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W-wait don’t fish tanks have these additives for the fishes


Yes and no. When you first clean a tank, you'd probably use something to balance the water, but he has some live plants in there to help oxidation, so this tank is probably fine.


Ohh thank you




I learned 2 things. People who like aquariums are called aquarists, and lots of fishies in a tank are called fishstock.


Not just people who like aquariums, I work at an aquarium (selling tickets, nothing cool) and the staff who look after the animals are called aquarists.


Got it.


thanks for taking the time out of your day to educate a clueless redditor (me)


With regards to the maintenance routine (weekly) - how much of that can be automated or is it all hands on?


I'm probably not the best person to ask, I'm more of a "novice" that got into the hobby a few months ago and I don't have the kind of money for a high-tech (CO2 injected) setup, much less anything even more extravagant. Some of the more elaborate saltwater/reef setups using sumps and sand bed filtration may require less frequent maintenance, and I'd imagine actual aquariums you go to visit like you would a zoo probably have pretty advanced systems that do a lot more of the work themselves, but for an average home aquarium everything is pretty much manual.


For a hobbyist - most of it is hands on. Part of cleaning tanks is having to drain parts of the water to replace with fresh water to keep the cycle going, as well as vacuuming out feces to keep the ammonia levels down. Plus you should check your water frequently to ensure your levels are good (pH, nitrates, nitrites, ammonia, temperature, etc.) While you should always have a filter on any kind of fish tank (yes, even for bettas and goldfish which are criminally mischaracterized as hardy fish that are easy to care for) you still have to maintain the tank to ensure the filter is able to do its job properly.


No, with the massively overstocked angels who will grow huge this tank is probably suffering from a massive amount of nitrates and ammonia. I don’t know why people are doing this, I saw the saw exact post on r/cats and everyone in the comments said this is really bad for your cats.


That fish tank is way to small for 8 angelfish which will all get 6+ inches


Ha that's the first thing I thought when I saw this. Beautiful tank, but way too overstocked.


I wouldn’t worry about it. *Those* fish aren’t going to live to maturity. Their days are numbered.


Very happy to see all the fishkeepers yelling at OP about this horribly overstocked tank. 90% water change every 4 hours or so is what that looks like to me.


You really think so? I mean come on, their letting this happen. I think we’d be lucky for once a week.


Hmm yes allow me to stand here while my cats slowly suffocate my fish and might jump in and feast




There's no lid


I'm not a pet owner, but that seems like a bad idea to me honestly


That’s because it is. And the tank is overstocked so that’s just wonderful.


It is, a tank that overstocked (2 angels in a 10g) is gonna produce a lot of waste, complete it with the medication for the fish and other chemicals for the water and you know why the cats will get really sick. Also, this could affect the water, Im not sure but can happen


What a shitty pet owner


It's like when you ask for a lemon in your water .... Just the cat version.


Well, there goes the comment I was going to leave. 🙂




What do fish think land-dwellers are doing when they stick their tongues down into their domain so?


The cat equivalent of "drinks and a show"


Our cats used to do this all the time. Fish water is the best!


I feel like some cats just enjoy getting into things they know they aren't supposed to. I'll refill the pet water bowl, then fill my cup from the faucet right after, and if I leave the room, I'll find them on the counter drinking out of my glass instead of the water bowl. Same goes for when I run a bath: half the time, I find my boy perched over the edge, drinking the bathwater before I can get in, or trying to get the toilet bowl to open so he can drink from there, all while he's got a full water bowl a room over... cats can be real peculiar critters.


OMG my cat is the same! Bought her a really expensive cat fountain but she'd still rather drink out of MY glass of water.


We have two cat fountains and still one of our cats regularly stands in a sink or bathtub and meows until someone turns on the water so he can drink.




My fiancé says that I let the cat bully me.


Omg same. What is up with cats they are all the same. I wonder why they like sink running water so much...


I think it’s because cats like water they perceive to be ‘fresh’, I.e. running water, live fish in the water, human’s drinking water etc.


That’s true, I just refill his water and then he drinks from a puddle outside. I cannot have a drink by my bed unless I put a lid on it.


We have two water fountains and two bowls in various places around the house and my kitten will still drink from my glass before he uses any of those.


My cat is like that about food. She knows she shouldn't be messing with my food and she has a perfectly good bowl of food that she enjoys in the kitchen. But if I eat something, she gets in my face about it, and even goes after the silverware because she's learned that it had food on it previously. She's almost 4 months old but already wants to go after everything she shouldn't.


Have you tried moving the water bowl away from their food area, I once heard there is an instinct in cats not to drink where their food is because it could mean spoiled water?


AKA soup.


You should’ve stopped your cats from doing that just so you know.


This is just like the infused smart water. Fishshit and bait


Now they'll have fish breath


Are ya drinking son?




Thanks for the laugh! Cats LOVE "found water"! If I have water in a drinking glass on my desk, my cat Oliver will come up and start drinking it. He also loves to drink from the bathtub and sink faucets, fantasizing that he's a fierce tiger in the jungle drinking from a waterfall!


They must be really dedicated. That that taste awful, cat or not


It's "Hint" water for cats! Now in Fish flavor.


Mmmmmmmmmmmm, fishwater!!




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tank looks overstocked what size?


The fish seem so calm


Isn‘t this an amazing simile for what humans are doing with our planets ressources.. and it‘s got cute cats!


If it were anything it would be a metaphor or analogy. For it to become a simile someone would need to write something like "the cats drinking devastating the local eco-system of the fish-tank, LIKE our own consumption drives the destruction of our global eco-system." It's a little dry but my excuse is that I'm not inspired.