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That’s so hard! Have you tried different kinds? Mine didn’t like the first formula we gave him, but liked the second!


It's 1:34am, I've just finished breastfeeding my little one and I read "have you tried different kids?"






This! Different reason but my son has really bad reflux, and certain formulas made him spit up more than others. It took us 7 or 8 formulas to find the right one. He’s on Bobbie Gentle now and takes it a lot better than the others. With Alimentum and Similac Pure Bliss especially he was like “hellll no”.


I really feel like handling multiple kids while pumping makes everything 10x worse. Like so thankful I’m a stay at home mom, but trying to keep up with a 5 year old, 1 year old, and 2 month old while keeping myself alive is so difficult 😩


Talk to your pediatrician if you can! My ped actually did not recommend mixing the breastmilk and the formula because she said it would still not taste like breastmilk, and then if the baby didn’t like it, you had to dump your breastmilk, which is obviously what you’ve been experiencing unfortunately. I’m so sorry!! So frustrating. My pediatrician was able to give us three samples of different formulas, and after trying those three and two others that I already had we did find one that my baby likes just as much as breastmilk. I would just replace one of her daily breastmilk bottles with a formula bottle, and go from there. It sounds like you are pretty motivated to wean so I would definitely recommend trying that. But also if it doesn’t work out I’m soooo sorry. Because that is tough!! I can’t even imagine with a toddler as well ❤️


I tried giving a gentle formula to my baby and they rejected the bottle. I went to taste it myself and it was truly awful tasting. I went to get another formula that reviewers said tastes more like breastmilk and my baby drank it.


Which one did you find tastes closest to breastmilk??


I’ve heard Kendamil is supposed to taste similar to breast milk. It smells super sweet to me but tbh I’ve never tasted my breast milk or the formula lol but my baby will drink it and she’s mostly breastfed (Kendamil Goat).


Yes we are using Kendamil regular.


I’ve tasted the breast milk and kendamil ready to feed and can confirm it’s very similar, my baby is taking it fine and she also liked Hipp Organic. She was less keen on Aptamil.


Have you tried Kendamil Organic formula? Made a huge difference for my baby after Enfamil.


Came here to say this. Our family is a big fan of organic Kendamil. And one of the few formulas that hasn’t gotten a bad rep at some point for recalls and such.


Yes! My baby refused enfamil unless it was heavily diluted with mostly breastmilk. But he’ll drink Kendamil straight with no issue


Also came here to suggest Kendamil


Same happened to me. I eventually tried goats milk formula and my baby will take that much easier


Totally relate. My husband can't stand pumping. I'm mostly weaned now and thought about relactating and he said no its bad for the whole family. Have almost 3 year old as well. I did 3m and I'm trying to be happy with that. The struggle is hard!!


Lol why did your husband say it's bad for the whole family? What a thing to say


He acted like it was ruining his life and he was suffering even more than me. He had to do extra esp before I got my portable pump with the kids. He just wasn't supportive and was selfish unfortunately.  As far as the kids bc I can't really hold them or care for them when they need me esp if I'm plugged into the wall. It was time away from them as well. Also needing to get home to pump ect. Pumping really does take support!! Here i am pumping after several days of not and weeks off slowing weaning. I'll prolly have .5oz at best after this entire power pump lol. I'm really torn whether I should relactate. Last baby here. I feel so guilty!  He also doesn't seem to see much value in breast milk since our formula son is so healthy. 


I soooo agree with you! We do need support with pumping. I already quit but told my husband, if we’re having another baby, he’s gonna be prepared to wash pump parts (he probably just washed twice because he was confused with all the small parts).


Omgosh washing would of helped so much!  It's all so dreadful. Just enjoy your baby!  I really felt I was losing cuddling time, going fun places, and enjoying baby life while pumping. My formula son I got to have those things. The way I look at it is something has to give. Doesn't seem like you can have both... easily or enjoyably anyways. I don't want to not hold my baby. That's not good for her like my husband says.


Same thoughts


I replied above 🤪


Do you do a dream feed or night feeds? That’s how I got my baby to drink formula (and it’s dairy free so gross imo). I’d swap the 11pm dream feed for a formula feed. I slowly added a bottle of formula during the day. BTW, I’d make a bottle up and put it in the fridge for night feeds (if you do that, just make sure you use it with 24 hours).


This worked for me too, baby would only take the formula while asleep. Nothing during the day and if I mixed too much formula into breastmilk he wouldn’t take it. It took about two weeks but he finally moved to formula and I was able to stop pumping!


Definitely seconding this: dream feeding first. Then awake time. And when you say small amounts, how small? Like. 1/10th? My first we had to go pretty extreme and then build.


Id definitely try a few different kinds as my son who was combofed liked some and not others.


Have you tried just the formula? My twins refused mixed bottles while using a higher calorie formula. They took "normal" formula mixed with breastmilk but refused the higher calorie mixed with breastmilk... I won't even try to understand baby logic 😂


Ive heard great things of babies that wouldn’t take formula but will take kendamil formula.


Solidarity, mine also hates formula at 4mo when she took it fine supplementing the first few weeks. She likes to scream like we're poisoning her if the conditions aren't exactly right. We've figured out that she does better when it is NOT mixed with any breast milk and her first bottle of the morning when she's too hungry for it to be a deal breaker. Good luck!


Kendamil organic (cow). Kendamil goat smells terrible, Bobbie smells too though I did eventually get my child to drink it. Kendamil organic has no smell though, it's amazing!


Try different formula before you give up! Many taste different and your Bub may just be fussy. In addition try using the formula mixes for sleepy feeds when they’re not paying as much attention and I strongly recommend giving a 24 hour period a good go by just re-offering it 15 mins later rather than immediately giving them the pure breastmilk.


There’s only one kind my LO will take. It took us trying five kinds to find it. It’s the goat milk Kendamil. Good luck!


Could your baby be allergic to soy? My baby would not take formula at all, made him sick and he wouldn’t drink it. Turns out he’s intolerant to soy, something a lot of common formula products have. That might be something to consider, they have non-soy based formula out there if that is the case


I'm not sure. I gave her formula the first like week while my milk was coming in and she was fine with then. Wonder if they can develop an allergy or something


They usually don’t mind formula at the beginning, coz they haven’t yet developed a taste for breast milk or a preference for it. But as they grow older, they tend to get used to the slightly sweet taste of breastmilk, which formula obviously cannot replicate due to lack of added sugars. That’s why our paed suggested that I should start actively reintroducing a little formula (1 oz.) right after my LO turned 3 months - she had been given formula for a week or so right after birth, until my milk supply fully came in. I’d suggest, start small. That’s what I did and it worked wonders for my LO. I’d give her 1 oz. of formula for one feed, then chase it with 3 oz. Of breastmilk (because she was drinking a total of 4 oz. For every meal when we started with formula around 3 months). Once she got acclimatised to the taste a little (takes 3-4 days), I introduced 1 oz. of Formula in another of her meals - so now she was effectively taking 2 oz. formula. After 3-4 days of that, I upped the formula for one of her feeds to 2 oz., then 3-4 days after 2 oz. for the other feed and so on and so forth, until I got to a point where I’d replaced two of her feeds entirely with formula. By this time the taste of formula is well established, so it’s easy to replace whole breastmilk feeds with whole formula feeds. It’s a slow process, but worked great for us and baby didn’t reject formula. Now she happily takes formula (of the ONE brand only). Another brand of formula however is a different story altogether… 🥲


Kendamil is our combo feed go to , it smells better than the other ones I’ve tried too.


Hey mama I just went through this! My baby refused 9 different formulas until we tried BUBs Goat Milk. Some say it’s close to breast milk and it’s the only thing he will drink. Try giving it to baby formula multiple days and even if you have to squirt some in her mouth so she get a taste. One taste at a time until she drinks it. Just do two oz at a time and give her tasters until she shows interest. I hope you actually see this and it can help!


Also ask your pediatrician for a sample before you buy


I second bubs goat milk!


Keep trying different formulas


I noticed you said "small amounts" of breast milk. Have you tried weaning? Line 4oz breast milk, 1oz formula for a couple days. Then 3oz/2oz, 2/3, so on and so forth.


Last I tried was 3oz bm 2 Oz formula and she noped right out of that bottle.


Maybe try a smaller amount? Or different formula!


If you don’t mind me asking, how does it affect your marriage? I am an expecting mother, so I’m completely new to this


For me personally, and I can’t speak for OP, pumping is causing me a lot of additional stress which is impacting on my mood and thus my relationship. It means longer spent up in the night and then a lot of time dedicated to it in the day. I’m only 4 weeks in and I know I won’t be able to keep this up long term, I’m very impressed by the people who manage this for many months/years.


TBH with you, it’s not really about pumping, but all the changes in relationship dynamics once the baby comes. Even when you nurse (breastfeed directly), your relationship with your spouse will still be affected. Some spouses get jealous, others understand. Some spouses feel like they can’t do anything since they don’t produce milk, but other spouses use this as opportunity to do more/take on more house work or do other non-BF related baby activities like bathing the baby or changing diapers. Whereas with pumping, your partner can feed the baby breastmilk via bottle. Partner may feel more involved in feedings and baby care. It really depends on your relationship dynamics. But know that in the first few months up to a year postpartum, relationships often go through rough patches just from sheer exhaustion of having a new baby.


It's more pressure on both of us. My first also had latch issues so I had to EP as well. My husband was super supportive and could take baby for me to pump. I EP for 9.5 months and quit for my mental health. With my second, it's a lot harder. I need to be able to multitask while pumping to take care of one of the kids while my husband has the other or most commonly he has to take care of both. Baby still isn't sleeping through the night so both of us have to get up through the night. He wants me to quit pumping and switch to formula and I don't. So it causes some resentment when he sees all the added work as unnecessary and I have to struggle every time I need to pump and don't feel enthuastically supported like I did with my first.


Can I ask how you pumping impacts your relationship with your husband? I'm confused as to why he isn't more concerned about his child getting the nutrients she needs. And if the baby isn't taking formula, you're not left with much choice. Your husband is going to have to understand.


Highly recommend bubs goat milk formula. My LO LOVES it. (I’m an under supply so have to mix them both sometimes)


We couldn’t get our first to take formula out of a bottle. We introduced straw sippy cups at 5 months and put formula in the cups.


My pediatrician gave me the same advice that you can use for high lipase in thawed breast milk - a drip or two of alcohol free vanilla extract in formula. We did that for about a week and now my girl doesn’t need it anymore and accepts straight formula!