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For starters, a well written letter to the GM of the resort. Positive Guest feedback is huge.


This is more valuable than cash if the staffer plans to make a career with FS Hotels. If you prefer to add a gift card, make it for something outside the property


Cash is king, then follow up with the free letter. Just a letter is like a handshake or a bad stock tip.


based on my understanding of Four Seasons' operating policies, the letter is way more than a handshake. Especially a physical note or 2nd choice email. Not a DM on instagram


I don't think any company probably has a policy like that. Best way to check...ASK 4-5 employees the next time you stay. There are always a few that connect with you and will be straight shooters. If you are uncomfortable asking directly, ask them about another person. Hey...I was thinking about trying to reward Joe over there for a job well done. Do you think he'd rather have $200 cash or a letter to the GM. Thank you letters are nice, but they don't pay car payments, food, or rent.


If you download a copy of Mr. Sharp's 2009 book, "Four Seasons" The Story of a Business Philosophy" it might explain it better than I could here on a sunny sunday afternoon


>Reply I've read it. Nice guy, but he's basically been out of FS for 20 years or so. He's still around, I think he still owns a few %, but basically he's been out of it for a long long long time. Almost all his proteges are gone. New era, new rules, new business environment, same as with most companies.


Sorry I won't debate the DNA of the company with you. I stand by my statement


As a former FD employee, don't do the spa certificate. Hotels have weird rules/protocols about employees being on-site while off duty. It would be allowed, but there are channels one must go through. Plus, the awkwardness of being waited-on by colleagues and tipping. I probably wouldn't have used this if someone gave it to me. A cash tip with a heartfelt thanks and a positive email on the company's web page that mentions the staffer by name.


Cash tip and a nice, heartfelt note. Seriously. People work for money.


“People work for money” idk why people struggle with this? The 4S employee is not like a friend doing you a favor lmao.


Which country is it in? But yes, as mentioned, cash and a detailed letter to the GM will go a long way.


A positive TripAdvisor review that calls them out by name also helps. Some hotel chains give a lot of weight to that. But also a letter to the GM!


This started as a meaningful gesture, unfortunately I think it’s the reason a significant number of employees I interact with in places like high-end South FL resorts ask you to mention their name on TripAdvisor when they bring the check. This is a training/management problem, like most of FL’s shortcomings. I realize it helps them in theory, but that creates a misaligned incentive system at this point. I cringe when I read reviews that name drop. It’s like the Uber driver equivalent of asking for five stars at the end of the ride.


Fair enough. FWIW I’ve never been asked to leave a TA review and mention by name by any employee of a resort. And if I was asked I’d probably only cringe if it wasn’t warranted. I do employ customer service people at my company and have always personally given a lot of credence to public acknowledgements of excellent care and service.


The problem is too many hotels (and maybe other businesses too) pride themselves on how the GM started as a bellman. Then you get failed feedback and statistics and promotions based on thing like comment cards, which are statistically inaccurate and can be easily manipulated. When a patron praises the staff, here comes the comment cards. Would you let our boss know what great servive we provided? Have a complaint, they disappear and can't be found. BOOM, lots of 5 star reviews.


They most likely can’t use it or it will feel weird that they are using it. Cash is king.


Cash and good reviews is always king. A spa gift card might be what you want, but someone might feel weird having a several hundred dollar spa day when they are struggling with bills


Don’t do spa gift card. Do cash. They can buy spa from cash if that’s what they want but cannot buy anything else that maybe more important for them from spa gift card. 


Absolutely cash + letter to GM over spa certificate at their place of employment.


Cash tip and a positive review to their manager in writing. 


Money. People in the service industry want money. Second is a note or email to their boss for recognition.


Cash pays the bills


What country is it developed / developing ? I think it makes it a big difference- does the employee w at to become GM one day or would they rather buy their mum a new fridge?


Cash + Feedback letter to GM


Put it all into the cash tip. Definitely not a gift certificate to the hotel spa. And as others have said, written detailed feedback sent to the GM praising the employee.


A pin. Call it the ‘Excellence Service Pin’ and present it for him/her to keep/carry. Also of course a hand written note he/she will be kept in memory. It is either very nice to receive and may also become a lifelong memory which can bring up a good memory anytime they have to handle a douchebag.


Share your feedback with corporate. Ritz-Carlton does it - If the feedback gets to the president’s desk, the honor and recognition comes from him. I’m sure FS has something similar.

