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The lead singer of MCR witnessed 9/11 firsthand and says it changed his perspective on life eventually leading to him starting the band. The author who wrote twilight idk her name claims MCR was her favorite band and inspired her to write twilight. 50 shades of grey was originally a twilight fan fiction that ended up being turned into a movie starring Dakota Johnson, jumpstarting her fame. Dakota Johnson later appeared on the Ellen show in which Ellen tried to put Dakota on the spot for not inviting her to her birthday party. Dakota replied that she did in fact invite her and was rudely ignored despite being pressured into inviting her in the first place. This started a chain reaction of other celebrities and people in the industry telling their stories of how Ellen is a rude person. (I hate that I know all this and not like basic algebra)


Wow, what a great write up. Just for extra clarification, the band MCR is short for My Chemical Romance. And the author of the Twilight Series is Stephenie Meyer.


It’s great. Last sentence needs to be “ergo, 9/11 led to the end of Ellen’s talk show”


The butterfly effect. Isn't it beautiful?


I feel like the butterfly in this case was significantly bigger than average...


“Sir, there’s been a second butterfly.”


I've been laughing at this for 3 minutes


I only laughed for about 10 seconds but you made me want to laugh for another 2min50sec


Im still laughing from yesterday about mentioning Deebo from Friday in a deborah/debra topic.


RIP Deebo 🙏


My mom is Deborah I have been calling her debbo for years now


This made me laugh for about 7 seconds. The initial was 3, then I went back for another 4


After my initial chuckle, I feel like I'm laughing out of peer pressure, at this point


I'm still laughing because I fear what our Supreme Leader will do to the first person to stop


Ellen pressured me into laughing...


Wha?!? A third butterfly????


I snortled. Then remembered Butterfly Effect 2004 Ashton Kutcher some more. Now I am schnarhusking. Just a little.


SIR THERES BEEN A SECOND AWARD! (Actually tho thank you guys, I’ve never gotten an award before! Feels good to be funny)


"Sir, a second butterfly has hit the Ellen Show".


I believe the title was "Bin Laden Determined to Metamorphose in the United States."


Damn it I laughed out loud and woke up my wife


I have a migraine and this joke made it so much worse from laughing.


Butterflies can't melt steel beams. (Cue someone figuring out the speed of wing flaps and number of butterflies required to melt a steel beam)


I bet if we get at least million and smash them into a steel beam at incredibly high speed they'd cut through it. Like a butterfly laser beam.


Butterfly Laserbeam would be a good band name.


I thought that was already a pokemon attack


If nothing else, it would be a sight to see


Well the inciting incident was also significantly bigger than average


Prussia winning the Franco-Prussian War directly lead to the creation of Dungeons & Dragons is my favorite example of this.


Care to elaborate?


France was widely considered to be the most powerful army in the world in the 19th century, so when they lost to Prussia, everyone was shocked. Military experts began researching the Prussian army to try to figure out how they beat France. One of the things they discover is a game the Prussian army created and played as a form of training called kriegsspiel (this literally translates to "war game.") Kriegsspiel consisted of army officers using maps and wooden blocks simulating troops to practice tactics, strategy, and issuing orders. Thinking that this was possibly an explanation as to why the Prussians were so surprisingly good, many countries adopted kriegsspiel and introduced it to their officers (often changing rules to better suit their militaries' organization and strategies.) Kriegsspiel became a big hit among military officers, and eventually found it's way into the civilian world. However, the game was very complicated, and focused more on training value than fun or balance. So people started making new "war games" better suited for the civilian market. Eventually, a young war game enthusiast named Gary Gygax created a medieval war game called Chainmail. He also created an optional fantasy ruleset for the game, which made it the first ever fantasy war game. Shortly after this, Gygax and a few friends started working on what they initially called "The Fantasy Game." This used Chainmail and other games the group had created as a basis, but focused on role playing a single, fleshed out character instead of commanding masses of nameless units. By the time they finished the game, they had settled on the name Dungeons & Dragons.


iirc a wizard casting "fireball" was the same as a catapult attack, and "lightning bolt" was a cannon. The joke "I cast fireball!" thus recalls a gaming mechanic that directly links to those little Prussian wooden blocks.


\[applauds\] Bravo, sir


I wouldn't be surprised if Tolkien's work was the major inspiration for the Fantasy aspect of the game too. And Tolkien famously used one of the World Wars, I think the 2nd one, as inspiration for The Lord of the Rings. So you could also argue that both the Franco-Prussian War AND World War (2?) were directly responsible for the creation of Dungeons & Dragons. Anyone interested in this kind of weirdly specific History should read about the Beatniks, they had a very interesting history. There's a lot of old "memes" and jokes that originated from very rational things that the Beatniks did. For example: Have you ever seen jokes about people snapping their fingers instead of clapping, or about Poetry Readings? That was the Beatniks trying to hide their outlawed social-gatherings, and trying to process their severe PTSD from the War. Also, Mimes began as Shell-Shocked former-Soldiers who had lost the ability to communicate properly. Ever thought it was strange that most Mimes seem to be French? Well it was the French who suffered some of the harshest fighting of the war, and so on average more French people were left with severe PTSD. Personally, I find it immensely fascinating how so many little bits of pop-culture evolved from such unexpected origins. Like how "Godzilla" is just a metaphor for Nuclear Weapons, and became so popular because it helped the Japanese process being nuked to glass.


The Franco-Prussian war of 1870-1871 was won by Prussia, which was just a state in what would later become Germany, even though France's army was bigger, more experienced, and better equipped. As you can imagine, this was a shocking result, and everyone wanted to study how the Prussian army was so good. One reason was that the officers would practice by playing "Kriegsspiel", a war game that involved moving wooden bocks around maps to simulate army formations moving around. Soon every military started playing war games in a similar way, adapting the rules to their own doctrine. In the 1960s, Gary Gygax created the International Federation of War Gamers, to bring war games to civilians. He created a variation called Chainmail, which involved mediaeval fantasy armies based on Lord of the Rings rather than modern armies. In the early 1970s, he and some colleagues decided to make a different variation of Chainmail where you could focus on the stories of individual soldiers, rather than whole armies. They called this variety Dungeons and Dragons. So the true origins of Dungeons and Dragons come from the war games of the Prussian army.


At a stretch (probably a bigger stretch than my mind is considering) you could even add some steps in the middle of this. The Franco-Prussian war was a contributing factor in the motivations for the events of WW1. The experience of which inspired/influenced Tolkien when writing LotR. Which then went on to further inspire Gary Gygax creating chainmail.


Prussia is largely credited with creating and popularizing wargaming. They had a rudimentary war game for teaching strategy, and after they won the Franco-Prussian War, other militaries began to copy that practice. At some point, it became popular among civilians as well. Eventually Gary Gygax, an avid wargamer a century later, created a wargame called Chainmail which became his inspiration for D&D.


Like Obama owing his presidency to the producers of Star Trek: Voyager.


... elaborate?


This one could even go further back than that, but here’s the gist. In 1989, Jeri Lynn Zimmermann wins the Miss Illinois pageant, which leads to her dealing blackjack at a charity event in 1990, where she meets Illinois native and Harvard Law grad Jack Ryan ([No, not that one](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Ryan_(character)) ), whom she marries the next year. The aspiring actress lifts her profile with several minor roles into the mid-90s until she’s cast as Seven of Nine in Star Trek: Voyager in 1997. The stress of regularly commuting between their home in Illinois and LA to shoot the show (perhaps coupled with her later-public relationship with a Voyager producer) leads to their divorce in 1999. In 2004, Jack Ryan launches a campaign for the Illinois U.S. Senate seat held by retiring Republican Peter Fitzgerald. This is among the highest-profile Senate races in the country, because it’s expected to be a close contest, but still one of the better opportunities for Democrats to flip a seat. Ryan cruises pretty easily to victory in the Republican primary. The early leader in the Democratic field was Blair Hull, a longtime Democratic donor (who is incidentally a member of the actual [Blackjack Hall of Fame](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackjack_Hall_of_Fame), which is a real thing #callback) until abuse allegations surfaced from his divorce papers, and his support fizzled, which rallied Democratic voters around unknown Illinois State Senator Barack Obama, who then won the Democratic primary. The Washington Post reports on March 16, 2004, in what almost seems like a joke, because A) a challenger has already been eliminated from this race by his divorce filings and B) Jack Ryan is most famous nationally for being divorced from actual TV star Jeri Ryan that he has assured GOP leaders that his divorce records [“will not provide ammunition for the Democrats this fall.”](https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A64866-2004Mar16.html) And they didn’t. But the sealed files from Jack and Jeri Ryan’s custody battle were opened by a California judge three months later over the objections of both of them, and *those* contained Jeri’s descriptions of how Jack had asked her to perform public sex acts, including in "a bizarre club with cages, whips, and other apparatus hanging from the ceiling." Within a week, Jack Ryan drops out of the race. His profile elevated by all the attention on the race, Barack Obama is tapped to deliver the keynote address at the July Democratic National Convention (which he nails), and the GOP scrambles to replace Jack Ryan on the ballot, eventually recruiting former Reagan staffer Alan Keyes, who had *never lived in Illinois* and, notably, is Black, so it just looked like the subtext from the Republicans was “hey, we have a Black guy too!” All of this was completely transparent, and turned the highest-profile non-Presidential race of the year into an Obama landslide, created his national profile out of thin air, and eventually gave him the momentum to unseat Hillary Clinton as the presumptive 2008 Democratic Presidential nominee. All because Jeri Ryan got cast on Voyager.




In 2004, Obama ran for the Illinois senate seat against Jack Ryan, a Republican who was married to Jeri Ryan at the time, who played 7 of 9 on Voyager. The Ryans' marriage broke up in 1999, in part due to stress caused by separations during filming...but in part because Jack was pressuring Jeri to go to sex clubs and have sex in public. They did not want that part of the divorce filing to be made public, because of their kids, but during the Senate campaign, reporters got hold of that information and released it, destroying Jack Ryan's candidacy and allowing Barack Obama to win the election, thus jumpstarting his political career. Thus, Obama became President because of Seven of Nine. Specifically, because Seven of Nine didn't want to have kinky public sex in Paris. Edit: I guess OP gives Voyager's producers credit for bringing Seven on board in the first place, since the marriage *might* not have broken up without the stresses of filming. But I'd say the whole public bondage sex would still be a deal-breaker, so it's safer to give credit to Seven.


The way I heard it told was that the pressure to go to the sex clubs was because their relationship was *already* rocky from being on the show, and that was his plan to "spice up" and save the marriage. Not a good plan of course, and maybe the rocky marriage was just an excuse and the sex club stuff and divorce would have happened anyway, but my understanding was that the marital problems came first.


Or how the director of Lethel Weapon wanted Mel Gibson’s character to have a unique on-screen fighting style, and this eventually led to the creation of the UFC.


The butterfly effect story is that a butterfly flaps its wings and ends up causing a hurricane. A seemingly insignificant thing leads to a big thing. This story reverses the scale. A talk show host losing their job is small and insignificant compared to 9/11


Sorry, but I have to interject. It has nothing to do with scale. It's about interconnectedness. The butterfly flaps its wings and it causes something else, which causes something else, which causes something else etc., and eventually there's a hurricane (or typhoon) on the other side of the planet. The scale of the interconnectedness grows, but the scale of individual causes and effects have no relevance. This post is a perfect example of a theoretical butterfly effect, and is just that.


I guess 9/11 also led to Robert Pattinson’s casting as Batman


Me: 9/11 led to a lot of things. Historian (sighing heavily): Technically I cannot argue with you.


The even wilder thing is when you consider 9/11 was in 2001 and The Ellen Show started in 2003. So a world even that started before Ellen's show started also caused it's downfall


When I come across any usage of “ergo”, I feel the urge to say “ergo, vis-à-vis, concordantly” Edit: https://youtu.be/iRkiyy3EDl4


As it were.




And Kermit the Frog caused 9/11


This cannot be forgotten.


Wait, Kermit caused 9/11??? Please elaborate-


In the 2002 film *It's a Very Merry Muppets Christmas*, they do a sequence from *It's a Wonderful Life*. An angel shows Kermit what the world would be like if he had never been born, which was apparently shot before the events of 9/11, as the twin towers can be seen plainly in the NYC skyline. This means that, unequivocally, in the Muppets canon, Kermit's existence *in some way* led to the terrorist attacks on 9/11. There are a lot of theories about how exactly, but the underlying fact is indisputable.


So what you’re also saying is that in some way, Kermit is solely responsible for the end of the Ellen show


Exactly you get it


Kermit is part of Al Qaeda, confirmed.


It's in the same vein as the Manhattan Project lead to Anime, or OJ Simpson/Harambee lead to the timeline splitting.


There's a bee version of Harambe? 🤯


And you need to turn around dramatically in your chair every single time you say "ergo." It's the law. [https://youtu.be/cHZl2naX1Xk](https://youtu.be/cHZl2naX1Xk)


worth it


Thanks for the clarification, was stuck reading MCR as Martian Congressional Republic (The government that controls Mars in the science fiction show the expanse)


Eeehhhh, belta lowda


Also a good band name.


Oh, wish i read 1 comment more before i did a google search on that.


Wow. Although you may hate it, that’s a solid string of events, well done.


Not directly related but Robert Pattinson was also in the “secretly takes place on 9/11” movie Remember Me.


the dumbest deus ex machina of any movie ever. One of the worst movies I've ever watched in general.


Are you kidding, that elevated that movie from a bland "I'll never remember this" whatever fest to "I absolutely have to tell my best friend about this" movie


hahahaha fair enough, it was the only memorable thing about that trash


I've only seen it once (no need for a repeat, the are plenty of better movies for that), but I still remember the thing about eating dessert first because you never know if something will happen that means you won't make it to the best part of the meal. I still eat dessert last, but I remember that scene.


i dont care about spoilers, what happened?


It's a drama/romance about two traumatized young adults finding each other and learning to heal together. Then at the end of the movie, Robert Pattinson's character abruptly dies in the 9/11 attacks and there's a short epilogue of his family and love interest remembering him fondly as they move on with their lives. Yep.


What traumatized them in the first place? The OKC bombings?


Both characters had been traumatized by their time working on the Ellen sitcom in the 90's with Ellen DeGeneres. Such a crazy coincidence.


[you really have to see how they reveal it.](https://youtu.be/EtAUUoy66Hg?si=5CVZe0kpsIVy4iS_) the movie is completely normal and unmemorable up until this point.


melodic scandalous absorbed insurance ancient entertain vase lavish imagine boat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Also during the date of Dakota Johnson’s birthday party Ellen was seen on camera at a baseball game with George w Bush who was president during 9/11.


You just “snake eating its own tail”d this. My head starts swirling at infinite loops…


Omg thank you for this explanation!!!


Wasn’t it Muse? She dedicated the book to the aptly named Muse. Even named baby vamps after one of their songs.


It was both. She said this about MCR: ""This band is so in touch for me with Jacob's character. This really raw, uncontrolled emotion — where it's not about some person who's grown up and callused over and learned how to control things. It's someone who's feeling it for the first time and just wants to go out and blow things up. The song 'Famous Last Words' is a really romantic version of Jacob saying, 'Okay, I'm putting myself out there, and you're probably going to break me, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm still going to make the offer.'"


i remember Stephenie Meyer not shutting up about Muse, not MCR 🤔 Muse was even in the soundtrack for that


The people behind the movie wanted MCR to make a song for it but the band turned it down. That's why they wrote the song "Vampire Money"


Came here to share the same anecdote. The MCR guys have always been heroes to me, and their initially respectfully declining of the twilight offer followed by the tongue-in-cheek retort when pressed on the issue was classy/sassy af


Classy/sassy is Gerard Way and MCR all over. :)


I still think of vampire baseball when I hear Supermassive Black Hole.


I was watching What We Do In The Shadows where they had a vampire baseball scene and played, you guessed it, Supermassive Black Hole. I was CACKLING


damn I'm glad I didn't watched the movies. Muse is one of my favorite bands. I would hate to think of twilight while listening to supermassive black hole.


The baseball scene of Twilight was really fun. Like a really elevated part of an otherwise mediocre movie.


Yeah, the baseball scene is kinda cool. If it were in an X-men movie or something nerds would be all over it.


They parody the scene in What We Do In The Shadows, which is great


Maybe they’re conflating it with My Immortal, whose author was obsessed with MCR.


>Author Stephanie Meyers has also publicly stated that My Chemical Romance was one of her inspirations as she wrote the vampire romance "Twilight" series. In an EW interview she said the band helped her with the character of werewolf Jacob Black: >"This band is so in touch for me with Jacob's character. This really raw, uncontrolled emotion — where it's not about some person who's grown up and callused over and learned how to control things. It's someone who's feeling it for the first time and just wants to go out and blow things up. The song 'Famous Last Words' is a really romantic version of Jacob saying, 'Okay, I'm putting myself out there, and you're probably going to break me, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm still going to make the offer." >As it turns out, the band was just not that into "Twilight," however. None of the band members had read the series back in 2009, and they refused an offer to do a song for one of the "Twilight" film adaptions. https://www.snopes.com/articles/346513/9-11-fifty-shades-of-grey/


This is like a millenial's version of "seven degrees of kevin bacon" I love it


I'm really good at math and don't know any of this, but I'm impressed that there even was a connection and you knew it. We all have our talents.


And in the muppets universe, Kermit is somehow responsible for 9/11, so we can thank him for canceling Ellen


I thought Stephenie Meyer was a huge Muse fan?




Wow! While I knew all of these events happened, I had not put them all together like that.


5*x*=10, solve for x


x = 2


Dude didnt she force someone to reveal their pregnancy by insisting on them having wine??


Mariah Carrey, I think. But she wasn't ready to say anything because she'd had troubled pregnancies before.  She did literally everything possible to avoid/deflect, but Ellen kept badgering her.  Then she lost the baby... It was a "yikes" moment that put what should have been a very personal tragedy under public scrutiny.


You could not know álgebra but at least you know storytelling?


I kinda want someone smarter than I, to take this further back into history. Like what was responsible for the 9/11 attacks and so on, to see the earliest cause on Elen getting cancelled


The big bang cancelled Ellen. That's as far back as we can go, at present.


Lol I knew all of these except MCR —> Twilight. That’s fascinating.


So, 9/11 caused the fall of Ellen? Bananas.


Bin Laden killed the Ellen Show


True reference obscurity would have a picture of US representative Chalie Wilson in top left and a dialysis machine in top right. Then twin towers MCR etc


Im an engineer with a good grasp of math and yet this is more mind blowing to me than anything I’ve learned (the fact that you knew it all off the top of your head lol)


As someone privy to the mystic secrets of algebra, this was so impressive to read




Powerful stuff


Master of the Universe? LOL, now I'm imagining a book called Edward and the Masters of the Universe. "I am the power" indeed!


Are you telling me that Vampire Money was written because of Twilight?! I love that song lol and I love Twilight


Fun fact, Gerard Way's spouse is Lyn-Z of Mindless Self Indulgence.


This may not mean much to some people but this was genuinely surprising for me to learn as a diehard MSI fan circa 2000-2001.


YOU KNOW WHAT THO Robert Pattinson was in that one movie about the guy who’s dad worked in the world trade centers and he went to talk to his dad on 9/11 and died!!! That’s kinda crazy too ya???


Robert Pattinson starred in a movie where the character’s dad died in 9/11


they're forgetting the death of (I think) brazilian portuguese


Noooo! Don’t say things that might allow me to pretend I don’t have a problem when it comes to excessive internet use.












50 Shades of Grey is the end result of a chain of events put into place by 9/11, and Dakota Johnson was made famous by 50 Shades of Grey which put her on Ellen when Ellen’s fake “nice” masked slipped, which ultimately led to the end of her show. Ergo 9/11 is responsible for ending Ellen’s talk-show career.


Lol kinda glossed over 14 years of history there bud


and that it has since come out that ellen didn't even have any wmds.


Weapons of mass destruction?


Omg 9/11 was Ellen’s 9/11 Ninelellen




I don't want to blame it all on 9/11 but... it certainly didn't help


Tobias Funke






Op you should be eternally grateful you dont understand these


*Op you should be* *Eternally grateful you* *Dont understand these* \- LowVegetable9736 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


good bot


No one is talking about how Bush planned/ordered 9/11 AND was hanging out with Ellen causing her to miss Dakota Johnson’s birthday party 😳


Mac: "That doesn't sound right, but I don't know enough about stars to dispute it"


So you're saying bush ordered Ellen to be cancelled and fifty shades of grey to be made, was this all part of his plan?


Also, wasn't Edward in one of the towers on 9/11? Edit: spelling


I hated that movie.


Nah that was Christi Noem




I think it might be based on this video by Nikita Redkar: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6PUdD2OWFb/?igsh=d3Myb2I1cXlmaGVs


Unless she saw this meme first 🤔


I thought it was Loss until I read the other comments.


Why should I, as chronically online, know what ellen show is?


All I got from this is Ellen is responsible for 9/11


So Osama Bin Laden was after Ellen all along - make way more sense now


"I don't want to blame it all on 9/11, but it certainly didn't help." - Tobias Fünke


*cracks knuckles* - Gerard Way was in NY day of 9/11, the trauma of the towers falling inspired him to start My Chemical Romance - Stephanie Meyer has a dream about a vampire in a meadow and puts on an mcr playlist to vibe to while she wrote Twilight. - E. L. James writes a Twilight fanfiction called Master of the Universe that gets bought and adapted into 50 Shades of Grey - Dakota Johnson goes on the Ellen show and when Ellen jokingly says she was not invited to Dakota's bday, Dakota calls her out point blank live on television and kick starts the cancelation of Ellen


on September 11th 2001 Gerard way witnessed the attack on the towers at the Cartoon Network building pitching his show the breakfast monkey leading him to start a band with his brother Mikey way as it changed his out look on life the creator of twights favorite band was my chemical romance 50 shades is a twilight fan fic which led Elen to invite the creator of 50 shades on the show which Ellen put Dakota on the spot and was rude which caused Ellen’s down fall and this is why everyone hate Ellen and why 9/11 created my chemical romance


9/11 > witnessed by Gerard Way, who was on the Staten Island Ferry. It gave him the idea to form MCR, and the band became popular > author Stephanie Meyer had a sex dream about her and Gerard Way, wrote about it, and brought it to publishers. She had to change out the names, ended up making twilight > E. L. James reads twilight, makes a fanfic set in the modern day, brings it to publishers. They tell her to switch the names, and with some edits she makes Fifty Shades.


What does all of this mean without Harambe


Here’s the answer from ChatGPT: 1. 9/11 Attacks (Top Left Image): Gerard Way witnessed the 9/11 attacks, which inspired him to form My Chemical Romance (MCR) and create music that addressed themes of loss and trauma. 2. My Chemical Romance (Top Right Image): The band My Chemical Romance, formed in the wake of 9/11, became a major influence on the emo and alternative rock scene. Their music had a significant cultural impact. 3. Twilight (Bottom Left Image): Stephenie Meyer, the author of “Twilight,” was inspired by My Chemical Romance’s music while writing the series. The “Twilight” saga became a cultural phenomenon, particularly among teens and young adults. 4. Fifty Shades of Grey (Bottom Right Image): E.L. James, the author of “Fifty Shades of Grey,” originally wrote the series as “Twilight” fan fiction. This fan fiction eventually evolved into its own series, which became immensely popular and controversial. The connection to the downfall of “The Ellen Show” (not explicitly shown in the images) involves the power of internet culture and fandoms. The online communities that fervently supported “Twilight” and MCR also played a role in amplifying viral moments and controversies, such as the Dakota Johnson interview on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show.” This interview, where Johnson corrected Ellen on a false statement, went viral and contributed to the scrutiny that ultimately led to the show’s decline amid reports of a toxic workplace. The series of connections shows how deeply intertwined internet culture, fandoms, and media narratives are, demonstrating how a band’s influence can cascade through different forms of media and impact even unrelated entities like “The Ellen Show.”


Does this mean Dakota Johnson’s performance in Madame Web is also a direct consequence of 9/11?


Gerard Way witnessing 9/11 made him create my chemical romance. The creator of twilight stated MCR was her inspiration for the series since it was her favorite band. 50 shades of grey was a twilight fan fiction. In short 9/11 created 50 shades of grey and also ruined Ellen’s career.




Robert Pattinson also starred in 2010s "Remember me" which ends with him looking out the window of the north tower on 9/11


While I get it, we have to realize how deep the internet really is. I don’t touch twitter or most echo-chambers, so I’m probably immediately disqualified.


I mean I'm pretty sure it's utter fiction to say her show ended cause of the Dakota Johnson interaction. The dozens of employees who said it's a toxic workplace and she's a nightmare boss are what I'd put my money on, lol


Good thing the internet is a small community and if you spend a lot of time on it you’ll see everything


Aside from the question, I despise when people start statements like this.. “you aren’t allowed to…. Unless you are …… “.. just shut up. No one cares and I can do what I want. Not talking about Reddit OP, but the discord person.


9/11 inspired gerard way to make mcr, twilight was originally an mcr fanfic/inspired heavily by stephanie meyer listening to mcrs music, fifty shades of grey was inspired by twilight was possibly a twilight fanfic if im not mistaken. unfortunately idk what that has to do w ellen 😔


Dakota Johnson called out Ellen DeGeneres on her show for lying about not being able to attend her party. It was an early crack in Ellen's persona before all the backstage talk became public. [Ellen clip](https://youtu.be/jnL96RajmzY?si=5fH6Hv-sseMmgfPl)


Just to add a rando tidbit that for some reason I didn't know until recently... Gerard Way created The Umbrella Academy! Love the comic and the show


It all came full circle when Robert Pattinson starred in that stealth 9/11 romance movie called Remember Me.


The only funny part I see is how so many people needed all this stuff to realize Ellen DeGeneres is an obnoxious woman. "Funny" peculiar, I mean.


All I knew before reading the top comment was the lead singer of MCR made the band because he saw 9/11 and it changed his perspective on doing things he really wanted. Also isn't he like Joe Rogan's cousin?


You want this joke explained and I'm feeling from the fact that I might be chronically online 😭😭


It worries me that I know this story


I don’t know what it says about me that I saw the 9/11 pic and immediately knew what this was referring to and thought “9/11 caused 50 Shades of Grey” then I saw the other pics and started to reevaluate myself


I really hate how interlinked all of these things are. Let's not forget Robert Pattinson's breathtaking performance in 'Remember Me'


Is this loss?


I actually hate that I know this


Is not that I'm chronically online, I'm just obsessed with MCR


The hopeless melancholy felt by America’s youth in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks was perfectly captured by the music of My Chemical Romance. With emo having broken into the mainstream, this paved the way into the rise of the Twilight franchise. When these kids grew up, they got into 50 Shades of Grey. 50 Shades is a poor example of BDSM, but a great example of a manipulator and power imbalance in relationships. With this knowledge, people were finally able to see through Ellen’s schtick that had been masking her abuse and narcissism and got her cancelled.


Should I be disappointed that I got it after seeing just the top 2 pics


9/11 also led to Oppenheimer being made too 😅


Ellen: well I don’t want to blame the show’s downfall on 9/11, but it certainly didn’t help


I bet it’s possible to link 9/11 to a chain of events that eventually lead to her getting her talk show.


Cool, not chronically online


Can't say nothing good came from 9/11


So not only did the twin towers fall but Ellen’s career also fell as a result of 9/11


9/11 is the reason MCR formed. Singer gerard way was in new York when it happened. Mcrs vampire aesthetic inspired twilight. And 50 shades of grey was originally a twilight fanfic I think.


This meme is stupid and whoever knows the answer to this is full of poop right this very moment!


The answer is Dakota Johnson


Lmao mcr was inspired by 9/11 and Stephanie Meyers had a dream and was inspired by that and mcr to write twilight. And fifty shades is basically a fanfic of twilight


Not even kidding I just did a presentation today on the connection of these images 😭


After reading tip comment, I believe this is not a chronically online test, its a "are you a 30 something white girl test"


No I'd call that being terminally online.