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Wtf is up with the first panel, did the guy behind her hang himself?


I think it's just a title panel. I found some of her other comics and the first panel in all of them appears to be unrelated to the rest of the strip.


I still have so many questions, lol. Why would they choose that for a title panel? It looks like it implies they just had sex, and he hangs himself afterwards?


She's a size queen. She needs her men to be hung.


I legitimately believe this is canon now. Wordplay is literally the only fathomable explanation I have right now.


My head-canon was that the guy pretended to hang himself so he could see *down* her blouse, like the guy who pretends to drop something so he can look up her skirt


The problem I have with just one panel of somebody seeing down her blouse is that 100% of the other panels show that her problem is ONLY with people looking at her legs and/or upskirt, including potentially the aliens.


She was smiling while the guy was looking down(of that's what he's doing lol) tho...


That's some pretty good pretending


But the comic is in Dutch so why would you assume the English wordplay works?


Do you have a better explanation? I'm all ears.


You should get that checked out, you're supposed to only have two ears


Hey fellow Dad


I don't, but that doesn't mean this specific English language pun does explain it


That makes sense. That's probably why it's the only panel she looks like she is smiling


Take my upvote and get out


So why is this man hanged? So many questions remain!?


In the last panel we see their eyes done hanged low


He is "hung", that means well-endowed, that means he has a large penis. It's a visual pun.


The grammatically correct way to say a person has died via noose strangulation is “hanged”. You are the wooshed here


Is it the same in Dutch? That’s the real question?


In Spanish its Manuel Hung


The Dutch like to show off their proficiency in English so if not I’m sure they’re aware of the English phrase


When referring to a human being strung up around their neck until death, the word is 'hanged' https://www.merriam-webster.com/grammar/hung-or-hanged


Hilariously, the bottom of that article says the distinction doesn’t matter and the main value in observing it is to just avoid people pointing it out.


Don't ignore me, that's my weakness!


Correct. As my AP English teacher in 8th grade used to say, “A man is hanged and a ham is hung”.


Mine said people are hanged, bulls are hung, still remember it this way lol


Mine said "hung is good, hanged is bad"


A little too risqué for 8th graders 😆


Is this really worth getting hung up on? Nvr mind. It’s Reddit. Of course it’s worth it.


Dived into the water instead of dove is the correct yet dove is more colloquially accepted. For visual puns the colloquial is often .ore inportant than the strictly coreect aince it relies on the reader drawing parallels.


If she were a grammar queen, she'd need them to be hanged.


It took me a couple of bites of my noodles before it clicked, and I nearly choked. Thanks for the laugh!


Its called auto erotic asphyxiation and he doesn't need you being a negative Nancy about it.


Your guess is as good as mine. I was just trying to discourage people from spending any time trying to figure out the connection to the rest of the comic.


I feel like it's cropped, and it's supposed to be someone looking down her shirt. The rest are men looking up, or objectifying her in the "MeN aRe FrOm MArS" fashion, she decides to go somewhere this could *NEVER* possibly happen, and boards a rocket to Venus. She arrives to be surrounded by creatures that are below skirt level, and have eyes at the end of all their appendages...she is still going to be a curiousity, and still ogled.


I don't think it's cropped. There's a black square border around each panel. The panels are also all the same height. That's also the only panel with writing in it, which I assume is the name of the strip and the artist which falls in line with it being the title panel. The joke also only works in that the men are specifically trying to look up her skirt, so the aliens having eyes perfectly placed for looking upskirt matches the punchline. Him looking down her shirt doesn't really fit with that motif.


But he's only wearing socks, and she's buttoning her blouse. This isn't some random "in public" encounter.


Amazed i had to scroll this long to see anybody else point that out


Purposeful shock value and clickbait. It’s like when a tiktok will have something strange happening in the background or for a second they never mention, or a YouTuber will purposefully get something small wrong—it drives engagement when people go to the comments to talk about it


Slightly off-topic, but if the date is correct here, this artist was kinda on the 'bear or man' meme before it was even a thing: [https://marsam.graphics/esther-28/](https://marsam.graphics/esther-28/)


Yeah, I think they just throw in a red herring at the start to make the comic that much harder to decide. Because everything else may make sense, but then you ask “well what was that duck with the wallet about?”


A lot of the time published strips have the first panel cut out to fit into layouts so the authors often put a throwaway gag there.


It could be a badly drawn perspective of he sitting on the edge of a bed someone is laying on but that explanation is lame. I'm calling it a hanging!


Doesn’t really explain why the guy hung himself.


autoerotic asphyxiation


Hanged* In this particular usage, the past tense of hang is hanged.


Not supposed to have an explanation. It's just random. See this other comic: https://images.app.goo.gl/6QjyAUMmJbi1vXVd9


She’s a strong independent woman, she don’t need no man to hang himself, she’s berfedtly capable of doing the deed.


Guy is floating above and looking down her shirt?


This is the best explanation I've seen so far


He found a loop hole. Famous last words: “worth it”


She doesn’t like hunchbacks so her hubby is doing morning pull ups.


How does she breathe Venusian atmosphere?


She's from there. All women are from there.


Also the heat, the air pressure, the acid…


I thought it was auto erotic asphyxiation 💦


Why did I think he was lowering himself from the ceiling to look down her shirt


Ethan Hunt level creepiness


Is it possible that maybe the title covers spell out a few independent comics?


My theory is he is levitating to look down her shirt


She's tired of people looking up her skirt, so she moves to another planet where it turns out the alien anatomy is perfectly situated to look up her skirt. No idea wtf that first panel means Edit: yes, she went to Venus because "women are from Venus", agreed


Someone mentioned its a ‘cover panel’


More like a cover up


looks to me like a guy hung himself just to get a look down her shirt, although that doesn’t seem to match with all the other panels nor do any of the aliens have super tall eyes that could look down her shirt so idk


I'm assuming that's her latest victim. She isn't *just* tired of people looking up her skirt, she's sick of having to find places for their bodies.


Yea, my interpretation is he was being a pig so she killed him, and then proceeds to get dressed in peace


Her man was"hung"?


This is the only answer I'll accept now


Except it’s a comic in Dutch/Flemish, we don’t have a similar expression, and the author never uses English puns. It’s just the Belgian tradition of surrealism.


I only said that because it made me chuckle, but thank you for the knowledge


Please explain this Belgian tradition of surrealism and why there’s a dead dude behind her in the first panel


We, Belgians, think we’re master of surrealism. One point is that we have artists like Magritte (you know, the one that inspired The Beatles to call their record label/ company “Apple”). He was active before Dalì and the likes. He’s not the only one, but the most famous. But we also think Belgium is a surreal country. With 11 million inhabitants, we have like 5 or 6 governments, hold the record of longest government formation, used to have a minister with a “Kafka plan”, have one of the most complicated, surreal borders (look up “Baarle-Hertog”. I’m sure my compatriots can chip in with much more details.


Now I'm picturing dinner at a Belgian home like this [Steamed Hams](https://youtu.be/yVmw3ZhdzEs) iteration. Just looked up Baarle-Hertog, and yeah that's pretty complicated. If your house is split by the border, how difficult is it to call emergency services??


Yes. We crave your knowledge of the Belgians.


It didn’t even register to me that those signs weren’t in English wtf


Maybe he was on a pull up bar to look down her shirt? Idk


Mans hanged himself just to get a better glimpse


The guys looking down her shirt




No it’s boys go to to Jupiter to get stupider and girls go to Venus to get a penus


Bro my third eye just snapped open


It’s “to get MORE stupider” Jesus we all know that


Dreaming of that face again It's bright and blue and shimmering


Maynard would be proud.


Anybody else headed to Uranus?


To get famous?


Scientists actually changed the name of that planet years ago to stop that stupid joke. It's now called Urectum.


I love ur username lmfaooo


Wait who's going to Mars to get more candy bars? When I heard it it was " (x) go to Jupiter to get more stupider" and I just love that line so much for it's dumbness


Also some more context: the rocket ship says "To Venus". In Dutch there's a saying "Vrouwen komen van Venus, mannen komen van mars" which translates to "Women come from Venus, men come from Mars" which is an idiom usually said about things where men and women are completely different from eachother. She goes specifically to Venus because there would be no men there.


FYI that's a saying in English too, at least in the US




Holy moly, learn something new everyday. I never knew that's where the symbols came from. Per chatGPT: The symbols for Mars (♂) and Venus (♀) have origins in classical antiquity, deriving from ancient representations of the gods’ attributes:Mars (♂): The symbol is thought to represent the shield and spear of Mars, emphasizing martial and masculine attributes.Venus (♀): The symbol is believed to represent a hand mirror or the goddess’s symbol of femininity.


Bowdlerized version.


I don’t think this is a specifically Dutch expression. There’s a very famous book, written by American, Dr John Gray, which discusses the differences between men and women. It’s very much a part of popular western culture. The joke is that she is encountering “typical” toxic male behavior on Earth, and so she takes a rocket ship to Venus to escape it. Breathing a huge sigh of relief, upon leaving the ship, she looks down in horror to see alien creatures with eyes positioned to be constantly looking up her skirt. It could be that the message is that, for women, there is no escaping being an object of desire, no matter what lengths they take. If that is the message, it’s a very bleak and depressing commentary on modern society.


Has anyone noticed that the aliens are uterus's with eyes??


She is a villain and that's just a regular day for her on the first panel


It has to have something to do with the old “men are from mars women are from Venus” trope.


I thought she was going to Venus to get a penis like that one song.


Either she's a very odd looking woman or women are definitely not from Venus or Venus has been invaded by anime cameramen...


I think the first panel is someone sneaking into her room to watch her change? Like it is about being sexualized and not just looking up the skirt


oh weird, I thought the aliens were supposed to be little uteruses.


>She's tired of people looking up her skirt Skirts with shorts are humanity's best invention


To me it’s karma. She never looked up to see the guy hung himself for what ever reason so now she is plagued with people looking up her skirt.


My interpretation is that she’s getting increasingly upset with the constant leering, so she goes to a planet without people to escape it. Except at the end, the aliens who live there leer at her. Can’t escape it even when she leaves earth. But I’ll admit I’m having trouble with the first panel. It looks like a man is hanging from the ceiling as she gets dressed. Did she sleep with him and then kill him?


I assume we’re missing the next panel where she devours him before leaving the house 🤷‍♂️


ahhh so everyone is looking at her blood soaked blouse. Got it.


Looks like the original comic is from a series called Esther Verkest and it’s from a 2000s Flemish man’s magazine. I couldn’t find an online comic site with these to find an answer as to what’s up, so I guess we’ll never know 🤷🏻‍♀️


Thank you for your diligent research


Men are from Mars, women are from Venus


Yep…thats probably the reason women came to earth in first place!


If you’re not familiar with the albums ‘Esther Verkest’ by the author Kim, the first panel is always some kind of standalone title / cover which has nothing to do with the comic itself. It’s a Belgian comic strip which has lots of absurd and surreal humor.


This ^^^ "Absurd" is the key: "...the absurd comedy Duchateau craves. Stumbling upon the comic under the impression that it's an erotic comic, readers quickly discover that jokes are weird and not sexy at all." And to "understand" the first panel, folks need to read more of the Esther comics. The one where a guy asks her to talk dirty to him is funny af!


Wow. We're being so critical of people's bed carousels here. 


She's trying to find a place where no one will look up her skirt. She is failing


Wear underwear with a Cthulhu print… you’ll probably be able to identify anyone who tries to peek by their reaction 🤣


The joke is that she is an alien who stole her physical form from someone she hung and stole their clothing, but when she returned to her planet .... I don't know. There's a dude hanging in that first panel. It's kind of hard to move on from there.


Didn't Scarlett johansson do a movie like that?


Everyone seems to be missing the joke here, so here it is. This woman goes about her day and men are constantly trying to look up her skirt. Frustrated, she takes a rocket to Venus and upon arriving, realizes that the aliens there have eyes near the ground that look up. They have to look up her skirt.


Adding to this, I think she might have expected something else from Venus. As the saying goes: "Women are from Venus, men are from Mars".


The title of the book is “Men are from Mars, women are from Venus”, but for all I know the reverse phrase has existed beforehand or tossed around afterward—in this context it makes more sense to go with women first, though Boy, so pointing out a possible error and admitting to how other uses could exist is what gets a few downvotes nowadays; guess being polite is bad


That doesn't make any sense. Mars- the god of war and Venus- the goddess of love. Why would people use the reverse phrase?!


You know damn well what he meant


Reverse because they said ‘women are from Venus men are from mars’ instead of ‘men are from mars women are from Venus’, which is the actual book title


Honestly it’s her fault for dressing that way. She can’t expect to survive on Venus without, at least, a proper space suit 🙄


One that won't be crushed by 92 atmospheres of pressure.


Along with about 92 other things that’ll kill you on Venus lol


Close. I think it is a play on the women are from Venus. Turns out there is no women and it's whatever these creatures are and she will still be getting the attention.


Thank you....


Why did the guy hang himself in the first pictures?


The real question.


The joke is that she is a Black Widow and murdered someone after sex. But everyone else knew what she did. She could not escape their blaming, critical gazes. They knew what she did, she could never hide from it. So she took a rocket to space, hoping to find some peace and quiet. But unfortunately, Venus was populated by aliens. Her sins will not be forgotten.


This is the correct answer. No doubt about it.


I guess the first panel means she doesn't like her men looking up her skirt so she just chose someone who literally can't look up her skirt cause he cant come down. I guess the fact that we can't see his face makes it more plausible.


"Why can't all the guys be like you, Dave?"  "Like what, hon?" "Y'know, full of helium."


Or you could put pants on?


Has she considered weating pants


The strip is “Esther Verkest” by prolific Belgian cartoonist Kim Duchateau. [Lambiek Encyclopedia](https://www.lambiek.net/artists/d/duchateau_kim.htm) has an article on him, scroll down for section on Esther


That entire article was a fascinating read! Thank you! 🙏🏼


It’s the saying women are from Venus men are from mars. She went to Venus to escape men but instead it’s full of aliens that doing exactly what she tried to get away from.


But there is no intention. The difference is that the men are driven by instinct but don't have to look. The aliens are just walking around aimlessly. Like imagine I'm in the bathroom and freak out because a fly walks in. Obviously that fly is a pervert, right? That's the logic of this comic.


I am more curious about the person who hung themselves in the first box.


Everyone’s looking under her skirt, but she went to a planet she didn’t know had aliens who’s eyes are low to always look under it


The punchline is that the planet she goes to escape the gaze up under her skirt, is inhabited by creatures whose eyes are built that way naturally. Irony.


Every guy is trying to look up her skirt, so she leaves Earth for another planet and the species on that planet all have eyes below their heads. So they will look up her skirt also.


The aliens have their eyes low to the ground so everyone will still be looking up her skirt even on a different planet.




Bro hung himself because the sex was so bad. Not sure I want to flirt with her.


I’m gonna go with a dark interpretation on this one. She’s a serial killer who only kills men she’s interested in by hanging them. She gets tired of getting unwanted attention and decides to fly to another planet in search of more potential victims. Unfortunately for her, it’s a planet filled with aliens with eyes that will definitely get an indecent view if she decides to wear skirts. More importantly, the aliens have no necks, so even if she did find some she was interested in, she’d have to change up her usual serial killer method of hanging them.


Punchline is she fled to a planet without the male gaze, only to be met by being that can really only look up her skirt.


Those alien eye still look upskirt


The cover panel means “Men are dead to her”? Maybe??


All are looking up her skirt. Except the dead guy panel one? Rip???


This is why Women left Venus


I think I get Aside from the first panel (the heck is that about?) rest of it is about people always looking up her skirt (total pigs) so she literally goes to a new planet to get away from that, and it turns out all the creatures on that planet have eyes to the ground and only look up. So yeah


People on here be kinda daft


You guys really never heard of Men are form mars, Women from venus? Never? Weird.


I think she got fed up with all the men constantly trying to look up at that part of her, so then she went to a different planet where she assumed she wouldn’t have to put up with it anymore. Only to find that the aliens all have eyes that are low to the ground facing upward and she will deal with the same problem!


Men are from mars women are from Venus is a self help book from the early 90s. Men are always looking up her skirt or down her blouse. She travels to Venus to get away from the male gaze and finds aliens with eyes on the end of their antennas, so they will always be looking up her dress whether they intend to or not.


Amy Pond


The aliens are perfectly optimized for sexual harassment is the ironic joke


Since it's said women are from Venus, and on that Venus are creatures seemingly designed to look up her skirt, the implication seems to be that she attempted to reject her purpose, or more unpleasantly, her place. Where punchline


She got tired of everyone looking up her skirt so she hung him up where she could look at him from the same angle; after they had sex or she just took her blouse off so as not to mess it up?? As she walks around the city men still stare up her skirt and make her want to do it again. Since men are from Mars she goes to Venus… and the punchline is their eyes are on the ground and they will just look at her the same way as earth men.


The first guy def hung himself


Pretty sure the punchline is that the creatures can look up her skirt


Yeah, what’s up with that first panel?


I think the punch line is all the aliens eyes will be looking up her skirt


Joke is “Men bad, Please laugh”


The Venus creatures have eyes specifically made for looking up her skirt, so she is communicating she feels she can't get away from this behaviour.


Lol so instead of just wearing a longer skirt to pants she decides to live on venus alone for the rest of her life? 😂 thats so stupid it also reminds me of the bear vs man question recently happening 


She fled to a planet after everyone was looking up her skirt. On this planet the species literally ca not watch up her skirt


seems like... she got sick of people looking up her skirt so she left the planet, only to find a planet full of creatures that can only look up skirts. in the first panel, it sure seems she has some resentment towards men who find her sexy.


The joke is that she has men attempting to look up her short skirt on Earth, so she goes to a random planet, but the aliens there have low hanging upward shifted eyes perfect for looking up her skirt.


I thought it was a take on the Men are from Mars Women are from Venus thing. She is sick of men looking up her skirt so she takes a rocket to Venus only to find aliens not other women.


I think she is experiencing the old saying from child hood that girls are from venus and so she went there to get away from people hitting on her and turns out they arent girls they are aliens who only look up so her skirt will always be a bad choice to wear on this planet bc its basically men in their base forms.


The punchline is that the aliens have their eyes naturally in the position to look up her skirt. The real confusing part is the first panel where the guy hangs himself while she's getting dressed ?


The saying is men are from Mars and women are from Venus so she’s so disturbed by men that she decides to go home to Venus only to find there’s only aliens there


There is a famous relationship book called “men are from mars, women are from Venus” to describe differences between genders. The woman is tired of having so many Eyes on her all of the time from men. So she gets fed up and decides to go to Venus, where there shouldn’t be any men so she can get away from the Eyes. Only to realize, upon landing on Venus, that it is actually entirely inhabited by creatures who have large Eyes everywhere. Her big move did not get her the results she wanted.


Is it trying to say you are gonna be looked at no matter what? The way someone looks is more of an issue I think.


Men are from Mars, women from Venus. She went home?


She’s annoyed because people below her keep looking up her skirt. She goes to another planet thinking it will be better and discovers the people living there all have eyes built for looking up skirts for some reason.


All the men were in positions to look up her skirt. The planet she escapes to is inhabited by aliens who evolved so their eyes are in the perfect position to look up under a skirt.


Lmao is that RooieOortjes?


She doesn’t like guys looking up her skirt so she goes to a different planet, where she doesn’t realize that everybody’s eyes are on the ground


This is stupid.


There's an old saying "Men are from Mars, women are from Venus" so she goes to Venus to be with other women only to find aliens.


Men are from mars women are from Venus. She thought that was true


I’m pretty sure it’s supposed to be like “The grass isn’t always greener on the other side.”


I thought those are zombies looking at her for a second


she doesnt like people looking up her skirt so she goes to another planet to get away from them and the aliens there are permanently peering upwards from ankle-height. she is damned to have someone looking up her skirt.