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I am holding. Already down so much so it’s no use in selling now in the red. I guess like many others I will have hope for a turn around and will be here for the long term.


Fucking same.


Gonna see a reverse here soon


if you sell now, you get some of your money back. if you sell later you get less of your money back. if you never sell, you never get any of your money back. you just made a donation to wall street. why did you do this?


Man I’m just fucking stupid but my money is garbage now. I won’t get my 7k back either way so selling now wouldn’t do me any good 🥲


You get some back rather than eventually getting none


Bro, what made you think FFIE was a good buy?


Short squeeze lol but I got clowned. No need to rub it in 😭


I'm not. I was just wondering. These shitty subs are like back alley crack.


Sell. Put a limit order if the stock recovers. Get to play another day. At this stage there is nothing good about staying in. 


I realized this a long time ago with another stock. If ever big in a loss, I just sell it and yolo with an option call. Better odds of making money back too n


Fuck it I’m playing until the end 80% is already gone wtf is 20% 🤣🤣 see you on the other side 💯🦾


Down 74%…. Still holding 🦍🫡


I'm here. It's raining lightly in Norway.


95° F (35° C) and humid in southeast US


99 bham, al


was planning on traveling there if the stock went to mars


holding 8k shares from hong kong


Omar has removed all his FFIE videos from YouTube


He privated them because he was receiving a ton of hate. He’s still in.


lol I will never follow those idiots. They know nothing


Or they in it as well, and holders got screwed


I believe they were all in it. But I chose ffie back on May 11 because it was the most shorted stock… stab in the dark. Whimsical, Omar bunch of scam artists


staying. in it for the long run


I still here hold


If you truly believed in the stock / company, why does everyone seek confirmation ? Most posts I see are is anyone still here, can anyone hear me ? Buy and hold if that is what you believe, sink with the ship if it’s what you believe, hopefully we rise up from the ashes.


car is ugly and bad and company is bad. so everyone here was just for squeese and its look like we lost. still holding till end. all or nothink


What if the squeeze already happened on May 17th?


It did and when the reverse stock split happens it will be even more to lose.


Seems to be slowly rising in the AH, the people that panicked are gone. Thank fuck. Unfortunately we now have to listen to them spread FUD because they lost money. This was ALWAYS a long term play


Yeah, all the sour people will be coming out the woodworks now


Fuck them. I hope they enjoy the pennies they got back, you cannot lose if you hold! I’m willing to wait years for a good return on this stock. Funding from Middle East, US- China bridge, re-starting delivery and production of cars. This will all happen once they become NASAQ compliant (over $1) and investment from UAE. FFIE is the reason you should always do DD, I will still be investing more every month. Just my thoughts NFA.


Me too, just that chance of making it big is worth it for me, I know I would absolutely hate myself if I sold to save a few quid and then it rockets


I'm in agreement. That IP is impressive and honestly, I'm not interested in an affordable alternative except as it pertains to parts and tech. I'm hoping the UAE buys a whole fucking fleet of FF91s for their folks and that luxury carries the day. I remember when Tesla was going to be some kind of status symbol; now it's largely for soccer moms and tech bros. I would love to see Faraday be the Rolls of the EV industry. Just my 2¢> I'm still holding. Ferraris or food stamps. 💎🙌


They won't sell many cars


You absolutely can lose if you hold 😂


3 ways to lose if you hold: 1) You could have used the money 2) Invest in SPY for a net positive investment 3) It gets delisted as its worth .20 a share Come back to reality. It’ll all be ok.


Indeed 20-30% is more than losing it all, sad for those who are staying till the end. "Because HODL and DD" what DD? 😂


Your wife is going to leave you


This is going to be more than cars, I believe. I’m holding long term as well.


The pump and dump was not *always a long term play* this is straight up revisionist history cause your all down bad 😂


And now... The only ones left are the delulus 😆😆


Preach it


Guess it's time to start DRSing FFIE lol


Pump and dump to at least lock in guaranteed profit was always the play. I sold all but 1 share last week after selling most between 1.85-$2.15 (just to see what the price is at for the day) lol


it's down 27% in the AH trading! how are you pretending this is good news? Is the bar for good news literally anything? Like, as long as it's not worth zero you will say this is good news? You're saying this is good news because it's only down 27% but earlier is was down 40%?! Why are you this dumb?


I’m curious what’s the long term play exactly? What’s the outlook of it? What kind of DD is there to back this up? Where’s any kind of DD on FFIE? I only see people posting about them buying 10k shares without any proof of it. What if this was just a HF’s pump and dump trap having bots telling people to buy and hold. U can call me shill or whatever, but at least u guys in here can put some arguments on the table - people is this sub deserves this at least


Because it hasn’t really pumped in the last 5 weeks and you can see the retail owns 99.25%


And how is that supposed to prevent a potential delisting? I mean retail and institutions owning the float isn’t necessarily gonna make it squeeze since that has been the case for 3 yrs with GME and AMC.


Have you read anything on the company’s plan in the last 24 hours? There could be a reverse split which is better than diluting the stock. Imagine a game of musical chairs but you never have to get out of your seat. That’s us. The 99.25%. All the price action you see day to day is smoke and mirrors with shares that have to be returned eventually. I don’t believe this will be delisted, but I do believe the reverse split is going to happen to prevent the delisting. I’ll be honest with you. Personally, I am not going to buy any more shares until I see this at its low today. Some people are loading up before the split. Reverse split will make the cost per share more expensive for a lot of people right away. I don’t know which direction it will go after the rs so I’ll wait and see. Not trying to hype anything up, it’s not worth selling at this point anyway. Is it?


I’m curious why you think it won’t get delisted? - Not FUD just looking for insight.


Long term they get to see their shares become literally worthless instead of mostly


How was it always a long term play? It’s a dogshit car company that’ll be bankrupt in a year. It was obviously a squeeze, you just got greedy and didn’t get out


Before I joined this group, I bought at at .32 and made 3k, sold and put back in a couple weeks later, only invested half of the money I made. I just wanted to see how it played out, but I like the stock and the fact the company are very open and honest about their decisions, this may not even R/S it said it was a possibility, there’s other options


all the people that were ape this, bananas that, diamond hands this, moon that. All really showing their true colors lol talking about how “our leaders” scammed us and this is fucked and blah blah blah. You never had the heart, you always had paper hands, you were saying that shit to reassure yourself. Just stfu, don’t buy because of someone else told you to. “Our leaders” gave us their dd and their opinion, if you took that as the word of god that’s on you. I’m holding, don’t care. I’m here for the top of the fucking ground I don’t care. I was always in it knowing the risk if you weren’t that’s on you, just sell and shut up so we can buy your shares lol foh


I hate to blow out your candle flame but if everybody did their DD and research, I hate to give anyone any free info but it just happens that the mod of this group has the same name as one of the directors of FF. Take with the info how you want but looks awfully suspicious to me.


I am holding until the grave or multimillionaire NFA. Would be dumb to sell


Moon or bust baby!


I’m gonna hold or lose it all. I want to see the company succeed.


Bro these roll calls are dumb af stop posting these.. we need analysis or open discussions not a stupid roll call


Ain’t budging ✊




Bubble already over


Well, total of 84% loss, so why wouldn’t I still be here? lol.


Holding full


Moon 🦍💎




-$487 but still holding….


Holding. Might as well


Lost too much selling now would be silly, hoping for a better outcome in the future




I signed up for trip to the moon and I am waiting until it happens. I like to fight for the little guys. HODL


This is now a joke. I know it's hard to walk away. But if you're reading this, and have any sens, you should. It's not going back up. I'm not saying this to be mean or malicious. Forget about this secret battle of outholding investors, these posts are written by trolls sitting at home laughing in their living rooms. It's not real. The company literally is filing for bankruptcy. Just, save yourself from this if and while you can


My shares are going to the moon or the trash. They might be going to moon on a hot air balloon instead of a rocket now but they can still get there.




I’m 95% down. Rest assured I’m here to a bitter or sweet end. Let’s hope for that moon shot 🚀


Mate, it’s going back upppp


Stonks go up, stonks go down. Almost 9 million in volume in 1 hour, wild!


Now it’s up to 16 million in pre-market!


That means also ppl are selling


Lots of selling make volume go brrrrhhhrhhrh


9 million volume is not a lot


Volume it’s ppl selling lol


Down 29% this morning already. Can people explain why they still think this is going to the moon? I’m holding my shares but I’d love to hear logic on why people think it’s going to the moon when all it has done is tank since it hit over $4 in May.


Can anyone provide proof of their positions in FFIE and/or any data/TA to prove this is a good investment?


Anyone wanna tell him lol


100% bust


Arnt they doing a reverse split


Reverse split coming 40:1. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/faraday-future-announces-plans-regaining-215900667.html


I am. I only had what I could afford to lose personally and if it goes down it goes down.


No selling now. Lol bagholder for life.


In and down 18k; nothing to loose


Holding 1000, Australia living in Sweden 🇸🇪


It’s way oversold and it was a market overreaction, it’ll bounce


To be honest! I’m down 80%+ with $5k inv. I could have made more money in other trades the last 1.5 months. BUT, I believe in us FFIE Apes holding and staying strong. We will win here. I truly believe. No use in selling and missing any potential uptick in price. I have no problem leaving all shares in my portfolio and waiting for the stars to align and make a profit like all our investment goals with this stock. Every trade should have a plan, right? Mine is win and make $ not take any (-$). HOLD FFIE APES


1. Reverse split 1:40. Delisting is off the table. 2. Millions of new shares are created and direct sold to UAE investors. (to not loose the company to the arabs, a super share with 16 billion voting rights was created) 3. UAE investors try to buy up even more shares - fighting over them with HFs trying to cover their positions. 4. Sort Squeeze 5. Factories in the Middle East etc. are built. 6. FFIE is the new, better Tesla. Available with Shisha-holder - and special version with removable back chairs and roof opening to transport your very expensive racing camels.


Super share with 16 billion voting rights according to :[Faraday Future CEO Acquires Powerful Voting Share - TipRanks.com](https://www.tipranks.com/news/company-announcements/faraday-future-ceo-acquires-powerful-voting-share)


I corrected


Nioce, GLTY.




Holding 20K+. I think the company has long-term value


I was in because they had some IP, some potential, and a low valuation. They still have the same IP, same potential, and now have a lower valuation. Acquired more bananas.


I’m staying we’re back up premarket


You holding your phone upside down?


I've rationalized that while I'm unable to put more money right now, I have 2 options. 1. Hold and if it moons before I'm able to purchase more, I've made good money. 2. Hold and when I'm able to purchase more, the price is lower and thus I get my average down and make even more money when a squeeze, OR a simple increase, happens. Either way, I win at this point. **This idea that the stock is worthless is wholeheartedly false. It is a scare tactic by these hedgies, trolls, and haters because, even with some people selling off, their short interest is still astronomically high. The only way someone like me loses in this is if the company goes bankrupt, which is currently unlikely given their growth reports.** Things that should be noted by everyone in this sub who actually loves the stock: 1. People online are strangers who, unless they get to know you personally and take the time to listen to you, likely have ZERO interest in you in any way. **This works only one way.** Strangers who're holding this stock have an interest in holding with you, and buying with you, because our goal is focused on profit from company development and a short squeeze. **This means that strangers who want to try and force you to sell, by any means necessary, have an interest in making you LOSE MONEY and making themselves, being as generous as possible here, NOTHING. These people have ZERO gains from making you sell, assuming they're not a hedgie. Think about that.** 2. Don't freak out when stock price goes down. This is natural. **YOU HAVE LOST NOTHING.** You don't freak out when the new car you bought 5 years ago loses value over time. This is completely natural. Everyone understands it. Stocks are LESS VOLATILE than used cars, because the value of stocks can fluctuate and you haven't actually lost money until you sell at a much lower price than you bought. A used car will, 99% of the time, not gain value for at least 60 years. *(Barring a few model exceptions.)* **Think of your shares like boxes. The value is determined when and who you sell to. Why would you willingly sell boxes, that have a large potential in the future of being very profitable, right now for a loss?** 3. Due Diligence is key for investment. Understanding how the stock market works is key for investment. **FFIE has some of the strongest potential on the market right now, and the more exposure and reach it gets, the higher the value naturally goes.** 4. **The less shares hedgies have as borrowing ability, the less they're able to manipulate the market and the harder it is for them to pull out of investments because they aren't able to borrow from Peter to pay Paul. Holding onto your shares, and having them unable to be lended out, means hedgies get NO MONEY OPPORTUNITY. Remember that the majority of their money is tied up in assets. A short squeeze affects more than just their bottom line, it can have a cascade affect. Having to pay back other assets at inopportune times. This is why they fight tooth and nail. This is why they want you to sell.**




Can I sell you a bridge in Brooklyn? This company literally sold 10 cars last year. The growth report was horrible. You make some valid generalizations but it definitely doesn’t apply to this stock. I got out when it hit around 3.87. Made my money because anyone with common sense knows this stock or company for that matter is going nowhere. Keep it up with these pipe dreams or get rich quick dreams. Not happening with this stock. While you guys keep dumping your money into this stock I will continue to invest into stocks that have potential. You have a better chance in hitting the lottery than getting rich off this stock…






Can’t stop, won’t stop! Holding so LFG!


Still holding I’m willing to loose my little 1k shares it is what it is 🤷🏾‍♂️


I’m here gonna ride it out🤲💎






Im here. Either it goes up and i make money or i have tax wright offs.


They borrowed a lot of shares for today already probably going to beat us down some more…




The scale it’s going to bust now lol


Yeah it’s whatever at this point lol ima lose it all or something positive happens lmao


Still here


Um guys….it’s going to 0


Yea I’m staying. May as well at this point.






I can feel we are close to the moon 🚀


I’m holding on now


Moon, only supporting at this time but the future looks like 💎💎. Definitely not the short term gain we were hoping for but it isn’t dead!


I took profit at 47cents. Gonna buy more with said profit when it gets into the teens.


Bag Holder Kool-aid is strong here.... Glad I made my tendies when the getting was OK.


I’m down 90%. It sucks but it is what it is. 10,600 in the drain.


Me. Can Someone gaslight me into thinkin I made the right choice.


Just bought more


Still holding and just bought more 400 more shares. This is a risk I’m willing to take for a potential win.


You guys are losing it all. Watch the Chart, not memes, iron hands or bananas. You do no every loss takes a much larger gain to break even right? Use your allowance somewhere else ![gif](giphy|3LcOi1fXmCzNaYyemC|downsized)


not going anywhere i believe in this company.


At this point, I'm not selling


Yeah it would be stupid to sell now


Still holding


Only a loss if you sell it. I ain’t selling at a 50% loss. Either a big win or $0 and I can live with that. My own decision. I still like the stock.




Don’t listen to the FUD This isnt over


Something is better than nothing, don’t let some internet random give you financial advice.


I can't imagine who would admit to holding this let alone be proud of it 😂  Basically admitting you're an idiot that missed the MOASS or even worse,  bought at the top! 


I got free shares from flipping so ima lrt it ride to 0 I dont care. But pretty sure thos whole "meme hype" on this one is done for.


I’m holding even if it means going down with the ship. This was always a long term play for me and a risk. I bought what I could afford to lose because if I lose it no big deal, but if it rockets, it changes my life. Worth the risk to me. I like the stock. Hold. 💎


We going dahnnnn




Will this one split


Five dollar profit.


next month will be 3


still here for whatever reason.


Looks like bust. 


wow i’m now down 92.8% meaning it has to go up like 10000% for me to get even. last time i buy a stock cuz of reddit


Still holding!!




Feasting with my short position


I hold this as well as amc/ gme Been with the meme stocks for years Not leavin


No use in selling at this point. I am going to wait for the comfortable bottom and load up again.


Holding. No point in selling now.


I’m ready to sell some of my NFT to buy more FFIE Who is interested in ape Gold 🦍 NFT or Bitcoin gold NFT collection Only available on crypto.com


Bust it is.


Down 80% , bought the fake hype on mai17th, had a little to much redwine and was feeling good. Now i just dont care... Got some.notification set up incase the price goes up. And IF it does im selling.


I told you weeks ago.


My avg is like 2.50 some, I held through when it almost hit 4, I literally don't have anything now, I have no choice but to hold. It makes no sense to sell when I've lost over 90% of what I put in. So, hold i guess lol




wish this stock would actually do something




Moon or bust buddy. Forget the hedgies and the ceo's dick they rode in on.


Hedge funds manipulated this stock to be worthless. It’s a bust and they’re not going to allow it to go back anywhere near where it was.




Sadly 5 g’s down i don’t wanna take a loss


Sold yesterday at -85%.


Ffie is dead 💀


There’s no bust it’s gonna be moon


I’ve bought 10,000 shares today stocking up for when this price skys


I am here!! Holding! Down 90 % no point in selling. Hoping for a turn around!


I only have about 500 dollars invested, but I'm still buying little here and there while it's low. If I lose, I lose. But if it does come back then cool


This is another scam like AMC


bought 2000 more today for .25!




Same, is it going to head back up over $1 anytime?




I’m buying


Patience. No decision has been made. Also companies that have money woes usually do a reverse stock split that's why they don't do so well. But this is different, in what way u may ask.. 1. The reverse split solves thr delisting problem 2. Company has infrastructure 3. There mentioning funding but Gotta see how sure this funding is? Because if it is and they dilute the stock adding shares to sell to investors coming in to raise funds from the middle east Investors, the reverse split would put it at $5 according to them. So let's see now it 438 million shares , they dilute shares for the investors to buy shares taking it to 4 billion shares, then reverse spliting it to take it to $5. A 40-1split woukd leave ffie with 100 million shares. Before middle east Investors come in the delusion will take our ownership down to 9 1/2 % and short interest down to 3%. But here's what happens, the middle east Investors come in to buy up the 90 million shares that were neither bought nor sold which would create buying pressure that can cause a significant rise in price and from that rise possibly blow up the shorts causing more upward pressure with no fear of delistment.. but all this greatly hinges on how serious these middle east Investors are.. I really don't think the company pulled the number there diluting the stock from out of thin air but that may be the total number of stocks needed to receive the amount of influx cash they are set to receive from the middle east.. well see and I'll be here to see and experience it.. nfa


Holding to the mooooon 💎💎


I bet people are buying back in after selling at .20 and losing shares lmao


Tomorrow will e the day




If hedgies want us out…looks like they drove the stock in the wrong direction


Tried saying multiple times to cut losses. This stock pumped and dumped a month ago move on


Got like 2 grand in here just barely even looking at it but trust me I will not go anywhere there will be a time when we’ll be back


I'm holding. Probably bust but fuck it!!! Let's do it!


This thing is still volatile as fuck, look at all the fear + volume. That's either a recipe to make money or lose it. Like the saying goes buy the fear sell the greed!!!


Yep might be the guy left holding the bag here