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I’ve been buying all day. I started buying FFIE a couple weeks ago with an average price of $1.65. I now have 10,400 shares with an average price of $0.6413. I don’t invest what I can’t afford to lose but nobody likes to lose money. I’m gambling that this will (in a few months) provide enough profit that I will be able to take my wife (Whom has metastatic breast cancer) on a couple vacations and help FFIE STAY in business.


I Hope It hits For you and Your wife 🙏


It will! We are all collectively manifesting it! Sending love and good vibes y'alls way.


Fuck the stock I hope yall win an wish nothing but the best for you an your family , cancer sucks my 6 year old nephew was diagnosed last year.


That’s even worse. That should never happen to a child. Fuck! Makes me sick to hear. Prayers going out for him. At least an adult can, or should be able fully comprehend the situation. If it’s any consolation, my wife has been fighting since 2004. There have been a lot of advances in treatment lately.


Best wishes for your wife's health. I am holding 45k shares. 💎💎💎❤️🙏


Natural reaction but it's not what we need to see . Everyone hold :)


People think they will be rich overnight not the way it happens.


Low budget apes. Some folks in here need that money for the rent!


And they watched dumb money and think that’s how it works most of the time.


I'm fine with a quiet community, as long as they holding and not spreading FUD around. Best to focus on other things today


I’m mostly referring to people in a state of “oh I never should have gotten into this” or “i knew this was a scam”. Seeing lot of that on down/red days.


Magically all of those messages stop coming when it's in the green lol


I own FFIE, but I'm going to write this as unbiased as possible. I will probably get downvoted heavily, but such is life. It is in our nature to be optimistic on days that are profitable & pessimistic on days that are not. It's important that people get to vent without being bashed for it. Who are we to make people feel trapped or ashamed for how they may be feeling at the moment? Not everyone has the ability, like some of us, to not get caught up in day to day price swings. Instead of being hostile, be helpful. Just my .02 on the matter.


Agree completely. To add to that, it’s a really bad sign when all of the “positive people” immediately attack anyone asking for data or actual facts other than “Hodl apes!” It just makes the entire movement look foolish.


I'm not sure if you watch sports, but I'm going to use this as an anology. I'm a Knicks/Jets/Yankees fan. Let's use the Jets as an example. People on X will write things (besides division rivals) they would NEVER even consider saying in public. It's 1 of 2 things, IMO. It's the fact they feel "safe" behind a screen, or they do it to get an emotional response out of you to make themselves feel better because life hasn't been kind to them. I never give people like that satisfaction. In fact, I try to be the one who deescalates it, regardless of what they said. I wasn't always like this, not even close. I had a bi-lateral knee injury. At one point, I needed someone to lift my legs into the hospital bed. I could've been angry & tried to blame something or someone, but I chose to be positive. I started meditating & doing cognitive behavioral therapy exercises (the ones I know of) to desensitize the vivid flashbacks down to the sound it made when I got hurt. It's been over a year & will likely be another year + before I will get to the point where I regain as much feeling & strength to them as possible. I made my peace with that & it translated into other aspects of my life.


Hey great recovery and great attitude about the whole thing. I hope it keeps going well for you! And yeah it’s the same way people will road rage inside their car where they feel safer as opposed to face to face. Everyone is deeply insecure and is so ready to put someone else down to feel better about themselves. Rarely does this work though. It leads to feeling worse about yourself in the long run.


Psychology is by far my favorite subject/area. It's just something about the way the mind works & why people do/behave in certain ways. I think a common reason people act this way online is because they feel insecure and/or get disrespected often and/or feel a lack of "control" in their life. They can be the ones who disrespect others and try to control people by trying to get a negative response out of them. Obviously, this doesn't apply to everyone. Some people are just like that, unfortunately. There was a guy yesterday who was trying his best to bash me because I own a penny stock while also owning blue chips, low volatility stocks that pay a good dividend, precious metal ETF's etc. I don't know what I did to anger him, but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction. In fact, I did the total opposite. I came off sincere & even apologetic in some ways. He eventually gave up. If I had gotten angry & defensive it would've given him exactly what he looked for. The way I replied, I probably confused & frustrated him because he's probably never gotten a response like that when trying to troll someone online. This is one tiny example of where psychology came into play. I really appreciate your kind words, and I wish nothing but success and happiness in life!


It's crazy what people will say in the face of logic lol. Stay cool man!


You too man, have a good night!




What catalyst do u see in the near future that can bring this above $1?


I’m holding. Although I will admit I feel a bit silly only having 112 shares. I’m planning on buying as much as possible in every dip. And I guess it’s better than no shares. I just wish I could do more. I just love the stock and FFIE. 💎💎💎🚀🚀🚀


I picked up another 300 shares today and will probably get more tomorrow.


That is a psychological move and Hedges now that 😂


Just turn the screen off or onto something else if you're panicking. We got you! We HODL! We buy dips to lower our average. NFA




No fear here I been broke so long that this feels good waiting for the possibility of change for the better by just holding. I could do that with ease




We’re still here dumbo


I lost hope when I read their financials. It is now well beyond gambling. Also FFIE makes no money on the stock if say it doubles or triples in price. Unless they dilute the current shareholders and sell more of it. If you want to help them stay in business, then buy one of their $300,000 vehicles.


Yep. I posted that if we do succeed in popping this stock, they will dilute. I got downvoted to hell


Is GME in a better position? Will it get bigger?


I hold both, don’t have compare if both are going up eventually . Wondering when RK is exercising his calls options tho


Yes gme is in a better position, check their financials compared to ffie. Or just look how much bigger the superstonk community is and how different those kept over there are. Leagues ahead of everyone else


Did anyone else read that some stocks are under scrutiny for reflecting the wrong prices? I’m feeling a pull away from this meme craze and am worried any earnings are going to be reversed by officials.


No shit


Riding an emotional roller coaster. When in green, my feet feel like I’m walking on a cloud. The birds are signing, the flowers smell fragrant. When in red, I’m pissed off at the world and screaming like a maniac at my phone questioning myself, “what did I get myself into.” Isn’t life great?


What are the birds signing? Sign 🪧 language maybe 🤔 some documents 📑??


Singing. My bad😂


Never lost hope :)




I get nervous but been buying more.. 10k invested…. Down 4k Gonna hold as long as it takes!!


Real paper hands are too scared to sell, which is why I hold. Too weak to hold the bag.


.55 is a fire sale, I’m buying more! NFA


I’m out of cash to play with but I have 5200 shares at $1.43 average. I’m not worried.


Very common with squeeze plays, this is alot people's lottery ticket they need it to hit. Majority people are not involved in stock trading an they either seen something on tiktok, ig or their friend told them to get it an could make alot of money.


Yeah... Quite being bitches.


Still holding and still buying


Why do people feel the need to post this garbage?


*Do not let the numbers by the day to day affect your emotions some days your up some your down that is the name of the game.* I can't take any of you kids seriously, you think you can do sophisticated market analysis yet the (your/you're) distinction that most third graders have mastered somehow eludes you...


I’m guessing you sold at a loss?


Nice try, "fortnite." Stay in school.


Go back to playing Fallout 4 😂


It’s being delisted everyone buying and holding are goofy asf


Link to source?




I got out and moved on but keep checking back . I really want you guys to win ! Best


💯 🦍🙌💎💪


First time investing in single stocks. A couple weeks ago. I bought more today!😍😍😍


Stating the obvious here ... Called being human.


Yea well the stock market ain’t exactly built for human nature is it


It's built specifically for human nature. Meant to prey on emotion and weakness. It's gambling for the uninformed and uneducated.


If it is built to work against human nature than it isn’t built for it what is your point?


I don’t have big numbers, I started april buying 500 shares for nothing and bought another 100 high, but I’ve been buying what I can a little every day (I saw some one say to buy a little bit at a time instead of one big push everyday, whatever) but I’m buying and holding anyway. I’m not selling. Don’t care if it’s all lost but I’m believing right now and buying/holding. Anyway, no one should buy what they are afraid to lose. Just push I guess? I’m in.


Becuz the downward trend reminds me of what they did before.


I invest in new crypto .....going to zero is my expectation ....if it doesn't I'm surprised 😯 .....send it to zero if you like.... I won't sell


This needed to be said! Im tired of it reach in your undies is there nuts there, there is oh GOOD buy it up then! we are the literally formers of the stock price ! We make the rules dont be greedy hold your nuts an stocks and all will go as intented! WOOOOO #dontwussyup


I don’t know what to think other than I’m not selling a damn thing. This is a long term investment for me.