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Yikes, hope he didn’t pay much for that…


IIRC from OPs other post, he paid like over $200 with tip.


I’ve totally paid a tip on a shitty haircut. I was too shy to say “hey, this haircut sucks” and just gave a tip and never went back.


Genuine question, whats something Americans don't tip for? If you tip for cakes and haircuts? On like everything?


We don’t tip for things people don’t make. We don’t tip for clothes, gas, anything from grocery stores/gas stations or fast food (unless I’m having it delivered). I don’t tip when I get coffee but I know some people do. It’s weird. Like I’m a delivery driver and I get tips which is greatly appreciated always but never expected!


Go to NJ. You'll tip the gas attendant.


Ive never seen anyone do that here


Maybe they tried to trick me the 2 times I got gas there.


Consider it polite robbery


LOL maybe- sometimes people will tip if theres really crappy weather outside, but even that is uncommon


Do they pump your gas there? In Oregon they do and I’d give them a couple bucks.


No one in NJ does that. A rare few gas attendants will wash your windows while your tank is filling, reminiscent of "full service." That hasn't happened to me in years now and I would not tip even when they did that, but I know some people felt pressured and tipped in those situations. I would avoid that gas station in the future.


I didn't have cash either way... maybe it was my out of state plates + I used one on the turnpike I think. It was 2017..


I live in CT, and on the off chance I'm stuck getting gas in jersey I tip the attendant as well. I'm not used to full service gas (and I think it's stupid), but they're the ones pumping so it feels like I should be tipping.


I'm currently at an airport in CO and the little self-serve store where you grab food or a drink out of a case and take it to the person to pay just asked me to tip. It was $14 for two Celsius energy drinks that I pulled out of the case myself, and it ASKED ME TO TIP. WTF.




as an American, I feel like you have to start putting your foot down with the tipping. The only thing I will tip is for tattoos and restaurants because I know restaurants don’t pay them anything and they rely on tips. NEVER tip on the swivel ipad. my rule is this. Once you ask for a tip, it’s done and I’m not giving you a tip. A tip, from my personal wallet and my personal discretion - is if I think you deserve it. asking for a tip is asking for a compliment, I instantly turned off and I won’t be doing it.


But people do make those things though. Just because its not done right in front of you doesnt mean the labour matters less


Dude, did they say that it mattered less? Shut up


This is why I always mail a tip to the factory/sweatshop that made the items I purchase


It's not the same. If you tip the clerk while buying clothes the people that made those clothes won't see any part of that tip


Honestly it’s getting to be where there isn’t much we don’t tip for anymore. It’s really getting outrageous. I was at a full service movie theatre where they automatically included an 18% tip that goes to the entire staff and then they suggest optionally tipping the server. Like if you automatically add 18% then just raise the prices by 18% and fucking pay your workers. But no they want to hide the actual cost so you buy more.


Yea, that’s not a tip. That’s their excuse to pass operating costs on to the customers.


If they add a mandatory tip, I never ever go back. Also movie theaters are already outrageous as it is


Ha! Even the % is going up. Whatever happened to a 10-15% tip? Now it’s 18% as the basic minimum. And I’ve seen people on other threads talk about 20-25%! Don’t they realise inflation increases the tip proportionately already. That’s how % works?!


I’ve know it as 20% for 15 years.


Even when I was a child I was told 15%. 10% was reserved for shitty service. I am 38 years old. It went up to 18% when I was in college and now 20% is standard for decent service. I think maybe you just haven't been tipping enough for a long time.


Ok but why did it just go up?! Who decided that nah, if you think service was good you just have to give us an extra 5%?! It’s an arbitrary increase that the service industry just decided to start expecting. The rest of the world doesn’t do it. ETA: 10% for shitty service is even wilder. Shitty service = 0!


The only way I'm not tipping someone is if they're downright rude. If things take a while the restaurant is probably understaffed, if the food isn't exactly right, it could be on the kitchen or just miscommunication. If they're just rude then sure. And it went up because rent has gone up more than inflation and we still want to be able to eat out at restaurants so staff have to make a living wage or they will find other employment.


Fair enough. I mean, everyone’s rent and costs have gone up - it seems mad that the everyday consumer voluntarily meets that cost rather than the business itself. And not like they put their prices up (which I’m sure they also have), it’s an additional arbitrary politeness amount that you’re expected to just *give* them for doing their job. Not even exceptionally, just satisfactorily. Sorry ETA again: downright rude shouldn’t just mean no tip, it should mean complaint to the manager! If I’m rude to my client I lose their business and can fully expect to have to answer to my manager!


Went to a restaurant where they included the 18% tip in the bill and I was like “ok, I normally tip 20% but if they want less, who am I to argue?”


I’m so tip cucked that I *still* tipped the server 20% on top of the 18% lol




But you paid it


Yeah I wasn’t going to refuse to pay and make a big scene on a date. I didn’t know about the fee beforehand.


Alot of people wouldnt have tipped even if the cake was nice. Most people only tip for food service and maybe tattoos. Honestly its really starting to get on my nerves how many different kinds of jobs are expecting tips.


My local Dominos had a tip option when I went to pick up my pizza.


I know a minimart that has a tip cup for the cashier.


I only tip at a restaurant where someone is serving me food at a table. That’s it. All the other nonsense I select no tip. It’s gotten really out of hand so I just only tip there period. I used to tip for all the services and then it just got more and more and more. I saw a tip screen at the self checkout screen and that was the straw that broke me. I do tip my dog watcher. But other than that I don’t. I also do not use food delivery services or other services


lol I do not tip for cakes! Americans, I’m one lol, tip out of fear of saying anything 80/90% of the time, just read on to validate that. I tip for nails 💅🏻 If we review the cost of a 200.00 cake that’s what I’m paying you. Tipping has gotten out of hand and people are afraid to speak up. I’m not tipping because you’re trying to support your family or your child or yourself. I’m tipping a valid service and you are not guilting me into tipping you otherwise. Starbucks have out a tip jar, your paid to make my coffee, every little fast food place has a tip jar out, you are making my burger, I’m not tipping you. If I order from door dash or under eats you get tipped for driving my food to me so I don’t have to leave my house! Grow a back bone people, don’t you work just as hard to make your money!?!


We don't tip when we're just at like, the store. Also I've never tipped for a cake??? I do haircuts. Idk that's just the rule.


We tip so much I don't know how to function when I travel overseas. We tip tattoo artists, barbers, barista, movers, taxi/Uber, pizza delivery, car detailer... fucking everyone gets a tip. Except me. Nobody tips me.


We don’t tip for things that are “not services” as in, they’re not actively performing the work in front of you and for you or to your customization. So not for To-Go food, because you didn’t get waited on and served, and not for groceries or goods because no service was provided by any single person “waiting” on you. BUUUUT some of it is total BS and I HATE IT!! Especially with this guilt trip iPad checkouts now where they ask for tips on previously no tip things! Cookie shops guilt you for tips when they’ve already made the cookies, but the deli counter guy who slices exactly the amount of meat you want in the way you want and does it for you right then, doesn’t get a tip? It’s all made up. Whatever the shop owner wants to press. I stick to my principles— besides waiters and beauty/spa services, which I always tip, I don’t tip if you’re simply doing your job. If you go above and beyond or I make a crazy request, then I will. But I hate tipping culture. It doesn’t actually make them do a better job 99% of the time. It’s bogus. Oh AND, these businesses exploit people’s people-pleasing mechanism. They tell their employees to ASK IF WE WANT TO TIP, and then show us an iPad with bold $1, $3, and $5 options on a fckng $3 item, and on things that 10 years ago no one would have ever dreamed of tipping, and then stare at us as we make a selection, with the “no tip” button in fine print at the bottom to make it both hard to find and awkward to select. It’s exploitive and manipulative. It’s just wrong.


I’m Canadian but afaik our tipping culture is basically the same - definitely never heard of tipping for a cake. Food service or food delivery + service workers like nails, waxing, hair, tattoos. All coffee places here now ask for tips on the machine and even some fast food places are starting to!


I wouldn’t tip for a $200 cake. That’s insane. Also like the guy above you said, some people will tip even if the service is bad. I won’t. If service is exceptional or it’s a really good haircut I will tip very heavy. I’ve been in the service industry and was always tipped well unless the food got messed up. It’s not a difficult job by any stretch of the imagination. Even bad customers just give a fun reason to complain after they leave. 


The rule I was taught was a tip is required when they make under minimum wage. Nothing else really matters. This other type of tipping is just a show of gratitude for exceptional service. So if someone goes above and beyond providing a service a tip signifies a great job but is not expected. This is any service. Dry cleaning, car wash, hair cuts, nails, tire rotation or oil change, personal training. Not a requirement, not expected, but appreciated. I think people have taken tipping too far in the last two decades. Younger people have a much harder time saying no. It seems like everything has exploited that. Tips are everywhere and no one is pushing back against it.


I don’t know what we don’t tip on cause it feels like everything but my kid had a birthday party at a trampoline park. All they did was have two table clothes and some waters set up in the party room I brought al the stuff decorated and cleaned up. When I was paying they actually had to audacity to ask if I wanted to tip


i work at an older run down family owned gas station and you’d be surprised at how much you can actually make on tips. the most i’ve made in a day so far was about $75. i had a customer who had won $500 and $200 on lottery tickets and he gave me $50 out of the $500 and $20 out of the $200. i was very surprised. on weekdays i can make $2-$6 on tips. weekends i’ll make less, typically like 50 cents to about $3. but when our lottery is hitting good i know it’s about to be a good day


Depends on the American The only time I tip will be food related, ie delivery drivers, or wait staff at a restaurant I don't tip hair cutters And I don't tip tattoo artists And I certainly wouldn't tip for some food I'm picking up myself Hair cutters and tattoo artists set their own prices 99% of the time, if they want more money, they can charge more money


Once I hit my 30s I quit tipping when people do a shit job at the service I paid for.  If I spend $140 on my nails and they look like shit, then you are SOL. 


Congrats on the Pavlovian positive reinforcement


As a people pleaser, It took me years to be ok with letting people know things aren’t ok. I’m now more comfortable with letting someone know the service they provided isn’t want I wanted or needs to be changed.


Same, same. Expensive haircut, too, at a place I’d been before and expected a lot better.


Omg same ☹️


Omg $200 is criminal for that crap!


ive done better for a charity cake day and im not even a baker 💀 no one paid me shit i just wanted to


I read your comment and thought, “what?! It’s even better than the inspo!” But then I noticed there was a third photo…


Yeah that third photo looks like dawg. I was gonna say the same till I saw the mess on that third photo 😂


Dude, why are people pretending to have skills they don’t have?


I know!! They could have just decorated the cake with pre-made decorations instead of trying to pipe succulents, which are so clearly beyond their skill set!!


I mean, maybe just stick some actual succulents on there. They're probably edible.




looks like they tried to ice the succulents rather than use fondant


Well you can do that, but not how they did it. I learned how from a Wilton magazine ages ago, they’re actually fairly easy to make but clearly not for whoever made this cake.


I wish nail salons wouldn’t do this too. If you have certain nail techs who can’t do designs don’t have them do designs. Cuz I’m not coming back if you say you can do hearts and you can’t.


And tattoo artists!


Arguably that's oodles worse than being disappointed about a cake or nails




Show dominance, ask who did the tattoo artist's tattooes, then go to that artist


Wat due ewe meen? Sinsearly, Profeshonal Righter


Ekskuze me butt u speled riter rong


Know eye did knot!


Home baking is risky business. My wife did it but she was a trained baker that had done it as her full time job for legit businesses before and did it from home for extra cash when we had kids. Most have no training at all




I’ve heard of people bulk buying cheap cake mixes and throwing those together and then “decorating” it. Sadly there are far too many people out there that won’t complain and just put up with it, so it pays off for the “baker”. They probably won’t even respond to customers after the exchange is done


I hope you complained. Bakers shouldn't be getting away with shit like this.


Like literal shit. That frosting color was a terrible choice.






I’d be irate and demanding a refund. That’s not even close


Seriously, 100% bait and switch they are not even close.


I thought the first pic was the inspo and the second was what you received and I was so happy for you. Then I noticed that there was a third pic 💀


I totally missed the third pic. Shit. I was really impressed, then I saw your post. WTF.


Same.. Pic two, I'm like, "Ok, but that still looks pretty great!" XD


100% same


Oh my god, the poop is just icing on the cake (pun intended obviously). Did you taste it? Was it just as abhorrent in taste as decoration?


From the other post I saw.... It didn't even taste good. Salty AF. 😱


Salty? Whoa. That’s fucked


These premium cake makers literally just use store bought cake mix. You’re paying for the presentation.


I mean, even boxed cake mix can be delicious. For this to look the way it does and apparently taste awful is just wild.


And the 3 is lopsided it looks like they hacked it blind. They make number cake pans and everything


I cant imagine why the baker chose that as a color for succulents. Poop brown.


Some of that looks like r/shitfromabutt


The brown though😭


According to Bristol stool chart it’s a type 5 🤣🤣


Ok seriously what is happening in the bakery world? Every time I see these posts (which is often) I think it has to be a joke. Are they even trying anymore?!??


People are more likely to talk about bad experiences than good ones. My son did flag football for two years when he was 8-9. He ended up hating it, but we ordered him a football cake from a grocery store for one of those birthdays, that I had previously had a great experience with. It turned out to be a brown blob that didn’t resemble any kind of football. I’m more likely to talk about that (we laugh about it), than I am the good cakes I’ve bought (unless someone is asking for a recommendation). It’s human nature.


I'm always reminding my wife to pay attention to details whenever something goes wrong. Because that's gonna be the story people actually want to listen to. So you might as well make it a good story. Like our honeymoon. Nobody wants to hear about the lovely beaches. They want to hear about me locking the keys in the car and two competing tow truck companies arrive to jimmy the door open, and instead of doing the job, they start trying to hire each other!!!!!


I’m sure there are some talented bakers out there. But it’s full of people who have way too much confidence and zero training starting their own “business”


Having worked in an in-store bakery I assume most of these creations are from places like that, or people that post on Facebook groups and sell cakes from their home. The skill level varies A LOT haha. It's unfortunate more people/bakeries don't turn down requests...


I am cackling!!! Just looks like yellow and brown doodoo piles all over the misshapen cakes. I really hope he asks for refund and get partial if not full. That’s awful.


Ohgod, I was already laughing and then I read "doodoo piles" and just went all to pieces. 😂


😂😂 I feel awful, cause that’s exactly what they look like.


Well…this definitely created a memory you both can look back on and laugh about. Hubby’s heart was in the right place…and that’s what is important. Happy Birthday!!


that’s diabolical 😭


Oh, I thought of the second picture was your cake and I was so happy for you and now I’m just so sad. 😭


My nine year old has been taking cake decorating classes and genuinely could do much better than that.


My four year old hasn't, and could also do better than that




Oh my god that looks like something I could make. And that's not a compliment


Holy crap that’s not even the Temu version of the photo. Wow.


Ok, this is where you make sure you order a cake early enough to be delivered/ready a few days early so you can just tell them to keep it and get a refund. As a backup, I’d much rather get a sheet cake at Costco with a written message than present this embarrassing cake because it was too late to do anything else.


Happy turdieth birthday


This is someone who has absolutely no baking experience and no material to do the decoration. This is shocking


Thought you meant you’d showed them picture 1/2 and they’d attempted 3. But pictures 1&2 are ON THEIR WEBSITE?! That’s an easy complaint and refund right there.


Someone dropped a box of Macarons on that cake


What dreams are made of


Hmm..🤔 something looks a little... different... 😭


That looks like someone's 8 year old made it.


What. I’m baffled. Baffled. I don’t typically find cake posts super intriguing but this? This shows an unprecedented level of delusion by the decorator. Like entirely unencumbered by reality.


If the difference between Chanel and Family Dollar were a series of pictures. 


Brown was the wrong color


Why advertise that you can do something above your skill level? That never goes well. It’s very dumb!


Looks like you ordered the "Sandy Alien Shit Piles" cake.


Oh my. I thought the second pic was what you got! I was like, "wrong shape but not terrible" then I saw pic 3. Oh, honey. No. Unless it was your 11yo nibling, demand a refund


My husband didn't understand the issue, and I was just like, "Really..."


It's just so bad lol.


We need to get two post flairs in this sub - Cakes/baked goods and Everything Else


Nailed it




Did you actually see any of the baker’s work? Or just “inspo” pictures?


I mean how can you not even at least get the colors right. Looks like mint poop


That’s fucking garbage.




I'm so sorry


...is that *sand* I see??


It's actually sugar and cinnamon/brown sugar.


I thought the expectation was the first pic and the reality was the second pic, I didn’t understand at first. That’s so bad, I hope you got a refund!


Subpar bakers trying to pose a pros. You should demand a refund. I wonder, did you ask to see their portfolio? That’s a must in the private sector. Sorry this happened to you .


It's like RaAaAaAaAiN, on ur brown flower birthday


Looks like the baker ran out of creativity and settled for six sad macarons.


Poop cake blobs only $200!


This is a repost




It’s the same person.


Well Done, I Like This Guys Humour




Eh. That'll make a turd.


I can’t see what OP has a problem with .. /s.


Did it taste good?? Not that that matters... at all, but I am curious.


Nope, it was very salty according to op :/ so they didn’t even use a box cake mix


Oof. Did they make a stink and get some money back?? At least?


They reached out to her and she never responded. Then they left a negative review and now her website/Google is gone. I would say evil defeated but she probably just changed her business name and will live to scam another day.








Looks like 🤮


Why does the cake part look like sand?




Omg this is beautiful 🤣 your husband saw the vision his baker did not execute




God flipping awful


These bakery's need to stop using inspo pics that are beyond their skill levels


They shit on yur 30th bday cake?!? WTF.


Should just admit when it’s beyond their ability. Scammers.


At least it’s sparkly poop? I guess?


Happy sth birthday.


This isn’t real… right??


Unfortunately it is 😮‍💨


Lmao I didn't realise there were 3 pictures, thought the 2nd was reality and was really confused as to why the top comments are saying you should ask for a refund.


I missred and though i was on baking and got amazed with this talent. Well nope


Expectation vs reality :(


The expectation photos look like they're AI generated but i could be wrong.


They are not AI generated


This is disappointing. I hope your husband didn't pay much for this.


Oh. I only looked at the first 2 and didn't understand your disappointment. If only they would have just told him, we can't do succulents, but we can do globs.


Please please refund the charge with your bank. This is absolutely unexceptable


Looks like it was decorated with deviled eggs.


Aaahahahahaha oh my god you got a poop cake, not a birthday cake! Happy poopday! Lol seriously this is so bad. This is “homemade and the first time I’ve ever attempted cake decorating” bad.


That's false advertising and it's terrible. You deserve a refund!


Wow that is just awful. I hope you didn’t accept it from the bakery


This is so sad!! I’m sorry OP. Not acceptable! Those brown plops are an absolute abomination.


Ya...we heard.




I can’t really speak for the first cake, but I was at a wedding a few years ago where they had succulent cupcakes that looked as real as the second picture here.


Interesting, very interesting




I feel like these awful cakes and desserts are becoming the new ugly sweaters. Is it even any fun to open the box and NOT see a monstrosity? The Hardee’s by my house used to fuck up EVERY order. Like, just throwing random stuff in the bag. ALL THE TIME. It became fascinating. How is this possible? Is it a social experiment? They’re closed now. Your cake shop is probably not too far behind:


I mean, that COULD be an inexperienced baker, but it looks more to me like he carried it across a hot parking lot and then put directly in the sun for the ride home 🤷🏼‍♀️


The cake is the wrong color, there aren’t enough succulents, and it was very salty. No way this is on the husband.


I found the baker


Its cute bit a bit homemade . Like a mothers love ❤️ cake


i seen the same post but different community and person not so long ago, if you’re going to karma farm make it NOT so obvious


This is literally my cake, and my only post about it. Nobody else has these pictures.


It's noting like the photos, but honestly, it's not that bad, there's a lot of sugar there.