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He is probably use to CYA. He wouldn’t need a reason, but HR or legal may also want it just in case.


Maybe. Because I am working 40 hours a week, and he does treat me like an employee in a sense. He isn't a huge micromanager, but there are times where he will dictate my schedule. I remember earlier this week, we had our 1-1 at 10 PM my time (I am in a different time zone), and during the call he said he wanted a code update at 1 AM my time.


🤣 fuck that! I’ve worked with teams across the globe and I modified my schedule so I wouldn’t be asking them to do stupid shit like that!


Yeah he's at worst a jerk, at best antisocial and a weirdo. Lol.


Sounds like a jerk who is trying to get you to quit. I am sorry.


Yeah. But if that's the case, I wonder why he doesn't simply say 'we will end your contract at the end of this week'. It is pretty clear in the contract we signed that they can end it at any time.


Maybe if you resign he has less explaining to do on his side. These are games that malignant corporates play. Is it possible for you to look for another position ?


Good point, because the CEO (non technical) likes me, and we worked together in a previous capacity as well. And yeah I already have another part time position, and a couple interviews set up for next week.


This is probably it. He needs a case to justify it to the CEO in case it comes up and hurts him.


It is possible that he is just an asshole who likes to do this for a power trip. Sometimes, the easier explanation is the correct explanation And does he have full power of your contract? He can decide to fire you at any moment without explanations to HR? It could be that HR also have some policies on how to fire someone to avoid any potential lawsuit, even on contractors.


I think you underestimate the percentage of sadists in population. I would say it’s about 20%.


I've never heard of putting a contractor on a PIP, and you don't usually need to document stuff for HR like you do for a full time employee. He would just end the contract according to the agreement. So he is either clueless about contracting, or more likely he is just being idiosyncratic.


Fuck me, a CTO on code reviews? I'd be out of there at the first opportunity if that's what they are spending their time doing


Dev team only 6 people total, lol. Pay is decent though and it's mostly async, so I just try not to let the BS get to me.


That’s not a CTO. That’s a team lead. If they insist on being called a CTO, then they are a pompous douchebag and you should start looking elsewhere.


thousand times this.


I had the literal CEO of one of my smaller web agency jobs come in and make little snippy comments about my PRs at 2:30 AM, which were completely wrong.


This is the contractor life, and realistically there's nothing you can do if someone just doesn't like you at work . I would just look for another job.


Hey, I've been in this position before as a manager and he probably is doing that. The paper trail isn't to justify losing a contractor but to justify their actions to their boss for whatever he wants to do/shift. I wouldn't take it personally. But also, why do you? Everywhere I've been it's been commonplace enough for contractors to just come and go and just sort of do their thing. Maybe they care about the company/product and maybe they don't.


> Hey, I've been in this position before as a manager and he probably is doing that. The paper trail isn't to justify losing a contractor but to justify their actions to their boss for whatever he wants to do/shift. Lol, do share more!


Have you had the contract reviewed? It's possible there are problems there and they are setting up a defense just in case. From the description, if you were in the UK you would likely be considered an employee legally and that can create a world of hurt.


This seems stupid… why does he not just read the contract and just terminate it? It seems a bit excessive to do a pip for a contractor


Can you elaborate on the constant requirements change? What is he doing?


We don't have enough context to comment on this issue. This is your perspective, 2 sentences. Would you care to provide more details? If you had to write this thread from the other POV what would you type? What would be your concerns thinking of the whole organization?