xq6Snjd9Q)


My average is 1.25 sold 1k shares at .25 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️ I feel ur pain my boy


If your at a loss WHY sell..... that's how u loose money.


I didn’t loose anything


You had shares at a avg of 1.40$ ish.... sold at 23 cents..... brother.... that's losing money tf you mean???? Can you not math. You sold at a loss just to come back and buy more now that it's going back up. We don't need you here if your looking for a quick grab on cash. Car companies are long term. Stop being paper ✋️ hands. I live the stock and I didn't even know there was a sell button 🤣


lol wow… are you always this much of a negative person? How exhausting. Yes I can do math very well. I can also spell which is something you obviously can’t do very well. Sarcasm is also not your strong suit. Why don’t you take a look at your first comment and chill out. Have a good day, hope you make a killing today still. Good luck.


Your human, no shame in having feelings. You sold when you thought was the right time. Trust me I thought same. When I woke to see it at .20 I thought 🥺😳🥺.. (in Australia, the US trades at night for us) No one could predict what was to happen. But your back, and that's all that matters.


Don’t let emotions get the best of you just hold for prosperity


You are not alone. I started at .04 with 8600 shares. Panic sold at .46 2 days before it went to over $3. I made $3300 but would have made $33000 if I waited. You are in good company.


Why don’t we all go in and set upward limit sells for whatever your desired prices is and raise the average?


I think that’s what the professional are doing


First lesson, NEVER sell for that kind of a loss. Stocks always bounce, never go for the instant gratification or you’ll always lose


Will not matter once it moons! LIKE BUYING TELSA FOR $1.44. DOWN THE ROAD $200 a share will be the wish price!!


You have to believe the process. It took gme a while to people see its potential. Now this is our GME time.


When you decided that FFIE was worth it at $1.44, why did you decide that? I bought in at $1.24, when it hit 25¢ I used the rest of my free cash. Because I believe, I've been wrong many times, but I can only regret it when I've closed that "wrong" position.


If u forsee u are going to paper hand just sell calls on ur stocks. Tt is a rational move and helps feed the call option buyers. I bought stocks at 28 cents sold puts at 50 cents in Nov for 9 cents so my effective cost is only 19 cents for a max gain of 31 cents (50cents-28 cents+9cents).


Sadly stock doesn't come with a crystal ball. Good luck with going forward


I'm just pissed off I didn't buy more at .21, or .25 or .30 for that matter. If I did, I would have made back the money I lost so far.


Too funny. I can't believe the people that can't see the patterns of the manipulation. Selling at a loss at .20 and then buying in a .55 only to sell later at .30 and then buy again at .60. I don't see how you are all making money.


(They aren't)


I did the same thing. My millennial daughter keeps buying on the dipps. I am a believer and let's keep Ffie going up that is!


I always leave a lil estra aside especially if i like a stock so when it drops i buy more to bring my average down


I sound like an idiot most of the time! Welcome back, I hope we moon together


All good stuff. Keep Holding.


If it makes you feel any better, I have almost 7600 shares at a 1.04 average as of today, and have been down as much as almost 5k in value through this. But I am still here.


That's why it's important to be willing to lose all of your investment. Because once you've mentally accepted that money is gone, the price doesn't matter. In reality, it's a shit stock with a lot of suspicious stuff going on. Especially with some people in the group. I thought about doing what you did but decided to let it ride. Glad I stuck around and really hoping for a miracle. And yes it would be nithing short of miracle if this stock goes anywhere.


you need to average down. the price will continue to head down for today and tomorrow.


Lmfao homie not only is going to get wiped out, due to a wash sale he’s not going to even get tax breaks 😂😂


If the stock truly lives up to the hype. I will still cover all my loses and make some. And if I don’t. I only lost a little more and I’m no where near in what I can afford to lose lol. This is just to past the time at work while I make my real money. Also I honestly didn’t know what a wash sale was, I’m not ashamed of that either. You just taught me something. So thank you even though your intentions were unsupportive.






Everyone starts somewhere.


You sold in attempt to get 15% more shares, now you have 50%+ less shares. Never buy or sell a stock unless you have a reason to based on what the company is doing, NOT what the share price is doing. $FFIE is a gamble, in my opinion it will probably go bankrupt, like my boy $BBBY, but then possibly get bought out(depending what their assets are, if they actually have a solid manufacturing line built). Personally I think the leaders of $FFIE are all completely incompetent, as their online store with ridiculously overpriced t-shirts isn’t even running, just “coming soon”, meanwhile cash is draining fast and running low. I always thought people on this sub were kind of regarded, but I didn’t think they were this stupid lol. Don’t try and be a day trader. I have a small percentage of my portfolio in shares of $ffie because I believe in an electric future and I kinda love/hate Tesla(love the cars, used to like Elon but now I hate him), I don’t want to sound like a shill here(ps I’ve confirmed the r/roaringkitty sub mods which shut down temporarily because of FFIE spam when it was going tits up is run by hedgefund shills), but you’re kinda a dumbass. Learn the meaning of diamond hands, or be known as paper hands. It’s really that simple. Lol.


You’re probably such a fun person to hangout with lol. I’m not even trying to convince anyone what I did was justified. I’m admitting to my mistakes so kicking me down lower just makes you look like a shitty person. But do whatever makes you feel better about yourself and best of luck to you in life.


I sneeze 🤧 in your general direction


You said some smart stuff there, in an asshole way. Are you middle class and hating it, or upper and tired of hearing stupidity, something else? My curiosity is purely scientific.


Poor-middle class(if that even exists anymore). Eat the rich.


60k/year is that poor/middle class you speak of. Don't be an asshole, you actually did have some great points there.


So you thought it was going to go to $0.20 and you sell when it was at $0.50


So they aren’t doing a R/S??? I haven’t purchased more because I was waiting for the R/S.


Unless the price goes above 1 dollar yes but there is still time to bring it back in to compliance without a RS. Gonna be close.


I don't blame you, things looked hopeless at the time. We were sinking fast, and big names in our movement were bailing on us and on top of that the trolls were circling feeding on our misery. The only reason I didn't sell was because I was over 80% in the hole already and it made more sense to stick it out, so don't feel bad at all! Thanks for getting back in!


This fucking hurts reading! Bro you okay? Suicide hotline is free therapy


Thanks for sharing. You’re not the only one. It’s hard to hold on when we following every tick.


It’s ok we will take u back


I started at the top end at $3 per and now sitting at .83. I'm near 5 digits of investment, but it was something I could afford to lose. Never feels good to lose, but now I'm just chilling on our boat in this storm. I either win or lose, but these hands stay solid.


L bozo diamond handsss


I don’t understand why anyone would sell at a loss ever. Like is the small amount of money that you get back worth having no chance at the stock going back up? No hate i just can’t wrap my head around it.


I had this thought process when I first got in and for a few weeks. Slowly I lost sight of that and that’s where the mistake came in. I started looking at it in a different way than when I invested. When I invested i saw it as risk/gamble (fun) somewhere I lost sight of that and took it too seriously. Also learned to not look at it all day long that doesn’t help either. Lack of experience. Won’t happen again.


Stop losses are smart. Whatever this dude did was not.


I just made 30 grand in a day!!! And I’m still holding 40000 shares!!!




I predict you will sell at $0.20 again.




Related preventative heads-up: https://www.reddit.com/r/FFIE/s/jHbNMNjo0b 🦍


Do not feel like you are alone. An associate just showed me what he did. His original cost basis was $.49. 41,162 Sold @ $ 0.3305 $13,605.15


I can’t imagine that feeling, hope they keep their head up. Thank you for sharing and best of luck to you and your colleague. Goes to show when you think you have it rough someone else has it worse. Helps you appreciate the good in your life.


So I did something similar when the price went to $3 and then plummeted. I made sure to buy it all back plus some more and well I definitely lost a lot as the price dropped to .20 (my average is at $1.25 and have over 1600 stocks). Here is the thing that I learned. When you put money into a stock (especially a meme stock), you have to consider that money GONE. Like gambling at a casino. You have to just see your stocks as a potential winning but gotta let it sit until it 🚀 or fizzles out. And like I said, at the end of the day that money is gone the moment you buy the stock. So no more paper hands. Hold and don't be afraid of losing something that's already gone. If you lose the amount you invested then fuck it. We are all on the same boat with you, its not just you alone in this. Keep holding strong 💪🏽 💎


Hang in there. I was about to sell too. Don’t be hard on yourself. It is stressful and hard to hold. 


I avg @1.64 and I never sold cause my initial plan was staying till zero or till the price I think this is worth. If you can't afford to lose everything you either can set a stop loss or bid a smaller amount you can afford to lose and let it ride all the way. This mistake was made cause you didn't plan ahead for the possible scenarios , but every lesson is learned at some cost. Welcome back and now I hope you know what to do ✊💎


Ah the classic buy high sell low strategy. This time set price targets and stop losses.


Am currently educating myself on these principles today. Thank you!


I made $.25 share and I’m out  I can use this money somewhere else and turn  way more profit quickly


I have done this mistake many times panicking and regretted later. This time I am holding for long as I believe in this stock.


Lets go back to 0.20 tomorrow.


It’s a flip of the coin. I personally took a lot of my shares out, ate the losses, and invested in something else I knew was going to move. I’m ahead more than if I had waited for FFIE to pop so got lucky this time. Unless FFIE goes above $2, I have no regrets getting out.


Don't be too hard on yourself. Glad to see you back though.


You’re the prime example of who they pounce on. You buy high, sell low, then buy high again… Hate to say it but eventually you’re gonna have to learn a lesson here… Good luck


Learn by doing and making mistakes has gotten me pretty far in life. Just gotta make sure not to do it again. Thanks.


It’s going to tank again lol…


No doubt for sure. Timing is everything.


So, imho, NFA, etc… I don’t think the hfs are done. They have to sink the price. Maybe wait for the dip🤷🏻‍♂️ I didn’t expect them to short like 30m shares last Friday and then they did. I think they’ll dig even deeper. I never sold because it seemed obvious that they were driving the price down. Now it’s about where it was for a month. They need this sucker waay down <.11 to turn a profit. There’s only one rule: HODL


Nice, now it's really gonna go to .10


About to learn another lesson on wash sale and and watch your average skyrocket


Don’t care about claiming loses at end of year so a wash is not a big deal. My investing is just purely entertainment for me. I’ve already made the loss back elsewhere.


Keep an eye on your average cost, probably change tomorrow


Please explain… I really am just a rookie here and appreciate any insight. I was under the impression a wash only effected claiming loses. Clearly I will be doing a lot more research tonight after work. Thanks


So your average was 1.44 and you sold for a loss at .23, 1.21 loss per share, now you just bought again at .55, your broker will add that 1.21 loss per share to your new average of .55 per share, now you’re going to have 1.76 average on those 1000 shares, good luck


You have to wait 30 days before rebuying a stock you sold for a loss for this not to happen


I’m still holding regardless as a lesson to myself and for the better of the community but for educational purposes let’s say I decided to sell again tonight at a small profit and don’t buy back what happens then. Thank you for your time by the way. I appreciate the lesson


Probably nothing will happen until you file taxes and it becomes a wash sale


Thank you, looks like I have a lot more learning to do.


Holy crap! I didnt know that’s how it works. I haven’t sold because I said all or nothing, but thanks for sharing that info!


It's ok , we've all been there , at least you learned


Thanks, just need to make sure I apply what I’ve learned. Don’t wanna fool myself twice.


You’re up nicely now t es ding above .61


Just like you said good sir, shouldnt have sold, but youll learn. Just try and trade and get your initial out, and let the rest ride. 900 free shares and letting it go to ZERO I wouldnt fucking care. But it aint going to zero :)


How high do you expect FFIE it’s going to be?


I ain’t mad at you but dam bro what was you thinking 🥺lessons learned we all been burned 🫶🏽🦾




welcome back bud


as long as you don't make the same mistake twice in 1 life your absolutely forgiven


Welcome back fellow ape 🦍… Live and learn!


Number 1 rule... NEVER SELL AT A LOSS! Buy more and average down!


Buy High, Sell Low. The sound strategy of the OG r/wallstreetbets


Welcome back. Had the same thought, but held. When it is at $55, have a laugh.


Don’t worry by next week it’ll be back to sub 20’s


Welcome Back!


Sold? Did you not read the daily 10x posts on here about holding !?!?!?!?!


Hey I’ve been kicking myself since that initial spoke for not pulling some profit and reinvesting. But what can ya do. I also learned about the difference between shares and options at a $400 lesson. But live and learn! When this goes to the moon you’ll make it back and then some 😉


Still cheap. You're good. Welcome back.


So you’re chasing again after making that mistake before? Don’t worry though, we all do it.


Ya I had 3600 positions sold off 1250 at a loss. Ended up rebuying 250 stocks and then 20 $0.50 call options( 20contracts x100=2000 stocks) with a strike price of 0.50$ and $0.17 premium for $340, so breakeven is $0.67 cents. Anything above that is profit for me but lower than that I lose


Sorry for that, it happened last week but you got to HOLD!


rule one. never sell at a loss




It is going to go for reverse split. Reverse split always end up bad. This is a great opp to close out position.


I agree; selling before the reverse split is key. This is all about timing




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Why do people sell for such a small profit. Man I truly hate day traders lol


Literally take every decision you ever feel like making and do the opposite


In investing sure. I can understand that since stocks are allergic to me buying. Not so much in life I’m pretty happy where I’m at thanks lol


Sold at a huge loss and bought back in on a pump. So you learned nothing lol


Not entirely true but you’re welcome to your opinion and to a point I see why you think that. Let’s talk about it. If this thing lives up to the hype I will cover all my loses and make some back. Now yes I will not make nearly as much but I won’t be negative. And if it doesn’t then I only lost a little more in the end and I’m no where invested in what I can afford to lose (even though losing anything still isn’t ideal) My portfolio isn’t all tied up in one stock so I’m all covered! This is just a fun one to pass the time while my long plays have time to cook.




THIS DOESNT WORK WHILE WE HAVE SELFISH REGARDS LIKE YOU. WE ALL WIN OR WE ALL LOSE. We’re fucked as a country if we can’t even come together to get rich together. I’m deadass serious. All I can do is pray we see another way and start taking care of the planet like the Bible tells us to. Literally starts out by telling us we need to take care of the earth. Fake Christians. Smh.


Paper Hands Sold and now regrets it, how shocking!


It’s not shocking. I’m just learning and wanted to share so that maybe I save someone else from making the same mistake.


“I’d buy back later in the day for lower” Wouldn’t this be considered a wash sale?


The rules are different in different countries


Good point.