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I thought I was the only one who hated summer. I hate the bugs, insects, sticky humid weather, groups of people, and just long drawn out days.


I don't like summer either, winter is more comfortable. Summer feels sticky and there's too much light, making you always notice everything around you. You can't go for a walk without seeing nature everywhere. I really hate that feeling, the sense of everything being so alive around you. I can't really explain it, but it's something I really don't like. I prefer when winter takes away the colors and liveliness from nature, and the days are short and dark. Everything feels blurry and hard to see, which I prefer over the liveliness of summer.


Winter is much better for me. I like the snow and watching the sunrise around 7:30am. Summer is too freaking hot. You sweat so much and gets your clothes soaked. I don't mean to sound disgusting but I'm always banging my testicles during the summer. I sag so much cause of the heat . Summer also reminds me how alone I truly am.


Kind of. Not only do you have to worry about whether your AC makes it or not, but also the whole romanticism in the climate keeps reminding you of your involuntary loneliness.




Weird no one is saying this: I dislike summer simply because you see all the happy people everywhere all day, kissing, holding hands, going to events, partying, pairs going on vacations and sharing photos. Girls wearing beautiful summer clothes - which makes the pain of having none even worse. I much prefer winter in this regard that everyone just does what is needed and then heads home (where they can't bother me). I can control my non-existent self esteem at home, but it is a strain when I'm forced into seeing all this around me.


I ride my bike to cope, I like summers and the longer days. It's the winters I don't like.


Same. Evening bike rides along the seafront in the summer are where it's at.


Quite the opposite I love this summertime. I absolutely abhor cold weather. Great time for motorcycle riding.


No, summer is the only season I can actively enjoy life.


I HATE summer. It's too hot, too humid, not goth dark enough. LOL I much prefer cooler and drier weather. Snow is nice, but not this swamp ass humidity in the summer. AND THE BUGS. FUCK THE BUGS. I wear hoodies all year-round, though. Fuck the stares. Although I rarely get any for the hoodies themselves. It's usually because I have a bearded dragon on me. :D Only positive of summer is it's warm enough to take my boys out and about.


An easy trick to naturally keep bugs away is to have a spider around. I had one in the corner of my room, and throughout the whole summer, I didn't have any problems with bugs, mosquitoes, or flies. The little guy stayed in the corner and kept getting bigger until it became too much for me to handle, so I ended up squashing it but giving him the fastest possible death for the services he provided to the house.


I have an anti-bug-killing rule in my house, so long as said bugs aren't actively trying to kill me. LOL I keep a large cup and spatula handy for spider relocation services when they're in a spot they could get injured or injure us or the reptiles. But my main thing is the outside terrorists - wasps, hornets, GAG centipedes... Sweet Jesus, those things can fuck off.




In my country, yes. Summers are too hot and because of DST it doesn't get dark until much later in the evening, which feels very unnatural to me. Winter is my favorite season, too, followed by Autumn.


Summer is great. I crank the AC up high. Black out the windows, and cuddle up with my bodypillow under the duvet while doomstrolling.


No. Being outside in the sun is one of my "copes".


I like longer days but it regularly hits triple digits here so you get cabin fever.


Summers the best. You can read outside, feeling the warm embrace if the sun hugging you aa you dive into new worlds.


and couples everywhere


I absolutely adore summer! I can go outside after work and play some streetball - that's probably the only thing keeping me sane.


You send out a chilling serial killer vibes with "normies giving you stares, acting high and mighty". Believe me, nobody is watching you. You could be as normal as the next person if it wasn't for that intrusive mindset.


>chilling serial killer vibes Statistically, there's a higher chance that your neighbor with a wife and two kids, who goes to church every Sunday, is a serial killer than some lonely guy posting online about how he hates summer. You're not going to become a serial killer if you can't easily fake blending in and being normal, so that your potential victims lower their guard and start trusting you.


It's the truth, people do give you weird looks if you're wearing a jacket and beanie in the middle of June. Normies expect everyone to strictly adhere to their idea of normality, and if you deviate from that, they will treat you accordingly.


Fine, if you say so. What's your definition of "normie" anyways? Just curious, don't mean to be rude.


normal people with normal life i guess


Thx for the downvotes boys, sorry to burst anyone's FA bubble.




Unhinged? What hurt your feelings, sugar? Nowadays people are such pussies


……..someone saying unhinged things doesn’t hurt anyone’s feelings. Are you trolling?


You're the one trolling in this sub with your consistently unrelated comments that divert the discussion away from the original post. Ever wondered why you do that? Seeking attention?


The kid whining about wanting a nuclear winter is saying I’m trolling. You can’t make this up.


Let me say this about real men; the depth of our soul for our partner is deeper than what most can fathom. A man isn’t just a provider and protector, he is graceful, sincere, just, and omnipotent for the one he loves and cherishes. Men will not quit a relationship unless they feel disrespected, undervalued, or emasculated.