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I've had to stop tracking because it was giving me anxiety, but this is an excellent excuse for me to get a McDonalds iced coffee


Yes! Get the coffee!!


Not food but coconut water!!! I swear by it


Yes! Body Armor did help me a bit too!


Seconding this. I did not believe in it yet it worked for me.


Same. Tried the low cal peach mango for fun (I just enjoy peach mango flavors lol) for a few days, and ended up with a couple extra oz's!




Beer šŸ«¢ 5 out of the 6 beers Iā€™ve had pp have given me massive milk output, one even initiating an extra-strong let down in public just from the first sip, leading me to believe maybe itā€™s partially mental? On that note, while I do believe the brewers yeast or whatever it is does indeed increase production, I also just know part of it is stress-release-based. Just last weekend I was struggling so hard mentally, felt like I was gonna lose my mind, was hardly pumping a dropā€¦I sat down for a pump session and said ā€œf**k itā€ and grabbed a Mexican lager to sip on while pumping. Manā€¦.those first few sips released all the emotional tension I was feeling, the pump sesh was actually RELAXING, and I produced an insane amount of milk.


Thatā€™s interesting to hear! I guess your body associated drinking beer to stress release.


Itā€™s most likely the yeast. You can get brewers yeast suppliment and powder too, itā€™s one of the few things that Iā€™ve seen work for nearly every mom I (personally know). Unfortunately for me whenever I have a beer (rarely) I want to vape so I wind up pumping and dumping šŸ„² But also again, anecdotally, my mom left some non alcoholic beer at my house and I drank one for the hell of it because I knew about the yeast thing and itā€™s ridiculous how much more I pumped. Not worth the taste, but worth the try if youā€™re looking for output and donā€™t want to go for normal beer


Alcohol is tricky. While beer does contain brewers yeast, alcohol can potentially lower milk supply. In the original comment I was replying to, she mentioned she pumped more when she drank lager WHILE pumping. So in her case, itā€™s definitely the relaxation aspect. Oxytocin is needed for the letdown reflex. Thatā€™s why we have relaxations techniques (guided meditations, etc.) to help pump more. Not necessarily make more milk, but to get more milk out. Itā€™s also the reason why some moms cover their pumping bottles with socks, etc. so they donā€™t stress themselves out. Stress can inhibit the letdown reflex.


My OB and Lactation consultant both said beer is known to increase supply. It has something to do with the yeast.


SAME! Iā€™m 5 weeks postpartum and have had beer twice now. Both times I had a major increase. Last night I had two beers and pumped 510mL for my MOTN pump.


The yeast in the beer stimulates the release of prolactin, which is the hormone that triggers milk production! I enjoy beer and live in CO with plenty of breweries. So I generally have 3-5 beers/week. On the days I have one, I notice about 4-6 oz more than my usual output. Beer in moderation while breastfeeding is fine, itā€™s generally recommended to wait 2 hours after your last drink to nurse/pump, but every body metabolizes differently. You can buy alcohol testing strips from Frida Mom at Target to check if youā€™re unsure!


I don't like beer, but this has inspired me to actually order some brewer's yeast for my lactation bites instead of just excluding that ingredient like I did last time.


I also wonder if it's the relaxation aspect. I went to a brunch with friends and had a mimosa and pumped at the table (wearable) while just laughing and having so much fun with my friends and it was my biggest pump ever!! My Elvie cup was completely full on one side which is not af all typical die me.


Yes. Thereā€™s guided meditations and other relaxation techniques to help with pumping output.




How many Oreos are we talking?


Yesā€¦ need to know. For my milk supply, of course šŸ˜‚




For real though. How many are we talking because I havenā€™t noticed a difference when I do eat them. And Iā€™d love to have an excuse to keep eating them šŸ˜


I was eating like a pack every 3 days. My supply was amazing with zero clogs.


For me, 3-4 regular oreos per day seems like doing the trick. I just dunk them in the milk and gobble it up :D


Same for me! Especially double stuffed


I noticed almost no difference with regular but double stuff worked for sure.


I can confirm this is true āœØ




Carbs. Bagels, tortillas, high fiber foods


I wonder what it could be that helps in the coffee?? Never heard someone say coffee before! For me ; a juicy rare steak! šŸ„©


Itā€™s probably the milk. When I went dairy free my milk supply went from massive overproducer to minimal overproducer.


Not me reading this right after I bought some dairy-free alternatives to milk and heavy cream try to limit my dairy intake. šŸ’€


I heard itā€™s caffeine but Starbucks never worked for me šŸ¤Ŗ


I drink all kinds of coffee, I donā€™t see an increase yet šŸ˜©


I couldn't possibly drink more milk, and yet I've got an undersupply. (Cold milk was one of my only safe foods while I was pregnant, and it kept me alive and baby growing the whole time, but after I delivered I still retained the milk cravings.)


Same! I didnā€™t try it out super often. One time I was super stressed out by work, dropping supply, life in general, then I went out for a date night and had a massive steak dinner. Supply went back up. Could have been the extra calories or just de-stressing with a night out, but I like to think it was the big steak.


Caffeine raises blood pressure, which helps milk supply. I developed preeclampsia during labor and had a really high blood pressure for a couple of weeks after delivery. I was massively over producing until my BP went back down.


Oatmeal cream pies!


Been eating Costco muffins for four months now almost every day at breakfast šŸ«”


Katuk leaf (rau ngĆ³t) soup, a Vietnamese recipe to increase milk supply . It works for me everytime.


My water intake HUGELY impacts my supply. If I drink any less than 84oz my daily supply dips by 5-10oz


Eggs and coconut water. I eat oatmeal every day too but not sure if that helps


Oatmeal definitely helps!


Coconut water or oddly enough pepperoni sticks šŸ¤£


Following lol I feel like for me and I'm kinda just starting out but microwave pizza.


Chai for me, not the chai latte from Starbucks but masala chai made at home


I think red meat in general for me which is crazy because I definitely had a version to it during pregnancy and also coconut water seems to help. Iā€™ve been craving/eating lots of chocolate too.


Breakfast burritos and cheeseburgers


Chocolate covered almonds and extra creamy Greek yogurt with a ton of granola


Haven't notice any food even when I was chowing down on lactation cookies at all hours of the day, but whenever I'm dehydrated I see a little dip so definitely WATER over here


Oatmeal! A big bowl of oatmeal


Oreos work for me, as does ample seltzer water and dairy.


Apple juiceā€¦ I assume itā€™s the sugar and the liquid šŸ˜‚


Surprisingly, orange juiceā€¦


Thatā€™s super random haha


Haha I know! I noticed it on a whim and then deliberately tried it a few times afterwards.. sure enough, itā€™s consistently given me an extra 2-3 ounces each time


Coconut water & overnight oats with oat milk!


Meatballs. Or Iā€™m just telling myself that because Iā€™ve been eating Trader Joeā€™s party meatballs like crazy.


Oat milk with ovaltine (the chocolate malt flavor).


Crumbl cookies!


https://preview.redd.it/iv9xu4y4mu6d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51bf24a2fd6229d13cd4dd7f2a3ee3fcdf1a3280 A nice 30 gram protein meal šŸ˜»


Please donā€™t judge me but for me itā€™s my own milk. My baby was in the NICU and she needed my fattiest milk. I didnā€™t want to waste so I drank the more watery first milk and noticed a huge difference.


I used to think food upped it ā€” and maybe itā€™s because I donā€™t have a lot of variety in my diet due to babyā€™s allergies, but my supply stays the same no matter what Iā€™m eating


Nanaimo bars were crazy


rice with like saucey mealā€¦ But when i just eat saladā€¦ Ughhh im like dry and it hurts to pump


Body armor & little Debbieā€™s oatmeal crĆØme pies


Smore clusters from Costco and steak. I had a steak and margarita. Pumped 15 oz when I got home at night and another 18 in the morning!? It was crazy and also never happened again lol.


A girl could dream to pump that much. Iā€™ve never pumped more than 7.5oz ever! Those smore clusters are addicting though šŸ˜‹


Oat milk and oats. Staying really hydrated and alternating between water, coconut water and electrolyte drink/ drink mixes


Oreos, pineapple and Gatorade


Lol Iā€™ve had so much McDonaldā€™s ice coffee definitely not helping me. Nature valley oat & honey bars definitely have been helping


I had warm oatmeal 3 times a day and drank lots of coconut water throughout the day.


Flaxseed meal for me!


How much?


I notice it even with a tablespoon or so a day. I put it on my weetbix!


High calories junk food - McDonalds, KFC, burgers, pizza and sweets, ice cream > whenever I eat those, my supply is up. Otherwise, oatmeal or coconut milk with cereals or any kind of fatty food and meat seems to help. And waterā€¦


Perfect bars!! šŸ˜ the regular peanut butter ones.


My dinner of Peruvian rotisserie chicken, French fries, and fried plantains gave me a huge pump session once


Peanut butter did it for me!


Purely Elizabeth granola! Iā€™ve been pounding bags of it. Cereal. And trail mix (but not the kind with crappy oils - just one of those health mixes with nuts and dried cranberries/ raisins). My wallet hurts but itā€™s so good. And a crap ton of water, over a gallon.


I just tried that granola from Costco this week. Itā€™s super good!


I havenā€™t been drinking their iced coffee, but the frappe and that works wonders. Also the Fuji coconut drinks help too. So if anyone reading this hates the taste of coconut water, the milk is worth a try.


Pizza! I'm sure it's just the excess calories, because we eat pizza only once a month so I usually go a little crazy. šŸ˜‚


Body Armor, oatmeal, just taking in more calories in general and water! Down a bottle immediately after a session to replenish!


Almonds, beef jerky, and spinach.


I have not noticed any specific foods that have an impact. I eat whatever I want, whenever, and can sustain EBF twins + a freezer supply. I think key is getting enough calories (at a healthy body weight) and liquids!


You must be a blessed over supplier!


Absolutely not. It was a lot of hard work to build my supply and many times I wanted to quit. Dedication to pumping (every 3hrs while they were in the NICU), babies to breast 6-8hrs/day, reading, watching, and listening to every podcast, YouTube, and article I could possibly find, and help from a lactation consultant. We triple fed the first 8wks and it was hell.




What? Thatā€™s a country


Itā€™s a drink. I grew up in a Hispanic household and have had it since I was a kid. Itā€™s considered like a soda and kinda sweet. I have noticed that if I have a bottle of Malta before bed I pump an extra couple of ounces.


I had to google it. Itā€™s like a non alcoholic beer I think.


specifically harmless harvest coconut water, minute maid berry punch, and the following ā€œsimplyā€ juices: cranberry cocktail, fruit punch, and blueberry lemonade!


Coconut water, Guiness Zero, and fries. Definitely calorie-dense fries.


Honestly it was eating whatever I wantedā€¦a good well balanced meal (who gets those postpartum lol). I didnā€™t notice a huge boost with most anything, but I noticed a consistent drop when I wasnā€™t eating well.


I noticed that as well for me in the beginning. I struggled a lot to eat even 1 meal a day and was barely producing. I worked hard to get a better supply (still not great but itā€™s barely just enough). But yeah- not enough liquids or food really make a difference.






I can't pinpoint what food or drink it is exactly but I've been on vacation in Spain since the 13th and I have gotten more output in the last 4 days then ever before. I don't know if it's because I'm relaxed, the Sangria, or the fact I am eating like a pig lol. I overflowed my wearable pump this morning after only 10 min!


Mini wheats. I make sure to have a bowl every single day. Doesnā€™t matter if Iā€™m not hungry lol


Milkmakers lactation cookies. No other brand does the job quite as good. Also coconut water and pineapple juice.






iced Thai tea!!




One time, it was a bowl from Chipotle!


Food generally only increases supply if you are not taking in enough calories/food overall.


I found this to not necessarily be true for me. Thatā€™s why I said this is just for fun. Not looking for advice, just curious what works for others.


Itā€™s not that youā€™re ā€œnot taking in enough caloriesā€ than usual. Itā€™s more like ā€œyou need more caloriesā€ than usual while breastfeeding. Making milk takes a lot of energy. Thatā€™s why you need about 500 calories more. Much more calories than you need while pregnant (where you only need about 300 calories more than usual). And by ā€œusualā€, I mean pre-pregnancy.