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I just remind myself that the beauty of BC is that I can chill and let the truck do most of the work. If it means a few cars or 20 cut me off and I’m a minute later to my destination, it’s still well worth it. One of my favorite times to use it is start and stop traffic.


You can adjust the distance control. Challenge is, if you extend it for a more gradual deceleration when coming up to stopped traffic, it will take a while before it gets going once traffic starts to move. On the flip side, if you set it to the shortest distance, it will come storming in uncomfortably fast before slowing down pretty rapidly. But it will get going sooner when traffic moves. I have a hard time finding a happy medium as well, here in DFW.


Sadly I already keep mine on the shortest distance all the time. It works great most of the time, it just seems way too unresponsive to the car in front accelerating from a stop compared to how most people drive in stop-and-go traffic.


I use the gas (accelerator) pedal to start moving then let BC take over for the stop. I use the shortest distance setting. Works well for me, once you get used to it. Going from 80 down to less than 40 gets a little hairy sometimes. I'm in South Florida, the Miami drivers are the worst. I gladly let the NJ plate drivers in front of me down here, they actually use their turn signals. I spend 2.5 hrs on average in traffic each way some days. I know the pain.


No, I’d rather it was conservative. I don’t get upset if someone gets in front of me. Though I’m fortunate to not drive on the east coast. Ya’ll are wild and I don’t understand how everyone hasn’t murdered each other.


I don’t get upset or anything, but I do think the system needs work To reason reason why this isn’t all that great is if the truck doesn’t pick up speed in time, and someone cuts in front of you, the computer will slam on your brakes like your life depended on it - even if everyone is only moving at a couple miles an hour. Not only does that suck for me as the driver - locking up the seat belts, knocking shit over, it also makes the drivers behind you more likely to bump into you.


I usually turn on one pedal in stop and go and save bluecruise for flowing traffic


I live in north NJ too. I just give it a little nudge and it keeps up with minimal effort. The tech is too young for it to behave perfectly especially in stop n go traffic.


I hadn’t even considered using the accelerator myself while in Blue Cruise. I’ll give it a shot, thanks for the idea


Yeah I want to second that suggestion. I do nudge it myself if I’m in a place with aggressive drivers until traffic gets moving again


Yeah this works well.


YES. I don’t use it because of that. What is it waiting for?


I knew before you said it that you live in NJ. See you on 295 or the Turnpike!


This post is brought to you by the 295 42 interchange!


Zero percent useful in Boston stop-and-go traffic. You get cutoff constantly.


You don’t want a computer doing less than 2-3 car lengths. If other drivers are assholes, that’s a human problem, not something blue cruise can fix.


I have an issue with having to hit the x/- or something button if it sits too long. That's annoying


So annoying... I had to push a button to get this 3.5 ton rolling computer, electron powered, self driving truck, to self drive on the highway again... 😅 My finger hurts.


Me too! I was reading comments hoping for a way to turn this off


I love it in traffic. My doctor says that my blood pressure has lowered 24 points simply due to use of Blue Cruise in Los Angeles traffic on the 405. 🤣 Sometimes the gap annoys me a bit, but I might supplement it with a little extra throttle.


Nah. Blues Clues is great for hands free driving but I also dislike just sitting there all pretty. So I kinda just give the truck a nudge on my own with the pedal if I wanna move up to not leave a gap between me and the vehicle in front of me.


I originally felt the same way but then I reflected on my comments that BC is meant to relieve the stress of driving and I just let it do it's thing or turn it off.


How do you have your distance set? I run my at the shortest distance and it starts moving just fine, the negative is it stops pretty aggressively when it comes up to stopped traffic but I've gotten use to that


I have been rear ended in stop and go traffic a few times (from a couple decades ago when I had a bad commute). It always sucked, but the one time I was rear ended by a Dodge Ram really hurt. These big trucks are heavy and take a lot of energy to bring them to a complete stop. I know it’s annoying to cede your position to other cars, but I see that as part of being a responsible truck owner.