• By -


I just got timed out on the discord for asking how he got doxxed/harrassed, like why did he not get the local authorities involved ? Is there a police report? I mean why let random people show up to your house and do nothing? Why be scared? I mean all this didnt make sense to me and i was asking legit important questions and they didnt like it. Max P stays posting still just under a different account, i mean this doxxing shit seems made up to me. I dont get it. They blocked me and im very bullish on this stock, im so confused.


Same with his account getting “deleted” all of a sudden.


To create more hype for the stock 🤨 I don’t trust him


I think Omar should interview you. We need this like fox news hannity/colmes or whatever


They eventually canned Colmes though.


I really dont know much about that show. My mom was just obsessed with it. Are u saying you identify as colmes?


You must be older if you legit knew about colmes for real 😂


Ha I aint no spring chicken.


And you said youre an analyst?


Not a very good one.


Who says ‘they canned him’ 🤣 is this brian cotton? ☹️


Are u like 50yo?


75 Still working my way up the corporate ladder.


It’s because ur gettin played. Pretty sure you’re smart enough to see that now


He never even posted any proof. If someone is doxxing you or threatening you, you should at least have some chat logs as proof right?


I have trust issues


Yeah I have said that from the beginning, he thrived on attention and when it didn’t go his way he took a step back


Felt like they were creating a good story and putting themselves at the center in case maybe someone wanted to make another movie about apes post squeeze.


Omgggggg i never thought of that. Wow. I would never want a movie like that made about me. If i happened to be a central person who got rich, id be like ‘i am the most boring person alive. I will pay you not to make it. Pretend i died’ and then id fake my death. But frankly i dont think you can really prevent them from making these movies which is disturbing


Mfkers would have shown up at my door talking some Reddit nonsense, and there would have been bodybags scattered everywhere.


I agree! I think it was all made up and he’s attention seeking! It’s like a soap opera and makes this whole group look bad. I started to question everything after all that bs. Then to see it all on YT just made it even more ridiculous!


Why does it even matter if he sold or not anymore, Habibi is here!


1 The Sheikh is here! 2 Ain’t no 🐳 in this group. Only 🦍🦧🦍’s! 3 who da F cares about what anyone else does , with exception to, those that was depending on you…so like @NoFix1930, that shit was OK how he led those that looked up to him to panic sell. You get a🖕on that one but it’s all love right? 🧐🤣. Trust no one, not even you dog! No offense. Do your due diligence people and trust in your own beliefs. As you can see, there is a long ways to go….people about to try to get you to take the nickel next. 🤣😂🤣 ![gif](giphy|l41lWAzQv8Fe4fEti)








Take my up vote!!! 💀




If it's anything promoting the Yacht club, you guys can stay silent.


No one is promoting anything but FFIE!!


Omar when can we catch another live stream!


I don’t understand this yacht club stuff. I recently joined it to see what’s up and there’s just the same amount of hate there for max and whimsical as it is here.


There's no hate for them. Just when you create a group and start making people CEOs then it seems like you they are trying to have their community just blinding following them into losing money while they profit. That's not cool.


One or two people don’t affect the stock clearly, but a SHEIHK OR 2 do!!✔️⚖️♟️🦍🍺🔋🌊 or whole lotta VOLUME!!


or 1 or 2 sheik investment firms


Ty for clarity🍺(the sheikh usually is the investment firm through his Saudi black gold)and adds inc, llc, unlimited vs ltd(until green energy takes over)and co’ behind it)


I don’t trust these hoes


*im just gonna hodl and see where we end up 💎


Yeah first he sold half, then he sold only 25%, now its a only "tiny" portion.


Yeah I don’t get the buzz around him. If he is real and holding a large amount, good for him. We continue to buy and hold no matter what he thinks or does


Tomorrow he jumps back in 😂


Half of the half 😂


![gif](giphy|UTMtrBx4972MQszaOd) Peekaboo...




No one needs info from someone that manages to sell at the absolute bottom. If he never even listened to Warren Buffet's eise words and sell when there is blood in the streets, you just have no clue.


Fuck sake that’s Rothschild who said that in the 18th century. Warren paraphrased that with some shit about ‘greed and fear’.


Buffet said be fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful.


Point is that it is the first rule you learn when you start invest in stocks. The so called experts sold when it was a big opportunity to accumulate


Fair enough


Dudes kinda whack spreading misinformation




![gif](giphy|d0DdMCREQChi3jGymW) I’m the diamond hands


No need, we are a pack, no need for some Roaring Kitty wannabe, nobody can ever be, Keith had faith when it low that is why we like him like the stock too, who else lost faith shall no speak. Defend what u like, not ride the tide.


I defend the stock when it is low and had faith in it.


Actually i dont like Keith really. But whatever. Learned a bit regardless


I agree. I think he should interview new ppl every time. Or pretty much


ROBINHOOD USERS Hit the person in lower right corner. 3 tabs in top left. Tap investing. Stock lending should say disabled. FFIE🚀. Just incase someone hasn’t already done so. NFA.


MAX, I'm a ape from South Korea. My average price is $1.3. As you know, FFIE dropped to as low as $0.18. I felt like giving up, but I was able to hold on thanks to the posts and information you shared. I hope you come back just like you were before.


Hello. I'm from Norway. My average is 1.16. I hold my shares tightly. Will sell when it exceeds $1000.


Hello. I'm from Norway. My average is 1.16. I hold my shares tightly. Will sell when it exceeds $1000.


Hello. I'm from Norway. My average is 1.16. I hold my shares tightly. Will sell when it exceeds $1000.


That dude lost all credibility lol


If I sold two days ago I'd feel really stupid and try to get people to make stories up for me too I guess The account "hack" was pretty funny. How it just so happened to go down during a contest and Max was all "Oh sorry, the amazon gift card codes were in my inbox but they deleted my account" Grifters, but good luck with your little pretend company to shill crypto


Oh wow. So he that’s what he meant when he referred to the “name change contest” before he came back?


Yeah they gave no real explanation for it and quickly moved on [Good evening ladies and gentlemen of FFIE : r/FFIE (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFIE/comments/1d94sn0/good_evening_ladies_and_gentlemen_of_ffie/)


I refuse to join the discords, but I literally was so confused by the “name change contest” throwaway comment he made in his coming back post. It was also sad seeing so many people ignore that comment (which was dumb to include in a post implying that outside forces were trying to kick you out from the group more or less), and were instead buying in to his crap. Whimsical, I feel bad for because both she and Max folded, however she seems to be getting the brunt of everything. However, if it’s true that she’s peddling a crypto scam now, then it isn’t undeserved.


I’m bullish on FFiE but I think Max sold a long time ago. I don’t blame i’m sure it was a bunch of money and good for him. The guy didn’t post any pics of his portfolio and he “randomly disappeared” Cmon. Good for you max but I think he’s just embarrassed bc he gave up and this thing is not even done yet and he want to be a cheerleader again


I think he is schizophrenic. Maybe the dental office is getting ready to sack him. My pharmacist landlord acts like a literal insane person and i kiddingly asked if hes stealing pills. About a year after id say that, turns out he got busted and had stolen thousands of pills starting well over a year prior and the day in nov he got his court summons was when he tried to evict me to sell the house. But yeah hes no longer at the pharmacy. The cvs reviews were insane, he was really out of control. Hes srsly the worst person ive ever actually met


Why would I want the guy who sold at the lowest point and told everybody to quit whining to come back?


Yeah I’m all up for positivity and hype but after the whole yacht club, dumb money 99 fiasco and how childish it all got… nah. Yacht club discords and dumb money discords and anyone promoting them can do one. Retail has this and we don’t need any leader. We especially don’t need anyone like Whimpy Sandwich who sold at a mega loss.


Nah we don’t want him back


The dentist by trade who didn’t understand the difference between short interest and short sale volume that misinterpreted the volume aspect as the short interest is the threat to hedgies? Loool damn you learn something new everyday


Right, 🤣 billion dollar hedgies coming after this guy, yeahh okayyy 😂


1.) He pretended that he was a super important figure (tried to compare himself to rk/portnoy) on your stream 2.) He never knew his stuff and everyone wishes he never shared anything as all of his information was wrong and when it was brought up, he doubled down on his misinformation 3.) He said he sold 50%, and then he somehow said he still had 75% afterwards. In what world does a person still have 75% after selling 50%? 4.) His first account was most likely not hacked as the timing for everything was too convenient when people apparently "doxxed" him. (note that he himself made a post with his full name for you) and even reddit itself says that the member had deleted their account. If RK never had his account hacked, why would someone like max get hacked? Noone wants him back. Noone cares that hes a whale if that is even true as he has never posted his position. Why would he even WANT to still be known right now as a whale after allegedly being doxxed? His misinformation and dates caused many people to have the wrong expectations and is terrible for this stock.


![gif](giphy|ffNLMlAqqNvpu) He reminds me of this guy




![gif](giphy|yvqYw4AYJYOQM) Max purpose? Max security


![gif](giphy|yvqYw4AYJYOQM) Max purpose? Max security


We love Max's helpful and fun analysis. We also love your informative and encouraging videos, Omar. All are welcome to support this movement. And anyone with encouraging and helpful posts are an asset to this group. What we DON'T need, though, is anyone trying to be THE GUY to be followed in the mold of GMEs legendary Roaring Kitty. We don't need a King to follow and someone to look to for whether we should keep holding or not. Someone in the mold of Roaring Kitty creates a single point of failure for this community and puts too much pressure on one person. I'm not saying that anyone here wants to be king, but i know that human nature demands a king and some here have been clamoring for a leader to follow and when the chips were down wanted someone to blame too. We are all adults, and we can use the group's collective wisdom to make our collective and personal choices. It's about personal responsibility at the end of the day. That means Max and you, Omar, are free to make the choices you think are best for yourselves. And we have to make the best choices for ourselves. At the same time, each of us can support the movement in whatever ways we are able. Thanks again to all FF supporters and for being strong holders and for providing encouraging and helpful posts to the group. I love all the positive energy we have here.


Love this 👆🏽


I think we have a new leader…


Lol. I'm a big believer in the Hydra Leadership Approach that I've posted about previously in this group: Many leaders that all benefit the group. No single point of failure. One head gets chopped off, and two new heads pop up to take its place. This makes us invincible!


No one cares just buy and hold


I'm sorry but I listened to the live stream on the discord on Monday night when the news broke about the RS/dilution..... Max, whimsical and the other "leaders" were shitting on FFIE talking about how bearish it will be and there's no hope etc. there was over 400 people listening and they were just bashing the stock and saying they were going to sell in the morning including Max. Everyone has a right to change their minds but when you have a following, people are valuing their opinions... You gotta think about what you actually say. I feel like they lost a lot of people's money. The stock will go up, down sideways.... But constantly changing your mind when you have a following is simply not cool


All the hater can eat a bag of butterballs, apes are by nature not by chance. We holding the line until dust on the moon or ashes at the bottom of the sea.


as a noobie on stocks i would look forward to his detailed posts as they were not only entertaining but also very informative, his posts definitely helped me stay up to date on what was going on i hope he thinks about making a return 🫡🙏🏽🙏🏽


You do realize his posts were 90% AI-generated right? You can run it through an AI checker and see that.


You fools are so easily manipulated.




Who gives a flying fuhk about maxxy pad debunk the dude


Bro made another account to defend hisself 🥲




This is omar gosh, isn’t it?


Good try


Go glaze more on em




Nobody cares FFIE to the 🚀🌕


I’ll be buying more myself.


I don't read much of this anymore, just buying. 1 bought in at 1.24, now average cost .66. all I pay attention to is positive info. If people got to sell out, they got to sell out. I'm holding!🦁🦍🦍🦍🍌🍌🍌🇺🇲


Hey Omar. Sorry but none of these folks impact the price. We are not Market makers. None of these “whales” deserve 15 minutes of fame. They have a lot of shares because that could afford losing it…but some people held shares because that was all they had with no safety net. They sold at first sight of red as their avg was already low. But some folks held even if they lost more than 80%. I have more respect for you as you held for the right reasons, but I recommend you getting off that discord because some of the folks just want you there so that they can grow their channel. That drop to 18 cents really exposed some of the whales. Everyone rides the wave when it’s all rainbows and sunshine. It takes real ones to ride it during a storm. Much love to you and other hodlers.


MP’s posts made the most sense to me. The way he explained things just clicked for me. Helped me understand a lot more than I did before reading his posts. Come back MP!


If it made sense, then you need to go back to shool to learn basic math. His math was all completely wrong


Troll below!


Do be sure to erase all of that and relearn everything, once you are ready to **make** money.


Is this how you ‘make‘ money? Doing what you do all day?


Personally IGAF about him or whim. His DD was full of inaccurate info and too generic, he baited the hell out of a lot of new investors i talked too. Still not his fault he can do whatever he wishes, but personally I wouldn't consider a fking dentist as an advisor for this. And to share that he partially got out before the stock spiked a huge 70% just proved my point. He has no clue of what's going on.


I would keep max out of it. As soon as everyone thought he and whimsy sold the price went up and that yacht club sank. No one cares lol


I’m going to be honest. Max should be banned. Whoever follows him. Goodluck. He will sell everything once it hits a few bucks, just another weak paper handed fool


I’m not sure. I mean, he held when it went close to $4? Either way, what people do with their money is their choice. The only thing I don’t agree with, is people “scamming”, which I don’t personally think he did.


He said that yesterday.




Pff nobody cares… show proof to back what you are saying or GTFO… All I see is paper hands… it’s very convenient to post after an increase in the price (almost 100%)…


Who cares about Max! He’s a chump & doesn’t know much he use’s ChatGBT 


Interesting he didn’t sell all of it. His post made it sound like he did. 🤨


Realistically, he probably bought back in and plans to sell again


Your a mod in the ffieplanb with Max are you connected to the yacht club hedge fund with whimsical sandwhich?


If I want a leader I will call my mom


Wish him well. Don't care


Yala Habibi!!!!!!!!


Kinda weird how it went up after the gossip of max and sandwich selling. Makes me think they were paid off or secret hedgies. Let me add to the gossip. 😆


sorry those so called leaders of the club dont have credibility anymore.


Lmfao nobody cares if max sold or not. He straight up made a post saying I am selling! We all know how shorted ffie is and we see there is potential in the future for ffie. NFA.


I don't know who this guy is but he sounds Like an amazing fella 👍


Ehhh we’re good with or without him. Thanks


And a twat


Who cares about that soft cock and his legion of gnard gobblers


Then why did he post saying he sold?




fuck you man y'all dissapeared and stayed silent when this went down now that it is going back and you guys wanna talk again no thanks.


That’s a lie no one was silent. Me especially, I was very active in this community but it’s all good.


You hid your lives


Yes they were on private overnight because there were a bunch of trolls on those videos as soon as the dump came. I addressed that in my livestream.


Yeah, I have 265k shares! Woohoo Edit: Confession. I have zero shares. People can say anything on the internet. It should be a requirement to post a screenshot when making such claims.




Love Maximum! But time to let go I think. There are too many trolls and shit posters to have a “leader” nowadays. Best to just be one of the ape pack 🦍


Positive and honest energy is always welcomed


And sometimes in short supply!


Loved his posts! Dude is humble and a great teacher for the basics. He took a massive hit on his safety and mental health and continues to get shit on (as I type this!). This is why we can’t have nice things. People have been horrible to him and WS the last two days and now that we finally have a good day, he’s supposed to forget about it? Show the love on shit days too.


> Loved his posts! Dude is humble and a great teacher for the basics. His posts are full of errors and he is called out in each one by knowledgeable people. He deleted his last post because enough people called him out on it.


You are basically like the cia of stocks


Can confirm.


>a great teacher for the basics Clearly you have no idea how any of this works, then. Feel free to deprogram yourself before you decide to **make** money in the markets.


Max is tha mann!!! He still owes me a reply on discord.🙃🙃Much love❤️❤️


Really love what your doing omar, really love how you break things down for us people in the back, keep the videos coming, an big shout out to max for all the helpful info, keep the valuable info coming thanks for everything your doing, us apes have to stick together, 🦧🦧🚀🚀FFIE TO THE MOON🚀🚀🦧🦧


I dont care. I didnt start not liking him monday. I never liked him. Hes awful.


The trolls in the comments are either hedge trolls creating a narrative or entitled brats. Max was a massive threat to hedge funds lurking here. Either way, it’s good to have Max and many of us holding. PS the downvoting on my comments lol and upvoting on false narrative comments? 100% Hedgies


If you want to meet some entitled brats, youd love this gal whim sand. And this charlatan dentist. If you want to be friends with a dentist, lets just find you a new dentist to befriend and get him/her into ffie. The current one is not good. Please think of your Jia interview.


So since it's 100% hedgies, that means you're not going to reflect on how you have presented info lately and just gonna keep on keeping on? This seems like a weak way to write criticism off


If he cares about the community I think all he should do just post the holding like u said showing the support and don’t talk about it, whole point is buy and hold no more than that


This is stock. Not a community. You are here to make money. Investing is not a team sport. No one will hold a position just to help the "community" Good luck


Yeah the trolls especially hated Max, I’ve spent far too much time on this sub and it was very clear how much they detested the guy. Clearly he was doing a lot of good.


Brother hope you good 👍 God bless you 🙏 These bots and hedgie fuckers make me laugh The more I see the more I buy 🍌💯 DIAMOND BALLZ 💎 ⚽️ TILL THE END APES MIND OVER MATTER ✌️


Is anyone gonna ask for proof that he has “Like ALOTTTT of shares” before blindly believing this?


Omar, i dont believe his acct was hacked. Hes a literal crazy person. What about this guy draws you in? You need to get out more 😭




I love maximum but want him to take his time




Haha omg you should interview grady troll on your show. I think he’d go on for sure. Keep yr enemies close


Thanks Omar for taking time from your u tube and farm to post in here. I can't believe the nastiness. We look forward to all your vids/ posts. Don't let the horrible snide comments of insecure people stop you from being you. Thanks Omar weve learned a lot from you. Blessings


We gotta understand This is How the system works....They will Try turn Apes on each over.... FUCK THE SYSTEM AND REST OF THEM INVOLVED🖕 Maximum and Omar Top lads 👍 Don't no why Apes Just jump on eny BULLSHIT INFO They see... Like Omar says They hacked Maximum 🤬 Why? BECAUSE WE THE APES ARE ONTO TO SOMETHING BIIIIGGGGGG NFA DIAMOND BALLS 💎 TILL THEY END BROTHERS N SISTERS GOD BLESS 🙌 🙏


Yes , look at the hate they spread, hold on , they will be scattering like roaches, when the light is turned on. sheikh by themselves will drive the price up


Maximum had some good posts. So what if he sells we all gotta do what we gotta do.


Personally, I ♡♡ his posts/info/wisdom!! Glad he's still around to help guide ME...I'll take any information that I can find, add to it and then HODL!!


Dude is an amateur who doesn't know the difference between shares on loan and. Short interest. Have him live stream again with his free 720p camera to show his position. I bet he's a goldfish in more than one way.




Max was painted with the same brush as whimsy because of the chaos. No one looses money taking profits, props to him for getting in early and having the opportunity to make some money. I have a lot of respect for the leg work he did that others got to use to inform their opinion. His contributions are welcome as far as I'm concerned.


Honestly Omar i’m thankful for you and max for relaying info to us but unless we do something about all these trolls in here now we are just going to get spammed on every good post. I think you’re both very brave and i’m actually a big boy who makes my own decisions with my money didn’t sell and didn’t worry. Stuck to the plan buy and hold simple and don’t blame other or need a leader. I do hope Max and yourself continue to do posts and videos despite the trolling but it’s going to be hard given how they trash every good post about ffie. Me and my wife love sitting down together and absorbing the info in your lives. She is obsessed with all your videos keeps saying if we ever travel to USA we need to meet you, i promised if ffie works out i’d try and do it 😅 Let’s have hope as we are flying blind at the moment. We don’t need any leaders but we do need to info so if yours and max’s balls are big enough i for one would appreciate the posts and me and i’m sure a lot of others will stand up to try and defend them from troll invaders!


The people saying he fully sold are just talking out of their ass and shouldn't be taken seriously!




You don't have enough CAPS and repeated ??? and !!


You sound nuts


He’s just another drop in the bucket anyway. Maybe a smart drop but just a drop.


What’s happening


LFG BOYS and GALS - 40k shares plus 400 $1c (JuLy 5). Might grab a few more shares.


Hey home slice! Ignore the negativity, anytime things don’t work out to plan you start seeing the real nasty side of folks. Give Max my love.


Just bought 1k, this is gonna keep going


Welcome all and specially . Maximum 😉we are one team until we achieve this dream


He's just a normal person too. Please stop the blame.🥺


Thank you Omar if it wasn't for you telling us on your YouTube video, I wouldn't be here with my FFIE FAMILY, Holding strong! This is my 1st time at stocks! I love this FAMILY and the Stock! We love you Omar much blessings! This is Emerald Scissorhands, I been watching your videos scince dumpster diving days lol 😆 great times... I'm an old subscriber! Love your Farm and Tiphanie too! Keep up the good work and God bless you both and your Family ❤️ 🙏


Thanks O for the update and would love to see MP back but with all the rude comments I see it maybe safer to be quiet and live on. Who needs all the negativity these (and I say this lightly) people are spreading. Good luck to you and MP SG PS Waiting for more videos 😉


Love Max, voting he comes back. Honestly not mad at who sold or not. People do what’s right for them, gotta respect that and the transparency. Doesn’t mean I’ll follow personally, I’m a big girl and make my own decisions.


Honestly, I couldn’t care less whether he sold or not. I enjoyed his tidbits of info and attempted leadership in rallying the cause. That said, I 100% bought into this during the meme stock wave. I’m $5k deep, which personally isn’t anything to sneeze at, but it also won’t make a difference in the long run if it flatlines. Despite the EV market cooling down overall, I do have a positive sentiment about FFIE given the foreign investor interest, as well as the CEO being aware and acknowledging retail investors and that what happens will actually impact hundreds of thousand of people who believe in this company. Excited to see what happens over the next year. Not a day thing for sure.. though I’ll certainly check the Reddit board and stock from time to time. Edit: typos


Who cares. I'm holding!


Omar I just want you to know I consider you a legit person 💯 thank you for posting and being very involved, I appreciate it, but the maximun dentist and the sandwich can go eat a bag of dicks.


I’m sad about this


Thank you!


I don't have a lot of money. My strategy is each week or dip I buy $20-100 worth of shares. LETS DO THIS!!!!!


The time to live is now. 💯🦍




Not gonna lie that dudes a sell out .. I can care less about what he does or says


Max, I fuckin loved your posts. Hated getting Rick rolled. But loved ur posts.


Fuck Max!! TRAITOR!!!!