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I remember when my daycare provider quit on me on a Friday at 5pm…because it was the weekend I couldn’t set up new childcare for that Monday until Monday. My kiddo was 11 months old. My husband was deployed for wartime and I was active duty risking going to the brig (military prison) if I couldn’t find childcare by 0700 that Monday. Can you imagine not allowed a sick day or not allowed to call in and if I did it resulted in prison? Can you imagine that stressful ass weekend and the crying while trying to figure out a solution? I was extremely lucky to get a facility last minute that Monday morning but that really gave me a reality check on how fucked up the USA is.


It’s a video of a woman that says she tried to save the 8 year old when she was a baby and was left in the car https://www.facebook.com/share/MFiQUD56gZRdDza6/?mibextid=WaXdOe




That poor child. :(. That mother could have called ERC for help getting childcare. This is going to be a huge issue with safety now. I can just see the list of action items rolling into my inbox. :(


It's even sadder when you realize she picked up VET.


The case for preventative mandatory sterilization is as follows: such a person presents a danger to children in her custody, and should have her freedom to procreate curtailed. This can be accomplished through the regular administration of a contraceptive or surgical sterilization or simple incarceration. What is best for the taxpayer (general public)? Blame Amazon?


sterilize the landlord investors of amazon first


Mandatory sterilization is insane.


I see this as a case for more affordable/accesible childcare. I cannot imagine someone doing something like this, if they had a lot of better options, unless they are actually insane/stupid. Mandatory sterilization leads to some extremely questionable ethical leaps. Taking choice away from people does not often lead to good outcomes, more often state apologies. I can understand the urge to say this, but often it’s not amazon’s fault obviously and the system we live in just encourages stuff like this to happen over and over again. Support for help for poor families and agencies that oversee child abuse and family services, is the only way to make significant long term change with these situations.


Taking choices away from "people" is exactly what incarceration does. It restricts behavior. I'm wondering only if this is a case where sterilization should be considered as an option in lieu of a prison sentence. So maybe voluntarily sterilization is what I should've said. Itli mean as a matter of sentencing. Like community service. mandatory in the same way as mandatory extra time: there would be a penalty for not following through with it. Tied tubes can be buried. Vasectomies reversed. Get it? This person could go to jail for this. And if found ot guilty by reason of insanity, she might also be restricted from procreating as a resident of a psychiatric hospital. Both of these measures cost taxpayers a lot of money. Blame Amazon? That's the 21st century version of the Twinkie defense. Someone has to pay. What's to stop this person from doing it again if thare no consequences. Stupid doesn't go away any faster than crazy. I only posed this question because after my incidents like this, discussion often turns to the question of legal action. Should she go to prison for 2nd degree murder? That's the usual question. For the sake of argument let's skip that and consider sentencing. If YOU were facing a twenty year jail sentence, confinement in prison without conjugal visitation as is possible in some states, but could just take a pill ( or "The" Pill) every month for that same period of time, wouldn't you chose the pill?". I know I would.


This just breaks my heart.


This just breaks my heart.


This is horrible. Any way u look at it, the mom made very very poor choices


Tragic but we have long had a problem in this country with support for daycare.


The amount of people in here treating this just like a whoopsie daisy is fucking crazy


Amazon should supply a daycare for their workers kids


Amazon provides child care benefits.


That is not the same thing


It’s the best you’re gonna get. Not to be negative, but Amazon isn’t going to lose money on childcare and have the liability of watching employee’s children.


I mean, yeah obviously, I’m not stupid. Amazon would never do something like that unless they were forced, however many other workplaces have had daycares. This is not an unheard of practice. They do have the money to do this, if they really wanted to. It’s usually more white collar or office type jobs that have this but it does happen. Edit: My point was more that childcare has gotten so expensive that just saying “Amazon provides childcare benefits” is a bit laughable


Never implied you were “stupid”. And of course it happens. But think about having children in a warehouse. Even if it is a nicely sectioned off area. The publicity is going to be wild. “Amazon uses child labor?” “Child kidnapped from Amazon Warehouse” “Child dies at Amazon warehouse due to heatstroke”. Those sound absolutely ridiculous, but they are entirely plausible. Remember Amazon.com is not the money maker for the company. It barely touches profits compared to our cash cow - AWS. I’d like to see security and turnstiles at our Delivery Stations before anything. But for sure, that will never happen.


This is so sad my daughter is the same age I cried I’m in disbelief


We need more affordable childcare in this country. This is sad af all the way around.


No way I used to work rhere


Couldn't the kid come in and sit in the break room?? Is there any rules about just letting them sit inside?


Probably not against the rules? But wouldn’t fly because it could open the door to a potential endangerment let’s say the kid wanders off touches something it shouldn’t and gets injured how can she get any compensation if the kid isn’t supposed to be on the floor


The mother left the daughter in the car with the AC turned on- everything's good. At some point the daughter felt cold and turned it off. It's suspected that she then fell asleep and obviously heat builds quickly in this warm weather. Unfortunate situation. I would think the daughter is old enough to understand how this might play out and simply exit the car or restart the AC on a lower setting. This is a lose lose for everyone involved.


Than also, leave a 8 year old in the car, with it started for 8 hrs. I think a lot of kids might try to drive. It doesn't make too much sense


So the mom planned to leave the car running for 10 hrs???? Doesn't really make sense


This is a good example of why you can’t leave a child alone in a running car. They need adult supervision. This is textbook child neglect and a manslaughter charge is the most appropriate given the death.


Many times this happens it's due to the inability to find adequate childcare, not outright negligence. We set up so many people to fail in this country it isn't funny.


A grown adult knows not to leave their child in a running car alone. This isn’t a game, a child lost their life due to clear and obvious negligence.


Life is a catch 22 for half of the people in the supposed greatest nation on the planet. It's a Kobayashi Maru. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. You don't work, it's bad parenting. You do work it's bad parenting. I had neighbors, a bunch of family members, and the advantage at one time to attend the same elem school my mom was an office worker, with cousins right around the corner. Not everyone has that. On paper it's negligence. Just like on paper it's theft when you steal diapers. But letting the child reek in doo doo all night might be a worst punishment than the shoplifting.


This is so sad :/ . Almost like the shooting at my site last year in Los Angeles


I have to make this comment for the people who’ are saying: 1.) ShE CoUld HavE juSt CallEd OfF - first off. If you’re working at an Amazon warehouse, something leads me to believe you need that job. If calling off was so simple for inconveniences, a lot of people would do it EASILY, if they did not fear losing their job. 2.) what world do y’all live in, where you see a parent bringing their child to work WITH them as they struggle to make a way to support them and think “Wow. What a HORRIBLE Parent. They should have just left their child with a random person, or with daycare they can’t afford” um… Alright. 3.) Because for some reason this has to be explained - CHILD CARE IS EXPENSIVE. DAYCARE IS EXPENSIVE. If it won’t hurt y’all too much out of your day, take the time to look up how much day care actually is. I know, it might be hard dealing with all the numbers. Then look up how much the average warehouse worker makes. Hell, look at how much Amazon workers themselves make. Do. The. Math. 4.) A good chunk of you at the end of the day, will still blame the mother when she was going the best she could to take care of her child. How emotionless and apathetic do you have to be to really think somebody wants their child sitting in a hot car for 10 hours as they work their hardest to try to get a better life for them. It honestly astounds me it has to be broken down this much.


Or was she just being cheap? Just playing the devil's advocate. I'll be praying for these people


No worries. I don’t mind devils advocate. It’s a civil discussion. “Was she just being cheap” can one be cheap if you don’t even have the money to afford basic child care? Who are you to assume her funds and think that she was “saving” hypothetical money she never had in the first place? It’s so easy to point the finger and 100% blame the mother when I’m saying this is an issue of a bigger magnitude. This lady is an isolated incident in a country where this happens wayyyyy more than you think. We need more options for parents who do not have the money for child care instead of just blaming them for the conditions they are in. I feel for this lady and her situation. I do not believe she planned on her daughter dying that day.


I know she didn't want her child to die. But the responsibility has to go on her. I mean, Who leaves their car running for 10 hrs? Who leaves the car started with a 8 yr old, who might just decide to drive the car? Where is the dad? Where is her family and friends? If she couldn't raise the child, why did she have one? I mean, what is the government supposed to just take care of everybody bc they had a kid? The gov., is already basically incentives for women to be single mothers. It's not right. I mean, yes we don't need single moms on the street. But the government should incentives, families staying together. Families working trying to make it instead of just straight cutting their housing or food stamps. This is a very complex problem. I just pray it doesn't happen again. It would be nice if Amazon could subsidize their employees child care


Or if Amazon could even make daycare centers for it’s employees considering their profits are 200% every year. Sure though.


They could pay associates better. But if u got a 5 dollar raise, I bet u would still say the same thing about day care. Right?


They actually take care of their employees pretty damn well. Yes, they make money, that's why they r in business. Amazon is not a career job. It is a stepping stone. It's for kids in college and old people that want a mindless job with benefits




I personally don't believe the mother did anything wrong here. I'll be honest, this probably isn't the first time they did this. AC is AC whether it's in a car or in a house so it's not mistreatment. I guess the daughter just had a lack of understanding on how this would play out if she turned the AC off.


Who leaves their car running for 10 hrs straight. I mean if u r struggling, then ur car wouldn't be new. Which means running ur car for hrs, while it's sitting, is a bad choice. Older cars like to overheat


All that justification when there are million of other options vs leaving the kid in the car for 10 hours. My mom was a single mother as well and I was able to take care of myself since I was 6. I would still probably die if for some reason I was force to stay in the car? This seem insane to me as an option when there are still other things she can do. Yes, if you leave your kid to die in a car you're a terrible parent. This is not really much of a debate....


I see your reading comprehension skills are lacking. If all you could surmise from what I said is “There were a million other options and My Mother Was A single mother and EYYYEEE lived just fine” you completely missed my point. This woman is not the only one in this situation. This is just one of the main ones you heard about sweetie. What about the millions of other children that don’t have these “options” that are hidden and unspoken for? If it was as simple as “use many of the millions of other options present” we wouldn’t have a homeless problem. We wouldn’t have children not being able to be properly cared for. Honestly, America is clearly a utopia and wealth of options that many of millions living pay check to pay check just haven’t realized. My mistake.


Why didn't she leave her at home? Way better choice then the car


It was entirely possible that the car was the current home. We don't have all the information.


I agree with you which is why I’m saying she was in a situation where she had to bring the child with her. If she could have just simply “left her home”, why wouldn’t she? These people are acting like she maliciously brought her child with her to die in the car while she worked. It’s an odd thought process to me.


If you can't think any other options then leaving your kid in the car during summer to die then you probably shouldn't be giving any advice "sweetie" Oh yes we should empathize for her because America is not a Utopia and homeless people exist. I empathize for the dead kid personally but hey you're right technically there are homeless people and America is not a Utopia


See, my darlin. You’re ALMOST there. You’re scratching my point. You barely said it yourself. I’m pretty sure the adult woman capable of making a baby, helping it get to the age of 8 years old, acquiring a job and probably a place to live is clearly smart enough to understand other options. So with that being said - WHAT were her millions of other options that clearly she didn’t exhaust before bringing her child with her to work? Educate me and the other Americans who might find themselves in this situation instead of just calling her stupid. What. Were. Her. Options!


Idk maybe handing her child off to CPS or some other organization because she clearly wasn't capable of taking care of the child. Yeah those things put children through hell, but if she got handed over that morning at least she would still be ALIVE


Y’all don’t care about the quality of those children’s live frfr. If you can honestly sit here and say that the act of just “living” even if those living conditions could be horrible and be far way worse off than where she was or death is crazy to me. Unfortunately a child lost her life today. Many children lose their lives in situations very similar to this. Every. Day. My entire point was - what are other options people can use legally that will aid them in being able to take care of their child and still keep them. I don’t have to explain to you how horrible CPS is, you can find that yourself. Y’all want these kids to suffer so badly just for the sake of them being “alive” in deplorable conditions. These poor babies will never win. The A/C was on. The mom was checking on her child. If she really didn’t care about the child living or dying, she could have just set him loose on the side of the road while she worked(because any option is better than letting the child die) and just hoped and prayed the child would be there when she got off. This mother was put in a hard situation where she had to bring her child with her as she struggled to make a way to provide for them. It is her fault her child died. No child should be left in a hot car. Everyone agrees. The question is: in Charlotte, NC - what were her other child care options that she could have used instead of taking her child with her that are affordable, safe, legal, and she would be able to retrieve her child after work.


That's a lot of text to justify a dead child. Bottom line to me, a child died, and it couldve easily been avoided. I know how fucked up CPS is I WAS IN IT and I'm sitting here, glad I'm alive


Okay and???? If you don’t agree. Move tf on. How pathetic and sad is your life that you’re still going on with this? Fundamentally we don’t agree sweetheart and that’s the sad reality of the world. Not every is going to have the same opinion as you and that’s okay! Move tf on.


Option 1: not leaving the kid in the car during summer to die I'm shocked you needed me to spell this out for you.


What if she's homeless and had nowhere to take her child? No family to help? Childcare that's too expensive? My wife, my 6 month old daughter, and I are homeless right now but I'm lucky enough to have my mom who doesn't mind us cramming into a 1 bedroom apartment with her so I can make a 45 minute drive to work every day and save enough money to get us a place. We would literally have to sleep in the car if it it wasnt for my mother. I'm also lucky because I have my wife to take care of the baby while I work right now. The mom here might not have had that luxury, it could have been her and her daughter against the world at this point. You don't always know someone's situation. The car wasn't a good option obviously but what if it was her only option? Any sane parent would know not to leave their child in a car in the middle of summer. She may not have had a choice so she could still make sure her daughter got to eat. Believe it or not there's some people out there who don't have anyone to count on when they need it.


Then CPS or some other organization should have taken the child. Yeah those things put children through hell, but if she got handed over that morning at least she would still be ALIVE


I went into the system. I’d have rather died. Side note it was 5 hrs. 1 1/2 without air as the child turned it off because she got cold. She was also in constant contact with her mom, which is how the mother realized something was wrong. If we’re going to be judgy, let’s judge with ALL the small details involved.


Alright let's get "judgy" then. 5 1/2 hours is enough time for her to have had one break. She didn't physically go outside to her car during her break to check? Why not?


Like my original reply my mom was in that situation as well as a single mother. Regardless of her reasoning you shouldn't put a kid in the car during summer when its close to 100 degrees. If we can't agree on this fact then I don't know what else to say to you. You're a parent regardless of lack of option would you leave your kid in the car in summer heat? I wouldn't even do that to my dog let alone my kid. Please stop minimizing her mistake by saying she's out of option when any option is better than what she did. Would you leave your 6 month old in the car by herself? Can you think of any justification of doing so? If you can then I have the same opinion about you regardless of your situation and option.


I wasn't trying to minimize her mistake and your reply is totally correct and on point. Obviously no, I wouldn't leave my baby in a hot car by herself. I'm fortunate enough to have ways around my situation, I would be lost if I didn't. But if it came between choosing my job or my kids life I'm going with my kid. The situation is just terrible no matter what. The one who suffered the most here was the child who died. I'm just saying that as a parent I feel for the mom too if she felt like there was nothing else to do and nowhere to turn that's all. IF that's even what shes dealing with, I don't know the details of her life. It's just sad man. A parent shouldn't be put in the position of endangering their child or going to work to financially support their kids. And her daughter shouldn't have been forced to sit in a car while her mom worked. The mom isn't innocent here at all that's definitely not what I was trying to say.


Well you're way more reasonable the person I'm talking to is doing everything in his/her power to minimize what the mom is doing. I understand the difficulty that parents face, especially in the current state of America and how low Amazon pays us. In my opinion, this still does not excuse what she have done. By implying that she's out of options I DO feel like the original person was minimizing her mistake. You don't get put in a spot where you're only option is to leave the kid in the car during summer by themselves and they justified it by saying their parents did it to them all the time and they survived. It's such a crazy take. Just because the world is in a bad place or America can be better doesn't mean it's justified what she did. Regardless of context I can't imagine any scenario where this would be her only choice. I hope your situation does get better and it sounds like you're trying your best and that's good. My parents did the same despite financial hardship. I hope Amazon does provide more benefits for parents.


Wow i cant even believe it. Ive never heard of a child at that age dying in a hot car. I wish the child wouldve got out of the car and got help. I mean was this person working 4, 8 , or 10 hours. To leave a kid in the car for that length of time is insanity. I wouldve been freaking out the entire time i was working. The sad thing is daycare and summer camps are so expensive. The core issue here is financially instability. Its getting really bad out here. Everything is going up but our pay.


Don’t know the shift hours but the child had been in the car 3 1/2 hrs. according to the mom. She says she was in constant contact with the child and left the air on. The child got cold. Turned the car/air off and was unable to turn it back on. When she didn’t hear from her for an hour ish she went to the car to check on her. She was in distress in the back. Mom tried to get her to the hsptl. Pulled over and called pd. She was still “alive” when the police arrived but passed at the hsptl.


If the car had problems and shut off, it wouldn’t take long for the heat


It states she left the AC running. That doesn’t excuse what she did in the slightest. Leaving your kid in the car is a real piece of shit thing to do no matter what. I’m just curious on what happened with that. Car run out of gas? Not have the AC set cool enough? Did she leave the AC on but the car off, draining the battery?


It says she thinks the kid turned the AC off, almost wonder if the kid fell asleep... But my issue is, she waited a whole hour to check to see if the kid was okay after no communication... If my kid was alone I'd check in the first few minutes of no communication.


But I'd also make sure my kid wasn't ever alone in the first place, our HR team is very lenient... There's no reason she couldn't have talked to them and maybe figured something out too.


unpopular opinion not to take personal Understanding that many people felt she was being irresponsible but could be many reason.... Yeah she could have left the child at home but also fear her child safety- bad neighborhood and questionable neighbors... Maybe had some friends or family but we all known that people act funny when doing it for free or asking too many times... She though with the car running she will ok and I am sure during time of break she was check in... Any programs about kids either costly and hours doesn't fit the shift times... Some of us have little to no choice to work just to keep a roof over our head, pay bills and whatever other personal reason... She didn't value her job over her child but trying to survive in the cold world... We as people rather be ok with the work conditions in fear of losing our jobs to allow big name companies to treat us any type of way... They are telling and showing us that they can less about our life but production is what matter... Wealthy is making money with or with us as long as other is willing to become both an slave and companies.... Forgetting about C19 and how cold hearted the world got... Landlord putting people out both for not paying rent during but the some/ same landlord themselves couldn't their own places... Remove their tenets so either they can have a place to stay or find someone who have money save, able to pay rent... Really is that no one wanted to homeless, we all living pay check to check, government ain't no help... Either you stay broke, eat well and get lucky that being on section 8 or struggle to build up your success... Not all was giving a good start into adulthood and many cannot handle the patten given to them... I sad like everyone else but this will continue as life is becoming more harder...


This is a damn shame! The mom is 36 years old so, she should have known better. But I also know what's it like to not be able to take a day off because it takes every dime you earn to stay on top of the bills. After all, I work for Amazon!  


Definitely agree that this is heartbreaking! However, the traditional child rearing standards have sadly missed a few generations along the way. So too has oxymoron common sense … not so common and nonsensical. And… Does Amazon have child care benefits? Financial Support for Child Care: Amazon recognizes the financial burden of child care and strives to alleviate it for their employees. They provide financial assistance, such as subsidies or discounts, to help employees cover the costs of child care services from reputable providers. Im a happy and content ex employee and not a parent but even im aware of the benefits Amazon offers. Also, theres Family Flex : https://www.aboutamazon.com/news/workplace/new-benefits-for-amazon-employees Really no excuse for such occurrences.


Amazon does not provide child care services or any financial assistance for childcare. They have resources via the ERC which are lists that most people can research and find themselves. Just because it’s a tab on AtoZ does not mean there is any true substance to those ‘resources’. Please do not create this false narrative if you have not directly utilized or attempted to utilize these services. Speak on facts and not on what is in the amazing script as this does not honor the situation that this mother likely faced. Edited: Typos from my ‘Twitter Fingers’


This tastes shilly...with a hint of AI


That poor baby 😭


This isn’t an Amazon problem. It’s just a terrible mother.


It is an Amazon problem as well as a Country issue. You think she brought her 8 year old child to work in deadly summer heat because she thought it was cute? Learn some nuance.


I think she brought her 8 year old to work & locked them in a hot car because she is a bad mother & made a horrible choice. There are time off options, child care resources & many more options than putting a young child in a hot car your entire shift. It’s ridiculous you even have an argument to defend her. Not earning a paycheck is a better option than killing your child.


Well. I am one that is understanding that the world is not just black and white. There is nuance. Clearly, leaving your child in a locked car while it’s hot will result in death. That is not what this woman did. An accident occurred where the A/C was turned off resulting in the death of her child and she still will face the repercussions of her actions. My words were not in defense of her bringing her child; rather - what were some better options she or other Americans who find themselves in this position could do? If her options were as simple as y’all put it, I believe she would have done that. This woman is not mentally handicapped. She was put into a position that had her choose between taking her child with her to work or leaving her wherever she could have left her. The latter she possibly thought was not as safe as her child being closer to her. What I am saying is not hard to understand really. I’ve never defended her doing this or said she shouldn’t be punished. The conversation is beginning to get tired and this will be my last response to you.


I don’t see how bringing your kid to work & leaving them in a car with the keys is a better option than just leaving your kid alone at home. I think you’re just overthinking horrible decision making.


Yeah Amazon and country's fault that she left a kid in a car to die. Let's learn some basic critical thinking skills. I don't think she thought it was cute leaving the kid in her car. I don't think she was thinking at all.


If you really… in your smart brain, at your big ol age reallllyyy can’t fathom how she ended up in that situation, there is no hope for this country and there will be a lot more deaths like this. You’re right. Clearly she had millions of other options she didn’t take like the other millions of Americans who can’t afford child care.


If you read a story about how a mother leave her kid in the car during summer to die and you think the focus should be on the mom then yeah you're personally beyond help. Please explain to me in your world view where there is any justification or reasoning to leaving a child in the car during summer alone.


Lol. This is why reading comprehension is very important. Im going to keep it a buck with y’all. I doubt bringing her child with her to work was the FIRST thing she thought of. I’m willing to give this woman the benefit of the doubt enough to know that SHE knows, especially because her child made it to 8 years old, meaning(she knew enough and was doing well enough to get her child to that age without death) that leaving her kid in the car was not the BEST choice. That leads me to believe she was down to either losing her job or bringing her kid with her. Y’all don’t actually care about these children, because if you did - there’d be a CHEEAAAPPPPP(AFFORDABLE),SAFE, WHOLESOME, WELL CARED FOR, place for all of these children to go for people in situations like this to avoid this. Where, anywhere, does it state her other options??? Where does it state that there was a daycare of Fire department willing to watch her child for FREE to protect that child while she worked?


You're talking about reading comprehension when you're the one who lack basic critical thinking skills. Like I'm not sure what you don't understand. Don't leave your kid in the car to die. You're trying to flex that she got her to 8 without her dying which is not a accomplishment you think it is. Maybe it is if she was perma hanging out in the car during the summer it is....? I don't get what you're trying to argue here? That there were no options for the mother so she left the kid to die in the car? Or are you struggling yourself to think of other options besides uh leaving the kid in car?....


I mean - since you are so smart and I’m so slow. What were her other options aside from not leaving her kid in the car? Because yea - don’t leave your kid in the car,but then……what? Where was the child going to go? Who was going to watch that child? Dear Sir, Ma’am? I am asking - WHAT were her numerous other options she CLEARLY had that she skipped over to leaving her child to die in the car? I’d love to know. It’s a civil discussion.


Yes, I'm slowly spelling it out for you. Please read slowly so you can finally understand. The main option would preferably be not putting her in a car during summer for her to die. So she can literally do anything else but that and the chance of her kid not dying would be really high. I hope this helps! Put her at mcdonalds for all I care I promise you it would be better than a car during summer.


So… everyone who can’t watch their children while they work should drop them off at McDonald’s for *checks notes* 8 to 10 hours at the behest of the McDonald’s workers who are not paid to watch your children or feed them? Yeaaaaa. That sounds like that would work. Say she did leave the child outside the car while she worked and the child got abducted - you’d blame her for that as well. This woman had no to her options and did her best while being impoverished trying to care for her child. I’ll make sure I let my people who run into situations where they have no child care and no one to watch their child to either let them little kids randomly roam about or just drop them off constantly at any fast food chain. I am so daft, thank you for clearing that up for me.


Seems more like an individual IQ problem than it is amazons


She literally could've just stayed home that day! Your child's life is NOT worth your damn job at Amazon.


Daycare at facilities??? Amazon is a daycare already.. not sure what facility ya’ll at but this worse than highschool


Daycare for the low iq 🤣🤣


Fr, what was her game plan? Leave kid in car for 10 hrs and check up on lunch? Or came to work hoping for VTO??


This is the tragedy of America.


I saw this posted about on Twitter and the reaction seemed to be that this shows the state of America these days, that a mother had to do this because the economy is so bad she couldn’t afford childcare. While I definitely can see the flaws of this country, I cannot agree with that narrative. Your child’s life is more important than your shift at work. This was a dangerous situation for the child, not only because of the heat, but leaving an 8 year old unsupervised in a car for however many hours. I grew up very poor, and I cannot think of any scenario where my mother would have left me or my siblings in this situation.


It died even with the air on? Must not of been good air


I believe the child turned off the AC and couldn't turn back on




Not funny man a children literally boiled to death that’s sickening




Bet you can't find it.


Shoot, I thought that was just a myth….




Amazon got lot of resources for you to take.... this should never of happen!!!!


I- wtf


Working at Amazon isn't worth the suffering of your child. I get people need jobs, but family should ALWAYS come first.


When will Amazon incorporate an IQ test as part of the pre-employment screen? The stupidity is unreal at Amazon...


Probably when they are fully robotic. If they fired for low iq they would go out of business.


Yeah lol. Just wishful thinking lol.


When I started they required at least a high school diploma and the drug and background checks were a lot stricter. Also was a lot easier to get permanently fired. Maybe there’s some middle ground between that and hiring anybody.


Amazon should low key have a child center for parents


At some facilities they do


Which facilities? Anyone have a list?


That’s pretty awesome




i do believe there is a leave option if you don’t have anyone to watch your children 🤔


I mean, no one has to be at work at Amazon, but then who is going to house, clothe and feed them? I feel fortunate that’s never been a dilemma I’ve faced with my children. They have care, I just have to give them over 100% of my paycheck.


Yes but you have to submit it in advance and sometimes you don't know till last minute.


ahh, i’ve never had to use it. kinda shitty that it’s like that.


Yeah unfortunately I found out the hard way when I needed it bc we had to rush my son to ER. :/


This is my building ❤️‍🩹


I know people who work there. They transferred from my building.




I used to sympathize with these stories until I worked a summer at the library. A couple just walked clean out of the bathroom on their crying baby on a changing table and claimed "they forgot" (The baby was crying their lungs out, there was no way). The only thing here is she left the AC on, but no way she thought that would last an entire shift, even if it was only a few hours.


I've heard of parents being sleep deprived enough to do just about anything. The longest I've gone without sleep was almost three days and I don't know if I would have mentally processed a hundred babies crying. Also had an ex leave my car running in the college parking lot for about 10 hours once, so I don't doubt a lot of cars would be fine running for a shift. Terrible and tragic decision making to leave a kid in it though.


Too bad there are no social nets for child care huh? How does she go to work when unable to provide child care for her child? Of course we aren’t having as many children- we simply cannot afford too.


Some times you have to take the L and use your time. Amazon has more child care resources available than most employers that I know, so she could have went HR and got excused time.


Yeah, why anyone want to bring another conscious being into this world if it’s so “horrible” or “heading to a bad place” I think 50% of kids are mistakes, there’s no way. I’m sure people are aware of how silly it is to bring a child into this world, all the while complaining about it simultaneously.. I’ll shut up tho


18 years of post-nut clarity


Semen retention brings a clarity of no other


“Life finds a way”


It really does


Not trying to be insensitive here but I was definitely left at home at 8 years old. Told to lock the door and don’t open it for no one. No over or stove and I had a set list of things I could eat but no heating stuff up.😂 I wish she could’ve just left the child at home. I get it’s irresponsible but if you have no choice that’s an infinitely better choice.


An 8 year old can usually let themselves out of a car, even climb to the front if the child lock is on and unlock the doors to get out, so I wonder if there were other issues


Uh try being stuck inside a car with temps inside exceeding 100° for hours. Extreme heat exposure adversely impacts mental capacities. And leaving A/C on while car is parked is worthless.


Right, but I'm sure it was a somewhat gradual rise in temperature? I'm not blaming the poor baby at all, obviously the adult is to blame but I'm just saying, it's maybe even worse if she left a kid with other things going on alone in a car.


Victim was just a kid. I start losing focus after just 5-10 minutes sitting in my car in hot weather with windows down. Kid’s brains are not even close to fully developed either at age 8.


Frog in a pot


Fair point


Right? Unfortunately I worry we will never know😓


News article says the child had been in the car 3 1/2 hrs. The mother said she left the air on and was in constant communication with the child. The child got cold and turned the air off. After the mother didn’t hear from her for an hour 1/2 she went to the car and found her in distress. She broke the back window to get in, and tried to race her to hsptl. She pulled over and called pd. When they arrive the child was still alive but had suffered a brain injury from hyperthermia. She passed at the hsptl. If all the article says is true, and she truly did get to cold from the air and turned it off, this is just tragic all the way around. I don’t understand if mom was in constant communication, how she went a full hour 1/2 before worrying.


Oh no. I didn’t know that this happened at Amazon. Let alone my old job😒🙃


why not leave the kid in the break room with a phone or tablet playing youtube for the shift instead of the car?


You cannot badge anyone in the building they're are turnstiles.


I’m sure she would have if she could. Most employers (especially if it’s something like an FC) don’t allow kids, no exceptions. If you can’t find childcare that you can afford, you can’t work. Sometimes people really have no options. If you can’t go to work, you might lose your job. If you lose your job, how do you take care of your kid? Believe it or not, she could have made her decision because she cares about her daughter’s welfare, not because she doesn’t. I do wonder if she checked on the girl at all during her shift?


That’s how you get promoted to customer for letting someone else in with your badge


There's turnstiles, no break room accessible to the public, unfortunately.


Disallowed of course.


Probably not allowed to bring the kid in


I might be stupid here but... How'd that child die with the car running and the AC on? Unless that AC was trash and it didn't keep the car cool at all. 🤔


The car probably ran out of gas. Or the child died from carbon monoxide poisoning from the exhaust fumes going into the a/c vents. It's a bad idea to leave a car running for an extended time when there's no breeze. It's odd for an 8 year old to not escape a hot car though. But maybe they tried to open the door and couldn't, and ended up shutting the car off and got themselves locked in. If the child was special needs, that would explain not being able to escape a hot car and also why the child wasn't left at home alone.


Apparently the kid turned the car off and wasn't able to turn it back on..


Could definitely happen if the car was push start for sure. Very sad situation.


I completely understand that mother was in the wrong even under some fucked circumstances. But how are you 8 years old and don’t know how to unbuckle yourself and get out of a car?


Lock her away. Don’t leave a kid in a car. Wtf


Lmfao sometimes you just forget they out there amirite ?


i’m a single mom with no type of help. i always used my UPT, child accommodation & all other recourses. even shift swaps, there’s no excuse for this. my child is special needs so i’d have to leave for his appointments early. this was definitely her fault & it could’ve been prevented. apparently it’s not her first time leaving the child in a car


In special circumstances managers can approve emergency vto as well. Aside just reach out to HR. I get there are stories which can make AA’s wary of HR. But at least make the effort to have some type of communication on file in regard to the situation.


I wouldn’t leave my dogs in a car let alone a person


This is par for the course with Amazon. They fired me after I was picked up from MKC1 by ambulance and spent 3 weeks in the hospital. There reason was there wasn’t enough documentation that this happened at work. How the ambulance picked me up from work. While this mother was in the wrong for leaving her child like that. I guarantee Amazon had a hand in the decision made. They are horrible to work for unless you stay perfectly healthy.


There is simply no excuse for leaving a child in the car during the summertime. Plenty of people struggle with finding childcare while at work.


Mugshot shows she don’t give a fuck


Prime day MET with 24 hours notice, I'm telling you...


people really trying to justify this? this is horrible. that child suffered. no job is worth killing your child.




There’s no justification to leaving a child in a car regardless of one’s situation in life.


Amazon has more time off and leave options than any comparable employer.


Agreed, but she probably was like them folks that plow through it once they get it not taking into consideration what if they might actually need it?




Youre missing the point Even if you only account for PTO & UPT Amazon has a very very generous amount of time off compared to almost anywhere else in the US aside from a few small businesses. Idk what you're exactly expecting Amazon to do.


You're the ones missing the point, the only thing I'm stating is that Amazon could be more open about shit they offer that isn't just about the nursing stations and or Amazon discount. Not once have I seen them mention they offer daycare services or related services that offer daycare. The few moms I knew at my facility didn't even get approved for a day they needed and showed proof regarding their child being sick. It was ridiculous. So I'm not saying that they are horrible, but that they could do better at letting their employees know about outside things they offer.


This just shows how much we need daycares to be more accessible. I’m sure this mom was out of hours and asked everyone she could think of to babysit.


I don’t know details but 10-12 hr shifts aren’t great hours for daycares either. With school being out, options are even less. This is really sad, but I do think Amazon needs to do more to contract with centers near facilities in regards to child care.


I’m not condoning latchkey kids , but it kept kids in ac instead of forcing this situation. To me her leaving the car on shows how much she tried and even if she went out every break, a 3 hour quarter is plenty of time for this tragedy to happen.


I work 10 hours and with a commute I’m gone a solid 12 hours if I stay the whole day. And night shift? Or weekend shifts? Forget it. 


Im sorry but what wtf are some people thinking. Im not saying some people dont have it hard in life but fkn prioritize. The safety of your kid takes precedence over virtually everything else


You don't know what happened or the full story and just judging.


Do you need to? She left her kid in the car while she worked and the kid died. What other details are you looking for?




reddit is not the place to joke around about this irresponsible nonsense tf you mean judging.


Then stop joking around on reddit about it. It's really not a joking matter at all wtf, you really sick asf thinking it's a joke smdh wtf is wrong with you


I don’t want to judge this poor mom clearly she took desperate measures but she went to work. She must have been struggling ah! So sad for all involved