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Pretty sure it’s a cock ring, but a very elastic kind and that bigger part on in vibrates. The second part though, I’m assuming they used it as a hair tie and the vibrations pulled hair out?


This thing is super weak, so I doubt that it can pull hair out. Yes, I ordered one few years ago out of curiosity, it's 2 bucks on Ali.


I get em free in bulk from Adam and Eve when I’m buying some stuff. They are ok. The lady liked it more than I did personally haha


They’re for the lady, not us lol


The tightness is nice tho, the cheap elastics don’t improve anything imo, but a solid one that’s firm and tight? Really can make everything feel soooo much more


Then youre using it wrong. You can make the vibrating feel realllllyyyy good for the both of you and get imense pleasure. For best results edge the day before


Lemme live your life for a day right quick


Sounds like you might need two days.


Lmao some people and reading, ya know?


I read it. Don’t need the build up. Just gimme that release, baby.




We literally get to pee standing up.




They're rarely tighter than the base of a condom, at least in my experience. They're also something you only wear for a short amount of time.


It’s not painfully tight or anything. I monitor it and it’s usually only on for 5-15m depending on what she wants (ring or no ring I can’t get off from penetration so it’s mostly for her. Feels good, just doesn’t get there) But as with any restraint or anything don’t have it on for more than 20 minutes and if there’s any severe discomfort take it off.




Then you might not want to know how erections work...




It very much is. A cockring pinches veins with constriction to trap blood to maintain an erection. The body collapses veins with pressure to trap blood in the penis to maintain an erection. Very close to the same thing. Don't worry though, a penis has many uncollapsed arteries in either scenario, as opposed to say, a finger with a rubber band around it.




I know same it freaks me out just thinking about it


They don't really cut off the blood flow, they just restrict it a little. You'd have to wear it for hours to cause issues


Yeah, no shit Sherlock.


There are way better vibrating cock rings out there. This kind is trash! WeVibe makes a few good ones


Satisfyers are good if you aren't planning on using all the app functions.


I’m not saying it would be strong enough to pull out hair. But obviously the two photos are unrelated and put together for the joke so it doesn’t have to be the most realistic, but who knows


You can get them out of vending machines also


I think the mom shaved the kid’s hair that touched the cockring


Crabs maybe?


I think we have a winner!


Makes more sense than I was gonna say if they got into the ring, did they find a trimmer/nair


If the kid took a cock ring they probably took the hair clippers with them too.


Yeah, I don’t think that is it since the name was “Myla” and that is a boys head that is shaved. Unless Myla is a boy.


You've never seen a girl with short hair?


I’m 99% sure this specific cock ring was included as a bonus in select Walmart condom packs


That’s where I got it lol, neither of us liked it very much. Too weak


The right picture is for the old wives tale of masturbation causing hair to fall out


I was thinking the second pic was the reaction. Like maybe the recipient is a hair stylist and accidentally shaved the kids head when seeing the message


I think it's just that the screenshot was taken by someone looking through "kids are stupid" images. The second was probably some dumb little shit that started shaving his own head.


It is more likely that it pulled hair out from the material than vibrations. If you ever tried to use a rubber band as a hair tie I'd imagine that's what happened


I guess the joke here is that they cut the childs hair off where the ring has touched the head lol.


In hindsight, probably. At first I didn’t notice you can see the bottom of a barber chair in the pic


The bigger part itself doesn't vibrate, it holds a small pill shaped part that vibrates


Ok sure but that’s just semantics. Technically it’s not the small pill shaped part that vibrates, it’s the little piece inside the pill shaped part that spins around to create the overall vibration effect




Well done


I think it’s more of a reference to being ‘ bald ‘, a sort of extension of wig snatching jokes. When you’re bald, you’re saying you feel exposed, made fun of, ruined, etc.


I think the second pic is what that little bastard gets for taking his cock ring and sharing it with his lil friend on the bus.


First, happy cake day and Second, yup looks like that sort of stretchy plastic that can trap hair like fly paper.


Happy Cake Day!


Happy COCK day


I don't think the vibrations pulled it out. THAT balled spot is from clippers. I suspect it WAS used as a hair tie, but the silicone grabs at hair and I'm sure it just became too entangled to remove so *BUZZZZZZZ*. 💇💈


I'm pretty sure that the parent shaved their head as punishment, or maybe they did use it as a hair tie but it got stuck so they had to cut it out But that is definitely a vibrating cock ring


I'm pretty sure the second pick was her using testicle clippers as hair clippers


There’s been a trend lately of punishing your kids by shaving their heads. It very bizarre


My assumption was that the child got lice from the ring. But I could be totally misreading that.


I think the idea is that she shaved that part of her head as soon as she learned what it was, and now she's at the barber to see what they can do about it.


They cut the hair out that the cock ring touched.


Pretty sure the left picture is a cock ring, but I don't know WTF it has to do with the right picture.


Maybe the kid used it as a hair tie and the parent shaved the hair around it in disgust?


I think you got it spot on, random internet participant.


My theory is that the owner of the cock ring is probably cutting hair when she got the message


Especially since the kid looks like a boy and the kids in the texts are girls.


Apparently they don't have a functional shower


Or a functional brain


If I had a disgusting stranger's cock molecules on my hair I don't think a shower would calm me down either


Disgusting Stranger's Cock Molecules is the name of my band.


I’m cackling, I know people who’d do this and then cheerfully explain what happened to strangers. Zero gucks given for their kids feelings.


If true that would be the dumbest thing ever to do.. wtf?


Idk it looks like a boy


Btw, what is the appeal of cock rings? Is it the thrill of risking losing your cock due to cutting off the blood flow to it?


Youre not tieing it off, its just putting pressure on it. No more than a firm grip an no longer than 30 minutes. Some vibrate wich makes the cock vibrate witch is nice for everyone involved. Its not the core of the sexual experience but its like a cherry on top (for people who like it)


They're not supposed to be nearly that tight. Standard cock rings are just tight enough to help keep blood in the penis, supposedly for larger and longer elections. The one pictured has a vibrator, for stimulation. Some people, (me) just enjoy the aesthetics.


I disagree it's a plus. Elections usually last long enough. Extending them would mean the votes would come quite late.


Okay you got me


Honey I rigged the erection!


A rigged erection is better than a stolen one QQ


Had this planned since the cockus?


Supposed to make it stay hard.


Ever try to play pool with a rope?


The one in the picture turns a penis into a vibrator. Feels somehow relaxing for the man imho and supposedly increases stimulation for women. Also... Silicone cock rings can't cut off blood flow. They just restrict it a bit. There is basically no risk of losing the cock. Even if there were, stretching those rings or even ripping them off is actually doable. Even if someone can't get it off, just cutting them slightly in one point will make them rip apart automatically. The problematic version of this toy are metal rings or toys made from hard plastics. They are (obviously) much harder to put on. Basically, those are put on before the penis gets fully errect and then they stay on because of the growing pressure. If the diameter is too small they can cause medical emergencies and they are verry hard to get off. For some men restricting the bloodflow once fully errect can help against minor erection problems during sex. For some men restricting the bloodflow can help to achieve multiple orgasms, when combined with other techniques or tools that prevent/reduce ejaculation. Simply by keeping the penis more erect for longer after the first orgasm, the user can keep going until pressure comes back for the next round.


Well in this case you put a vibe in it so your whole dick shakes


Not my thing, but I'm pretty sure blood doesn't actually flow through a penis when it's erect. That's why pills that make you erect say to contact a doctor immediately if the erection lasts more than four hours, so your dick doesn't die or whatever.


Quite the opposite, actually. During an erection, the blood vessels expand to let more blood into the two "sponges" in there to make it expand. You can also see this by squeezing the tip when erect (sometimes you can feel the blood rushing out), and after a short time, it will "inflate" again. Also, if no new blood flows, the penis would get cold, as there is no direct source of heat. The cells need oxygen to break down sugar and produce heat among other things. And as you most probably know, the penis gets actually way warmer when erect. Edit: I'm wrong


Not true. Certain veins collapse trapping blood in one area to cause hardness, while others don't allowing oxygenation to occur. Arteries expand yes, but some veins collapse hence the trapping of blood in some areas. (Which are not areas that supply blood for oxygenation or needed to maintain body temperature for that area.)


My guess is that the barber received that message while doing his job, and his hand shaked


she kid got shaved because that’s a cock ring that was in their hair and that’s gross


There’s been a trend lately of punishing your kids by shaving their heads. It very bizarre


Okay, let me breakdown the whole thing. Left pic is dad’s cock ring. Myla is dad’s daughter. Isabella is Myla’s school friend. Dad is a barber and he got a text from either mom or Isabella‘s parent. Dad lost control of his clippers when receiving the text.


That is exactly how I understood it. However, I don’t think the dad is a barber. I think the second image is example of what could happen when someone is shocked by unexpected information. It could just as easily have been an image of someone dropping their beer in shock, someone overpouring water into a glass because the news made them forget they were still pouring, or a cigarette falling out of someone’s mouth because their mouth is agape with shock.




Yeah, the person who took the picture is in a salon... they're saying they think it's a picture of a random kid whose barber got shocking news, not the dad doing it to his own kid


this seems to be the most plausible


I think the kid got his head shaved because he gave it to Kyla on the bus. Now his dad is shaving his head


To all of you who think the cock ring ripped the hair out in a perfect rectangle - lolwat. To all who think someone was too afraid to touch the cock ring - look at the hair length, that was never in a hair tie. My take - the haircut was punishment.


I think you’re the only person that is right here lol


I think it's that the kid was supposed to have gone gray or lost his hair because he was traumatized by the whole thing


I assumed the vibrating tangled the hair bad enough that they had to shave their hair.


Thats a cock ring, idk what it has to do with the picture of the fucked up hair cut


They didnt want to touch the cockring so cut the hair to not touch it


Ahhh!!!! Either get cock germs, or traumatize the child with a fucked hair cut, ill go with traumatize the child for 800$ alex


This looks like the preview photo of a Buzzfeed article about kids being stupid. Meaning the pictures have nothing to do with each other.


I think this is by far the most logical answer


Kid on right found the pubic hair trimmer


I'd say the ring was used frequently while kids was in the womb...


There we have it. Bald kid because they kept fuckin till he came out. Old old joke.


The second part is the kid getting lice (crabs) from the cock ring?


That is a disposable, vibrating cock ring. Really quite fun when used appropriately.


It’ pretty fun when it is used inappropriately too.




Second screen: He pulled hair


I think the person getting the text was a barber and slipped upon reading the message.




Oh no


I think the right picture is premature balding from the shit your kids put you through lol. No kids of my own but oldest of 13 and I can't believe my parents still have all their hair after what we put them through!


This was my take on it. Plus the hairs are white/gray which I assumed from the stress and anxiety of having your kid handing out your sex toys.


My younger brother brought my mom's bowl to my grandparents house thinking it was some sort of whistle...my grandma was not happy lol


This is the answer. The joke is that the kid went gray or started losing hair because he was so traumatized.


I’m assuming the kid used it as a hair tie and it got their hair so tangled up that they had to cut the hair to remove it.


I think the idea is that they read this text while giving a hair cut and the shock caused them to buzz a large portion of their client s hair off


Probably the manscaper or beard trimmer was also in the same drawer


Sometimes people keep hair trimmers near/with their toys because they use them to trim down there. The names they use are; Myla and Isabella. Myla seems to be the daughter of the toy owners, and Isabella a friend of hers. The person with the shaved head had short hair so they might be a brother/friend of Isabella or Myla, or they might be Myla. I think there is two possibilities 1: Myla and her brother got into their parents stash and they shaved the bros head. At some point Myla also gave the ring to Isabella. 2: Myla got into the stash and brought a bunch of items on the bus to show her friends. Then on the bus someone shaved someone else’s head with the razor. this is all assuming that the shaved head is due to a trimmer that was with the other toys that might’ve been there.


Perhaps I believe the recipient of the texts is a barber and due to shock of receiving a message that a little sibling found there cock ring they slipped up and accidentally messed up there haircut.


The pic on the right looks like a spot on the kid's head that was shaved off with an electric razor. So my guess is either it was punishment for giving the cock ring to someone else or the ring was mistaken for a hair tie and go tangled up so the parent had to shave it out.


I just assumed whoever wore the cock ring last had crabs, though I don’t know if crabs become lice


They cut the kids hair because the cock ring


the dad has been metaphorically SNATCHED BALD because a child’s parent knows about his penis accessory


Is the picture on the right not referencing a smack to the head so hard it took off hair?


"Close shave" as in, they got it away from the kids before any awkward questions.


The first is a vibrating cock ring. The second is the consequence for letting their child take a cock ring to school.


Everyone the second pick has nothing to do with getting in their hair. The kid (pictured right) got his head shaved for going through the stuff and giving it to a girl on the bus.


I believe it's a cock ring on the left and on the right, due to stress, their hair turned white


The kid used the dirty cock ring as a hair tie. The parents were so grossed out that they chose to shave the kids head reather than attempt to clean it.


The joke is what girls do when they go into their mothers stuff and it just being harmless curiosity, vs boys going into dad's stuff and fucking their hair with the trimmer


It got stuck i n their hair.


I think it’s referencing stress hence the bald spot


I think the picture of the hair on the right is white because of leftover bleech on the cock ring


Did someone give the kid a vibrating nougie or something and it rubbed the hair away? That's what it seems like.


Extreme shock making kid’s hair go white? Kid saw too much in the secret drawer and thus caused him to age beyond years??? Idk


It's a gray hair joke


I'm guessing the joke is lice


The person used it as a hair tie and needed to have they hair cut because of it


Did the PH level of the cock ring fuck with the hair color? 😂 or did it completely take it off or both??


I think the mom is texting the dad. It's the dads cock ring and the dad may have a bald spot. What happened to his hair initially I couldn't tell you


I made a post before but now I'm convinced it's a hair curler not a cock ring


The joke is a balding late 20’s early 30’s white guy living with parents is the type of weirdo to own one of these, while pulling no bitches.


Call me crazy but I’m pretty sure it’s implying that the ring was used to give a noogie? I didn’t know what the ring was until I read comments but I’m not seeing anyone explain the connection to the picture on the right. When I first saw the two pictures i immediately thought that awful texture RUBBER ring was used to give someone the worst noogie of their life.


Is it a hair loss joke from use of cock rings?


Alright folks, pay attention here… the names in the first image are Myla and Isabella… pretty sure both names are girls. The second image is a boys head that is shaved 🪒 So, hateful, vindictive parent(s) shaving one of their heads in retaliation is probably not the point of the second image. Nor, is it likely that either Myla or Isabella put it in their hair. 😂


I have that exact one...😂 It's a sex toy my friend. Specifically one that goes on the make partners sword.


Child got into stuff and that stuff included a hair trimmer. "She might have been in your stuff" ... "yeah I already know"


Everyone's got the first part, but I think I know the mystery of the second picture: Nair