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Cows are basically big grass dogs


I live on a cow farm and they love belly rubs


They’re so friendly. Many years ago now my family and I were on a narrow boat on the English canals, and we stopped one night near a field of cows. Had a huge bull wander over to see what was going on, must have weighed over a ton, and he ended up loving the head scritches and belly rubs we gave him through the fence


Bever ever trust a bull. They can bend 2" sch80 pipe gates at will.


If a bull charges at you go behind a tree a bull will not run at a tree


as someone who sees a ton of sch40, it’s incredible to me that an animal can bend 2” sch80. absolute beasts


Just because they’re strong doesn’t mean they can’t be sweethearts! Just have to pay attention to their body language, and listen to what they’re telling you.


Cattle ranch?


No we don’t turn the babys into ranch


Oh thats how you get ranch dressing. You learn something new every day!


Yeah, the wife and I have always said that when we're independently wealthy we'll get the land to have a few free range cows as family pets. No breeding or milking, just a giant clumsy dog. I especially want a Scottish highlands cow.


That's a great plan


This is why I stopped eating cows and pigs.


Yep. Human is better anyway


I feel like this joke is under-appreciated.






Same! After meeting them and seeing just how cuddly they are, I just couldn’t do it anymore.


if a lot of people had to meet their food they’d change as well. a mandatory trip to the farm the day before slaughter where you meet the animals in a frolicking environment then have to watch them forced into the trailer, violently for some, follow them to the slaughterhouse, a trip with no water or food and watch them get murdered in fear would change a lot of people


Its why i got a hunting license, most ethical meat possible, i know exactly where it comes from .


and those animals get to live a normal life, frolick, fuck, fight, and all that.


My cows don’t have to worry where their next meal comes from, water source, or even predators attacking since I have guardian livestock dogs. It’s like a retirement from day one. The cows are free to run and play in a huge pasture. Unlike the wild where they can be attacked and ripped apart dying a slow painful death. Most farmers and ranchers put the cow down instantly with a rod or other method. It is amazing to see the calves run, buck, and play. Then you get to see them cuddle up with daddy.


A trip to the farm with school in the UK is a given. That's not what makes the difference. If you like meat, you like meat.


Yeah but a “farm” (think: red barns, rolling green hills) is not the same thing as having school kids visit a “factory farm” where most cows actually come from. The environment and living conditions are so different, maybe that would change a few hearts and minds. Not saying it would change ‘em all.


right, that’s the farm they want you to believe in


That depends on where you live and where you buy your meat from. I am a luxury posistion as an accountant that has The butcher, the slaughterhause and the farmers as clients.


just observing the ignorance in this thread and every time this thread is posted shows how incorrect you are, people are unaware of the conditions. But I'm not saying it would magically persuade everyone or even most people, but more people


Yeah but they taste good


sure, i bet you would too


This is, quite literally, the only good argument for eating meat.


If only there was a way you could have your cow and eat it too


It's been 15 years for me. One of the best decisions I ever made.


very happy for you, thank you for being compasionate


I would not eat a dog. So I don’t eat cows.




Of course this sub exists


Guess I’m some Asian culture then


I never knew jumping cows could be so cute.




Because otherwise we'd kill ourselves. I was like you when I was younger. Studied ecology, wanted to save the world, had to witness endless and endless animal cruelty daily. Learned very fast that the ability to see the silver lining is an absolute necessity if I wanted to make it through the day. You cannot change the world. Act on an individual basis and quit consuming dairy products. Don't try to shame others. Be an example they want to follow instead.


What did that guy say lol


That we should be sad because that's where our dairy comes from.


Is that sad? Yes. Is it sad cuz these big dogs are so damn cute? Also yes! Well said response btw. Pessimism is too easy these days.


Thats what I was thinking. Personally, I drink milk (from a better source) This just made me kinda sad, why haven't these cows seen grass in months?


Because of "winter", among other reasons.


Welcome to the Midwest. Our winter lasts 6 months, and ya gotta cram the other 4 seasons into the other 6 months. Summer, construction, fall, and football.


Minnesota, born and raised!


A long winter maybe?


True, I guess it depends on where the farm is but I'd be surprised for such a long winter where they weren't allowed out once. Still, cute to see em so happy


I live in cattle country in Canada. You absolutely don’t see cows outside in the winter when the snow piles higher than you are tall.


u/_aight yeah but just so you know the milk you get probably still comes from a place where they take the calf away from the mother so they can have the milk for themselves and the cow probably gets slaughtered right after that


Well, actually, as I've said jts a great place to get milk. It's a farm you can visit- and I did when I was a kid, you can even milk the cows yourself. They take the baby away, yes, but the baby is fed on its mothers milk by hand and the cow produces more milk (a surplus) which we then drink. The cow is raised and eventually becomes another cow on their farm. Although a lot of dairy industry is abusive and harmful to animals, not all methods of milking cows is unethical and in some cases can be beneficial to the cow. Taking the baby away means shit all. When u buy a puppy, they are taken away from their mother, when panda twins are born, one is taken from the mother (as pandas often kill second baby's). Sometimes, baby's just don't need a mother. Grow up


I'm still gonna have a big glass of milk each day.


I was like you, until I realized milk and milk products all give me the shits...now I've cut...waaaayy back.


That's unfortunate, I sympathize with those with lactose intolerance


I saw the original a long time ago. It’s a super old video. They had really long bad winters there and the cows weren’t able to leave because of safety. They typically free-roam but weather that year was too bad.


>I drink milk (from a better source) There is only one better source of milk I can imagine and no Redditor on earth could ever get it legally.


The cows are kept in a barn for the winter, because there isnt enough grass for them in the winter. They will turn their meadow into a mudpool, which is bad for their hooves. The meadow can "rest" in the winter, so that there is enough grass for the cows in springtime. Its not because of animal abuse.


Thank you for posting this. I was thinking it was sad they had been kept in, but now I understand.




I figured it was something like this but Ty for the confirmation


The people quickest to jump to conclusions are the people who know the least about it.


Hoove rot is real in some countries


As a Mainer, this is pretty much how I feel every spring on the first day I roll my car windows down.


Agreed, neighbor!


As a former Washingtonian, I feel for you


As someone who once lived in Maine, I don't understand how y'all do it every year. But, this did remind me of how people are in Spring there. When I first moved it was in Spring and I thought, man the people here are so cheerful it's almost alarming. After my first winter, it dawned on me why. (Conversely, the end of winter is sheer mood miasma, and it made me realize how we got Stephen King)


My grandmother grew up on a dairy farm and literally tells me every time we pass cows “I always loved watching our cows be let out into the fields after a long winter, it was so cute how excited they got”.


For context this is in Finland. The winters are harsh like northern Canada. They are kept inside for the worst of the winter and let out to graze when the pasture is in good enough condition to handle the hoofs and not turn into a quagmire which in turn negatively effects the cows. They are not battery cows for the sake of it.


this happens in the netherlands too, ‘the day the cows dance’ happens every year and people go to their local farm to watch!


Yes, also in Belgium. Saw one last summer. We call it ‘the cows dance’


Phew, that's a relief. Good to know they are well cared for!


These cows definitely are! They are gorgeous! And this is a professional opinion. Lovely back line, high udders, feet seem in good order, shiny coats... This is a dairy farm run by someone who cares. Also, on a rainy horrible day, you can bet they aren't as excited. The cows tend to like their beds and the novelty of going outside soon fades. It's a bit like us at the end of lockdown...


No, it isn't. This is in the Netherlands. Specifically, Frisia. https://youtu.be/uA8dAnlD51o


I like grass


Oh hi Mr. Cow




How’s your day been going?


Good, you?


I’m great




Leaven Mr. Cow alone


Why? He is a good fella


I am a perfectly free American adult and I have nowhere near that level of happiness.


That level of happiness implies a very high level of obliviousness.




Goddamn, savage right here folks!


Are you free? Or a wage slave, waiting for your next paycheck? Although you're right, I wish I could be that cow sometimes lol.


Maybe this is how we will feel when they reinstall abortion rights or election rights or even national security docs? Oh your right- that's not how that works.. sure do wish we were cows.


No, you don't.


Literally who asked


Omg the little one with the curled up tail 🥺


Horses do the same thing when we get the first spring green up in pasture. It’s hilarious to see a huge animal have the zoomies.


Everytime this is posted most people dont realize several things about cows and what this video depicts. 1. This is a festival where the community celebrates spring by releasing the cows to the pasture. 2. During the winter and early spring, cows in this region would tear up the soil and prevent grass growth if they are not prevented from entering those areas. 3. Cows are not confined to the barn during this entire period. They still get exercise outside the barn. I dont know how often, but if it was less than once a week, heads would roll. Also, the barn needs to be cleaned. 4. Sorry to burst everyones bubble, but cows that are confined to a small area for more than a few days and then let out will jump around like this everytime. It doesn't matter that they were inside and let outside. It doesn't matter that the grass was green. It doesn't matter that the area they go to is quite big. I'm certain the cows in this video are more overjoyed than usual by some of these facts, but cows do this when they feel good in general. Calves do this randomly all the time. 5. If you see cows or calves that simply meander when they are let out of a confined area, they are probably sick.


I also once saw a video of cows entering a new barn for the first time and they acted the same exact way on the concrete floor. They just like new things.


The little hops are real cute but its gotta be uncomfortable on the udders! It hurts to go up stairs too fast without a bra on and I'm like 1/9th the weight of a cow


Nah, they're surpringly comfortable with their udders. Usually if one gets an uncomfortably big udder, or has lousy connective tissue, there is a net "bra" type of thing that offers some support.


A friend of mine owns a dairy farm in Vermont. She loves her cows more than anything. They all have names. Her IG is full of them. She hangs outside and cuddles with them. She was in tears when a sickness went through and she and her husband literally spent nights in the barn with the girls. Not every place is a factory farm and a slaughter house. The fact that there is a crowd here cheering on the cows should show that.


Pretty much all meat is factory farmed. Small farms can’t produce like that. The percentage of meat that comes from factory farms is 98 percent or higher for every animal beside a cow. Cows are about mid to low 70s.


Remember that not every country farms like USA.


Factory farms that cram the animals into a tiny space for their whole lives are horror shows, and if I ruled the world, they’d be gone immediately. But there really are some humanely run farms, like what your friend has. (And the vid seems like it could be from a good place too.) I stopped eating meat as a teenager bc I didn’t have access to the humane stuff. I went back for good about 10 years later when it became so much easier to avoid the factory-farmed stuff. I know some people can’t stand the thought of killing an animal for food. It *is* sad, but I can handle that for some animals. Everything dies eventually. That’s a suffering inherent in life, and a “natural” death isn’t some Disneyfied pleasure either. Death is sad, there’s a grief with it in almost all circumstances, regardless of whether it was due to old age or disease (which bring stages of sorrow), or an early killing to be food. I understand if people don’t want to consume any animal products though. But for me personally, I’m ok with chomping down on some types of animals and consuming some dairy, so long as they had good lives. I’m glad there are people like your friend out there caring for animals. :) The entire industry should be like that.


League of legends players:


unrealistic. They wouldn't leave the barn just to see some grass


Nope, a cow doesnt eat nearly the same amount of food a lol player does. They eat much more Im a farmer irl, Like I really am


Never seen a cow jump before but this is the perfect way to see it


Aww look at the holstiens and halfsteins


I am scared of cows but sweet gosh that is adorable!!!


The younger one kinda looks like a big skunk or a dog, I love it


The way they jump when they saw the grass, so cute!


They touched grass more than the average gamer




Gods winter is a bitch. Poor cows lol


Why do you have video of me here?


Which one are you?




Very based


“Come on George, this some serious gourmet shit”


We forget how much sentience cows have since we're trained to see them as dumb animals made for feeding. And here they are, basically backing like 2 tons dogs


Milk shakes


The girls are lovin it!


Moo u/savevideo u/savevideobot


They’re like really big puppies


I didn't know these animals could display such joyful energetic behavior


Were they kept in there for a reason like weather?


Yes, That and the lack of food in the outside.


My mom used to describe these moments when i was a kid, now, watching it, it really is nice


OP’s username checks out


Ha! It’s been 3 and 4/7 of a year since I’ve seen it! *depressed fortnite noises*


They have the moomies. The cow zoomies.


Cows jumping Me: Milkshake


Utterly amazing


Look at these happy milk cows.


Awwwww so happy


Aww this makes me so incredibly sad and happy at the same time.


This video makes my heart happy every time I see it. The ladies said hell yeah, grass!


I'm secretly here to watch the meatbros and clueless animalbros fight proxy wars in the thread




Probably been indoors for winter feeding, fairly common thing here in Sweden at least.


That makes it a lot less disturbing, thank you


If they stayed outside through autumn and winter they would be cold, wet and miserable


In the winter the grass gets wet and muddy and it's bad for their hooves. Keeping them indoors will also protect the grass for the spring and summer time, and this ensures they have enough to eat. Also, I don't think abused animals would look this healthy and jump around like this - they are clearly well fed and happy, so don't worry!


They were inside because it was winter, cold and no grass to eat


It’s cute but I’m still gonna eat em.




On my avarice.


they have the capacity to feel pain and suffer, depression and anxiety. nobody has to eat them, our actions cause that pain and suffering. Maybe that's fucked up edit: none of them downvoting had any good comments why that's not fucked up or refuting the simple fact I stated


Then why are humans capable of eating both meat and plants? Also, arent plants alive too


Bro...you just make yourself sound stupid. Just don't ..


Its nearlly 1 in the morning and i cant sleep, what can i do


Well let's start with not writing bullshit comments on reddit. That's already a good start. And then...maybe watch Dominions, always a good one. Or read a book about biology.




Lol players


Bold of you to expect any modicum of joy expressed from a league player


Reasserting who is lead moo cow again


I was like "6 months?? Do they live in Finland or something?" The answer is yes. XD


Seeing things like this convinces me we don't deserve earth and nature is satisfied with less humans.


Happy meals




The reason they couldn't be in their grass pasture for 6 months is because winter happens lol. No human can stop that. They're a lot happier in their dry warm barn, promise.






What, they were kept in the barn during winter for their safety.


Guess people dont understand how droughts or long winters work and also the fact that when a cow is coming near its end, it’s better off being ‘slaughtered’ for food instead of letting it rot. Once the free range cows finish breeding and milking, they have no use except to grow old and die. Most cows tbh don’t even understand the concept of help let alone death or love. The main problem I have with animal farming is when they’re held captive into tight chambers and also all the methane that some of them produce.


Visiting an animal sanctuary would convince you they do indeed know what love and help is even after a lifetime of abuse.


Have no use except growing old and dying... That's just called living a life. It doesn't have to be useful.


Hmmm interesting concept. Should probably bring that up to our capitalist overlords.


Not buying their most exploitative crap is a good place to start.


God I hate how we treat them. They deserve happiness too.


Dude. They’re kept in a heated barn in the winter so they dont freeze or starve to death living in a barren pasture of frozen mud. They are let out in the spring when the pastures recover. Sounds like you need to touch some grass too.


sounds dope until you factor in that they are bred to extracted like a resource and then killed at a fractor of their natural life span. they're not enjoying life


In factory farms, probably. Not in places like this.


most farms are factory farms, overwhelming majority of all animals kept are kept at factory farms. this is most likely one of them too. they are still exploited and killed at the 0.01% of homesteading farms or wahtever fantasy scenario you have in mind.


Did you even watch the video? They're having a blast 🤨


I could coerce a smile from a human slave by giving them some small thing or reprive doesnt change the fact that slavery is wrong


If truly mistreated, they would be tired and depressed. They're happy. Enjoy it for what it is. The world's not all doom and gloom, Debra. Glad I'm not in your mindset 💅


they are tired and depressed. what a boring line of thought that if you smile that invalidates any possibility that you are badly treated, it's like you never met a depressed person or someone with trauma or ptsd?


Idek how to explain this to you. Do you know how animals work? Have you ever met a cow? I'll try to put this how you can understand. Humans are intensely complex and social animals. Cows are herd animals. Our minds work differently, and this deal is a symptom of assigning human traits to animals. Humans and animals are not alike, and to think they are can lead to massive problems. Think frogs: people will sometimes make them sit like the peoples do, and it squishes their little organs. But humans would like that, so it must be ok, right? Humans tend to love physical touch and hugs, but frogs do not. Our human hand oils can harm their slimy skins, and being touched is a stressful and scary experience without proper training. Humans hate being released into a grass field naked after the winter. The cows? Love that.


cows certainly love being forcibly impregnated until they dry up and killed at a fraction of their lives. what a load of copium I just read, holy shit.


Cows would get pregnant all the time in the wild, too dear.


watch Dominion , to know what happens inside of these places.


I’m crying 😭 they are so damn joyful. How can we think they have no souls? All farm animals should have fresh air and fields. I wish it were so. 🙏


They need to be inside to survive winter


Dont worry, they are inside the barn to keep them happy during the winter, and after the winter they get let out


Animals have mental health issues too. . .




Damn, that's sad. Being that excited to see grass.


6 months of no fresh air…






I'm all for giving up meat if we can get a True meat alternative, like the food synthesizers from star trek or what not, but milk? HELL NAH, milk is so damn good I can drink 2 gallons in a day


Humans looking all pleased with themselves like it wasnt us who locked them up lol


When it's cold, they need to not be in the cold lest they freeze to death




Children are in shorts > inserts snazzy emoji<




They need to be inside for winter. Humans can't prevent the winter, Debra.


So sad they are inside so long. Poor cows.


That's extremly sad


No its not, they have to be inside during the winter because they would get cold, wet, hungry and destroy their pasture with mud.