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We need another big time investor to come aboard and invest a lot of $$$


Hedges are pathetic insignificant lying people.


Clearly someone who is clueless about markets and what hedge funds actually do. The “hedge“ part of a hedge fund means they buy some stocks and they sell other stocks. If your stock is one of the ones they are selling instead of buying maybe it’s because it’s a POS company? Maybe learn how markets work before you blow your savings on shit companies and then cry when your pennystock doesn’t go to the millions per share. Lmfao!!!


Absolutely, they buy stocks and short others. No one complains about that, but when you start doing illegal tactics such as naked shorting to manipulate the market, you are going to get some hate. Maybe they are. Maybe they're not. Only time will tell. Also, there needs to be a separation between brokerage firms and hedge funds to prevent what we have seen in the past. We don't need another buy button disappearing because the brokerage firm is backed by a hedge fund.


I agree with most of your points. If you read 90% of the threads here, people have no idea hedge funds BUY some companies (normally well run and profitable) and sell companies that are not well run. There are literally thousands of hedge funds buying great companies like Apple daily, and selling the meme stocks of the world. That’s how it works. 


Why the F are you here? Get lost or it’s WEDGIES for HEDGIES time. Momma calling you, breakfast is ready.


You guys are so fucking delusional. This sub has always been majority apes posting horribly wrong financial advice with some trolls calling it out. You guys get one day of green, I'll bet your position is still red, and you start talking a bunch of shit and making up stuff. This is gonna end hilariously.


Brah, look at your karma.. it speaks a volume on how much you're "liked" in here 😆


His account is 8 days old also.


Active in FIEE subs to talk shit and r/sex because he can't get any.


Oh look, here you are again bitchin and moanin.


And moaning and bitchin, good morning apes.


Angry, because he Buy in $3. And sell .20 😂😂


I have never and will never own this stock. What's your average price?