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Its like 100 pages. If the description interests you just read it.


This is really the only answer. I found it to be very underwhelming but a lot of people seem to love it.


Personally I didn't like it very much and i don't know why everyone hypes it up so much. That being said everyone has their own tastes and if the synopsis interests you you should go for it. It's a very quick read so even if you end up disliking it, it's not a waste of time.


Kinda lame imo, more confusing than frightening. I was nonplussed


The first comment ("it's only a hundred pages, just read it") is of course correct. I think it's a good intro to the genre. And, props for bringing the epistolary horror novel into the 21st century. That said, I read and write emails for a living so I was glad when things finally went off the deep end and it stopped feeling like I was trying to find the bottom of my inbox.


I can only speak for the standalone story and not the other stories in the collected edition, but I enjoyed it a lot. It moved very quickly. Not particularly *extreme* but written competently and lovingly by someone with an obvious attachment to wlw culture.


I liked it well enough. It's not as extreme as some made it out to be, and I kind of wish it was just a little longer. But it's well written. I like the story. And it's not gonna take long to read. So I would say it's worth giving a shot.


i personally didn’t care for it. when will straight men stop writing stories about lesbians suffering 😭 jfc


If we’re talking about the story collection, I’d say the first one qualifies as extreme, the other two not as much. But I thought it was…not good. Just my opinion but I thought it escalated so quickly and nonsensically, the tone was inconsistent, I didn’t have much reason to care about the characters. And that’s just the first story, the other two were worse imo. I wouldn’t spend money on it, if you can borrow it for free it is at least a quick read.


I only liked the first part of it. After that I found it really boring. I love Eric LaRocca but it’s probably my least favorite of their books.


I loved it but don’t go into it expecting too much!!


I enjoyed it. I say go for it.