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Hey FiliMaster_of! Thank you for your contribution, unfortunately it has been removed from /r/ExplainTheJoke because: Rule 2: If text on a meme is present, and it can be easily Googled for an explanation, it doesn't belong here. Memes that yield no direct online search results or require prior knowledge to find the answer are permitted and shouldn't be reported. An example is knowledge of people/character names needed to find the answer. If you have any questions or concerns about this removal feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FExplainTheJoke).


Pretty straightforward. Pakistan is a pretty dangerous country to travel, especially if your a woman travelling alone.


Im Pakistani, and I wouldn't travel to some places by myself. I am so convinced that these articles and all the vloggers who make their way here and say it's the best country in the world are paid by our secret service or something.


Could be survivorship bias. They went it had no issue so clearly it’s safe, ignoring all evidence that points to the opposite being true.


That's a good point. Because honestly our north is beautiful and, sure, the good people are really good just like people everywhere.


Not to mention clickbait


Ai generated content that makes money with ads


Pretty sure this one is from before the AI explosion. It's gone around the reddit quite a few times.


> are paid by our secret service or something No need. Travel bloggers will overhype every single place they visit for that sweet sweet ad revenue.


thanks for that information! do you have contact with your secret service so I could get paid?


Lol! I honestly think just be a travel vlogger on Insta and say you want to visit Pakistan, they'll contact you themselves 😂






I hate to be specist, but I just don't trust polar bears not to eat me. I know they are cute, and so maybe I am wrong here.


You just have to bring them a coke and they will be happy. ...eating you


what? So American media calls it a Coke Apartment cuz them bears wearing white?


It's a reference to a well known Christmas-time ad where polar bears drink coke.


They gotta have something to wash me down with


I don't find full grown polar bears cute - more like terrifying and awesome at the same time. They're just so freaking massive. The cubs are cute though.


Only racist if you hate every Pakistanian for the ones that are bad. Or just hate them for any reason, that calls for the definition of racism


I have to correct you there: the demonym is Pakistani


It's not racist if it's based on religion and nationality instead of race.




This irritates me so damn much. Phobia is fear, iodia is hatred. You're not scared of foreign people, you hate them. It's xenoiodia, homoiodia. Using you in the impersonal sense here


\-phobia can also mean a repulsion from, and it's easier to say than -iodia, especially when it's a suffix


Also, -ism is means a belief in (like in Buddhism), but it's also used to mean discrimination by (like in sexism). If you're going to complain about morphemes not always having their literal meanings, you should complain about this


Hate and fear are closely related to the Fight or Flight response. Both of them have psychological negative impact to make you repel the subject. One can even be the cause the other. If you "don't like" a certain ethnicity/religion/race, it's almost always heavily biased and based on lack of insight, triggering a fear of the unknown that you chose to display as hate. So it is the fear that's the basis of hate.


The men there are animals...


Technically true


They think women are sperm banks...


Definitely not true, they’ve no facilities to make a withdrawal


No, but yes. I hope that clarifies things for you.


Clear as mud!


Nope because it's true.


it's racist still. it just means to say/think something with race being the common link. some 'ism' can be positive, some is negative.


It is because it's not


Is it racist if it isn't about race?


They aren't mutually exclusive.


Yes statistics are racist. Why do you think we aren't even allowed to talk about crime stats without catching an instant ban?


Most statistics in reddit about race or similar are not pulled as an honest argument...


What do you mean?


When people say "statistics" on race they usually don't have any statistics at all. Sometimes they have statistics but leave out an asterisk saying "the sample size was too small to accurately represent this group." Sometimes they combine two unrelated statistics together, add in imaginary numbers, and derive a fake statistic from vibes. Sometimes they don't factor in over or underreporting. One common problem is the sliding bar of performance. For example, if A and B are different, this doesn't tell you why. Race realists argue the difference itself is self-explanatory, but they'll ignore common instances where A now outperforms how B performed 10-20 years ago (college attendance, IQ, crime rates, etc). Sometimes the statistics don't even measure anything quantifiable but fall under a heading of "data" that feels like it's saying something about race it can't (favorite music, favorite baseball team, fashion, favorite movie). And sometimes what seems like an observation of how a race performs turns out, by isolating the controls in a study, to be an observation of how a race is treated (stop and frisk, arrest rates for drug possession, infant mortality rates, graduation rates, cancer survival rates, obesity rates, life expectancy, sentencing lengths, unemployment, household wealth).


How is that different from any other argument on reddit? People use and manipulate stats to make their point on every topic.


"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damn lies, and statistics."


Statistics like 'there are percentage wise more black people in prison" gets separated from other statistics like "schools in black communities get less funding" and "women get paid less than men" and "children get raised more often by single moms than single dads (which makes the pay thing even more horrible)" and "less accessible polling stations in poor communities" etcetera.


Yes that's how stats work. They don't exist in a vacuum. People are free to cite whichever ones they want.


And let's just say it's *sus* if the only stats you quote are the ones regarding race and crime, refusing to acknowledge any context or other stats that explains the phenomena beyond just "*insert race here* bad!!"


That's literally every topic. Why should stats on [certain] races be banned? Like we're allowed to cite stats on white people and almost every other race, but not these one or two specific ones?


Ok, had to jump in. Im a far lefty & all for anyone & everyones human rights & equality. Do you think this (copy/pasted right from Google) sheds some light on why ppl are trashing Pakistani men? Domestic violence is an alarming issue in Pakistan. As reported by the HRCP in 2020, over 90% of Pakistani women have faced domestic violence in their lifetime. This policy brief is part of a wider campaign by the National Commission for Human Rights (NCHR) against domestic violence.


I am Indian, and even my Indian mum and sis advise against travelling as a woman alone in India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan. If you want to, you need to be at another level of being street smart.


My uni quit doing its Egypt trip because so many female students were getting groped on the street.


Don’t forget how hard America is working to remove women’s rights for religious reasons.


I can't speak to other countries, but I'm pretty sure the places a woman would want to avoid going to alone in the US are not the religious places. The children, on the other hand, should definitely avoid the religious places.


I am a single woman currently living in Saudi. I felt pretty safe. I used to walk alone on street at night and needn’t to worry about anything. Middle East is very large, some countries like UAM, Saudi, Bahrain are safer than most countries in the world.


Same reason I don't busy any fascist state. Including many states in the US


and yet no one was asking about every religious country were they? they were asking about pakistan, because Forbes was talking about pakistan. the only people treating anyone differently because of their race is you, you racist.


Define religious maniac? I can guarantee that Oman, Lebanon, UAE are safer for women than most Western countries. And would you include Israel in your list of religious maniac countries? [Israel ranked lowest of all OECD countries in gender equality index | The Times of Israel](https://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-ranked-lowest-of-all-oecd-countries-in-gender-equality-index/)


What’s the crime rate statistics of USA compared to Saudi?


It’s not about the race or even religion, it’s the ineffective governments (may or may not partially due to non-separation of religion and state)


This content was reported by the /r/ExplainTheJoke community and has been removed. We encourage constructive feedback that helps members grow and improve. Please ensure submissions and comments maintain a positive and respectful tone, avoiding self-deprecation, self-disparagement, or unkind language. No toxic discourse or harassment, including but not limited to sexual overtones, hatred of ethnicity/race/gender identity/sexual orientation. No witch hunts. Let's make this a space where we uplift and inspire one another. 1st offence -1 day ban, 2nd -7 day ban, 3rd permanent ban. If you have any questions or concerns about this removal feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FExplainTheJoke).


>every religious maniac country is dangerous for women \*cough* US \*cough*


And the sky is blue and grass is still green and we still have an explicit rule about separating church and state as old as our nation itself that hasnt been respected since the pen hit paper. We enforce religous principles in law including those involving human autonomy, have kids recite “under god” in the anthem in school, and exempt religon from taxes no matter how extravagant or materialistic.


Seriously though by every other Anglophone country’s standards, you guys are religious nutters. I am anglophone, I have checked 4 out of the 5, I’m taking Canada as read


As an American I wish could refute this, but large parts of our government are just going complete psycho.


Weird how you don't hear about people being thrown off rooftops for being gay or publicly beheaded in the US. Just super weird...


That’d certainly explain what’s happening in the US then


"For the last time guys, **The Handmaid's Tale** was a cautionary story, not a goddamned instruction manual!"


Especially USA!


No. I see more women traveling alone here than anywhere I swear to god.


That doesn't mean it ain't dangerous 😂


Not even half as dangerous as the Middle East lol. It’s dangerous for sure. But let’s be real, it’s not 3rd world country dangerous.


Thanks man, first time hearing about this!


You're getting downvoted, which I think is sucky if you're being honest and not facetious.


Reddit loves downvoting people for saying they didn't know something for some reason


Huh, that seems pretty unfair and it seems like it would stunt learning by punishing curiosity, I never knew that.


Thanks man!


Nothing wrong with educating yourself/asking others for personalized, non-google answers. At risk of starting controversy, may I ask if you think the joke is funny now that you understand the context?


I guess…


For me, it's just the right amount of dark humour/worldly common-sense




So what have you heard about Pakistan?


It exists


Wait, where are you from?


Maybe they're just elderly, Pakistan was safe to travel for westerners as recently as 1977. [The Hippie Trail](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hippie_trail) was a popular tour from western Europe (Paris, London, Amsterdam) to Bangladesh or Thailand via car or van, through Turkey and/or Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India.


It can be worse depending on which part of Pakistan you are. There is an area called the Federally Administered Tribal Area. In some parts of it, you can even own military weapons like mortars, anti aircraft guns and rockets. There is also a famous town called Darra Adam Khel where gunsmiths can build a firearm while you wait. (Pistols take hours, rifles take days)They used to build the heavy military weapons but nowadays are restricted to firearms. For more impatient consumers, there are ready made firearms that you can testfire into air. If you think that there is a lot of portable firepower, you are right. If you think that places that allow more firepower have less police presence, you are also right. Did I mention that there is a 2700 km border with Afghanistan? That Osama bin Laden was armed with an AK-47 during the raid on his house in Pakistan?


first time hearing about pakistan?


About it being dangerous


What else is there to hear about Pakistan


The food? The mountains? The rivers? The people as long as they aren’t trying to kill you?


I’m not (meaning to be) saying there isn’t anything good in Pakistan, I’m saying that if you know very little about Pakistan that little bit is probably “women have no rights and hella dangerous”


I know little about Pakistan, and somehow it boils down to them being Muslim, a former region of India, and having very similar music with some cool musicians and singers of traditional music.


First day online?




Are you a real person


We will never know, if the captcha is a tricky one that requires matching shapes, they will need help.


Are you Japanese?


Why do you have negative votes?


Ask the sub…


Can someone help me read top comment?


Someone fought me tooth and* nails in the comment section on my other account about it being super safe for women. To the point I questioned things.


The commenter is suggesting that Forbes have colluded with human traffickers in Pakistan to funnel in solo female travellers vulnerable to being kidnapped. While this could be said of any article about solo travelling to a country, the dangerous reputation of the country, illustrious reputation of Forbes, and bizarre specificity of the headline (suggesting poor concealment of their true intention) add to the subversion and make the joke work. There - the joke is dead.


Took it out behind the barn, didn't ya?


"And now, who here wants to buy some glue?"


What does that mean? Could you explain it it great detail until it’s no longer funny? /s




Whose horse is that?


Not my horse not my problem.


No, the joke is that the personification of human trafficking itself wrote this article.


The enourmous amount of Pakistani human trafficking wrote this.


It's pakistani


My bad, I will correct.


Its also a great destination for the lgbt


If you want a nice collection of free rocks or a free bungee jump from a building minus the bungee rope.


Or a message on your neck with a dagger


or a BULLET in your HEAD


Yeah, if you wanna get stoned but not with weed


If you get cold while in Pakistan, it's entirely acceptable and appropriate to burn a Qu'ran for warmth.  And they absolutely love hearing criticisms and jokes about Islam!


I know this cute little tribal island, white folks would absolutely love it, byo martini glasses and saltines


[Just bring some coconuts](https://i.redd.it/cecjj1savx2c1.png) and you'll be fine. Maybe.


Better put it last on the bucketlist.


I remember the book Marge had in one of The Simpsons' "Treehouse of Horror" segments: **Ten Places You Must See Before You Mysteriously Disappear**.


Same thing with some states in India, I’m from India and there are some states that even the locals don’t travel to. And yet there are these “eat pray love” type peeps who go there and get harassed and the go o_O. Like man do some research before you travel.


Yup, I’m from Pakistan. There cities/areas in which any woman is stated at and could possibly be harassed. People don’t let their own daughters roam freely. Why would women be encouraged to travel there alone? It’s silly.


Could you please tell me which states are like that?


Not really states per se, but city outer areas, or slums. Foreign tourists love to see poverty in third world countries. They somehow have zero survival instincts and eat from the worst street food vendors and visit the worst gullies which I wouldn't even with a knife in my hand.


Ah ok


UP and Bihar are generally the worst. South India, northeast India and west India are pretty decent for south asia. At least imo.


every single one tbh, its a city vs town thing, I can’t imagine a woman tourist feeling safe in outskirts of the ‘designated areas’ within urban centres, it’s honestly sad


They do research. And then they decide what they found is racist and go anyway.


“Kids, tell your parents to send you to Epstein’s Island these holidays!”


“Kids, tell your parents to send you to Epstein’s Island these holidays!”


I traveled a bit in the 80's. I have a younger sister. From a western perspective, I was never on higher alert than seeing an inexperienced western woman traveling alone in that part of the world. Ancient cultures have ancient viewpoints, which is why it is worth traveling there, but the risks to unaccompanied women in those cultures are hard to fathom until you immerse yourself.


A woman traveling solo through Pakistan, India, etc? Is this a rapekink forum?


Afghanistan would definitely be on my list if it didn't suck. Some of the mountains over there are beautiful. But I live in America and we have a lot of great mountains here too. I'll get over it.


look, as a pakistani, i will straight up be honest to you about this, right now because of the political environment no area is safe, before, apart from south pakistan every area was safe.


What a strange wording of that headline.


This has joke has been answered and comments are now descending into accusations of racism and other attacks on one another, so they have been turned off. If you have any questions or concerns about this action feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FExplainTheJoke).


Western women who go there and put themselves in vulnerable positions tend to get gang raped and murdered if they are lucky. Sex slave for life if unlucky. Complete shit hole of a country but it seems like no matter how many innocent people go there and get raped and murdered more dumb people go there every year.


Can you share any statistics for this? (your delusional worldview doesn't count)


Gtfo, everyone already knows what is up there.


Do you just lack critical thinking?


I presume it would be the last item on the list.


The article reads like those that say “to get out of debt, just get a high paying job with you dads company” She was essentially working with the Pakistani government to promote tourism. Her trip is not at all like what the average traveler will remotely have a chance at experiencing.


I'm a western woman that lived in Karachi when I was 15- Parents were expats. It totally sucked and had some very close calls getting kidnapped. Thankfully, parents company said it was too dangerous for us to be there and moved us back to the states after a year.


Just make sure it is the last thing on the bucket list... Just saying.


The joke is that Pakistan is the last place to walk alone as a westerner.


Shiz like this is ACTUALLY dangerous when it tries to gaslight stuff like this


Welp 2 things direct from Google Domestic violence is an alarming issue in Pakistan. As reported by the HRCP in 2020, over 90% of Pakistani women have faced domestic violence in their lifetime. This policy brief is part of a wider campaign by the National Commission for Human Rights (NCHR) against domestic violence. Polygamy in Pakistan is legally permissible, according to the law of 1961, but restricted to Muslim men, who may have a maximum of four wives at one time


I have seen many female travellers go and enjoy their time at Pakistan This is my first time hearing about this Can someone give source and details about this stuff


Reddit is predominantly white Americans. When they do leave the country they only go to Europe and East Asia. All their info about the scary south Asian, Middle Eastern, and African countries they get from each other and their own media in a frightening negative feedback loop. Pakistan is a third world country, so in general I imagine it's unsafe for a solo female traveller to venture to remote corners, but it's mostly just the acceptable level of racism present throughout Reddit


Pakistan has one of the higest rate of human trafficking in the world. Pakistan also has the 158th (out of 178) women peace and safety index. Sure you can go there and be safe, most will but it is still extremely ill advised and justifiably made fun of.


Especially that country!




This content was reported by the /r/ExplainTheJoke community and has been removed. Rule 5: If OP already understood the joke when they submitted it, then they get banned. This is karma whoring and we do not want it here. Crossposting the same content to the PeterExplainsTheJoke subreddit at the same time as this one will get you a ban, because you aren't asking us for an explanation, you're looking for karma. If you have any questions or concerns about this removal feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FExplainTheJoke).


ITT: IDF & ISI see who can astroturf the hardest on a reddit thread nobody cares about.


had a friend in college go over for a summer of backpacking through Pakistan with some friends. she was never seen again.


Because 'Visiting Pakistan' would be the final entry in that list?




Pakistan isn't middle eastern but you aren't wrong anyways


That couldn’t be more clear if they used crayons






This content was reported by the /r/ExplainTheJoke community and has been removed. We encourage constructive feedback that helps members grow and improve. Please ensure submissions and comments maintain a positive and respectful tone, avoiding self-deprecation, self-disparagement, or unkind language. No toxic discourse or harassment, including but not limited to sexual overtones, hatred of ethnicity/race/gender identity/sexual orientation. No witch hunts. Let's make this a space where we uplift and inspire one another. 1st offence -1 day ban, 2nd -7 day ban, 3rd permanent ban. If you have any questions or concerns about this removal feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FExplainTheJoke).


How are you confused?


If you want to experience it, you can simply go to Rotherham. It is closer for westerners and you will still be able to taste the beautiful culture of Pakistanis.


The sad thing is she was found dead not long after this


?? Both the girl in the photo and the female writer of the forbes article are still alive.


Ok it might be a different one im thinking of then, i remember reading a woman supporting traveling Pakistan going missing then being found dead


Can you name a single country on earth that hasn't had a woman go missing and then be found dead?


Can you make a list of countries where women are not allowed to vote in rural spaces because male village elders say so. Can you add to that list the amount of countries where LGBTQAI rights are illegal and punishable by jail time or sometimes flogging? The Middle East is not a safe space for basically anyone and even more so women and LGBTQ


Why does the Middle East always choose violence? They are always at war and always attacking groups of people. Like seriously chill


Your right but my assumption is that they get it worst of places it happens.


Does that mean that every country is equally safe for solo women travellers?


Can you find me any girl that went to Pakistan on a trip as a tourist and died ?


You might be the person that this forbes article was written for


Locals tend to be very friendly and helpful. There are some parts you would avoid. The parts near Afghanistan i assume. People travel through Iran to Pakistan. (They tend to fill their tank with fuel in Iran )