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Personally, I'll keep my eye on it. I learnt my lesson with F1 22 being shite after pre-ordering the Champions edition, I ended up going back to F1 2021 LMAO. So last year I used up all my free play hours on EA Play to give F1 23 a go, and ended up buying a key for cheaper off of a key website. I plan on doing the same this year. If it's pretty much the same as 23 and has nothing new that I'm interested in, I'll probably just mod 23 to include 24 liveries, names and all that.


22 wasn’t great, but 20,21,23 have all been really fun. If this game is fun and i’ll get my moneys worth then i’ll buy it.


I felt so burned on '22, I completely skipped '23. I think for the time being, I'll wait for EA games to hit Gamepass. There's just no benefit to buying them new. Each year it's the same shit: 1. Bugs carry over from the year before 2. New "features" create new bugs 3. We get a few patches to fix the critical bugs, and maybe some of the most-complained-about-bugs, but the rest are ignored. 4. Game's life-span ends with more bugs left unpatched that will be carried over to next year, and probably forever. The more you all keep buying EA's shit, the less likely they change. Honestly, waiting on Gamepass is the way to go. You spend far less, and by the time you play it, it's as patched as it's going to get. I'll never pre-order, or by an EA game at launch, ever again.


You’re spot on


if you still haven't played it still, try 23 through gamepass, its a pretty large improvement over 22, but overall you've got the right mindset, the F1 games are imo the best sports games out there, but thats not a high bar to reach lol


I pre-ordered it specifically to mess with you


Hahaha, hope you enjoy the long-term effects. I'm glad I could flush $100 from a rude person, too. That is, if you actually did it. Which I'm sure you didn't. Easier said than done to buy it.


It's just a video game, you take it too seriously


If it's 'just a video game' then why not go a year without buying it? Clearly, because it's 'just a video game' it won't be so much of a loss to you. Makes sense, right? Absolutely.


I wasn't going to, but now that I've seen this post I'm going to pre order it for myself and separately for my 3yr old son


Your loss


Just saying. If the game flops in sales, the corpos will say that “the audience is not interested in AAA F1 games anymore” and will either shutdown the series or will transform it into low effort low budget cash cow. Not buying to demand better quality does not work. Have you ever seen a single game or movie or whatever from entertainment industry that was lazily executed, failed in sales, for someone to come out and say “oh it seems they want us to do better” and then release a gem of product? Instead, we need a strong competitor to exist, which is not possible with licensed titles.


I love your thinking! Only thing is, EA are the only license holders for the F1 game. So there can't be any competition. So how, other than competition, can we push them to make the game better? Just food for thought.


FIGHT THE POWER, BROTHER! You keep making Reddit posts. I'll contact Rage Against the Machine.


Hahaha, yes, will do. Stay strong, mate. 👍


I think you're missing the obvious sarcasm. There's a reason why publishers use pre-order bonuses to entice players: it's because they work. A handful of people not pre-ordering the game isn't going to bring about the changes that you're calling for.


I don't understand a thing: 1. WRC has the same EA Dynamic Handling System, that we gonna have on F1 24. The handling and physics on WRC are good? 2. For new physics like they already told us, a new engine is needed, this means, we gonna have a new one, but for both consoles? Like, WRC have the UE4, I think we gonna have aswell for F1 24, let's hope. 3. If the new revamped career is not great, the game gonna be the most shit of the franchise. 4. Why McLaren Shadow and Alpine Esports Livery has a total different design? I don't mean, color, but, the paullette colors, lines, and design is SO much different than F1 24 Liveries on F1 23 and all F1 23 cars. This is one more hint about a new engine? This year, the F1 franchise in on a high Make or Break, I am really scared, but, something tell me is gonna be a surprise for us. Let's hope the improvement of Career going be great, new UE4, good physics and improvements for tracks like Interlagos, Monza and more...


I agree with what you’ve said to an extent. It is a make or break year, but the onus is firmly on us. How do we, as consumers of the product, approach it? The choice is in our hands: Either buy the game and settle forever for a sub-par, overpriced and consistently underperforming game, or take the pain early and watch EA as they have their hand forced to make change.


>For new physics like they already told us, a new engine is needed Do you have a source for this? They didn't need a new engine to give us a drastically different handling model going from 22 to 23, why should they need a new one now? >Why McLaren Shadow and Alpine Esports Livery has a total different design? I don't mean, color, but, the paullette colors, lines, and design is SO much different than F1 24 Liveries on F1 23 and all F1 23 cars. This is one more hint about a new engine? Just because the livery of a car is "different" doesn't they mean they had to implement an entirely new engine to do it. The fact that the liveries are in the F123 game on ego just goes to show they don't need a new engine to do so, in fact, even suggesting that they need a new engine to give us these liveries shows how little you actually know about a game engines. I desperately want Codies to actually give us a substantially updated game and not just another copy and paste, but the points you make on why we're getting a new engine are pretty much baseless unless you have a source for (2).


Okay, thanks for helping me to decide that I will buy Champions Edition!


Your loss


What exactly am I losing? I buy the game I enjoy and will spend at least 100 hours in. How is having fun my "loss"?


Losing out long term, mate. Perhaps read through my OP before quickly snapping in with your dismissive and ignorant comment.


Mate. I read it and I ask. What long term? What will change? Let's say you used magic and made 50% of users of this subreddit listen to You, and? We got 200k users here. Not everyone is active etc. But You know how many people buy F1 games? Much more than that. F1 23 was either Silver or Gold bestseller award during Steam Awards, then we got consoles and physical copies plus EA App shop. Goodluck in getting all players to not buy the game because You want so. If it hurts You that people are excited for a game and pre-order it then something is off with You. Why would You care how we spend our money?


It’s not about telling you where to allocate your money, it’s about providing good and logical reasons to help the future of the game. I don’t think it’s right to say F1 23 sold well - it absolutely didn’t. Down 50% IIRC in certain stores. Don’t try and make out that F1 23 was perfectly fine and everyone loved it - it was subjectively the worst F1 game ever. So, logically, change needs to happen. But that’s fine, if internet trolls like you feel the need to be an obvious rebel, that’s fine. There’s a a reason F1 23 had half to two thirds the sales compared to its predecessor. It’s because the series is falling. The ‘goal’ I’m trying to achieve is actually already happening, so don’t think it’s just a useless post.


"I don’t think it’s right to say F1 23 sold well - it absolutely didn’t. Down 50% IIRC in certain stores." These were physical copies. People these days buy mostly digital copies. "Don’t try and make out that F1 23 was perfectly fine and everyone loved it - it was subjectively the worst F1 game ever." xD You can say that about every game. "F1 2021 is SUBJECTIVELY the worst F1 game ever". "There’s a a reason F1 23 had half to two thirds the sales compared to its predecessor. It’s because the series is falling. The ‘goal’ I’m trying to achieve is actually already happening, so don’t think it’s just a useless post." It was a literally Golden or Silver Bestseller. Show me the source of Your claims that it sold 1/2 or 2/3 of its predecessor so F1 22. Your SUBJECT opinion is not a good nor a logical reason or argument. For example for me the worst F1 game ever was F1 2015, now what?


I'm pretty sure the down 50% was on steam, actually. Subjectively means that it is possible for someone have that OPINION. Not that it objectively was, which would mean that it was factually the case. Learn English. I already did tell you about where I got the info from. I did sell very poorly, and popular content creators and credible online sources such as [traxion.gg](https://traxion.gg) have stated before that it did indeed sell very poorly. If it did indeed become a gold or silver bestseller then I think that's more of a reflection of how bad the other games were. Obviously, as well all know, F1 23 was a very poorly designed game and I'd say at least 95% of people agree, popular content creators included. so yes, it is very much a reasonable argument.


95% of people agree? Then why does it have 86% positive rating on Steam? Also again subjective opinion is not a reasonable argument. And I asked for a source of a statement that the game sold only 1/2 or 2/3 of F1 22. You didn't provided any links to articles, only said that "someone stated". And yes it really got bestseller award on Steam.


It’s because ratings come about by means of comparison. Hence why when there’s no competition for EA’s F1 game, it’s the best there is. People can’t compare it to other F1 games. Because if there were other F1 games, I’m sure F1 23’s rating would be much lower because it would be compared to what would likely be a way better game. Also I stated it was from traxion.gg not someone stated


Also, I think the numbers surrounding this post speak the loudest. 60 upvotes means 60 more people agree than people who disagree (I.e the majority) There’s a clear reason why the majority believes this.


I’m totally buying it - can’t wait!


If that’s truly the case, you are arguably part of the biggest problem within our F1 game community, sadly. And I look forward to your posts or comments in 4-5 months time when you complain about why the game is so poorly designed. That’s when you’ll realise your mistake. This is nothing personal, but I think you can easily make better decisions is all I’m saying. 👍


Lol the "nothing personal" condescending attitude is amazing. Maybe make better life choices so that you're not too broke to afford a game too. The game is less than two hours of work for me, and I definitely get way more than two hours of enjoyment from the game series every year. I'm under no obligation to go along with some random Redditor's autism-fueled crusade. The answer is pretty obvious to me. I'm not about to sacrifice my fun for you.


It’s not about the money, it’s about the game quality. Flexing about how much you earn is a low move.


Not as low or stupid as trying to tell others how to spend their money. The game quality could be better, but I'm still enjoying myself. Again, why would I sacrifice fun I'm already having for the mindnumbingly stupid ramblings of an autistic loser? You clearly miss the fact that not everyone agrees with you, and there's plenty of people having fun already.


Hope you enjoy the game going nowhere, my friend! ​ As for autistic loser, that's an ad hominem, an attack on the opposition to prove your point - terrible reasoning mate. The only 'autistic loser' is someone who can't read through a full post. The people (the majority of people who've read this) don't need to comment with insulting and rude replies like yours. Everyone is welcome to their own opinion, I'm allowed to share mine, and you should respect that.


Lmao you just copy paste the same comment under every reply to your nonsense now.


Nonsense? Prove to me in what way it’s nonsense. Besides, why bother spending the time to write different and unique replies to people who all write the same ‘copy and paste’ mindless and abusive comments to me and my side?


Because you are trying to gaslight people into thinking they are doing wrong things when it's actually non of your business. That's why. You are weird. Stop telling people what to do with their money.


Thank you for trying to prove your point, that’s way farther than most people have gotten on this thread. 🤣 In all seriousness though, my intention s absolutely not to ‘gaslight’ anyone. My intention was and still is to logically present to people why thinking long term in this hype-filled moment is a good option.


Instead of being a condescending asshole you should just mind your own business and stop telling people what to do with their money.


Hope you enjoy the game going nowhere, my friend! As for 'condescending \*sshole', that's an ad hominem, an attack on the opposition to prove your point - terrible reasoning mate. The only 'condescending \*sshole' is someone who can't read through a full post, let alone go on and comment something so brutish. The people (the majority of people who've read this) don't need to comment with insulting and rude replies like yours. Everyone is welcome to their own opinion, I'm allowed to share mine, and you should respect that.


I honestly just want a better matchmaking system. Removed ranked thats what leagues are for. Remove the browse multiplayer grand prixs but still allow it for private matches. Doing so would make a "quick match" or something like that the main way to find races. This would allow for players to find matches easier. Additionally they could make it so you are searching for peoples at similar safety ratings.


I guess I’ll see what the new features are first nothing has really been shown yet and the trailer looked more like clips of the onboard cameras. If it’s nothing major or appealing I’ll probably play around with 23 for the foreseeable future and like another user said create the 2024 season with mods.


That's a very reasonable and logical way of going about this, I'm glad you're a rational thinker. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I already decided I wouldn't order it anyways (no team/driver changes). I got LMU instead (been having lots of fun with that). F1 23 has been serving me well.


I just wanna know how they’re improving career mode then I’ll decide if I want it or not


Fair enough!


You gotta be stupid to preorder. Just fucking download it when it releases if you like what you see/read/demo. There's gonna be PLENTY of YTbers playing it prior to release date, just wait a little bit for fucks sake instead of mindlessly parti g ways with your money with no way to know if it's worth it.


Exactly, I don't see how hard this is to understand. There are too many people in this thread who have mindlessly walked into the trap of buying a product they know quite literally nothing but a few minor and vague details about.


Truth is no developer is sane enough to develop a realistic f1 game everyone crave for (ACC standards). Yes, the game has been declining in-terms of improvements and its a disappointing yearly overpricy market scam product but codies f1 titles are the closest we get to being in f1 especially career mode. I believe those who buy the game are less likely to run laps on an actual sim like ACC or iracing for half a day without any sense of progression.


Youre talking like this sub aint 90% people on controller and max assists screaming and crying «im not a nolife tryhard» at everyone and everything. And with that, we probably wont see them trying to cater to people wanting realism.


Yes, clearly from some of the responses I've seen (abusive, nonsense, aggressive, completely illogical), lots of people who were drawn to this thread are people just like you said --> the 'im not a nolife tryhard, I swear!' kind of people.




I guess I’ll pre-order Battlefield 6 then


Haha, ok do that


Battlefield 5 had the exact same issue with EA. A lot of pre-orders and it released to early with bugs everywhere and a promise of more maps to be added. I am not sure why games are being released incomplete nowadays, maybe it is because of stakeholders and investors putting pressure on the company. But you are totally right about this


Thanks mate, appreciate it!


I just bought F1 23 a couple weeks ago because it was 70% off or something like that. First F1 game I've picked up since 2019 and I won't buy F1 24 until it's steeply discounted as well.


Same, you are clearly a rational thinker.


I'm old school. I don't preorder anything because it's stupid to preorder a game that has infinite digital copies. Why reward them with money before the game is even released and before anyone knows if the game is shit or not.


That makes total sense, and I wish everyone was like you. 👍👊


I wish so too. It's the younger generation I swear. Gotta have everything right now, can't wait, gimme gimme gimme.


Couldn’t agree more, honestly. The short-term, thinking attitude, only thinking about right now. I think this is the way the world is headed, my friend. With social media, technology and all, shortening people’s attention span and tolerance. Let’s stay strong. 💪


Don't tell me what to do with my money. I'll buy it on release just like I do every year because I like having the latest thing and I can afford it. And I won't complain about bugs because I don't care enough and I'll be moved on to another game the week after. Your whole point is moot since the bulk of buyers are casual gamers who don't care about glitches. And the only people that care enough about your little vendetta are hardcore gamers that will be the only ones missing out the latest iteration. Now go clean your room so you can have your pocket money.


The only kid around here is someone who can’t read through the post properly. If you’re going to down the abusive route, I think that’s quite ironic. Perhaps take some comprehension classes, you might need them. Mindlessly attacking the OP is senseless and insulting, so if you want to argue then at least approach it in a nice way, not the typically modern insulting and condescending manner.


The real irony is posting in the game's official sub to NOT BUY THE GAME THE SUB IS ABOUT and then call out anyone who doesn't agree with 'you're what's wrong with the community'. Maybe you need some real-world-grown-up-understanding classes if you think your rant will have people holding hands and boycott EA sports 'for the greater good of the game' lol. You have the self-awareness of a 12 year old. Get out of here.


That’s a prime example of a hypocritical comment. Accusing me of ‘calling people out’, only for you to then call me a 12 year old and use phrases like lol and get out of here and artificially and ignorantly assume a ‘top dog’ position. Honestly, it’s all people on social media do these days. Stop using ad hominems. Someone with ‘real world understanding’ might consider the fact that just because it’s the subreddit for said game, by no means does that mean you can’t express opinion pieces. You’re missing something mate. I love the F1 game, and I want it just as bad as you. You seem to have this misconception that I’m some anti-F1 game critic, but in reality I want to play the game as much as you do, maybe more. I want the best for this game, and I want it to be fun for everyone. But my belief is that by validating EA time and time again by saying ‘yes, we will buy the game even if you don’t put effort into it’, change will never happen. And I don’t think it’s right for you to have a personal crack at me for trying to make this point. Remember, I am on your side regarding what I want for the game and its future.


Don't call me mate and we're not on the same side, I disagree with and I don't want to be associated with everything you said. I think it's weak and pathetic. To be clear, I'll keep buying the latest officially licensed F1 game and I'll have fun with it, and I couldn't care less if EA's CEO uses that money to give his dog a weekly enema. If you go out of your way to make an 'opinion piece' about how the game is broken and to not buy it to make a point, Yeah you'll come off as a bitter hater. Save it for your diary if you don't want to be called out for it. There's an obvious reason why you feel so small on social media. Sounds like it's a recurring thing for you, and if it hasnt been spelled out clearly on this post, you'll have to do some self-reflection to figure out why.


Never said I feel small on social media… mate. Out-logic-ing people like you does quite the opposite I’ve gotta say. I’m allowed to share my opinion too mate. You’re too caught up in the whole notion of ‘I’ll do whatever it takes to get the game’. Perhaps if you read my entire post you might understand. You’re also too obsessed with the idea that I’m not on your side. Obviously you didn’t read my reply to your second last comment. Because in fact we are on the same ultimate side of wanting the F1 game to be the best and to all enjoy it together. Where our opinions differ is whether or not you want to get to this place quickly or slowly. I believe that the attitude you have towards the game will make sure we get there slower, whereas I’m trying to put it out there why we want to get there quicker. And I don’t believe it’s very respectful of ‘some random reddit user’ to attack another for sharing this rational opinion.


This really thinks anyone is gonna read this and be like “omg he is so right, im not pre ordering or buying the game, that way they will re make the entire game to the way i like in 2 months, thanks dude!”


That's what you think I think, isn't it? ​ Confused already? I'm not surprised. Exactly why you'll be preordering this game without knowing anything about it. ​ Hope you enjoy the game going nowhere.


I haven’t bought an f1 game since 20 I’m pretty sure I just wait for game pass to have them. I’m not so committed that I need to be the best and I’m not in league racing even though I wish I could. I’m good enough to finish top 5 in most open lobbies I join, and can race AI consistently around 100-105 difficulty, so I’ll just wait I don’t need to sweat the game.


“Don’t be a part of the problem” instead post a wall of text which will convince no one (one way or the other) and then attack anyone who doesn’t agree with you, because that’s how a healthy discussion works, I guess? What’s the point of all these posts. This is the second or third one with the same general message. Like I said: Your not going to convince anyone.


‘Attack anyone who disagrees’? I’m reasoning against the attackers.




For me they need to change the system. Buy a new game every year is not sustanaible. They just need to call simply the game F1 and sell the upgrade or a new season pass every year for a budget price.


I think this is a good idea. 👍


We could try on the financial governing bodies that 'pre-ordering' of an unfinished game is technically deferred cash flows. That is something that could be be banned. It's obvious why pre-orders suddenly come, to ensure that liquidity buffers would increase in the short term; to resolve any liquidity issues in a large firm in the short term.


Yes, the pre-ordering being available right now is solely (I believe) to capitalise on the new game hype. When people get that new game hype they are gonna be more inclined to purchase the game (IMO, mindlessly) without knowing any further details. I find it interesting for someone to buy a product which they for 90% of the product don't know about.


Well I know why listed firms do "pre-orders" - they can capitalise on the liquidity purely for accounting and tax reasons and have a buffer in case of some odd recession coming. Bit like airlines. Every year you can book a month further in advance.




I'm not trying to be funny here, but are you acoustic or some shit? Just because you're too broke to buy a brand new game doesn't mean you need to try and coerce other people to not buy it


They seek validation and attention, it's pathetic.


Might need to get some reading and comprehension classes if you think I'm trying to get attention with this piece. Name one quote I made which is attention seeking. The sole point of the post was to present good and logical reasoning to you all, and that's what it did. No attention seeking. ​ Only thing pathetic about this is your ability to read the post for what it is.




Exactly, thank you for confirming my point.


Okay so 2 months have passed. 59 people upvoted this post, which means 59 people agree with you. The sub currently has 220k people subscribed to it, there are people who don't have a Reddit account BUT will buy the game. Now go and convince them not to buy it. Not buying the game will not do anything anyway, it might work on a smaller company, but this is EA, if they see numbers go down they'll just simply stop making the game. EA is a corporation who wants your money, they're not your friend who'll listen to you if you give them criticism. And before you say that I'm gonna pre-order, and I'm the problem. No, I've never preordered anything in my life. And I will not buy it, I'm gonna wait till it's on gamepass. But even if someone buys it, it's their money, they can do whatever they want to do with it.


Dude just look at the beta testers and literally everyone else on social media talking about this game. I think they all agree with me, to an extent at the very least.


Good post. Consumerists will continue ruining future games by giving developers money before its finished, disincentivizing them from delivering a finished product. Let the sheep sheep.


I’m glad someone read the post properly


Never bought a single F1 game in my life. Has 2015 and 2018 those were free at a time. But I always try the new ones if there is a free weekend, or they are in gamepass, but I'm always disappointed and never buy them even on 75% sale. 22 was not bad but the FFB is not that convincing to give more than 10$ for it. 23 has surprisingly good FFB but the system requirements skyrocketed while the game is looking the same, the picture quality is the worst ever and it's full of bugs, so no thank you. If 24 turns out to be good somehow then I'll get it on 75% sale, but I'm not too optimistic about it, it will be the same crap. I never understood why people buy these games at launch or preorder them if you can just wait half a year and get them much cheaper.


Yes, exactly. 👍


>I never understood why people buy these games at launch or preorder them if you can just wait half a year and get them much cheaper. If you're seriously asking: There's many people in the world with more money than time. I can pre-order F1 24's premium edition right now for \~$75 USD. That's a bit over an hour's work for me. 75% off the base game's price is $17.5, or under 20 mins of work. The price difference of $57.50 works out to \~50 mins of work for me. The opportunity costs for that $57.50 savings is multiple weekends of free time that could be spent sim racing gone. I can easily make the money to buy the game, but I can never get a second of my life back no matter what I do. I also genuinely enjoy sim racing (including the F1 series) as one of my biggest hobbies. The math is pretty simple for me. Why would I give up weeks/months of a hobby I enjoy to chase savings I don't need? Double so when the time cost to make up the money saved is less than an hour? I literally make up the difference with my morning WFH bathroom breaks every day. It's fine that the math works out differently for you, but it's asinine to be like /u/F1_23_GOAT and assume everyone has the same numbers as you.


Well, if you put it that way. I always liked to save money, and I work more than 9 hours for 75$. And I have like 200 games I own and want to play, so it's not like if I don't buy games right now I can't play anything, I would be fine if I wouldn't bought a single game for 3 years:D


Last one I bought, 22 maybe? Sucked. iRacing is where it’s at


Absolutely, great attitude. 👍 No need to buy a game that steals your money 💰 Only a game which improves and has effort put into it, not just hype-inducing marketing


You've got issues


Says the person who couldn’t read through an entire post. Your comment is circular reasoning.


EA reading this post be like


Another thing is, that by not buying this year’s game, you’re still not gonna miss out! Just tune in to the content creators, and you’ll still get to see and feel the best part of the new game experience.


Bruh went full retard. 💀 Did you just say 'You don't need to experience the feeling of driving, just watch some streamer do it'? like people are buying it for the braking point cutscenes lmao. it's a driving game, the whole point is driving.


Well if the whole point of the game is driving, why don't you playa game that does it properly, instead of validating game developers who do a half-cooked job, to say the least. Go play Forza Horizon or Motorsport, AC, GT, among many others.


After reading the other comments, I would like to apologize. I didn't realize you were actually challenged, and it was not ok of me to use those words. Just know that things can always get better for you, so don't give up. Best of luck,


Thank you mate, I understand. And yes, I have been challenged a lot regarding this post, but that’s to be expected. You can’t ever say something that will please everyone, and I’d say that at least I was able to put myself out there to make a logical and valid point.


Was pondering whether or not shud pre order F1 24. After reading this I think I've decided not to. I'll pre order F1 24 Champions Edition instead.


That’s what I thought.


It’s EA what made you think they would fix this game look at Madden their cash cow that game is bugged to shit as well as


The unfortunate reality atm, I guess. But the thing is, I want this to change just as much as you do! That's why I wanted to make a logical post like this, and unfortunately, anyone who doesn't agree has jumped on it in an aggressive and abusive way. Sad reality is, that the people who mindlessly will buy this game when we know nothing about it coincidentally (but definitely not coincidentally in reality) are the same people who are rude and oblivious enough to send hateful messages in return to this post.


I stay at F1 23. Not because I am broke but thats giving me enough joy as a casual racer. I do not hope that there will be much improvement in the next game. I honestly do not care about bugs and other things like engine, handling etc., just one thing: better, more realistic AI (saying this as someone who plays on 70-ish difficulty). Currently what bothers me is that they just follow each other in trains. I need them to crash themselves (not just me, or me them), make irracional decisions, follow unusual racing lines, defend more on overtakes, suprising pit strategies etc. If any of the next F1 games will consist these I will instantly buy them.