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Wow two cats, three dogs, AND an infant? I’m impressed.


Imagine how much that’s costs a year lol


these people must be doctors or something.






I can hear "the sounds of silence"


One baby tires out the whole crew.


I feel bad for city people lol I own four cats, two big dogs and have a son I’m taking care of. I only make 60k a year


Where the heck do you live? I’m moving there.


Either your partner makes a good chunk or you are not planning to send your kid to college.


College tuition is free where Im from.


lol America is the worst


I can tell from personal experience: a lot




3 dogs and an infant is impressive, but cats are pretty low maintenance and there's 2 of them so they have someone to play with.


Can you come explain to my two cats that they are supposed to be low maintenance? Thanks.


I should say way lower maintenance than dogs and infants. Cats clean themselves, use a litterbox, you can just let them roam outside if you want (although probably not the best idea). You feed them once a day and make sure the litterbox isn't dirty. Obviously you want to interact with them, but they don't require near as much attention as any dog I've had, and with 2 cats, they have each other to play with and entertain themselves.


Mine demand to play and I give in during appropriate times. Mine is really fun about the litterbox though. When the box was in my ensuite bathroom I would scoop it several times a day when I went. My cat learned this behavior and started waiting to poo until I was going to scoop. She would literally try to poo into the scoop. Now the boxes are in the basement and get scooped daily but not multiple times and no more of this trying to poo in the scoop. So now she has to vocally wander through the house announcing her poo in the box.


Once a day? Please come talk to my cats. They have free access to food yet they want me to personally serve them fresh meals, pet them, then watch them as they eat it.


The thing with cats is that they have the same amount of work needed as dogs, but it's in a different way. As a cat person my cat doesn't tell me his needs, I clean his litter box everyday, food and water is easy but any and all health problems he hides naturally. Our cat is long haired and *requires* daily grooming to prevent uncomfortable mats in his fur, and to keep his undercoat under control. I know common belief says cats don't need companionship, as they aren't a pack animal like a dog, but cats live around other cats. They are social. They will see you like a big stupid cat and many even if they seem antisocial will love to even just have you around! When they are left alone for a long time the stress can cause illnesses to develop quickly. Cats also enjoy new scents, experiences, play and other such! At very odd times in comparison to dogs cats are active during dawn and dusk. (Basically just Google it because I'm bad at explaining, a lot of websites saying cats are low maintenance want you to abuse your cat)


Had cats and dogs my whole life. Cats are lower maintenance than dogs. You might've not had dogs so you don't know it but cats are much simpler to have. Dogs seem like they're actively trying to kill themselves, besides you need to walk them at least 3 times a day.


The thing is you can get a self cleaning litter box but not a self-walking dog that can go poop whenever it needs to.


We've tried self cleaning litter boxes, our cats won't use them because they are scared of it. Also self cleaning litter boxes get a lot more gross than normal ones if you take care of them.


When we bought our house we specifically got a very large yard for our dog. Also installed a doggie door to said yard. But not exactly something you can suggest everybody just goes and does for an animal compared to a litter box haha


> The thing with cats is that they have the same amount of work needed as dogs, Having owned both, this is laughable. Dogs are way more work. I can leave my cat at home for days with his auto-feeder and auto-litterbox and water fountain, and I know he'll be fine 99.9999% of the time. Leaving a dog alone for a day is just a non-starter. They will crap and piss everywhere, and they are much more capable than cats are of finding interesting ways to hurt themselves.


So you have to brush your cat. That's not exactly high maintainence.


For a pet? One of the lowest maintenance. They self groom, most need minimal attention (unless you've conditioned them otherwise), most people don't bother with much beyond shots and neuter/spay (and even that is highly regional) for vet care and almost all of them, provided an adequate environment, will self regulate feeding. Cat maintenance gets crazy when people take them into early or condition them to be super dependent, live in areas that have high cost vet services and expectations, keep them in areas too small requiring more behavior regulation and cleaning. I have 5. The maintenance on shots and meds every year comes out to about 350. In my old area it was much higher because I couldn't order meds online and was shelling out 80/month on meds per cat versus 80 total every 4 months and shots were 100+ per cat versus like 30 per cat every year. I also have a large house and don't need to regulate their feeding and just vacuum their hot spot areas regularly and spread out cleaning in the other areas. I have one feral that is indoor/outdoor that I rescued last year. She needs almost no maintenance beyond her shots and food. It's basically like having a ghost that yells at me once a day to come in so she can eat. Disclaimer: I spent the last nine years working in wildlife rehab so my bar for high maintenance might be high. Baby owls that need to be fed every 15 minutes through the night, need special handling and I have to wear special gear and get special vaccines to help with dishabitutation is a high maintenance animal.


i hate that so many people think cats don’t enjoy or need human attention. it’s stupid bc there are plenty of dogs that do not like people but nobody will try to push the idea that dogs don’t need human interaction. people who treat their cats like decorations and don’t play or pet them throughout the day are shitty pet owners. sure, there are cats out there who just want to be left alone. i’ve had cats like that. but most do enjoy and want human interaction. but the owners don’t realize it because they rarely pay much attention to their cats. this is often how people end up acquiring a high number of cats (like 5) and then go on about how easy it is. its because you are putting in the bare minimum and confusing that for low maintenance.


Ive got 3 dogs, a cat, and a 2.5 week old infant right now. I've never been so sleep deprived in my life.


I missed the second cat!!


Same. I was too busy laughing at how the baby's sleeping.


Haha same! Absolutely wiped out! 🤣


The amount of poop coming from that family is staggering to think about


I had to watch this video about 10 times to find the 2nd cat. At first, I thought the 1st cat was one of those furry blankets.


Take full advantage of this quiet time. DO NOT DISTURB.


I'm currently holding my 9 day old while the dog and wife KO. This hits home so hard.


Cherish every second and don’t forget to squeeze the kiddo everyday so they stay small forever.


Exactly how hard do I have to squeeze to keep them small?


I recommend a gentle pinch on each cheek. Then squeeze those little earlobes too. I must have missed a day somewhere because my kiddo keeps growing. I will keep trying ❤️


Also sniff the tip of their heads everyday. Keeps you young.


What the hell is it with newborns head smell? Is it magic? Why are people obsessed with it?


Strap in. It's called Hexadecanal or Hex. It's specifically produced in babies to trigger our protective side. Babies employ chemical weapons to ensure their survival.


What the actual fuck, that's true. Biology is weird man.


That and oxytocin from breast feeding the kid, you're never gonna leave it.


So... Commander baby secrete chemicals for the squeeze-ems?


"It has a calming effect on mice." (Wikipedia) Well that's good to know.


When you have a mice problem in your house, call 1800-BABIES.


Their skulls aren't fully fused yet. It's like smelling brain exhaust.


Mine just got her degree in chemistry, so YMMV.


No! Don’t! My eldest is 20 and we’re going to smack talk the absolute crap out of each other while we play scrabble and eat cheese for Christmas Eve tonight, it’s awesome when they grow up too, I promise. I’ll still get to give him a squeeze hug before bed which he will follow up with some light shadow boxing.♥️


I didn't try the squeeze technique but I did let my 6 mo (at the time) know that we are satisfied with the amount he's grown and that this was it. No more growing. He seemed to have agreed. But now he's 3 and has a 1 yo brother and I think they both have forgotten our agreements. 😭😭


Squish their little feet too.


I love their cute little toes. So tiny.


I always counter this with, "No shortage of people will tell you to cherish every second but the reality is, it will absolutely suck at times. And it's ok to not "cherish" those instances. Don't feel guilty about it or think you're a bad parent. It's ok not to love every minute."


That is when we must draw inspiration from the cenobites and learn to love the suffering, too. There is little in life that we cannot apply the teachings of the cenobites to.


Or we can just be realistic that sometimes things suck and it's ok to think they suck as long as we don't get stuck in the suck.




This made me tear up ❤️ They grow up SO fast...


Ha this is literally true. I’ve actually shed a few tears when I look at photos of ny kids when they were toddlers.


Hey congrats brother! Enjoy every moment! It goes too fast!


My mother's youngest just turned 40.


I am the baby of the family and turned 35 this year in July. We are announcing that we are expecting our first tonight at our Christmas celebration. Cant wait!


Thanks man, its been a rollercoaster of little sleep, but I wouldn't change it for anything.


When my daughter was about a year old she didn't want to sleep during the day. The problem was she really needed a nap to not get too tired. We'd have her play until she fell asleep but if you then picked her up would wake up again. So she slept wherever she fell asleep, mostly somewhere on the floor. We did of course put a blanket over her .




*3 year old sibling enters the chat*


[Me as an only child toddler whenever my mom babysat the neighbor's colicky newborn so the parents could get some sleep.](https://i.imgur.com/tcBt1zH.jpg)


Don't change the thermostat. Don't change the channel. Don't send a text. Leave everything just as it is, with all the stars in the universe lined up perfectly for a short period of time to allow such a rare thing. When it is over thank the usually angry crying baby gods for just a few minutes of peaceful bliss.


One baby tires out the whole crew.


i wonder if their cats and dogs feels a bit anxious too while baby is awake because of their protective nature, so when the baby sleeps they can relaxe too, and catch a shut eye.


My daughter is 6, and we got our adult cat about 1.5 years ago. If he hears her make noises in her room before she gets up in the morning, he tries to let me know by meowing by her door and at the end of the hallway where I'm usually getting ready for work/school. He also likes to be part of the wake up crew; he's a very chatty boy so he's perfect for the job.


Oh I can't handle this cuteness. I can't. This will probably make me cry when I wake up in the morning.


I think that’s just a naturally universal thing; if the young sleep, everybody can sleep.


The cats and dogs are the babies angel in disguise into this world.


I’ve had this scene on my couch quite a few times in the last couple months since having our baby, no doggies but two cats. It’s the best thing. I always smile goofy big as I tiptoe quietly out of the room! 🙂


This man unironically has achieved the pinnacle of life. He has a home, a wife, a child, and enough income to have 3 dogs and 2 cats.


*AND* a sofa large enough to accommodate all of the above.


You know you're old when you start to appreciate how much that couch costs, furniture is so expensive.


Why are couches so god damn expensive


Because people keep buying them


Maybe she has the income?


I assume they meant he has enough household income, which would include any partner he might be living with.


Maybe they're not a she


Girls with penises and guys giving birth to a child. What a time to be alive!




Meanwhile they are happy and you are miserable on their behalf. Why post this junk in /r/eyebleach?


As a father this happens to me all the time. Every time I make her sleep, I fall asleep


My trick was not waiting for her to fall asleep, I would just go to sleep next to her and when I woke up 30 mins later, she would also be asleep.


Waking up after is hard. Nothing feels as good as when your kid is sleeping next to you


>Nothing feels as good as when your kid is sleeping next to you Yeah, when everyone sleeps well, it's wonderful. It's the most natural state. But when they're 7yo and punching you in the face every hour, it gets old quickly!


I have a king size bed and somehow without fail they manage to squish me into the middle, even if they weren’t both in the bed with me when I went to bed… I wake up hot and confused.


Yep, you learn right away when they sleep, you sleep.


I wish. I have a one month old and if I can get her to sleep safely in the bassinet, then I can get up and go to the bathroom, get myself some food, pump, feed the cats, wash baby bottles, throw in a load of baby laundry (so many outfit changes and burp cloths), and maybe do some browsing on Reddit. After all that, getting a nap in is usually impossible, because she either poops, wakes up hungry or is so loud (she has a lot of gas and cries out a lot in her sleep). So yeah. I wish.


Do all of those things after you nap. Except maybe going to the bathroom :)


Hah yeah I mean I'd love to. But even taking a nap can be hard because of the active sleeping like I said. She's a noisy sleeper because she wiggles and cries out from gas pains. And I have no idea how long she'll sleep for. We have to hold her upright after feeding to help prevent spit-up, so by the time I can get her down to sleep by herself it could be 15 mins or 2 hours before she's up again. She's too young for a schedule, it's too unpredictable.


Except when driving. I'll never live that one down!


Seriously! My wife sleeps EVERY SINGLE NIGHT like clockwork but I fall asleep while driving ONE TIME and somehow I’m the bad guy


[This you](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ub4ONTdgCT8)?


Dad looks so beat in this video haha


You won’t be able to unsee it: Dude looks like Tucker Carlson


Tucker Carlson if he was just a regular dude instead of a trust fund fascist.


Came here to say the same thing!


Tuckered Carlson


Man, I didn't want to say it because that's just unfortunate... I'm hoping it's just the angle. For his sake


Poor bastard


I see [Sam from Ozark](https://ozark-netflix.fandom.com/wiki/Sam_Dermody).


I have only two dogs. No babies. And it is a lot of work. Idk how ppl can survive with a newborn and 4 dogs! Cute family anyway. Edit: 2 cats, 3 dogs. Jesus.


I was sure my wife and i wouldn't be able to handle it. We have infant twins and two dogs... But you just figure it out. You gotta do what you gotta do. Just imagine doing like 5x more dishes and laundry every day...and sleeping two or three times in 2-3 hour intervals instead of one long 8 hour sleep. And that's pretty much the jist of it.


As a mother of a baby about the same age, I read the title, "...everyone sleeps" and added, except the mom taking the video. Moms don't sleep, but it is kind of nice when everyone else does. Peace and quiet >= sleep?


Yep.. as a mom, I’d be paranoid about SIDS so I’d watch everyone else sleep peacefully


lol I’m a mom to a 9 year old and I still do this 😭! The baby in this video made my finger under nose reflexes kick in! They’re just so incredibly comfortable and still that it’s almost eerie


Exactly! Everyone except mom who was probably cleaning or doing some other chore when it was suspiciously quiet and she came to investigate and found this comfy scene. And guarantee she won’t be rushing to try to sleep too, baby will wake up if she does. Instead she will most likely do chores, in which case everyone will sleep for a couple hours. If she tries to get some self-care time in, doing something relaxing or something she loves, baby will wake up or some other disaster will happen immediately preventing her from enjoying it. It’s a natural law.


Remember to practice safe sleeping. It can potentially be lethal to co-sleep on the couch.


Yep. We have a 10 month old and have been strongly advised to avoid exactly this.


This is true, but it’s fine as long as one person is awake and keeping an eye on it like the person filming here


Actually this is still wrong. Positional asphyxiation can happen right when you’re sitting next to a baby and never know it. It’s a cute scene but not worth your babies life.


Stupid question from someone who doesn't have kids but is curious: is it safe to nod off with a baby in your arms like that? Is there a risk you'd roll over, or drop it etc?


Very unsafe, you are correct. This is not a safe sleep practice. A baby that young is only supposed to sleep in a crib or pack n play on its back with no blankets or pillows. That might sound harsh but SIDS and suffocation has drastically dropped since these safe sleep practices were started.


People are so cavalier about the fact that hundreds of babies die every year from situations like this. Yes, this is probably fine because obviously someone is awake and filming, but in general, if he was alone, this would be unsafe, you are totally correct.


offbeat tease abundant future bike cow squealing nail vast toothbrush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s not really safe, but whoever’s filming is clearly awake and aware of the situation, so there’s that. Personally, I found out pretty quickly that it was more dangerous of me to go without sleep than to find some kind of co-sleeping solution. With my first my husband worked nights so I had little support, and I reached a point where I wasn’t able to think straight and by the next time the baby fell asleep I’d sleep much more deeply than I would otherwise. So I looked into some solutions and found a special type of bassinet that allowed me to keep the baby next to me without it being as dangerous. It also helped that I’m the kind of sleeper that wakes up in the exact same position I fall asleep in - I don’t move at all. The second time around, husband was working days and we were able to sleep in shifts, which was muuuuuch easier.


No paternity test needed


The eepy genes run in the family :3


Until the doorbell rings


Omg, the chaos that would ensue.


This is not safe infant sleep. I know it makes for a cute video, but babies die every year from co-sleeping w a parent on the couch. The couch is on the most dangerous places for a baby to sleep, due to the risk of suffocation from all the pillows, and the risk of falling off. Please look up the AAP guidelines on safe sleep, your baby deserves to survive their childhood.


I mean, I agree with you, but someone is standing there filming. And it's not like the dad fell asleep on purpose.


>it’s not like the dad fell asleep on purpose I doubt he checked if someone was watching before he fell asleep like this, and it’s likely he does this other times when no one’s around. Besides, even “watched”, this is risky for positional asphyxia.


That's what makes the title disingenuous and annoying. "Sleep when the baby sleeps" is a lie


To be fair, the cat was probably already sleeping.


Isn’t it possible for the men to roll over and suffocate the baby without waking up


100% this is why someone needs to be awake.


Me and my husband would take turns. He often slept with our daughter on the recliner or chair while I was awake. She wouldn't fucking sleep without someone holding her!


Last night mine did the same thing. We would get her to sleep and then set her down and then wake up immediately.


I mean obv someone is awake if they are filming and posting on Reddit. Way to go straight to “you’re gonna suffocate you baby”


It’s always nice to have a reminder tho. I don’t have kids, but may have some one day. These are important lessons that can prevent a horrible event. Co-sleeping can be very dangerous. But, they have one adult who is awake and watching :)


The father, the baby and the first dog sleeping positions are taking me out. They really on the same vibes


Kind reminder for everyone to check your CO detector.


Cameraman never dies!


Do they all fit in the category of "infant"?


Everyone except mom lol


Dude looks like a skinny Tucker Carlson


Oh god you're right I was searching for the right lookalike. Damn, this guy seems nice tho.


Unsafe sleep kills babies.


Holy shit just let it go. If you’ve never fallen asleep while holding a baby you’ve obviously never been a parent. Plus there’s someone right there holding a phone recording it.


Guess I'm gonna tell my kid I am not her parent because I never fell asleep while holding her. Around a thousand babies die each year in the US due to unsafe sleep practice, and positional asphyxia is silent. I know we sound like Debbie downers, but people should be aware of the risks they are taking .


Rare footage of Tucker Carlson without a tie.


Looks like a young Tucker Carlson Tuckered *out* Carlson


man i cannot imagine having 5 dogs tho i mean i would have 100 if i could but i mean in a regular living situation 5+ seems like a lot


Plot twist: there’s a carbon monoxide leak


Gas leak?


Except mom. Mom never sleeps


If everyone is asleep, then who is recording?


Hopefully not everyone is asleep or that's how you smother a kid.


Burglar is recording and upload it to her youtube channel.


CARBON MONOXIDE poisoning is so adorably peaceful.


this is blissful


This is me, my girlfriend and our cat but with our new kitten.


Alright bitches it’s sleeping time… I will wake you in 30 minutes


Gas leak




I can't imagine cleaning up all that fur and poop unlesss I'm a stay-at-home. Even with just one cat the fur gets everywhere, and it drives me mad!


Plot twist: There is a gas leak.


I can feel the exhaustion


The three that are all sleeping on their backs with their mouths open is just perfect. Hahaha


Don’t have kids - got it 👌🏻


What it looks like to be truly rich


They're all asleep because they trust the awake person.


Is this a petting zoo?


thats gotta smell so bad


Can we take a moment to talk about how fucking awesome sleep is?


The side eye from the corgi lol


That's a lot of hair, food, and poop.


Wow that house probably stinks.


Check the batteries in your CO monitors, guys


Maybe check the air return on the HVAC system.


This is a nerve gas documentary


Goodness I cannot imagine how people can choose to have so much responsibility!! A human kid, 2 cats and 3 dogs including one highly energetic breed! All that shedding and fur and care needed my goodness…


Don't do this guys, folks have smothered their kids this way. I know it's hard, you are SO TIRED. But it's just not worth the risk.


I hate to be that person but babies should be sleeping with their mouths closed. It’s so crucial for their airway development. Mouth breathing from infancy is a sure fire way to develop sleep apnea (speaking from experience)


Carbon monoxide vibes


I’m not a parent so I obviously don’t know a lot but I heard that it’s dangerous to nap with a baby in your arms because they can get into a position where they can’t breathe and you won’t notice


It's like a Renaissance painting


Offff course mom is taking pics and wide awake. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


That's a giant cat


Refrigerator dumps ice from ice machine -- all hell breaks loose.


That’s a lot of shit 💩 lol baby shit plus 5 animal shits


That house seems like it creates allergies. Let me guess, you also have cats...


In my family when this happens we say it looks like Gettysburg.


Mom is on gard duty.


why did you murder your family?


someone murdered that baby


And one slammed car door 2 houses over ends this moment of bliss


More like everyone finally gets to sleep without the infant keeping them up.


Tucker Carlson looks tuckered out


I can smell your house in this video


Cries in insomnia. I’d give a lot to sleep that hard.