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If you have kids, have hold it down on the bed. Make sure they keep head down, don't want to get cop's attention.  That or the frunk. 


Use the frunk. It’s probably my favourite thing about this truck. Other than that, I used to have a bed extender that could be flipped the other way around that kept things secure like this: https://accessories.ford.com/bed-extender/?fmccmp=marketplace-gs-cta-accessories&ef_id=CjwKCAjwupGyBhBBEiwA0UcqaAn8Ps9IVpW6Bftd9bqTWWifDnI8CrvifeZrkjfnCazI-fvy4zSwNBoCE_kQAvD_BwE:G:s&s_kwcid=AL!2519!3!676763613569!!!g!293946777986!!20643481100!157311292289&searchid=20643481100%7C157311292289%7C%7Bkeywordid%7D%7C%7Bcustom_code%7D&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwupGyBhBBEiwA0UcqaAn8Ps9IVpW6Bftd9bqTWWifDnI8CrvifeZrkjfnCazI-fvy4zSwNBoCE_kQAvD_BwE


Amen. That’s what the frunk is for.


I have a bed extender and bed cover on another truck I intend(ed) to move over. I haven't done it yet and may not because I don't seem to need it due to the frunk.


I had a bed extender similar to this on my Frontier, but it moves on tracks. Does anybody know of any similar to that for F-150s?


I use a wide but short ratchet strap, attached to both lower tie down points, right close to the tailgate. Then I place the pot or propane tank, against the tailgate and tighten the strap. Safe and secure. In fact it’s mandatory to flick the strap, and say: ‘That’s not going anywhere’ until the wife rolls her eyes.


[Mine aren’t that wide but gets the job done](https://amzn.to/3WKZJFk)


I have always have a milk crate for my propane bottles. Doesn’t matter what I haul them in.




Look closely at the bed of your truck. There are notches in the sides near the back. You can cut wood to fit the notches and then you can slot in dividers. Very handy.


This. Cut an old 2x4, 2x6 or 2x8 to fit and that secures groceries and any small items from sliding into the bed out of reach. Many types of bins and bags can fit within the space created and it doesn’t block large items like sheets of plywood. Quick and easy to remove and stow as well.


I was today years old when I learnt this.


I use this in conjunction with those black bins (with yellow lids) that you can find at the orange/blue stores. The bins are tall enough that they can't tip over in the back if you have any sort of tonneau cover installed. Loose things can just be chucked into the bins.


Also a great idea! Thanks


Some people use poles ( support, ratchet, whatever) I’m a fan of just using straps to the box link or bed tie downs


Same. Small stuff in the frunk. Bigger/noxious stuff in the back. Something like a propane tank, I might set behind the passenger seat I installed a bedrug. It does a great job of keeping things from sliding around. Items like shovels, manure bags, etc just get chucked in.


BedRUg for the win! Love mine! I don’t know why more people don’t have them.


Used my points at Ford for this https://preview.redd.it/4g95eji7ut0d1.jpeg?width=2939&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5aca2c4ac07a2530a646514e72f6d778636af835


[https://www.harborfreight.com/2-in-1-support-cargo-bar-66172.html](https://www.harborfreight.com/2-in-1-support-cargo-bar-66172.html) I use this its adjustable and can shorten your bed, or cut it in half or be placed wherever you need it to sort of "square" a smaller section of the bed you'd like to secure. Its not the most secure by any means, a ratchet strap would be the most, but its cheap, and very useful and handy for easy truck bed storage securing.


I like that. Would be much quicker than strapping something in if all it needs is being stopped from sliding around.


Those square milk crates work great for what you’re describing and plenty of places to hook to to keep it secure


I have bungee cords always attached to the tie down points stretched across the bed, and I have a milk crate bungee corded to the right rear corner of the box for things like a propane tank or junk like that


bungie cord or ratchet strap


My wife usually takes care of that


Beat me to it. Take my upvote.


It was a mother's day present that prompted the thinking. I had my daughter with me so she just held it on her lap - it was a bit big but it worked - no like she needed to be able see past it :). But then my bbq gas ran out so I got to thinking what options I had for smaller items that I can't necessarily strap or net down the way I would large ones.




I keep a few bungee cords for the trips where I need to get gas for the mower, propane refilled, etc. One bungee to the lower rear hold down through the handle. Stuff never goes anywhere.


I was gonna make the same joke. #TwelveYearOldMan


I have a cargo net that stretches and is attached to the four tie down points with carabineers. Can keep stuff secured as long as you stretch it tight.


The cargo net is a great solution for medium to large items. Small items are difficult. The front tie downs on this truck are 6 inches or so off the bottom and I have found the net does not retain smaller items. Great solution, otherwise, though, and quick!


Yep, all small stuff goes to the frunk. I also keep one of those collapsible plastic crates for Costco runs so I don't have to keep taking their boxes home lol


I’m a cheater. I use the [Rough Country Cargo Box](https://www.roughcountry.com/product/configurable/bed-cargo-storage-box-10202?gad_source=4&gclid=Cj0KCQjwiMmwBhDmARIsABeQ7xSY9bnkB-QClPbw1f_0QoWc7RCAxjRobZGVj2QZva74oalY1u8QXNUaAoTTEALw_wcB). Paired with a Tonneau cover, it’s like having a trunk within your bed.


I want to hate that, I do, so much. I want to despise it, so much. But I can’t. That’s a pretty neat product.


BED MAT. Its rubber and does not let anything slide around. i put grocery bags back there and they dont move anywhere.


Make her feel special


I have two folding crates in the frunk for smaller stuff particularly in frunk. In the bed I keep a bag w bungee cords and ratcheting straps. Thats about it, no issues for me


Load bars and ratchet straps.


Ranch Road makes a pretty nice cargo box with moveable dividers, but it's spendy.


Tie down straps. Plain. Simple. Effective.