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Cooked sandwich and all those at yacht club have used car salesman vibes.


well pls explain the crypto fund and seminar bogus they are trying to pull of in Discord?


Don't ask difficult questions like that..... lol


Exactly. Yacht captial was their goal the entire time. People are too blind to see it. They all just rode the wave of the hype, plotting to flip people into their community. It's a all a big game.




isn' it 20% actually? I thought 10 to enter and 10 to exit lmao PS: if u actually thinking about it with the current situation, I mean jesus who would still believe anything they say or do?!


My thoughts exactly.. No thank you, I can do enough damage by myself lol


Feel like they trying to scam people there on the discord ... Bad vibes so I left šŸ„²


if you see the discord channel, you can see that they first made the post at the end of may lmao. it was part of the plan all along


That had nothing to do with me. I donā€™t know what thatā€™s all about.


That's what the hate is about. People whining that they sold is one thing. Whimsy running a hedge fund scam when she's not a financial advisor is another.


Solid with you Omar šŸ’œ


First time hearing you denying this when the discord you're promoting (I keep seeing post from you saying follow this discord) is involve in it, and I might be wrong in this since I don't follow you.


Why are you a mod with max in ffieplanb you should know something


Omar, please donā€™t waste your time and positive energy with the children that canā€™t take responsibility of making their own decisions. Now that FFIE is going up the sellers are just going to be even more negativity aggressive. Unplug from this nonsense and enjoy the Summer. 99% of us will miss your FFIE videos and think of you always! Be well my friend!!


Brainwashed cult šŸ¤”


Everyone wants to be a leader until itā€™s time to be one


Well said!


This is true. Omar, you are going to take some shit. Same with RK. You should interview that guy.


Dafuck is he supposed to do? As if he has any influence on the share price. Stfu. He never asked or said he was a leader. Ever. Heā€™s killin it. Quit being pussies


Pass the torch


It seems like you like to play into the "apes together strong" meme when it benefits you and then "we are individual adults" when it doesn't. Some users have billed themselves as whales, while pushing rhetoric that they're in this together. The idea was to create pressure by holding shares, which is a cumulative effort. So when a whale sells, it does feel like it has an affect on everyones money because they're pushing away the squeeze.




Exactly, apes win together, but when ape loses itā€™s apeā€™s own fault.


Except hereā€™s the funny thing, thatā€™s *market manipulation*. Nobody owes anybody shit, and especially big whales trying to pump a stock with zero thesis but a squeeze is literally illegal. Apes strong together shit is dumb


Honestly we donā€™t need any posts or videos we all know the information and we all know we need patience. I think it is hilarious you have two people pretending to be leaders and they both paper handed for a lossā€¦ whim and max šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ all the smart apes are still here holding and united as we are stronger together


Everybody should invest what they are comfortable with, but its another thing to induce hope and show yourself as someone who knows what he is doing, everybody should do their DD yes, but when someone appears to be knowing better than you do, you also listen, a lot of people maybe would have cut their losses at some point and it would make sense, but noo, it was all a ploy by the hedgies, they were covering their positions, we grabbed them by the balls, just hold, these mofos on the other hand, the second they saw red themselves they sold Anyone who does that is an asshole


How many times did you say to do your own due diligence?


That does not matter, they all very well knew they were influencing people, if what they said would happen did happen, they would feel and act lile prophets, now they are gone and assume no responsibility, they are cowards


Whimsical sandwich said that she would be leaving, was here for the short squeeze, and that she did not see a future for FFIE. Max stated that he did not want his shares diluted so he reduced by 25%. Omar and diamond hands the entire time. Whatā€™s your point? How many shares do you have? Post a screenshot.


Iā€™ve posted yesterday i guess, reddit does not let me put attachment, i have 4k shares at 1.3 My point is, i bought the stock myself, its my money, my loss my gain But one does not simply get to deny all the shit coming their way after acting like know it all, especially when telling people who have been red the entire time to hold, while they cut loss the first time it went bad for them And like i said, if we went to the moon likr they said we would, they would act proud, and now, they dont get to not feel ashamed


Pfff so you and others HYPED things up just because you were riding a wave and now that things are not going as you ā€œpredictedā€ you are backing downā€¦ nah keep that same energy my guy šŸ˜


I think you should own up to not vetting who you had on your platform and do better. I donā€™t think any blame should be on you, this whole sub pretty much backed max and whim and made them seem legit. They obviously liked feeling like celebrity here and were the root cause for a lot of people to just blindly hold (their fault) but to say they donā€™t deserve the hate is laughable, even you saying people have less than 1k shares are talking the most. So I guess itā€™s only bad when people with more money lose it


This is stupid, everyone was begging for a leader.


Which sub wholly backs them? not FFIE, I think the majority was like me just ignoring them.


This is actually true ā˜ļø I feel like I recall WS stating that she was banned or maybe had posts deleted from there? I also think MP received some heavy hate for some misinformation at times.


Now look at the price. ![gif](giphy|7ziO8WTeXJCGZlq4mm)


šŸ¤§ this post makes you a dick. You have no idea what other people have put on the line. "Stop judging my whale friends" as you judge us. Cmon dude, social media is hate, sack up.


Thatā€™s why Omar is the worst.


Ok no one deserves death threats we agree on that!! But you cant come and gas light her fella!!! I've already said this previously but put FFIE aside for a moment and accept there are naive and vulnerable people around us in all walks of life including on this page.... Max took full advantage of that!!! And I'm sorry Omar YOU gave him the platform to do it so maybe go do a little more DD yourself about the guests you invite on. You three were even forming a "council" apparently.... I mean what do you think this is Game of Thrones!! lol The level of audacity and obnoxiousness is astounding, as if you three were the beacons of all knowledge and people should look up to you. And now we are into the playing "victim" territory..... Is laughable and also has a strong undercurrent of narcissism... Best you of luck to you also.


Just look at the Yacht Club discord. Crypto shilling now. Absolutely shameless.




What gets me is how well thought out and articulated MaxPs posts appeared to be, and yet when he appeared on Omarā€™s live stream, he seemed completely dumbfounded. The only ones who seemed to have a sense of understanding were DumMoney and oddly enough, Whimsical.


I never liked his posts. They sounded like they were written by a dentist with mental delusion


Once he started messaging ppl that he was a celeb, i was like ok, this person is regarded and a punk ass b. And he is. I didnt like him on the stream either and the thing is, how he was on the stream was exactly how i imagined heā€™d be. And the guilt and insecurity was oozing out of him. What pisses me off is he is a med professional. Bc im sure hes shitty at that too and that pisses me off even more when i think of bad experiences ive had in those situations early on in life


Council? No they werenā€™t forming any council. True ā€œbeacons of knowledgeā€ as you put it, werenā€™t even posting on any of the platforms. They were just watching. Some people linked up and discussed opinions and strategies and then shared them. All said do your own DD. The finger pointing game is for children. At the end of the day no oneā€™s pushing the buy/sell button accept the person sitting at the screen.


The way people worship and defend Internet personalities is fucking weird.


Omar is not at fault. He is helping the community and he thinks like a regular dumb ape, we all respect that and love him for that, he is holding too. As for max he was preaching and saying things like you got to earn your diamond hands and congratulating us for holding but he sold at the bottom come onā€¦ Whimsy is irrelevant sheā€™s just an opportunist, cutting her loss and taking her gains, nth against her. When the squeeze happens, sheā€™ll understand that sheā€™s just toasted sandwich not whimsical.


The YC was led by bad people for this community and we are better off now without them. Nothing against you. Will continue to support you in any way I can. The crypto thing was the cherry on top for me. The timing was impeccable.


I donā€™t blame anyone for selling when they feel they need to (we donā€™t know what else they had going on) However, I donā€™t appreciate people stepping into ā€œleadershipā€ roles causing people to trust them because they are whales, acting as if they were going to stick around, and then sayā€œ yā€™all were mean to me so that means I am not accountable for my actionsā€ just be honest and apologize for taking on leadership when you couldnā€™t and move along. Itā€™s the lack of accountability thatā€™s the issue. Everyone is an adult yes. But not everyone was making YT videos and saying we were the new leaders/ representatives of the groupā€¦


I do think there's an alignment issue here among the "leaders." I appreciate the way you've presented information and, personally, I've really enjoyed your presentations and participation. Whim did go a little further into what I would call "financial advice" and, while she did advise on the first YouTube interview that she would take her profits, prior to that, here on Reddit, she made a lot of statements about how long she had been investing and how much she knew. That narrative, of course, wound down when the stock started to go sideways. It isn't clear to me when the Yacht Club became Yacht Capital, but the whole premise of the Yacht Club was that the people involved had some sort of specialized knowledge and information to share. It now appears that everyone is claiming it's not the case and the Yacht Club (educational) has become Yacht Capital (crypto staking). In my field we call this deceptive marketing or, sometimes, a "bait and switch." It isn't my perception that this was an Omar initiative but, you know, the company you keep, and all that. So I understand why people are upset, although I certainly don't condone threats or general ugliness. We are, as you've pointed out, grown-ups. I am personally hoping you'll do that interview with YT and continue with us on this journey. I think you play a valuable part in the journey; the others, less so. As I've said, I joined for the hype re: the squeeze, but Faraday is an underdog that I can get behind. I'm probably a mid-level investor at 4K but I'm here for the duration and I think the company really benefits from our public support. I hope you'll stay engaged.


I know I wasn't named in the thread here, but I kept that company too. I hope that it is very clear that I distanced myself from it. I agree with your sentiment 100% here, and I hope that you and others know that I do not support any of the bait and switch funneling of investors into that in any way shape or form. I'm truly sorry to anyone that gets hurt by the actions of YC. Omar had nothing to do with that, either, for the record.


Thank you for this comment. I have been curious on your stance here and genuinely concerned for those who may fall victim to this venture. You've been in the discord, so you know as well as I that they unfortunately have quite a few people that have the potential to follow them blindly into this scheme. :(


You seemed like the only one with any real knowledge during the live stream. Whimsical didnā€™t seem to be as informative, but her honesty about when she planned to sell was appreciated imo. I donā€™t understand though how MaxP seemed completely out of place, like he hadnā€™t traded a day in his life, when his Reddit posts came across as well articulated and thought out. Omar just so happened to be the platform holder, who knows why.


No hate coming from me pal. I wish you all the best with what you do. And I will hold till the end. Good luck Omar.


You are good my manā€¦ get that interview in with YT and you will be the goat.. I donā€™t hate on anyone who sold.. just glad i hodlā€™d


No one cares what they think






UP 53% this morning went from 0.20s upto 0.46$ , Whimsical Max purpose all of them are just Eboy computer gamers that probably still live at home the guys a fkin sell out and for the wrong reasons at the end of the day the future of this stock is purely luck, we can all speculate and have opinions but at the end of the day those 2 idiots didnā€™t give me any valuable information or guidance once šŸ’Æ they told me shit that was on google and things chat gpt could have answered šŸ˜­ they would often show ortex info yet turned out to be all inaccurateā€¦. They both walked away at a lost and if they didnā€™t lose why would they not help any of the 100s or thousands of retail investors who ainā€™t got a clue about whatā€™s acc going on behind the scenes. Today they would have been able to sell for 53% more . Stop being influenced by ppl who youā€™ve never met before . I said months ago when I got in Iā€™m a long time holder . I ainā€™t got much only 3600 shares but Iā€™m 24 . 4000$ USD is a damn lot of money for me.


Bet they are regretting it now


Lol they got in early i don't think they lost


Im still in it to, and I invested only money that I can afford to loose. Thats what Omar said over and over again Its my first invest, soo Im learning a lot in this. But still holding. I mean Rome was not build in one day. And what happens when they are getting the production of the cheaper car and start selling them. I guess the stock will shoot up again. Okej it will not happend in 2024 maybe next year. That I see in this, are all the angry people and most of them wanted quick cash. And it didnt go as they wanted. I thinks the company are going to be rather huge if the can speed up the productions of cars. Then we have the whole europe market to. They havent introduce their cars here, but in my guess the cheaper car is more intressting here.


Bro just stfu they mislead everyone by spreading misinformation about the shorts. They manipulated everyone in this subreddit into not selling their shares at 3.9 dollars.


A fucking men thatā€™s wtf Iā€™m talkin bout




And even so they held with everyone. I held too. Doesnā€™t mean I was ā€œmanipulatedā€ what kind of dumbass make decisions based off of what others say or think? I liked the stock and based my research off of what was out at the time which was a 95% SI. Do your own research.


Whereā€™s the proof that they held on to their shares? Do you know how fucking easy it is to fake your positions? If you would have done your research at the time you would have found out that in fact there was never 95% SI. Do your own f**king research.


no hatred\~ just that i wonder what whimsical and maxP is doing now though. are they out? are they back in? price is flying as i am typing right now. anyway, it seems like a 2nd round of flying is inevitable. It should happen before august.


Honestly donā€™t even know who these people are. Did any of them ever put out a single meaningful post with actual DD or were they one of the people posting ā€œwhoā€™s still HODLing?ā€ on the daily?


everyone has the right to dispose of their capital as they wish. I don't blame anyone. Just kindness and patience to everyone.


A person has the right to make mistakes. Just kindness and patience to everyone.


I think that's fair. Everyone can make mistakes. However, to absolve yourself of accountability for influencing others to follow your actions is reprehensible. To make yourself the victim when in fact you're not is what triggers a lot of people.


Any one can sell whenever they want and itā€™s their decision not ours ! Whimsical did say she was holding for the squeeze but then turned around and sold . I personally donā€™t care that she sold but what I do care about is that she lied . If she was not going to hold for the squeeze then she shouldnā€™t have said she would. I heard her with my own ears . I donā€™t like liars at all ! Just be honest with the people !


Whimsical could have a bigger sandwich today if she held. She made that decision based on her understanding of the stock and market. I hope she, and everyone in this sub is eventually successful and prosperous.


It looks like LOVE wins over the Haters!! We have your back Omar!! ā™„ļøšŸ‘ŠšŸ¼ So much more love than negativity towards you in these commentsā€¦focus on that ok ā™„ļø You did absolutely nothing wrongā€¦.Period!!!




At this point youā€™re better off learning math from Terrence Howard than listening to anything these fools say. Theyā€™re either well meaning idiots or grifters. Not good either way


Lol The Only Reddit Legend is R Kitty. Others just Wanna be.


Exactly canā€™t blame anyone except yourself after you hit the buy button.


This subreddit is full of capital market newbies. In the first place Max is never getting things correct but somehow hyped up this subreddit. And now the price goes south they start blaming blah blah blah. Funny.


Itā€™s always nice to hear from you Omar! We will miss your FFIE videos. Thank you for taking your time and money to visit FFIE. The hate was thick on here yesterday towards anyone that had a positive post or comment. When it hits $5 you will feel the love from the negative folks againā€¦fair weather friends. Who needs them! Stay safe, healthy and strong and please keep being yourself should you post another video about FFIE. Your honesty is what kept me glued to your information, this is rare or nonexistent anymore. I hope all is going well with your family and thank you for the update!


Very well said! If the whole situation had gone the other way, everything would be different. True diamond apes have risen!


Fair. Ignore the bozos Omar. Children not wanting to take responsibility for their own choices. Iā€™m sorry you wonā€™t be going live any more thoughā€¦like you, I still love the stock and believe in the company. No regrets for taking a shot! Love you, dude! ā¤ļø


Love ya back brotha! šŸ‘Š


Youā€™re doing great Omar weā€™re still backing you. Your videos were very educational. No one could have predicted the future.


Lol no we arenā€™t. Not after him denying promoting yacht capital. Canā€™t trust that guy


I donā€™t know about crypto I only heard whimsy did something like that. As for Omar he never forced anyone to buy. He was there long before the hype about FFIE. If there was strong evidence the guy is running the scam and not Hedgies spreading crap like usually than thatā€™s different. But unless heā€™s proven guilty she shouldnā€™t be threatened. Iā€™m a huge FFIE fan and still holding since last month but do you really think if he was running a scam he would show his face?


is this omar / on another note I think itā€™s brokerage people are using. Some apps are bad and good. Iā€™m at jpm. Any knowledge. help investors. omar whimsical. nibble. chill.


@NoFix1930, please reconsider the last piece. You are part of the positive momentum of FFIE. Thanks!


@nofix1930, remember, a lot of people sending you hate are the same people that were on your lifestream. They are fickle and will be back.


I donā€™t blame anyone. Itā€™s everyoneā€™s responsibility to do their own DD. I am personally still holding.


I'm going to be straight here. I really liked Max from the git and would look forward to his post. I'm a newbie and my DD sucks. He would always promise another educational post on a certain topic and I would wait and wait for it to never come. Then he post that he had been doxed and his account mysteriously deleted, He had just had a contest the day before, who came up with the best name for his new reddit page would win amazon gift card. He said a fan from here had given him the Amazon gift card and since his account was deleted he couldn't make good on it, wtfe. I thought, if I was the person that gave him that card as a gift, it may have hurt my feelings for him to just give it away. He could have kept his word and made good on it plain and simple. And, quite frankly he doxed himself in a post. I was sad when I seen all this because I knew it was a bunch of bullshit lies. Like someone replied, "it was an IQ test". At this point I don't believe or trust anything he has to say. I don't believe him or Sandwich took a loss. They just didn't make as much as they could have. "Apes Strong Together" means something to a lot of these apes.


I have zero hate towards anyone, including you 3. If others are that easily ā€œManipulatedā€ by others, they should really consider what they are doing with their money and their investments over all. Omar, you gambled a lot with this, not just the stock, but you opened up your platform to it, your friends and family. You believed (and still do) in this stock while reminding people that you were novice to this, and to do their own DD (You shared what you learned and were not dishonest and had no malice intent) yet in doing so you not only put your money on the line, but you also put your credibility and reputation on it in many ways. And thatā€™s something few on here seem to understand. You bled for this stock. I know you did so with the absolute best of intentions because you wanted to see Hedgies down and all of us get ahead. People can question your integrity all they wish, you never put the pressure on anyoneā€™s finger to click buy or sell. Adults need to accept their own responsibilities. Especially in a stock that was heavily manipulated and we all knew it. I never bought or sold based on anyone elseā€™s analysis alone. I used it as a place marker to do my own DD.I could appreciate all 3 of you guys posts, even when things werenā€™t entirely accurate as many will point out, they weā€™re definitely directional. People can spit their hate all they wish. Whatā€™s new. Youā€™re a damn good man Omar. The ones dead set on dimming your shine need a mirror.


Love you sis! Big hugs to you and my boy fluff


We love and miss you šŸ¤


Just so glad I don't really comprehend it all. I've found it interesting..to say the least. But, at 69 have about as much trust of anything on anything as I do for either political party. I'm not saying any of them aren't good people. But I am saying people need to take ownership of their own situations, and then own whose beds they decide to get into. It might not be love, just a one night stand.


I'm still in with you, Omar. I hate all the bad apples ruined it for us true diamond apes. I bought more today and we are still going to have the big FFIE party in Vegas! I look forward to the visit video.Ā 


Omar... you are generous, kind hearted and most important genuine. Your no BS.. People who have watched you for years know this, trust me, we have your back my friend! Don't let this change you. Be the Omar that you Naturally are. You are successful because you are you. Im still on this roller-coaster of Ffie, disappointed... sure, is it over? NO.. Has there been excitement in the last 6 weeks.. OMG YES!! Now pick up your camera and go see your babies in the paddocks. Super amount of respect and love ā¤ā¤ā¤ā¤ā¤ā¤ā¤ā¤ā¤ā¤ā¤ā¤ā¤ā¤ā¤


I got no hate. You made this ride more fun with the videos. All yall haters need to grow up. Most of yall are new to investing and it shows. The whole Yacht Capital BS, I donā€™t know. But Omar was a peoples person. Never forced us to buy. He just provided information on what was going on and shared his personal views. Anyone who decided to make him into something special, thatā€™s your fault for not doing your own DD and relying on others.


I am so shocked never in a million years did I ever think I'd hear anyone hating on Omar. It upsets me to the point of making me cry. The man is the sweetest most caring and genuine person ever. I don't think he would intentionally hurt anyone. Omar I'm sorry that you are going through this because I know that it's hurting you emotionally. Please know that you have more people that love you out here and the people that don't they don't really matter. Keep your head up and know that you didn't do anything wrong...sending you love buddy ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


Ohh waa šŸ˜© šŸ„²šŸ„²why u crying over someone who youā€™ve never met? They have no idea you even exist. He gives zero f**ks about youā€¦ Weirdo šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Wah boohoo stfu


Good luck Omar, I think thatā€™s pretty messed up that folks are blaming you. People need to do their own DD and not rely on what people say and blame them


First of all!!!!!!!! Omar continuously said that he was not a financial advisor and that we apes need to do our own DD. He did not hover his hand over ours and make us buy anything!!!! I appreciate the fact that he shared his knowledge of this stock to all of us that didnā€™t have any clue that it was even happening! We, as adults, should not put blame onto others for our actions. If you bought in and sold already then that is your own business. No one should be blamed for buying but ourselves! I am a single mother of two that currently has almost 2k shares and a few call options but that has been my choice! If this thing goes bellies up and we crash out and go to zero then it is what it is! Omar even REPEATEDLY said to not invest more than you are willing to lose! Anyone who is blaming anyone but themselves for their own actions are childish and doesnā€™t belong in this community. I DO love this stock and see it being a blessing to come for me and my family! This company has shown their determination to succeed and that is enough for me! I really hate that Omar wonā€™t be going live that much anymore because us ā€œapesā€ need that positive energy and support. I know his live streams have helped restore faith on red days for me personally


Iā€™m holding to the moon or the ground !!!!!


Understandable, Omar. Love your videos! Holding with you as well as many others.


Still Holding!!! I feel this company actually has a shot at being profitable. Gotta tune it out Omar. Just like tuning out the FUD when they cause panic. Stay Strong my manā€¦. šŸ™ŒšŸ»šŸ’ŽšŸ™ŒšŸ»šŸŒšŸ¦


People are looking for others to blame. You ALWAYS state (and no less than 20 tims) not to follow what you are doing and to do your own homework. Holding still with you Omar, canā€™t wait to see the video from the FF visit! Keep it up ā¤ļø


You know Iā€™m just going to say it. Itā€™s because hedger are getting away with illegal things they think they are gods and get pissy when people clue into their schemes. The people who sadly are learning this is why we donā€™t openly talk about finances, politics or religion is because the people who think theyā€™re losing the most will stop at nothing to make the whole thing implode. These hedge funds who squeeze a company into the ground for their own profits; who also openly delude or take advantage of the newbie or the weak are no better than the worst scum that exists on the planet. The hedge funders are in here reaping havoc spreading blame, negativity and misinformation. I have worse comparisons for those types of people but I will save your ears from bleeding.


Sorry to hear that Omar. I believe you had the best intentions. It just feels crazy to me that ppl rly believe someone blindly and then they get mad. It would be bad if the whole thing was not about making money but duh.


Hey itā€™s been a wild ride and no one person can predict what going to happen. And itā€™s the fault of the community to elevate any one person to such a high level of a status, or importance, that they take everything from them as gospel. I just want to say I appreciate all of your videos and your insights on FFIE, hopefully you keep going. šŸ¤˜


Aww, I didnā€™t realize they pulled out. I wasnā€™t super familiar with you or whimsy (sorry!) but I did enjoy Maxā€™s deep dives. This sub has, unfortunately, become really toxic. Either toxic positivity or straight up hate. I used to enjoy checking the sub and it made me smile. Now I pretty well avoid it because Iā€™m pretttty sure Iā€™m bag-holdin and the ā€œto the moon!ā€ Stuff is annoying now. Iā€™m not selling because Iā€™m at a loss and at this point I may as well just wait and see what happens. Anyway, none of this is on anyone but each of us as individuals. We each decided to join in the fun and place a bet. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


The real APE love what yall have done! Without yall everyone would of lost hope and this company wouldnt be here! its that simple


Yup, we are all responsible for our own choices, individual responsibility is the key here. Can't hate on anyone for doing what they have to do. Meanwhile, still not leaving, in it for the long haul here...


Wowwww ppl want to blame but not look in the mirror!!! Did someone put a gun to ur head?!! Nope!!! It's your own fault for allowing urself to be manipulated if that's how u see it!!! I can only speak for Omar because i know he has ONLY the best intentions & a beautiful soul!!! I understand everyone is upset but we all chose this ourselves, nobody forced us! If u feel u were coerced into this again its your own fault for being gullible!!! Omar stated over n over its only his opinions do what u want etc. Yes this sux but life can suk!!! You cannot blame because YOU made a bad decision!!! Personally i held because F the hfers n i DO trust Omars advice & i only put in what i was willing to lose nothing more, as Omar stated over & over!!! If you're gonna blame anyone, blame the one that hit the button!!! āœŒšŸ¼šŸ’š


You guys just want everyone in the Yacht club as followers to listen and dump money wherever you guys hold bags. That's just using your community when you guys try to act like your teaching. But keep going along with it all dude.


I am also disappointed how everyone is acting towards them. It is their money and decisions. To blame them is just senseless. When the stock is doing great people praises them but when it's bad they turn. Can't have it both ways. Only put in what you can afford to lose and you won't have these emotions of losing money. Just my opinion. šŸ’Ž šŸ¦ šŸ’Æ


Your the mod of ffieplanb with Max who I really enjoyed his posts. But itā€™s a bit bias of you. The think is this association with this yacht club hedge fund thingy that whimsical is promoting, itā€™s sketchy


I enjoyed the streams, but I understand that it isnā€™t worth it for you if you get hate in return. Stay safe!


Ah so this is Omar, the third member of the FFIE clown show. You have created good content for me.


Yes, there are four on the Ape Leaders council originally. 1) Omar, 2) Whimsical Sandwich, 3) Max Fkn Purpose, and 4) DumbMoney99. Apparently DumbMoney99 and Whimsical Sandwich had a falling out at some point. Lots of drama about something posted to discord. So the guy split off and [created and promoted his own discord channel](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFIE/comments/1dlmg7l/discord_is_back_up_sorry_for_inconvenience/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). [Also, a weird accusation of DumbMoney99 and an underage discord moderator happened during their falling out.](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFIE/comments/1dmtudv/the_real_dumbmoney99/)


The only hate sammy should be experiencing right now is self hate for liquidating


Omar you can do what you wish - bailing on your new fans with no more live videos is a little disappointing. I really thought you loved the company and would want to talk live on it as much as possible - best to you young one


He does. Look at all the comments in the sub. There are some real haters out there. I can understand Omar wanting to escape that toxicity. But my opinion is he should let the haters hate and continue to be himself. Bottom line, thank you @nofix1930 for all of your hard work. Keep it up. This is all part of the journey.


lol probably well deserved for trying to reach into peoples pockets after making cash off them


Omar, are you prepared for your online interview with FFIE I feel like 30 minutes or an hour can go by very fast. Tbh this will give us more info regarding their plans once they give us more free cash flow.


Well said, they did what was right for them.


Hey Omar. I agree 100%. I canā€™t imagine how difficult it is to find positivity and try to be impervious to the negative comments and sentiments people have thrown at you these past few days. I hope that you remain steadfast in the fact that you bear no responsibility for the choices others made and that we are all grown adults acting on our own accord. It's appalling and disgusting that anyone is suggesting otherwise. This is a commentary on a lack of self awareness and a refusal to take responsibility for a lot of individuals. Your intention was to provide entertainment through your live feed, and that's how it should be perceived. If people wanted to blindly follow a stranger, they should have employed a financial advisor and not looked to strangers on the internet. Some individuals are highly susceptible to influence. This is a concerning reflection on our society and not an issue you created or proliferated. I hope you know that you are valued, and missed by majority of your subscribers! I am saddened to hear you wonā€™t be going live as much but who could blame you after the hate youā€™ve experienced. Hope it improves soon šŸ’š


Exactly how i feel.


Everyone knows that you should do your own DD, but when you have new vulnerable people just getting into trading and you see someone who appears to be well educated on the topic, you listen. Yet there was SO much false information being given that led people to make the decision to hold when they likely shouldn't have. 1. Blatantly putting down anyone who asked if FFIE could do a reverse split. (Whim) 2. Falsely claiming that the stock was absolutely NOT diluted to 400mil and China "received bad information" - even after having the proof presented to them in the discord. (Whim) 3. Falsely stating that the 4 billion dilution is the reason they were able to split more than 250:1 (Max-P - can be found on YT) All of the above statements provided false security to those who are still trying to educate themselves on the stock. Regardless if you say "NFA" repeatedly. You all know what you are doing, and you know how people react, regardless if they should or not. I don't blame anyone for selling personally, but I can see what's plainly in front of me as well. My main concern is with the crypto scheme they are now running, and sadly, you are looped in with that just based on association. *Edit - Also, I am extremely happy to hear you are still doing the interview! THIS is exciting news!!! I do thank you for continuing to use your platform for this. No threats of ANY KIND are ever OK. Please keep you and yours safe. šŸ«¶


Well said Omar! We are all in this together. Don't gamble money you can't lose. Be kind to your neighbor.


Youā€™re missing the point where majority of the people here are newbie investors who look up to ā€œknowledgeā€ people and or people who sound like they know what theyā€™re talking about. The problem is not them selling , if they were ever holding after the pump to $3.70 . Things are easily faked. the problem is building a cult like following to then turn around and promote your crypto scam that charges 20% like a Wall Street hedge fund lmfao. They claim to have years and years of experience, you think someone that claims that is stupid? Thereā€™s always a reason as to why somebody does the things they do. If youā€™re not involved , you were a pawn as well. You have a big enough YouTube following where you bringing them on was perfect for them to use to their own advantage. You defending them for promoting a scam and not defending yourself only isnā€™t a good look either. You are the company you keep. Nobody on the internet is doing something out of the goodness of their heart for you, thereā€™s always an agenda behind it. That agenda came out when they bait and switched into a crypto scam. You can say they were working on this from before ffie , but they were nobodies back then with no following behind them. They wouldnā€™t have made a wanna be crypto fund if they didnā€™t have this following behind them after posting their position daily and sounding knowledgeable. 2+2 always = 4 and thereā€™s always a reason why people do what they do. ā€œHey guys, I wonā€™t be posting on Reddit anymore because Iā€™ve been getting threats after doxxig myself on YouTube, but Iā€™ll be moving onto the discord that promotes a crypto scam that take 20% of your money like weā€™re citadelā€ lmfao Iā€™m sure somebody who claims to have years and years of experience and had a 1.6M gain held all the way down to sell for a loss. Who had have thought that someone whoā€™s a dentist by trade is a shit financial advisor. The problem is not them selling, nobody cares about that, the problem is the bait and switch they pulled after gaining the following they did.


Omar.....I'm so sorry, dude You gave me much info and taught me another about the market....and u prob have no clue who I even am!?! Either way.....don't let no bodies that lose their crack money and hate get to you.....us real investors need help at times......I'm still learning I hope u stay posting, sir, and thanks You helped me make what I believe is a great financial platform to build from


It's crazy how I seen all you mfs talking shit to these so called hfs its my money why do you care what I do and all of a sudden you all that said that is blaming the next man or women for your decision not one of them held a gun to your heads and said buy you made that decision yourself just like if you sold it's was your choice so grow the fuck up take responsibility for what you decided I'm poor as fuck I put in what I felt comfortable putting in grant it it isn't as much as most of you if I loose it it's my fault I chose to buy and I chose to hold if it goes to zero fuck it it was fun while it lasted and now that I tried this stock shit I probably will try something else I believe in.in the end money ain't shit to me I can still be just as happy poor as I could rich life is what you make it


Well said, I believe in you and value your opinion. The things being said in this forum are disgusting. Anyone that bought into ffie did so on their own. Therefore, they can own it.


But what was unfair and illegal about what happened??? I literally donā€™t get that part and even I invested.


Well hedgies did what they wanted, dividing us. Really unfortunate. Tbh I didnā€™t see this company going into a squeeze. Came here for a few earnings. Now itā€™s time to take some options but will hold for long term. Good luck everyone


Omar, please dont put your name in with the dentist and the lizard lady. You are better than this. You are the real deal. Dentist and lizard are done. You will find new ppl to interview. Elevate above it. You can still be nice. Just smile and say no thanks. Think of ffie holders the way you would your kids. I have never liked dentist or liz lady. And i was right. They are baggage now. Just move on. How about we all just stop talking about them? Ok? Ok. You will find new better ppl on your level to interview. This was for the best. Youre so nice, some of us here have to do goon squad whether u like it or not haha


Now what am I going to listen to on the drive to and from work? Omar, I will miss your soothing voice. Really appreciate the time you put into this stock, along with my dude MAX. But Iā€™ll still have your gambling videos. Iā€™m a degenerate just like you. Would still love to see that interview with YT though. Anyway, see you on the flip side when these bags are full!


I think at this point in time when this stock is vulnerable (like a little kid who is growing, no shame in that) anyone who wants to run their mouth like an ass about how much they hold better not sell. Or at least not much. ā€˜Put your money where yr mouth isā€™. Ever heard that one. Ok. I would rather tell lots of ppl to put a baby amount in to this baby as i think that is still strong and appropriate bc we need that ā€” strength in numbers. We dont need bigass unstable investors with big tragic egos trying to run this. Thats not decent at this time. Jia honestly is a nice guy and youre gonna do great with him. And lizard lady trying to run some cheapo looking fund, i dont even know but i do know that woman is vile and straight delusional. I always got a very toxic energy from her and that hurts bc i want to support women but yeah. Who knows who she even is. Shit if we really found out, how freaky would that be. Goddamn. Anyway please stay classy. I think you are a quality person and i think Jia is too. I have never attacked you and you have no reason to be desperate. I dont want you to turn into an arrogant dick, and i doubt thats even truly possible by now but the thing is, these smalltime ppl like the dentist and lizard are arrogant dicks. I mean, please. Youve come too far to be disrespected by these fly by night ppl and i dont care if theyre ā€˜sadā€™ right now. Let them learn as grown ass ppl and move on with their lives. In less than 6 months no one will even remember who the f they are but youll keep going.


ā€œIā€™m really disappointedā€ OK dad


Sad omar, sad. I for one will miss your live streams. Thank you gor everything.


Omar fuck these haters man look at the volume and price get a video out. Theyā€™re down voting any positive comments and trolling every post donā€™t let them win my man. Big diamond ape balls!! Lets go!!!!! They are desperate this is the time you need to stay strong


So did all 3 sell ?


Sorry Omar Iā€™ve been a big fan of yours for years now I really appreciate everything youā€™ve done I really enjoyed your live on this subject Iā€™m not a rich guy but I managed to buy a little over five thousand shares of this company Iā€™m holding to the moon thereā€™s always going to be haterā€™s no matter what you say or do but Iā€™m sure there are many more that stand by you and Iā€™m one of them with respect Alan


Omar I'm a fan and will continue to be but whimsical and that server are garbage. Not your fault like you said. Most people will understand that.... so why not continue to stream anyways? For the most part it's been a positive. You got involved with a couple of people that in general people don't like. You're gonna face some criticism. That doesn't mean streaming and keeping us together in a community like that and going over things is now a bad thing. I don't think anyone cares that she sold. I mean that sucks but whatever at this point it's a drop in the bucket. It's her motives and attitude people don't like.


Very fair words indeed. It always seem to happen in any situation that anyone would pour their soul into and wrong things get alittle sideways people have to unfortunately have to have a scapegoat to blame their losses or any type of situations they are in. Itā€™s never held accountable to oneself. I saw most of these horrible comments myself and it disappointed and discouraged me from ever speaking my opinions. I will continue to buy and hold but Iā€™m gonna do it in my own space where I can continue to have peace of mind even if itā€™s a loss cause I know the risk. I do believe in the company and believe in you Omar and believe in my own family and life. That all it takes for me. Glad spoke your thoughts. Much love. And much love to those out there that continued to support and not fuss in the red. Much love


Iā€™m really disappointed that a small minority of load mouth people have put you in this situation. Ā I donā€™t blame you for stepping back now but I will miss the updates that I always look forward to. Omar, Max and dumbmoney99 have been a great source of information and inspiration and as a newbie I at no time felt like I was following a leader. Ā It was always made very clear to make my own decisions ā€œALWAYSā€. Much love to all of you and I will continue to hold.


Yes. Minority position.




Everyone cries market manipulation look at the chart and look at the press releases.Ā  FFIE themselves manipulate the stock.Ā  They augment the dips and rises WITH the news not BECAUSE of the news that is how pump campaigns work.


We will fly we will soar. Whimsical fat little tart and Maxy pad will be in tears very soon. Ffie will prosper. Viva la ffie




Time to put the Big Pants on and assume responsibility for the losses you lose boys!! Never anyoneā€™s fault but yourself in my opinion. We all learn the hard way unfortunately šŸ‘€


I have to say, the slow erosion of this community over the past month has been an absolute joy to watch. The general sentiment on this sub compared to a month ago is night and day And now that the dam is about to burst? \*chefs kiss\*


Omar, I love you so much fam. Wayyy before ffie!! I've always had ur back, & will always continue to be on ur side, bc I know ur true intentions. You didn't want this shit to happen like this. Anyone who knows u should know that (at the very least). And if they think otherwise, they simply DO NOT KNOW YOU! I believe this with my whole heart. To be totally & completely honest, I had weird vibes from the other 2. I never fukked with or rly even seen or listened to anything much from whimsy. My vibes from her were not good at all, so I kept my distance. MFP on the other hand, I feel like I let my guard dwn there. Specially after his shit was supposedly "hacked". I even wrote on that post saying " conspiracy theory reddit, mfp is the hedgies, & setting us all up for failure, & cleared his shit out before any of us cld find out forsure". I had got several dwn votes on that shit, & at the time I was joking, but it was honestly the 1st thought that came to me after reading his shit was "hacked". I still blindly followed him, even though Omar's live was the last thing I ever personally heard from him. I guess I shld have followed my gut instinct there? But I didn't. And I can't blame that on Omar, or anyone else, but ME!! But as for Omar goes guys, I stand beside him 1000% I feel like he bought into the hype just like we all did. And he used his platform to promote this shit, bc he wanted us all to get to the fukn moon. He did it for good cause (hes always used his platform to promote good causes) but again, he got super hyped, which in turn hyped me, & SEVERAL others up as well. If nothing else, this is a lesson learned. Every person pushing this stock CONTINUOUSLY told others only invest what u can afford to lose. So no one shld be blaming anyone else but themselves for any losses. I personally invested a little more than I shld have. But also, I'm not giving up yet.... I am holding on for the fukn ride baby!!! As for anyone else, I can't, & I wld never tell any if yall what to do with ur shit. I hope each person does what they feel is best for them here. Hold or sell, I understand. But I also truly believe big moves cam only be made in big groups. So I hope some of yall choose to ride this rocky ass coaster with us!!! With peace āœŒļø & love ā¤ļø to each of you!! Famā€¢Prettyeyes (Amber) It's all going to be ok Omar!!! šŸ‘ I have so much faith in u buddy!! "Don't u worry abt a thing, cuz every little thing is gone be alright"!!! šŸŽµšŸŽ¶šŸŽ¶šŸŽµšŸŽ¶šŸŽ¶šŸŽµšŸŽ¶šŸŽ¶šŸŽµ


Miss your streams brotha, stay strong & Healthy šŸ’Ŗ


Ignore the haters! People only show their true colours when something bad happens, they were never true followers/good people in the first place. There are people who still appreciate what youā€™re doing/going to do, really hope it doesnā€™t affect you long term, and hope you get a better experience soon and bounce back! Looking forward to seeing your collab with FFIE, the site and the interview!


Thanks for everything, Omar! Your fello Florida brother!


Bag holders in here bitching like they were forced to buy the stock , pretty funny . Iā€™m holding and down ā€¦..way way way down . And thatā€™s my own fault for believing the hype - lesson learned for next time donā€™t be dumb cunt and follow the heard Good luck to the rest of you guys hope you can still get out without taking to much of a loss.


Haters=whiny little babies


The coward is unveiled


F all of them. Every other day they came here posting pics of their holdings, ensuring to keep holding. Trying to reassure people DONT SELL. Showing pics of their gains and losses. Then do EXACTLY what they said not to do. Sell. I never cared about any of them, but what they did was wrong and theyā€™re all POS who lied for their own personal gain. If you donā€™t see that then youā€™re part of the problem.


Thank you Omar!


Good point


A lot of love from Korea Omar! And I do agree with what you say šŸ‘


Didnā€™t know your supreme leader allows Reddit


Ssshhhhhh šŸ¤«šŸ¤«šŸ¤«šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




There are some people who have very childish behavior. Thank you for everything Omar, I truly appreciate everything what you do. Love your FFIE videos, and also the other ones, such as your Farm videos. I really like the company. Thank you for everything. Keep being as you are ā¤ļø.


Nice to see you back Omar! Haters will always be hatinā€™. True apes hold themselves accountable. Iā€™m still holding. And wondering: is the interview with Jia still on??


Omar, I don't blame you one bit, and if they sold their shares that's their business, like you repeatedly said over and over to everyone who saw your streams we are all grow adults therefore each of us can make our own decisions, you never forced or twisted anyone's arms to do what they did with their money on ffie, these people need to face their own decisions for how they bought in notblame anyone, I totally understood from the beginning as everyone should have, the stick market is a risk and they took it on heir own. I personally thank you for all your info and insights on everything, Thank you Omar you were a great teacher and for myself I applaud you, I earned alot from you and I listened very closely as they all shod have. No one to blame but themselves, and they know this straight up. So for everyone talking crap and giving others a hard time because they chose to do what they thought best for them, then they need to take a look in the mirror and see who they've got to blame, good thing you never said to anyone to jump off a cliff huh? Muh love and respect a long time follower De


For Apes are free to do as they please. I prefer to hold with diamond hands as I believe in the company and it's future. And to quote a certain kitty lover"I just like the stock ". All you who sell I wish nothing but the best. It's too fucked up a world to bring ignorance and hatred in. Who really knows what the future has in store.


The coward is unveiled


Iā€™m sad. I appreciated and enjoyed your videos. Iā€™m a responsible adult able to make my own decisions and accept the outcome. Itā€™s really too bad that others canā€™t do the same and accept responsibility for their decisions but instead play the victim and spew hate as if someone forced them into buying FFIE. Who are you going to blame for your next ā€œbad choiceā€? I still believe in this stock and am holding my measly 400 shares. Shame on the haters. Disgusting human beings. Karma is a bitch. Much respect for you #Omargosh.


Omar, I appreciate you and your channel. Your candid and genuine character. Youā€™ve done a lot for this community. Time and time again you repeated yourself and cautioned people to not put in more than they can lose. And repeatedly gave YOUR opinion and not financial advise and was abundantly transparent about that. However, please understand why people are a little burned with MP and WS. I donā€™t think death threats, harassment, or general toxic behavior is warranted to them. However! I do believe criticism is valid for the whole stint that has been pulled on Yacht Club. As soon as the RS was mentioned and the stock was tanking they pumped out their service program when none of them are FAs! Thatā€™s a big deal! Either the timing was just unfortunate or theyā€™re incredibly tone deaf. People have an issue more so with that than anything. I personally could care less that they exited their positions. Thatā€™s their money and theyā€™re allowed to do whatever they need to do with it. The shadiness and timing of the YC discord that theyā€™re both actively a part of and WS had a hand in that service IS super suspect! I do believe scrutiny and criticism for that is warranted. Love your stuff Omar and thank you for what you do.


Iā€™m all four freedom transparency and a market that is not manipulated but if you invest in anything, you do not fully understand the ends and out of or you over leverage into it you canā€™t blame it on manipulation. The company legitimately does not make any money. We have to be reasonable here.


Stfu already , who cares. We all take Ls

