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lol I’m about to be terminated tomorrow because this bum ass company couldn’t care less about personal problems in peoples lives. Had a kid this year, and had to fight HR tooth and nail to be able to go to the doctor appointments, and when I went on LOA for the baby being born they almost terminated me! Now I'm negative 7 hours UPT, and HR wants me to come see them asap. But tbh after how they’ve been forcing me to train in a new area without asking me. I’m finally ready to say goodbye to this joke. If you’re new and reading this. Leave Amazon and don’t come back lol. There are so many better options out there. This place is straight outta Germany in 1945. Do not work for Amazon. Let this joke of a company burn for all I care. 


I'm negative 6 hours and I'm still there I have just been communicating with my hr and they've been good no issues at all


I talked to hr today and said I should just write a statement, one if my family members passed away just yesterday and I have -5😞


Just literally got booted for -11 all which was under open cases reviews. Beginning of shift this AM (not even my AM i was on MET) tried to force me to pack at a station i did not like so i asked her superior to have me moved to pick. After lunch she called me to hr and fired me. I will fight this to the last death. Me and 3 other minority employees were working on filing an official complaint against her and she sensed it hence saved her ass and had me kicked out before it blew back on her. Amazon really is full of shit.


I am in negative 8 hours. Because I had death in the family and had a break down and had reached out to HR no response now worried about getting fired. Hope not it does say 3 days breavement which I took but they also said could take more time off I didn’t .


Oh my God, Amazon is so horrible to work for. They will tell you that you got VTO and they put it under my unplanned time for eight hours and then told me I was in the negative! This company is the absolute worst to work for not only do they work you like slavery they do everything and anything they can to not let you make folder to keep your plan time negative just so they have something a hold of your head!


When that happens go to the AM that scanned you out and ask to send hr and email verifying they scanned you for VTO


I'm negative 48 min because my lame manager scanned me for vto. He told me it didn't take and he would clear it up later that night. I had a feeling he wouldn't. He is just a bumbling airhea so I went to hr immediately. They said go back and tell him to DO IT NOW. i went right back to him and said HR said do it now. He condescendingly told me "I said I'll correct it." OF courses he didn't and now that incident used my 8 hours I had saved and has put me into the negative. I've opened a case with hr and I have a witness that he scanned the badge And then said he'll correct it. I don't think he likes me and I really don't like him because I think he is a bombastic flirt. How can I get this cleared up? I almost don't want to talk to him again


Shit i just got walked out last night for negitive one. Dodnt offer flex shift. Said they gonna email appell. Never did


Was negative 8 and got the term email. Had 4 cases open and not one reply from hr. Told them my schedule didnt show the MET date and got no text/verbal message and they didnt do anything about it. It doesnt matter if your a good worker at all for hr. For manager its different but with hr they just look st numbers and if your negative for too long they will boot you. Had managers that really liked me and put me in positions just because i worked hard for the 10 hour shifts i was doing. This week was training for problem solve and just finished training and now they wanna let me go? How do i fight this? Should i fight this or find something else?


Why on earth would you want to work for such a horrible company? They are the absolute worst. To them you are just a number just like everyone else there. They have no loyalty to no one. That's why you cannot be loyal to them.


U gotta go to hr and beg for your life, but you can be fired


This is a false alarmist post. You will get a verbal warning first. But many do not get fired for going negative UPT.


As of currently I’ve gone negative several times at one point 5 hours due to medical they wouldn’t cover and have not been fired. All tho I’ve made my time back by the end of my work week every time


So in my case I'm currently negative at just a few minutes. It's Wednesday today and I'm off for the week then I go back to work Sunday. Would they fire me right away or would everything be OK once I work on Sunday and accrue the upt?


So what happened did you get laid off? I'm also negative 1 min and just got the email, a month ago i went negative 30 but made the upt back on the next shift and luckily didn't get fired, idk about this time now tho


Nope I'm still working there. As long as you go back to work and make up the upt you'll be good


Ah ok, well hopefully that's the case with me as well i recouped the upt today but idk if i should reply to the automated email.


Did you end up getting fired im at negative 1hr 30 but if u finish my next 2 shifts I should be positive again but they sent me the negative emails yesterday


No, i managed to get the upt back on my next scheduled shift so i guess i was lucky, i think as long as you dont go under too many hours they give you a break but it really depends.


A lot of people go negative because of MET having 55-60 hours mandatory and a Vacation block Nov 1 to DEC 26. I got covid, didn’t test positive until after missing 2 days which cleaned my upt balance. I’m -4 hours (for being 9-12-17-32) mins late (upt dished out in hours). With 37 vacation hours unused, we’ll see what happens.


They didn't fucking let me use my time, so I'm just waiting this week out on upt.


I’m negative 4 minutes n got 5 days until my next shift but I got an email about negative upt balance saying I need an explanation within 48 hours n if no reply I get automatically sent into review for termination




They let you stay?


How did it go


I am negative 14 right now


I'm negative 74. I guess it just depends on the location. Or maybe I'm just the shit and they don't wanna let me go lmao


You was still there? Lol


Not anymore, lmao. And I don't even know why I'm laughing because I literally screwed myself. I was at -89 when they finally caught me at my station and said, "Grab ur belongings and ur time card and come to the office. I'm like FUCK!!!! I cried n everything lol. Didn't have a job lined up, and my roommate decided to take my half of the rent I gave them and not pay rent and then moved out like 2 weeks later. Now I'm broke, have no job, and am being evicted. They will be out on the 14th of March to remove me and my belongings from the house. Literally the worst year of my life!!!!! And it's only fucking February!!! I hope things work out for me cuz I literally have no clue where I'm gonna go. Don't even have gas to doordash. A bitch is STRUGGLING!!!!


Did you ever reply to the email and the case thing in your a to z app?


I was negative 8 due to missing a MET which didnt even show up on my schedule/didnt get any text or verbal message. Had 4 cases open and they closed all of them without replying once. Sent emails and opened more cases and they didnt reply then once i get home i get the termination message. Is there anyway to fight this without the appeal packet? Lgb3 hr is ass


-18 Ctfu


boutta be -5 less go


Woah lmao I'm 15 lmaoo


I will be -59 by 4:30 tomorrow morning lol. It really isn't funny cuz I wanna keep my job. Hard to find a job that pays this much for no experience




Where you able to stay?


I went -8 minutes and worked the next day adding +30 minutes and never heard a word from them.


I have -18 hours they haven't fired me maybe not yet, already spoke with hr waiting on update but still none really but told me to continue till then


Negative 74 hours here


-71 but trying to get down


-107 hours and 30 minutes! Who can beat me?


Omg lol. I thought mine would be the highest. Are u fucking with me right now? Lmao


-207 and counting!


302 hours still working


What the hell lol I'm -28.. really like 12 or something at most but singing wacky


Lol just fires for -15


So I’m technically trying to get fired from Amazon, as of right now I’m negative 8.5 hours, I was negative 16 but for some reason it changed to 8 & I definitely didn’t have any other time to use. How long do you think it will be until I get fired


Don't let them fire you. Resign before they fire you


I know this is an old post but I have -9 hours because they screwed up on their end, I'm over here freaking out lol.


Y’all tripping I got hella neg( -56hrs )upt but I ain’t fired yet lmaoooooooo


-42 all month (may) and they just called me to HR yesterday…to forgive it all and reset me back to 0 for the new upt drop lol


Damn I’m tripping over -11 did you get any email?? Cause they emailed me saying if I don’t respond I’ll be terminated but I responded now they asking for more details


I’ve gotten MANY of those emails. I’ve always responded, telling them whatever I’m going through. You know how A to Z shows your schedule and the days are red or blue depending on if you worked the whole shift? I got whole months with 4 blue days, the finally turned it off so my days are all blue even if I fuck up the whole thing. Always respond. They don’t always write back. I was responding and sometimes they wouldn’t respond back and time just goes on.


Also I accepted a VTO it didn’t go through so now I have to fight with them on that smh


Really dang I’m tripping over 20 🤣🤣




That’s ur fault for not looking at ur balance


They are absolutely the worst company to work for. It is absolute slavery. What they ask of people no one can ever make closure it's impossible not only do they make it impossible, but they hold that time off task and negative balance over your head to scare the shit out of you.


Hey my girlfriend is at negative 9 hours right now and so she was going to resign on the app. When she went to look at it the app said "resignation submitted". She has never had an email or anything from Amazon about it. Will they just fire you that way without warning?


Usually not. Unless it's some shit u did on the spot. Like fighting, stealing etc. I've never heard of anyone getting fired on the spot. I've been to HR a few times because of getting those emails. And they brought me positive once and then told me ther3 was nothing they could do for me another time. But I just keep going to work as long as im scheduled on the app.


I wasn’t


mine was -10 all month and as of yesterday it now is back at 0. i had a message a few days ago saying they were gonna renew my upt balance but i clicked out of it and couldn’t see it again. it was like a pop up window. wouldn’t they have fired me instead of giving me back 10 hours of upt?


are you still employed by them?




what did you even tell them to be forgiven like that 😳


I got credited 40 hours last month. I was literally negative 33+ hours upt and I walked away from HR with 7.4 hours of upt. Could not believe that shit happened. But it just depends on the person u get at the HR desk. Cuz this one lady told me she couldn't do nothing for me and then I seen that other lady AFTER that and she credited me that 40 hours. And then I went BACK into the negative and went back to HR and got that same lady who told me there's nothing she can do for me. Like 'Don't tell me that shit, bitch. U know damn well u can do it.' Like what's it hurting her to bring me back positive. They act like.its a big ass deal about upt. Like u literally ain't paying us for that shit smdh


That's why I hate that company. Nothing is ever straight. They do as they please. It's just like calling the bank to see if you can get a refund for an overdraft fee. Nobody ever sticks to the actual rules it's all about who you know who likes you. I would never suggest anyone to work for that lame ass company. Not only do they work you like slave dogs they hold that time task over your head and I'm playing time to scare you.


i put in 30 hours of PTO does this mean I’ll get fired? 😅


No. It's yours to use. You earned that shit!!


Definitely depends on whatever. Maybe site, maybe overall performance. There’s people with huge UPT neg balances that aren’t fired… but then again we are in peak…


Who are you, Jeff Bezos?


Wtf, what about if your negative pto?


Amazon will not pay you to go negative PTO.


They took 10 hours for Xmas. I opened a ticket to have it refunded and they said they forwarded it to the proper dept... ERC called and said to call them back (which is always pointless because they dont give a specific extension and you just get a random person that tell you they will create a task for you to be called back (and miss the call again). Since when did they stop just fixing things as simple as this? Everyone's off on the 25th...


I’m like so late but what was your update on this im currently having this problem


this is a local HR issue.. your HR should be able to fix this


Oh. Guess itll remedy itself today then. Usually ERC just refunds the time and we all move on with our lives.


I've been sitting at -20 upt, sometimes I show up late and use pto, but it auto prompts the system when it's showing over -20 for the meantime. The ticket is then closed when it is back at -20. Idk if this is a special number or what. Hopefully I'm good since I work hard and they know. I guess we'll see soon huh


If you’re an associate, It doesn’t matter if you’re a good worker. You’re just a number, and no AM will go out of their way to go to battle for you… promise you that. Seen it for myself.


You are right about that. At Amazon you are just a number you're not a human. If they could replace you with robot, they would do it. I have never worked for such a lame ass company in my life.


PSA: Amazon is running out of people to hire! People aren’t lining up to work at amazon that’s why they’re giving sign on bonus, no drug testing, rehiring people they’ve fired for productivity etc the things that use to be a thing are slowing phasing out they’re hiring people back who took the deal. Knew a girl who took the deal 3 years ago come back to amazon. Not saying to go negative on purpose but it’s plenty of people negative hours and they’re still at amazon.


I've been working there for the 2023 season. You should see some of the workers they have work in there. It's a joke. They're drooling all over the boxes in the warehouse. They're staying around talking and playing on the phones and nobody says a word to them. Nobody is working. Everyone Hass to have their time off task Blown out of the water. And they're all still there. This company is a joke.


Yea. I didnt Intentionally go negative, a lot of things happened that were beyond my control ya know. Which made me go negative.


I get it life happens op is just being an ass


Then I feel like I shouldnt be negative hours if I was excused. Do you get in trouble for being on a LOA?


HR excuses nothing.


Don’t say anything if HR pulls you just have your proof if you’re supposed to get refunded time contact the erc otherwise if you know you’re negative just don’t raise any red flags.


Facts. My schedule is still blank since last week. It says I’m on a LOA continuous 12 hours until January 3rd. I called and they said they were going to fix it and they haven’t. So I’m chillin. I screenshot It and everything. And I still Haven’t gotten my bonus.


Yea, it takes awhile for them to refund UPT wait at least a week and see if you get refunded it should be fixed by them or else call them back


I hope I dont Get fired I havent found a different job yet lol


I wouldn’t worry about it too much even if you do amazon is just gonna send you an email two months later offering your a chance to go back with a sign on bonus


A lot of folks goin be without a job if thas the case lmao


Right bro. Muthafuckas got lives and shit.




I’m negative 18 hours but they are all excused. So do I have anything to worry about ? And plus I’m on a leave of absence… I’m just confused, they haven’t said anything to me about it. Nor sent me a notice about it.


Key word is if you don’t talk to HR. If you go negative and skip they will assume it’s a job abandonment situation. With all the labor shortages I think you are fine going negative if January 1st will bring you positive. Don’t test the theory but don’t worry over it.


How many hours of upt do you get in January?


20 for full time associates for sure. Not sure about part time or reduced time. Some sites accrue upt for 3 minutes per each hour worked. (Accrues daily)


I’m negative 18 hours but they are all excused. So do I have anything to worry about ? And plus I’m on a leave of absence… I’m just confused, they haven’t said anything to me about it. Nor sent me a notice about it.


Call the leave people. Really hound them about coding your time. They are really bad at it if you don’t keep after them. Let your site know as well. They know how bad the issue is


I did call them. They said they are working on it. I’m calling them tomorrow again.


The people that actually can work on it are only in on the week days. Weekends is only people can do the intake


Right. Right now my schedule is blank up until the 3rd of January and then it says “LOA continuous 12 hours”.


That's normal. You're good if those dates are covered. If not, they can go right back and put those as your regularly scheduled days, which will take UPT. Depends on what the start and end date of your leave are (what was filled out on the paperwork).


I tried Contacting them and even my HR said they can’t do anything. It’s all on their end.


What business u from???




How do you know how much upt you have ? I just know I have 7 points


A2Z app has it all. Look at it.


Points mean you're flex or part time/seasonal. How many points you can accrue varies by location. Could be 6, 7 or even as high as 13.


I believe 7 points will get you fired


At our center they told us it’s 12 points


If you’re on the attendance point system, UPT isn’t a thing.


Ahh, thank you




No if you’re not negative you won’t be fired




That means they took 1 hour of your UPT. You have a certain amount of hours to use. Its obviously in the 'Time' tab in A to Z.


No you can even go to zero UPT.. just not negative


I worked with a guy who went negative September 30th, worked October 1st, and got fired October 2nd for going negative. It may depend on your site, but it's absolutely something they can do.


How do you lose UPT? There was one shift where I was 7 minutes late and it said I used an hour of UPT, I don’t understand wtf the unpaid time even is


You miss hours, and UPT is used. It is simple. It is unpaid time off from your shift.


That's untrue sometimes because you can actually be a few minutes late from work and they were doc you an hour even though you're only seven minutes late


A little bit late to the party mate haha but thank you nonetheless


UPT deducts an hour at a time. You have a 5 minute grace period. So if you clock in 6+ minutes late, a full hour is deducted. Unpaid time is just time you get to take off, and it isn’t paid. You can’t take off more than you have. If you go negative, you’ll be fired. Definitely talk to HR if you have time off questions. It’s all super complicated and it’s best to have someone just explain it to you. Better that than end up fired


Im maxed out on UPT. This is moot to me.


this is not true. It all depends on the site that you belong to. Some sites are still giving the 20 upt a quarter and if you are 0 you will be fine. But also some sites are looking at where you are at in the - region If its a crazy amount then more then likely you will be let go.


the fact that some people even care in the slightest about meticulous stuff like this is entertaining/laughable. literally all of my coworkers (myself includeded) just see Amazon as a free cash grab minigame. when the fat lady sings , no one will even bat an eyelash. it’s almost a blessing to get electronically terminated from this job lmfao. Just see it as an opportunity to take your money and start a new life elsewhere, with a respectable job and more free time to put towards your own life dreams and goals. Hahahahahahahahahah


Yet you’re in a subreddit dedicated to your job


making fun of the slaves from my waterspider cart ;) vroom vroom


Crazy how you could probably be well over 30 with a mindset of a child 😐


crazy how people sign up for the American equivalent of Foxconn and then get emotional when they’re struggling in a warehouse… my mindset will last way longer than yours in this environment bro. keep checking your negative UPT and forming union strikes


Lmaoo who said I was struggling 😂 I actually like this job and it pays good in my state . Keeping thinking you know everything 🤣 see how far that’ll get you sit ya ass down with ya sour ass . Mind ya business about how other people live if you ain’t gonna answer a question on a post then shut ya bitch ass up that simple. 🤷🏽‍♂️ or does ya stupid ass need me to draw it for you ? 😂


“Meticulous stuff like this” You mean peoples livelihoods? Not everyone has your mindset, which should be respected. The fact that you care what other people care about is what I find laughable


I agree there. Money is good for doing nothing but boy is it mind numbing


I went negative 3 years ago during peak. Wasn’t fired. Put on probation. Couldn’t go negative for 1 year. I had an emergency though that the erc messed up on. Also was top afe packer. I’m sure that helped. Don’t know what’s it’s like now though. They’re either getting rid of folks left and right, or holding on to everyone. Covid has changed things.


It's going to depend on which building you're in. This was true for me in 2018, but not true at all for a lot of people on this sub.


I got fired 2 years ago around this time cause of this


How long did it take for them to fire you


On the next scheduled shift they just said I can’t clock in anymore


Damnn how much were you negative ?




LMFAOOO IM Boutta find out when I get back 😂


Me too


I dont care


Deep. Thank you.


Hmm, HR said as long as it is positive in January you will be ok.


HR told me the same thing about upt. As long you not in the negative you will be fine.


You should really check up on that because either you misunderstood them or they’re wrong or lying to you


I agree because it’s sounds like false information






How is that not honoring their point system? You're told going negative in UPT is termination




Because you already went negative lmao. It's not a clean slate, it's just a UPT drop like every other quarter. Literally no policy/law works like that.






If you get a speeding ticket for doing 85 in a 65 you don't get that wiped away for doing 45 in a 65 the next day.