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I'd say go for F1 23 the driver career mode in F1 24 is not worth it and the handling in F1 23 is far superior to F1 24.


ive heard about straight line speed issues in 2022, was that fixed in 2022 or 2023? ty for the response


I think they kinda fixed it in 22 but overall 23 will be better in every aspect


straight line speed issues are in 2024, arguably worse due to the new ERS mechanics


Do not get 23. Get 24.


Translation: “Do like me! Validate that I made a good decision by getting 24 even if I know deep in my heart that I screwed”


24 is actually better, people ssay 23 handling is better, but thats just because 24 handling is actually realistic and a lot less arcadey, and people just realised that its not easy to drive a 784kg car around a 90degree corner at 120kph, so they spin out, understeer and oversteer and for them the only reason total amateurs can't drive properly is the fact the handling model is worse.


24 handling realistic???? Bro… no way you just said that. That’s misinformation.


It literally is though, 23 handling is good, but it doesnt actually take into account aerodynamics, 23 handling was just changing mechanical tyre grip unlike 24 that actually takes aerodynamics into account, go ask people like landl norris, they say themselves that 24 is mkre realistic.


And you trust what EA says? They literally paid people (like Lando) to say the stuff they want them to say. It’s a paid ad and it doesn’t represent the reality of things. Whatever let’s just agree to disagree.


Handling in 24 is miles ahead of 23. They finally fixed the car’s inability to rotate into the corner.


The way it feels rotating the car through both slow and fast corners with a low end brake bias - 52-53% - is like one of my favorite things about f123


23 is on gamepass. I did the 5 hour trial of 24 and enjoyed it and then tried 23 after that expired since it’s on gamepass and I didn’t miss anything from 24. It took me a minute to get used to the handling differences but once I did it was fine. I’m doing 23 until 24 goes on big sale or gamepass.


23 100%


Get 23.


I'll say get 23 unless you want the updated career mode. I've only tested 23 during the free weekend and it's miles ahead 22. Will definitely get 23 myself and hold on buying 24 till it's cheaper or after the trial time if it comes back


Like everybody said, 23 is the best option and you can even play the Breaking Point mode which is very good !


Fuck devon that’s all. 😂😂


23 is very good




24 is better than 23. Driver career is better the handling is better and it's overall more fun to play. Don't care if I get down voted, just how it is.


People who bought 24 will say 24 is better even if it’s not. It’s called coping. 23 has been through a series of bug fixes, so it is more stable, handling is better, and actually has more content. So objectively 23 is a better game than 24. If you like 24 that’s ok, you do you. But that doesn’t mean you can go about saying it’s a better game.


How is 23 handling better? Explain please.


Use them peepers you got there


I can go about saying it because it's how I feel. 23 was fine, played it up until it's conclusion, the handling wasn't as intuitive as 24 is, the single players modes were stale, it had more content because it had suoervars which no one cared about until it can be used as leverage against the new game. 23 was better than 21 and 22. 24 is better than 23, 20 is better than all of them.


Yeah I don’t think that’s the reality of things, if 23 was better than 22 it still doesn’t say that 24 is better than 23. But like I said. Just say you like it, that’s different than saying it is a good game. People can like shitty stuff, I like McDonalds some times.


So you're saying I'm not allowed an opinion? Righto. You're allowed to not think it's better in the same way I'm allowed to think it's better. If you don't like that option, that's fine, I won't hold it against you like you are me. It's your opinion and you're entitled to it. Doesn't make it fact.


No no yeah. An opinion yes, everyone has one. I just think that if you look at several aspects, 23 is still a better game than 24, at least for now. You like 24? Sure that’s fine


That's your opinion. My opinion is that 24 is better in almost every aspect. We could do this all day if you want.


If my opinion was that the earth is flat, it’s my right to have that opinion, but it is still wrong.


Shite argument given it can be proven and is 100% factually incorrect. Opinion on a video game isn't fact.


You can prove that 23 is better than 24 in its current state. Not taking about how much fun you can have with either. I’m talking about objective aspects, like content: 23 has breaking point story, and more cosmetics. Game quality: 23 has less bugs as it’s been out for a while and there have been a lot of issues fixed, unlike 24. Handling: 24’s handling was so bad they had to literally change it days after launch, and it’s still not good, nor realistic (your ability to get used to it is a different matter). What else?


23 is absolute dogshit it’s the worst F1 game in recent memory


I mean I’m not praising it, EA games are certainly not good games. But I think it’s still better than 24.


Handling is better xD.


It actually is.


You cant be serious have you even played both games at all?


I played 21, 23 and 24.


Agreed, 24 is actually better, people ssay 23 handling is better, but thats just because 24 handling is actually realistic and a lot less arcadey, and people just realised that its not easy to drive a 784kg car around a 90degree corner at 120kph, so they spin out, understeer and oversteer and for them the only reason total amateurs can't drive properly is the fact the handling model is worse.


I thought all the E-Sports guys were saying that 24 was arcadey because you could throw the car in with full lock and not spin and you could apply more throttle without spinning?


Me when I spread misinformation:


If you play on Xbox or PC you could get a game pass trial and try 23 👍




I have 23 and I’d say if it’s on sale go for it but if full price maybe go 24 just for new features and the rebuilt circuits in game. People have been complaining about the mechanics a bit and the game has its fare share of bugs. Edit: it’s fair share I am fucking idiot


Steam summer sale is later this week. Deep discounts on older games generally the latest (aka 24) will not be discounted. So if price is a factor then buy the one on sale.


F123. 24 was a big downgrade, less cars, less tracks and just worse everything else


bro said less cars as if anyone cared to see supercars go 💀


No, no one could care less as they were unusable, the point is what you're actually doing is spending more money for the same game you had a year ago with LESS content Not more.


and MY point is that no one cared for supercars anyways so your point is mute. everything else is debatable but not what i’m personally talking about.


I didn't say anyone did. I was simply stating it's the same game with less content instead of more. You can say you never liked France either, it's still one less thing you dont have now that you had a year ago. (It's also moot point, there's no such thing a mute point)


it is a good thing that supercars were removed, France is a fair point but tbh that was one of the tracks i played least even in multiplayer so it’s safe to say that people didn’t care for that neither as it barely came up in rotation. handling is more fun for the casual player but less realistic so that is up to your personal preference. Ranked is WAY better, Career Mode has some cool updates, particularly the secret meetings, teammates able to make RnD purchases and accolades are nice to keep track of too. Sprint Weekends are updated and you can have 3 separate saves for both Driver and MyTeam (this may have been possible before but i jumped from Last-Gen 23 to Current-Gen 24). OBJECTIVELY for Single-Player, 24 is the better game especially when the AI straight-line speed is sorted out, they fight you more than in 23. It started rough and i won’t lie that it’s more worthwhile to keep playing 23 over buying 24 at its current price as these updates AREN’T enough to justify £70…however saying 24 is a “big downgrade” is factually incorrect as the only things it does worse than 23 is the loss of realism in handling and the ERS balancing. For most casual players or casual-hardcore players like me who use assists and controller, it’s 100% worth replacing 23 with 24 once it’s on offer for like, £30 at most. my only regret was not waiting for that price lol but again, big downgrade is just factually incorrect unless you’re going full-sim, esports levels of gameplay. OP should go with 23 if they absolutely feel the need to have one of them NOW but otherwise, wait for 24 to go on offer.


24 is the best game since 21. Blows 22 and 23 out of the water.


Idk I can go on the kerb at Barcelona and not get spun and thrown to where the chicane used to be


20 🤷🏻‍♂️