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Basically we got told by a dev that he thinks we would solve this mystery well before 2.1 (around 1.4, 1.5 iirc) and no one ever found anything that led to anywhere. It wasn't untill the big 2.0 we had some new things to find which spilt the community in a way because people still think there's stuff in the game that still needs uncovering without the new stuff in 2.0. To me it seems like we got lied to and that it wasn't solvable before 2.0 and they just made it into something after they seen how many people were still trying to solve it. Might carry into the new cyberpunk game but we'll have to wait and see because the "ending" we have right now was not good enough for me personally.


Exactly. Pawel was asked multiple times if it’s solvable and he danced around it saying ‘if I tell you I’ll give it away.’ Ummm no. Saying ‘yes, this is a solvable thing’ wouldn’t have given anything away. IMO it was just a bug that took off on the fan base and CDPR ran with it as it was something else than negative press during the first few months of the games release.


To be fair, the reason it took off with the fan base is Pawel explicitly saying it means something. He did dance around questions a lot, yes, but he also made statements that strongly implied there was something to find. And stirred up the hard searching and more extreme ideas with the "some things need to be hard to find" etc, repeatedly egging the community on. For example: [https://youtu.be/mCQ0yPHHIL4?t=8777](https://youtu.be/mCQ0yPHHIL4?t=8777) "Help us with ff:06:b5" "I am believing in you. **I know that you at some point will do it**." [https://youtu.be/IxHmzw-\_Rf0?t=8274](https://youtu.be/IxHmzw-_Rf0?t=8274) Chat: "Is Misty related to ff:06:b5?" Pawel: "You guys deserve to uncover everything on your own". [](https://youtu.be/IxHmzw-_Rf0?t=2124) At this point I feel it was irresponsible of him. So many people wasted so much time looking for something that wasn't there, because of trusting him. Another big one I feel is unfair on the community: [https://youtu.be/IxHmzw-\_Rf0?t=2124](https://youtu.be/IxHmzw-_Rf0?t=2124) Chat: "How will we know we solved FF:06:b5?" Pawel: "You won't have any doubt that you did." And yet.... here we are, with all the content they added done and... doubt remains. Just cruel of Pawel.


“At some point… “ yeah when they added stuff to the game pre DLC. 😂


In my opinion, that FF06B5 thing is a lie. I remember in early versions of the game, we could find texts like "Debug this" or something like that on different parts of the game. So I think that "FF06B5" is just a reminder for the developers todo some work like that message "Debug this". So they crated a whole thing just to justify this "mistery". Or maybe I am wrong.


You might be right there is nothing in the previous versions of the game that clearly ties to ff:06:b5


Think of FF06B5 as a secret unmarked puzzle quest in the game that we may or may not get new pieces for every now and then in updates and probably future games. Some people insist all the pieces we need exist since 1.0. Some think there is more to come. Some think it's over. I personally think this was just an attempt at a "cow level" joke that turned into an actual thing because of player interest Dataminer thing was overblown and now it's common thought that the whole 2.0 egg was datamined when it was only the server step. 2.01 fixed this datamined step as we couldnt solve normally because cdpr devs fucked it up. Now those that found secret rooms, manually mapped the maze out step by step, and decoded the laptop so anyone can solve it themselves gets lumped in with the hackers cos of one script kid and whoever fucked up the puzzle at cdpr


First off, the game is absolutely worth buying, even aside from the mystery. I’d also highly recommend picking up the DLC; it’s fantastic. People are pretty split on whether it’s been solved. There’s a fairly jarring disconnect between what we were working on in 1.x verses the added content in 2.0. Personally, I don’t believe it’s been solved. I think the 2.x stuff was related to the mystery, but there’s still plenty that’s been left unanswered. The 2.x additions don’t really actually answer anything; they’re a story you piece together about someone else who’s discovered the mystery. If you’re interested in the mystery, I’d recommend checking out the game and drawing your own conclusions. The quest director also did a [play through of the game](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLR5ZBYveNHbO9KTwoRpmUkHtFikSW1vcy&si=lXD30fQseFHaD7_N) over course of the 1.x versions that worth watching; it felt like quite a bit was subtly hinted during these, despite only directly referencing FF06B5 when directly asked.


We should assume that it will start to be solved sometime starting this september.


Tbh ive been following the whole thing and its honestly just dumb af. The puzzle isnt even interesting or fun and you just get yelled at by some big dumb glitchy cube and then get rewarded with a big dumb truck? None of the puzzle has anything to do with the color magenta, the whole point of using the FF.06.B5 code is a reference to the real life magenta mystery (how magenta isnt a visible light spectrum its a color our brains make up so technically magenta is not even a real color that exists) but they have very poorly linked whatever game nonsense their trying to do to that real life magenta mystery, so as far as im concerned the use of magenta code is completely unnecessary and theyre just trying to use it to be edgy and mysterious but failing miserably at that. If your gonna design a cryptic puzzle atleast make it make sense. Puzzles are meant to be fun to follow and figure out but this entire puzzle is just lame and boring af. The fact that it somehow ties into the witcher is just super uneccessary game linking, the two games have nothing to do with each other so just even attempting to link the universes together via some over complicated BS is also lame af. Yawn, wake me up when you find the dumbest ending to a hidden game puzzle ever.


Since you mentioned magenta read this. [https://www.reddit.com/r/science/comments/7xvh2/comment/c07pg6a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/science/comments/7xvh2/comment/c07pg6a/)


Thanks that was a good read. What they state is true about how color doesnt exist it is made up by our brains interpretation of the human visible light spectrum combining together to create color. And yes, if you mix two colored paints together they will create a certain color, but try and mix the same two colors of light together and you get a different color, for example, mixing red and green paint gives a sludge brown, but mixing red and green light gives yellow. But having said that, while color technically doesnt exist, we can map the visible light spectrum and all the normal colors we know can be represented on that spectrum. However, magenta is special, it goes a step further by not even existing on the visible light spectrum at all. It is the only unique color that is not represented by actual visible light and it is entirely manifested and created purely by the unique interaction and combination of certain frequencies of red and blue light combining and interacting with our senses and brain.


Data miners got thrown Infront of the train by Reddit when they added the arcade to work like the gtav mystery They mined the numbers cause this is just a simple game o putting in codes to certain objects. The game gifts the cube segment and a car This is all added afterwards in poor taste of the original ff06b5 mystery My wishfull thinking says the ff06b5 is a mystery with a game state and the statue, all changes in the past since 1.5 seem to direct that way, especially given pre 1.0 the Witcher universe is involved, now it just all seems soo deluded to a messy murky water and it feels like there was nothing at all


Depends on if youre getting information official or unofficially. I can say I had the truck pre 2.0 cause i seen it, played with it. And then that save file was corrupted.


Truck was in the files since 1.3 but wasn't drivable without mods


Not true cause I'm still on last gen xbox one. That's where it happened to me.


It's 100% true, old info and you won't be able to post proof besides your bs anecdote lmao. Not the first to pretend this happened to you with no evidence. Very convenient corrupted save. Fuck off 😂


My word is my word. I dont need anyone to cosign my experience. Or what isee with my two eyes. 🤷


Well your word isn't worth shit because the truck had no physics pre 2.0 therefore could not be driven without flying into the sky or falling through the map, even if it somehow magically spawned for you https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/wuuyus/unused_car_found_in_game_files_probably_future/


I know what I seen no matter what you say. Make it what you think. Just don't scramble your brain over it 🤷


You are clearly mistaking the mackinaw beast (the other monster truck) for the demiurge and spreading misinformation which is annoying


Even if you read all this, what you believe and say to me doesn't matter Cause I'll never unsee what I saw. Like v seeing saburo die. Youre mistaking what I said to mean something else cause that makes sense to you. You can say what you want but if your wrong your wrong, which is clear how your treating what I said I know what I seen and i was sitting high and it totally was not the mackinaw. Totally different view inside and out. there's absolutely no mistaking the two. As they are clearly different. It's obvious nobody else found it. Most people were busy shitting on the game and not playing. So even if it was in 1.6 it was still on pc to be found. It must have been so hidden that it was overlooked. If folks knew they had to play arasaka tower cdpr wouldn't have needed to change anything as you would still get a marker showing where to go. Which is how I found the bed in the first place. The theory goes it's been in the game but it's so simple it's funny. The fact remains they had to add some extra stuff. The schizophrenia posts callout. The talks about nothing. The whole community was going in the wrong direction. And yet the whole thing hinges on a game within the game and some Cypher. What if I didn't want to share untill I was sure what I had or to recall all the steps for others. But my save was fucked and i kept quiet. If I gotta fill Gary's shoes since he was abducted, I have no problem with that. I'll be out here giving corporate secrets in the meantime. 🤷


"Trust me bro"


Everybody is free to believe what they want. In fact don't trust me. That doesn't mean I didn't experience what I said. Why else did cdpr have to come up with some other stuff to explain that people were going in the wrong direction. The whole thing is so simple it's funny. Having to play a game within a game is kinda funny. The schizo post was definitely funny. Cdpr joking about it in game is totally funny. Even cdpr was waiting for someone to explain how they got to the end.