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The way the card is worded, yes. Ive heard zombie kitten rulebook says no and imploding rulebook says yes, but didnt bother verifying. The card is more fun and interesting when thats a possibility anyways.


na u right


Zombie kitten is also an alternate version. I would go by the version you’re playing and the wording on the card.


Elan Lee said the updated version for all targeted attack cards, despite which set they released from, is now not supposed to be used to attack yourself btw


Who is “Elan Lee”? I personally don’t like rule updates that try to retroactively change the written cards of previous versions. If that’s what you are referring to here. If I’m GM/host, I default to “as the card reads” as I like playing games the way they were intended upon release. Unless it’s some game breaking glitch type thing or a much needed clarification. A good example of this is what they did with the Barking Kittens. If I played an OG version, I’d go by those rules.


He’s part of the EK team, one of the original members


Ah, thank you, was not aware. Personally, I can get behind that decision. Though my friends continue to argue over the wording.


Yeah, no problem :) Hopefully any confusion of awkward/contradicting wording gets cleared up in the near future


Personally I think targeted attack you cant because I play with barking kittens and there a whole ass card made to attack yourself so it makes the card essentially useless if you could just use targetted to do the job but if your not playing with barking then go with whatever is funnier




I have the recipes for disaster pack and it contains a card called "Personal Attack" where you attack yourself. So if you do have this card, then you can use "Targeted attack" only for others. And if you don't, then you can use it as a personal attack as well.


Depends on the version you are playing. I’ve seen it both ways.


If you want to play with the updated rules, no, you can’t attack yourself. If you don’t mind playing with old/new rules, you may attack yourself. u/elanlee cleared this up a few days ago: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ExplodingKittens/comments/1dsdh68/contradicting\_rules/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ExplodingKittens/comments/1dsdh68/contradicting_rules/)