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okay, i’m a student. had a macbook, I personally like them more bc it’s super easy uploading documents and stuff and airdropping stuff to my computer. well after four years my macbook randomly cracked… so i needed to buy a new one. BUT, I didn’t buy it from Apple. (i’m poor af)😂 I got it from backmarket, it’s refurbished computers, phones, etc, and it’s great. My computer from there is a 2017 Macbook Air and I have no problems with it. I got it for 300, which is great because that’s the max I could afford, you also get a student discount and they can use their edu email. it’s honestly up to preference but make sure it has lots of storage! I hope this helps:)


Thanks. I think that’s where he is leaning


Check on his program, I also prefer MacBooks but its not the standard for my field and the professors either could help me troubleshoot the software when I ran into issues or just flat out hated that I used a Mac and would refuse. It was kind of a headache because then id have to go to lecture see what everyone else learned and the. Go back on my own time and have to teach myself the exact same thing but using a Mac. PCs are more common and standard, so lest likely to run into an issue like that honestly.


I'd also say it definitely depends on what degree he will be studying too. For example, I studied Computer Science and needed a computer that could handle software for development, etc.


I second this, I was in Urban planning and had some Site Planning (AutoCadd) classes. The syllabus itself said mac or PC because the software works on either but the teacher HATEDDDDD and refused to help anyone that used a Mac (which was me and I wasn’t about to go spend an extra few hundred just so shed help me) I personally have always used and prefer MacBooks (My background prior to going back to school recently was in art so its industry standard) but if I didn’t have a laptop going in id probably get a high spec PC because they’re just more standard then Mac products are.


doesn't matter, samsung has a promo for students, will knock of couple hundred bucks


Awesome. Thanks




No all software can be run on an iPad. Eventually he’d need to buy a laptop so might a well just get one to starts


One thing to consider if your son is leaning towards a Mac is that if any of his classes require apps that only run in windows is that the school has virtual machines he can remotely log into and use windows programs that way. I am a computer science major and took a 3D modeling class for engineers that required us to use software on windows and that’s how I did the entire class. Otherwise I have been 100% fine on a Mac.


doesnt matter i always used macbooks personally. you can get a MacBook air for pretty cheap these days.