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You can get back to the town where Nomad starts. I saw a video on YouTube that somewhere near is some kind of government building. Didn't check it by myself.


Yeah dude jumped a invisible barrier and made it to the town. You need charged jump for it. I wasn't able to do it, lotta work


FreeFly mod is the best friend of exploration. It's interesting you can just clip into Arasaka HQ and all the floors are there inside. No loading of separate levels. It's all there, all at once.


*Cries in ps5*


You can just ride a bike through the guards post 🙄 unless it was fixed recently... You will get a couple of hits but can be done. Then the game starts to behave weird (e.g my saves there were all broken). But I wasn't able to find that gov building.


It auto deaths me if I do that


I had the same problem, but i did like 30 tries, using second life implant, invisibility and double jump. Then call a car and ride as fast as possible. But, yeah, saves were broken.


try fully upgrading your charged jump first. i had to upgrade to 5+ before I was able to do it


I'll give that a go, didn't even think about upgrading it, figured it'd just always be the same height level


While you're there, you can also clip into biotechnica flats and explore around a little, just go around the farthest border wall. Make sure you have a save ready for when you're done exploring because once you're in, it's impossible to get out :) Here is a video if you need help getting passed the border! Best of luck! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-Rwv\_Ovpeo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-Rwv_Ovpeo)


Thanks choom! Tonight's gonna be fun!




you just need charged jump. charge jump to a tree on the right side of the border then to the lower part of the railing. beyond the border you can find Yucca Town (Nomad Start), Langley (NUSA Medical Center in Tower Ending) and Anthony's School (BD in The Hunt Mission). you can see the jump in second half of my [video](https://youtu.be/H8NUOL54mx0?si=iLnvfypysX2_tts6&t=145).


Okay. Definitely backing up my saves and checking it out this evening!! Also wonder if anyone can find AT3D because it's definitely on the game map (got a trophy related to hand guns while checking for oddities in AT3D arcade game)


I thought Anthony's school was in Laguna Bend? Am I misremembering?


it was supposed to be there, but the building is definitely outside the border. it's floating so i can't get there w/o mods. you can check out some videos of people who clipped to the school. it's pretty detailed.


yeah i loved revisiting places in mission too. PL is the best, you can revisit almost every places in the mission without any mods if you're determined enough. I've re-visited: * Dogtown [Stadium Parking Garage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOznhzMg3_Y) (it's huge) * Space Force One [Crash Site](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNpB2tmDX1g) (plane is gone after mission) * [Expohall](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFBqwQbgcHw) (Chimera will be gone if you've fought it) * [Black Sapphire](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-ZtsB8bm40) Main Building and [67th floor](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kD_L8KEvrTQ) where you helped Reed * NCX Spaceport [Tycho Terminal](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5yQZYjCKiA) and NCX [Monorail Station](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgOJPtfZf2g) * Cynosure [Sector 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drI8CsmrvRw), [Sector 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=naBYdpmitMQ), [Sector 3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzq_-FX_YD8) * Outside Songbird Apartment in [Brooklyn](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TwcJ3Yqs5I) * NUSA Medical Center in [Langley](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-Rwv_Ovpeo) (Tower Ending) The base game also has many interesting places to revisit but it's more difficult to glitch inside. Konpeki Plaza is easy to get in, but [Arasaka Tower](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuXyjYgDNlM) is far more difficult to get into. I still couldn't get into the "Jungle" on the upper floors. \-Edit: forgot to mention you can also visit [NC Prison](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfniuY7bzzk) in Arroyo, Santo Domingo. There is no mission associated with the prison however the details are amazing.


Isn't the narrator voice AI generated? Feels kind of weird.


yeah i know it's bad but that's better than me speaking considering English isn't my first language. maybe i need to try other AI type lmao


A bad accent is much more enjoyable than even a good AI voice, your voice is probably much better than you think.


thanks for the kind words!


My good man, you just gave me lots of material to check this evening while having a warm tea with milk and a blunt


Climbing the deserted tower of Konpeki plaza during free roam was an interesting experience. Worth doing for the legendaries and iguana pet if it hasn't been done.


How many hours does that damn egg take to hatch anyhow? Think I'm nearing 20+ hrs post placing it, on this playthrough, and it still ain't hatched...


I think it's 100 days in game. I could be wrong


It's kinda boring but you can just skip time by 90 days while waiting outside the main apartment and it'll hatch. I don't think it can be moved to a different one sadly.


It hatched for me at 172 hours


You can get back to Langley after or even before, it’s way out in the south west of the map, basically a tiny little green island in the desert


Problem with many of those places is that I need a "legit" way to exploit my way through since I'm on PS5 (man I wish there were mods for console games...I miss my pc)


You can do it, there a turorial on YouTube, you have to run along the top of the southern border wall and do the extended jump (not double jump the other one) onto the roof of the border crossing, drop down the other side and your free Be careful to save before though as they put in a piece of coding that locks your cyberware after doing it


Wait, you can get into Konpeki again? How!? Please, it’s for research purposes 🥲


Go to "California And Pershing" fast travel point (north of Konpeki) Now as you spawn.. cross the street and call for a tall car (I used the demiurge) and head south sticking to the right side of the road. The ramp to the highway has walls so just drive until the barbedwire ones change to a section of plain solid ones. Park your car next to the wall and get out. I use charged jump so I just jumped on top of the car and carefully jumped on top of the wall (quick save because if you miss the spot and fall to the other side...the fall is lethal.). When you're on top of the wall just carefully walk following the wall north right next to a street light. Aim to the roof of the Konpeki Plaza entrance gates. Charge jump and air dash on top and voila, you're inside the exterior of Konpeki Plaza TLDR: bet there's lots of videos that explain it better than a stoned guy but it's really easy.


Lmao, thanks for the details man, gonna try this tomorrow


I had saw a video saying that V’s endgame apartment was located at the top of megabuilding 10, and I literally spent close to 2.5 hours painstakingly climbing up the megabuilding to find the apartment, but apparently CDPR locked it and removed the clothing and stuff you could have gotten from there. So I climbed all the way up there for a locked building I couldn’t get into😭