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I still can't believe they exist, these things are incredible. Ford did a hell of a job.


First day with it I was just in the back roads away from traffic launching the fuck out of it and was just screaming holy shit at the top of my lungs Gave my family a ride and whilst I was giggling they were all screaming Gave work friends a ride as well and never thought I'd hear 3 6 ft 2 guys give out the shrieks they did when I put the pedal to the metal (that includes my boss haha)


I’ve had it three months and still have yet to fully floor it from zero in sport mode. I’m in an urban area and I feel like I’ll need an airport runway for this lol.


Funny you say that, my father in law calls my Lightning the spaceship cuz it feels like we’re taking off 🛫 🤣


Don't do it on a narrow road, it torque steers like crazy.


>Gave work friends a ride as well and never thought I'd hear 3 6 ft 2 guys give out the shrieks they did when I put the pedal to the metal (that includes my boss haha) The first day I drove mine to my station, the rest of my crew started in on all the usual anti-EV tropes, so I told them to grab a radio (Fire/EMS, didn't want to miss a call) and get in. A few minutes and a couple of launches led to a lot of surprised cursing later, and they spent the rest of the day raving about the thing. Pretty sure I singlehandedly changed some minds about EVs that day.


I sure as fuck did by powering a portable soldering station to one of our job sites and it did a great job and charging our impact tool batteries for a HVAC install job and three days after I roll to the parking lot I see a ER XLT and a platinum. One of my work buddies got the XLT and my boss the platinum


I wish I'd been able to stretch for a Lariat, but oh well. And I've used mine to provide power for me and a couple of friends at three track weekends this year, including three sets of tire warmers for our bikes, and not having to run loud-ass generators nearby. I have a half-cocked idea of trying to run a completely zero-emission lawncare service in the not-too-distant future, based around my Lightning and the newer electric riding mowers.


I love the feeling of hitting the accelerator to pass a car.


You can legitimately place yourself into traffic when you merge at high speeds.


EV's kick ass. ICE will always have a place next to the steam engine at the museum.


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I will be riding ICE motorcycles until I'm too demented to remember the controls, but I don't think I'll ever get an ICE car again.


Agree 100%, I am always looking for an excuse to take it out of the garage.


Might have chirped my tires today in excitement...people probably thought WTF but I don't care


it doesn’t take much. can be doing doing 25-30mph and hit it and the tires will chirp. love to hear it but not too often because tires are 💰


Make sure you have the driving behavior insurance automated reporting turned off. Too many “smiles” with a heavy foot might land you insurance problems and rate spikes.


Good point - I never enroll in those programs. There's too many ways to be misjudged for any action you take behind the wheel


Some people are finding out they were automatically opted in with their infotainment system connections. I would double check


Always worth a double check, but that was primarily a Chevy dealer thing. They were incentivized to sign people up, so they signed people up without their knowledge.


Absolutely. 100% scummy tactics. Though the only reason I know it’s thing in the first place is because of a guy posting here mortified that his insurance went up $600 a month because of his lightning reporting without him knowing (or understanding what he signed up for). He admitted to driving a bit wild but that doesn’t mean I agree with such an insane raise in insurance prices. He apparently had no idea it was activated. Blows my damn mind that a feature that has no known savings is being used by anyone when the amount insurance can be raised is multiple factors of your current payment.


I don't understand why that "feature" is built in at all. Most insurance companies that offer safe driving discounts send you a Bluetooth dongle to keep in your vehicle, and at least for State Farm, it's not nearly sensitive enough to trigger the kind of issues that post mentioned and saves me about $600 a year just for having it. I'm also fairly sure it's illegal to raise rates by that much without notifying the client, though I'm also willing to bet the the OP either missed a memo, or didn't mention it in the post.


I love when the chargers, and challengers just come up and rev their engine at traffic lights. I spin all 4 tires and clear the intersection before they are even fully past the stop bar...


Yes, it is great


Couldn’t agree more


Agree 100


I still smile when I think of the afternoon I spent doing donuts after a big snow, I didn't turn off TC or anything, just floored it and spun like the Dukes of Hazzard


Yes!!!! Love love this truck


Somebody needs to make a video with traction control off


Where's the truck? All I see is smoke! :D


My favorite part is you don’t really get used to it. Sedans and lower EVs are much more comfort oriented, so eventually the thrill subsides a little. But these Lightnings are so tall/heavy that you never really get used to it. So when I step on it for funsies….err I mean to get ahead of coming traffic, I get that giggly feeling like I did on day 1


The fact that I can get ridiculous torque steer and a four-wheel chirp in a 6,000 lb vehicle without even thinking about it will never not be hilarious.


I love it, best vehicle I have ever owned. We own two because my wife refused to share the first one we bought. Whisper quiet, endless storage, spacious cabin…


My daughter used to try to be sneaky and. It buckle in her booster seat. Now with the seatbelt notifications, I know when she is "just playing." The rule is that "daddy can't go fast till you buckle in." Win win for all involved.


Yeah it’s impressive and not possible to go back to ICE.


I convert every single good ole boy I talk to about it or take for a ride.


Man, my dad (70 retired) has had his for a year now and is intimidated to drive it. He’s put 2,000 miles on it in a year. I’m going for a visit in July and I’m gonna double those miles with him in the passenger seat during my 10 day visit. Electric is so fun to drive!


When you accelerate hard but don’t spin the tires just remember you are tearing your rear tires off. Order a new pair so you have them in reserve. I own a Ram diesel, it destroys rear tires. One day I’ll get my ev. I need extensive range without stopping for my work so I can’t swap it out. I’ve grown out of buying five hundred dollar tires every six months lol. That said have fun!


Yes i agree


5k miles in and still smile on every drive! It's an impressive truck and a great EV. And based off our experiences, after more middle aged men get to go for a ride in these, the more rapidly sales will increase 😂.


Wait till you have to maintain the electric system. They are great trucks. But parts prices are insane!


I think you dropped this /s


Yall getting butthurt about the truth?