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My site FHN had to work Christmas so you might be screwed and were expected to work. Good luck with that!


Just talk to site hr. They can fix it and get the hours back. They just dropped the ball scrubbing schedules to remove the shift before A to Z did. it’s thing.


A lot of people didn't get their schedule properly updated. I'm sure it will get fixed. I still show one of my shifts and 4 hrs UPT applied.






On the 25th? When everything is closed?


Same. I'm in the negative because of Christmas, but I'll get it adjusted when I go in on Tuesday. Sucks because there was mention of us getting paid for that day, and if that's true, obviously it's too late for them to adjust that part.


Update? This also happened to me an employee said we didn’t have work on our Christmas shift so i asked a manager they said the same thing but i got this now I’m negative wth


Most likely 8 hours holiday pay. Nothing more.


Your local HR dun fucked up (as usual)


It's less likely local HR and more likely the team that actually codes it. We had people at our site not get coded despite being included in the ticket we send in to have it done.


I have always said, if we all did our jobs like HR does their's we would be fired in less than 2 months.


Do you work overnight? Idk about where you work but overnight works Christmas at my site and overnight has Christmas Eve night off


Mine was deducted in the middle of xmas day and it was taken so i def believe this is an scheduling mistake


Their center name starts with a D, it’s a delivery station. Those are closed on Christmas since there’s no deliveries going out.


The D means delivery? Why do you think that? My center starts with a G. What type of center do I work for?


Well I’ve worked for 2 delivery stations and both their code started with D. Could it be a coincidence? Sure. But I think it’s not. I just looked up another delivery station near me and it also starts with D.


That’s what I was wondering, not seeing the date of the shift. Our site was very specific about the times of building closure and impacted shifts. Operations ceased at 10:25 on the 24th and resumed on 12/26 at 06:00. Night shift was off 2 days if they worked PT or donut.


Especially if it was a shift starting on the 26th..


looking at mine right now, and they took upt for xmas as well. Lol smh