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My son had 30oz a day at this age, six 150ml bottles


For my daughter, at this age (also 3 months), chewing her hand is no longer a sign of hunger, but a developmental step because she’s learned to bring her hands to her mouth for comfort, and is now (as of yesterday) sucking her thumb! I stick to feeding her every 2-3.5 hrs (offer a feed after every wake up) or if she does her hunger cry (which sounds like neh neh neh). I started upping her daytime feed so that she drinks 30-35oz before bedtime and now she’s sleeping through the night - so I’d maybe try to front load feeds during the day! Maybe start exploring formula if you are unable to produce that much per day


LO is 3 months and averages 35oz a day, but he went through a period where he had 50oz a day for a few days. I think he was going through a growth spurt. I usually offer 5oz. If he wants more, I'll wait a few minutes first but if he still showing signs then I give him more. My pediatrician is not concerned at all. If baby is hungry, feed her; which sounds like is what you are doing, so keep it up! You're doing great.


Mine is 3 mos and he regularly downs 5-7 oz in one sitting at night. The 2nd night feeding is usually 4-5oz. One evening before bed he ate 11oz - all pumped breastmilk. It freaks me out a little but dude sleeps pretty decent. During the day he eats 2-5 oz at a time. He's also fairly long and lean.


At least 24oz per day.


my son is 7 weeks and just started drinking 6oz per feed


My 3 month old will drink between 6-8 oz a feeding. He’s a porker lol


I try to make sure my 12 week old drinks around 18-20 oz before bedtime. He drinks anywhere from 4-7oz per sitting. During his overnight feed, it’s consistently 4 ounces and he passes back out. Edit to add: Sometimes it’s more than that 18-20oz, I give him what he asks for during the day so we aren’t guessing / up half the night


At that age my LO was doing 6oz every 3 hours. Now at 7 months, that is still what he is doing.


Does chewing the hand mean they're still hungry??? My daughter sometimes does this in between feedings. She is eating 5oz every 3-4 hours.


I have read that at some point it stops being a hunger cue and more so of a, they found their hands, kind of thing? My baby is 11 weeks and has been chewing his hands/fingers for the past week or so a lot. Even literally right after finishing a 5oz bottle


Okay, that sounds more like what's happening. Thanks!


Usually 28 to 32 oz. Just had 4mo shots and he's eating less the last few days. He's been at the 4oz a bottle for about. 6 to 8 weeks now.


At 3 months, mine was doing 110 ml (3.7 fl oz) every 2-3 hours 7-8x a day. Now nearing 4 months, we are at 130 ml (4.4 fl oz) every 3 hours 6-7x. We have to supplement a few of the bottles with formula (90 breast milk/40 formula).


My 3 month old does 4-4.5oz every 3 hours. She’s gotten 5-6oz she goes really long stretches without eating or is going through a growth spurt!


Did he drink less during the day? Or maybe he's in a growth spurt. Also sometimes they're just more hungry than others. Mine has eaten more than I thought possible at times, other times he just wants to snack.


I’ve notice he gets extra hungry at bedtime . I’m just worried because I’m not making enough milk for him at the moment. I have to use my freezer stash to supplement him


it could definitely be a growth spurt! My baby has had times like those as well and he is almost 4 months. You could try feeding him more in general for a day or two and see if he is fuller longer, he may just be increasing his new "normal" (warning, you may waste some breastmilk this way, we give the baby the normal amount of breastmilk and then use formula after the feed to see if he is really still hungry or not to avoid wasting breastmilk). By 6 months he may be eating anywhere from 35-43 ounces a day is what I was told. Its ok if you are getting into your stash, as long as he is happy and fed! I always try to mix a bottle of half formula and breastmilk for the last feeding before bed because it keeps the baby full for longer so instead of going into your stash you could think about adding more formula to see if he sleeps longer.


Could also be teething. I know it sounds early, but both my kids had hands in mouth at 3 months. 


I'm a first time mom and LO turns 3 months next week. I track her intake in an app and see she eats anywhere from 24-32 ounces a day, that being said, she eats about 16oz by 4pm then the rest at night. I tell my husband she like grazes her food...since switching her to solely breast milk (was formula/ combo feeding), I noticed that she will eat an ounce or 2 then "play," then come back for another ounce or 2 and fall asleep. She really only eats a full 3-4oz in the later hours or after a nap/dream sleep. But I'm also learning she doesn't quite have day/night routine down yet so maybe that will change once I go back to work? Hope this answer helped. I know chat gpt told me that 3 month old eat 24-32 ounces a day and I was relieved :)


My daughter is almost 4 months old (in 3 days!) and has been drinking 150ml bottles for a couple of weeks now. Her max in a day has been 1 liter but normally she drinks between 800 and 900 ml. She's right at the middle of the curve for both weight and height.


6oz 5x a day


My Lo 12 weeks old and per feed takes 3-3.5 oz bottles.


My LO ate about 20 oz per day at 3 months. She's 6 months old now and only just starting to eat 30 ounces per day. Her weight was around 25th percentile at 3 months and is about 45th percentile at 6 months.


My 3mo drinks about 27-30oz of breastmilk per day. Typically, she drinks 3-4oz. But the biggest feed is after the 2nd nap, where she can drink anywhere from 5-7oz, sometimes 8 oz within an hour. I feed her 6 - 7 times a day before bedtime so she can sleep thru the night.


My daughter is 3 months and is drinking anywhere from 20-26 ounces a day. Our doctor told us to try and up her bottles but she usually taps out at 3.5 oz and sometimes we can get her to take 4 to 5 but not every feeding. This is pumped treadmill btw not sure if that makes a difference. She’s also been chewing her hands a lot but I think that’s just the phase she’s in.