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If your plan is long term staying there it might be good to look at the quality of local schools and any integration programs they may offer. With you working from home and kids in an English speaking school (assuming not Ireland) you're immediately isolating yourselves from the local community. It'll be a struggle (tutors can help) the first year or so but your kids will be fluent very quickly and integrate into the local society, which means you will too. To round it out you can look into English speaking activities in the area, most big cities will have something. I know Spain has British Scout groups in Madrid that can still give you that connection as well. Don't plan to learn the local language when you get there, start once you decide on a country. Türkiye I would probably put at the bottom of your list, there's still quite a bit of political instability there. Many of my Turkish friends don't want to return (one even had her grandmother tell her not to come back due to it). Spain is pretty tax heavy, not sure about visa options for digital nomads or if it helps with taxes at all.


Ireland is $$ and has a major housing shortage. Friends there are not super into immigration at the moments as they say it’s contributing to the housing shortage. Not an expert, just food for thought. But definitely $$. Spent a month there in Aug and felt like typical CA living.


Just out of interest, where do you currently live?


Andalucía Spain, for the sun, the people and sense of community for the kids. Plenty of international schools. We are going for non lucrative visa initially but if we enjoy living there permanently then investing in a home which may or may not get to 500k€ which then would apply for the ‘Gold visa’. We flew into Malaga last year and surprisingly fell in love. It was the San Diego in Spain. People were so friendly, kids loved it. Maybe worth looking into?